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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed
him for a lifetime.
The aforementioned saying aptly summarizes our intent in choosing this project. We
have chosen the field of vocational training because this relates with our value
system of empowering people rather than offering charity. This enables people with
relatively lower educational qualifications to earn their livelihood with dignity. This
also creates utility for the society as they engage themselves in professions which
form an integral part of the socio economic wheel around which our society
As winter interns for the project at Ramkrishna MIsssion , we would first observe
the functioning of the vocational training programs going on at the Narendrapur
centre and interact with the supervisors, guides and the trainees. We will try to find
out the problems that they encounter by using the qualitative data collection
techniques we learnt in Business Research Methods course work. Based on this
feedback and our observations, coupled with data from various other similarly run
programs, we will propose the improvements in the current system of operations in
a cost effective and optimal way.
The final report would be structured in the basic research framework that we learnt
in the BRM course. We would formulate a broad problem statement and then we
would narrow down to specific one followed by the solution which we will propose
after analyzing the observations and suggesting the solutions and the value
additions to the program. We wish to contribute with our skills in a way that can
benefit the organization and in turn, benefit the society by aligning our value
systems with those of the organization which believes in the Service of mankind as
a service of God

Anand (48)
Yogesh Jaiswal(93)
Dhruba Jyoti Bhuyan(64)
Udit Srivastava(44)

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