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Leaders Guide Week of March 22, 2015

Looking Back on From Here to There

This was the next to last message on DavidFrom Here to There.
Some questions you might use to focus on looking back might be these.
1. What was Tom trying to get at with the concept of FROM HERE TO THERE?
2. How is it relevant to Davids life?
3. Upon reflection, what does from here to there look like in your life these days? (this could be some
substantial sharinglet it lingeryou might consider sharing first)
4. What was your reaction to the comments made about the student ministry?
Consider printing out the Outcomes here and reading through them and then praying together about
this journey we are on as a church.

GFC student ministry will help students

experience a gospel centered life
resting in the unconditional acceptance of God through Christ
wrestling with the issues of the heart from a place of grace
grace-motivated compassion and competency to help others experience Christ
expressions of love and sacrifice for God and others
be firm in their identity in Christ
self-image based upon who they are in Christ
emotional health that emerges from security in Christ
pursuit of a life that honors God above all else
interpret circumstances, events, and ideas through a biblical worldview
where did we come from?
why are we here?
what is wrong?
is there a remedy?
approach the Word of God with authenticity and accuracy
grasp the overall structure and story of the Bible
defend the credibility and reliability of the Bible
understand basic Bible doctrines
use practical Bible study principles
apply practical wisdom to real life, especially in
decision making
engage the life of the local church
appreciate and value the diversity of the church
attend church services regularly
seek to serve the larger body
give from their finances to the church
express Christs love for the least and the lost
sincere kindness toward those who are different
involvement in constructive ways of alleviating need
influencing others towards relationship with Christ

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