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KIM Chart Journal Club


Bethany Stein

Reading: Data-Driven Teachers

Author: Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D.
Date: May 2005
Complete the following chart, based upon the five most salient Key Concepts in the reading for you.

Key Concept
List the key concepts discussed in
the article, one concept per for.

What information will help you remember this concept?

Data-driven decision making (DDDM)

A system of teaching and management practices that gets better

information about students into the hands of classroom teachers.

Five major elements of effective data-driven


Good baseline data

Measurable instructional goals
Frequent formative assessment
Professional learning communities
Focused instructional interventions

Summative & formative data

Utilize data from yearly summative assessments to aid in improving

student learning
Utilize frequent analysis to adjust instructional practices to aid in gaining
significant student improvement

Set measurable goals

SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and timebound goals

Memory clue
Draw a visual that
will help you
remember this key
concept. (NOT

Instructional Interventions

Seek out additional ways to improve on instructional practices

Develop plans and work with peers to create development opportunities
based on student needs

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