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December 18, 2014

We support Governor Haslams Insure Tennessee plan and congratulate him
for bringing it forward.
For twenty-five years, the Tennessee Health Care Campaign has supported a
mission for affordable and accessible health care for all Tennesseans. We
have met thousands of people who need insurance they can afford. The
economy and our health care institutions will be strengthened by healthier
We are pleased the Governor notes the difficulty of low-income people
finding affordable insurance, including a majority who are working people;
the plan will also provide temporary care for people with disabilities,
caregivers for chronically-ill family members, the temporarily unemployed
and underemployed, and others. Research shows that the plan could
contribute to creating jobs for those needing work and to others in search of
good jobs.
This is an opportunity for people in the state to reach across differences and
bring about long-term solutions to health care problems. A major change
can come in the quality of life of Tennesseans. We welcome a broad
commitment by the Governor and many organizations and communities
across the state to work for a healthier Tennessee. We stand with them.
We will study the details of Insure Tennessee but we welcome that federal
funds will be utilized to bring coverage to hundreds of thousands who have
been unable to find affordable care. This decision by the Governor is a win
for Tennessee families and deserves support in the special session of the
Walter Davis
Executive Director
Tennessee Health Care Campaign


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