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Observation Student Observation Classroom Observer: KYA Owen Grade: ™ ‘What | notice Curriculum Area:, [1 ‘social (integ toe Classroo! Date: (B71 Th 706 > Thoughts, Questions, Connections to Methods Classes e students Know the routine “Studerus don't like sitting on tne carpet for the lesson ' Students are very chatry t hear are abous Socio} Studies. “mey enjoy talking to one anotner r excellent questions that benefit atner Students and toulid backoyrounc Enowiedge * Students Work wet! independent "Students peer review one anetness being instructed to doso ana neg do it quretty ‘2 students dony sposmic|po le Mucn —dontr eem to be on tne Same level aS everyone else (one iS Ya tee tea Tie otner daydreaming an Slow to Beginners 2 correenty do assignment) but many of tne conversationd Wore Witnout| “very interesting that their off-ropic Conversatanys are SHil Cducahonay * Student Questions draw commectrons and butid Knowledge — strong still “students may no+ have excellent Writing SKrils but they Know Wow peer review and see tne beneat of thei rown “Nat Sure if 2 Students Mentionwad are Nor being Challenged oR are hot “on thas highota | level yet 10

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