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1. Say these statements in indirect speech.

A. 1. Tom said, "I have found some good friends." 2. The classmaster said to us, "Aina made a good
report on friendship last time." 3. The girl wrote, "I shall meet you at the station' 4. "My father is not well,"
Mary complained.. 5. She said, "My husband has studied engineering." 6. Iris said to us, "I cannot find his
telephone number." 7. We said, "Velta, we didn't meet your brother yesterday."
B. 1. The boy said to his friend, "I've already read half the book." 2. I said to them, "I had no
time to look through these magazines yesterday," 3. Andris wrote, "Your letter came too late. I
have promised to go to my friend where I shall stay for a week." 4. The newspaper announced,
"Daina has won the first prize." 5. "My brother didn't go to the stadium yesterday," said Ilze. 6.
Andris said to his brother, "I'm going to work in the garden tomorrow." 7. "You had completed
your work before we arrived," said the girls.
C. 1. "You must not do this exercise in class," said the teacher. 2. She said to us, "I shall
have corrected your tests by the next lesson." 3. I said to Peter, "You need not bring me the
notes tomorrow." 4. "There are different issues which I want 'o explain today," said the lecturer.
5. Jack said, "My brother was drawing for several hours." 6. The girl said, "I do everything
myself at home." 7. "Father rang me up before he left," said Mother.
2. Render Peter's story in your own words:
Peter said to us: "I am 15. I have a brother and a sister. They are older than I am. My parents
work in a shop. They start work at 8 o'clock. I am trying to do my best to help my parents. 1
didn't attend any kindergarten when I was small. I began to study at school nine years ago. I do
a lot of social work at school. My hobby is sports."
3 What did they say? Report the dialogue.
A.: Have you seen the new film at the Odeon?
.: It's terrible.
A.: What's so bad about it?
.: My five-year-old daughter can write better dialogue.
A.: Is there anything else on that you're interested in?
.: There's a new Jarman film at the Regent.
A.: What time is it on?
.: Seven-fifteen; do you want to go?
A.'. How long does it last?
.: It's over at half past nine. We'll make it if we hurry.
A.'. Have we got to take a bus?
.: No, we can walk.
A.: OK, I've heard it's good. I can't stay out too late though.
.: You're walking a bit fast for me.
A.: Sorry. It's my job that makes me do that.
B.'. Are you going to get that promotion you put in for?
A.: I don't know yet.
4. Tell a friend what the pupils said.
1. One day Robin Hood put on a red cape and took a basket with food to his sick grandmother
in Sherwood Forest. 2. The Islands are called Sandwich Islands because the natives killed and
ate Captain Cook there. 3. Guy Fawkes will always be remembered in English history because
he woke up all the people in Parliament. 4. The aim of the lesson is to teach us the behaviour
of the pig. 5. Oliver Cromwell died on the 14th of September. But he still called it his lucky day.
5. Change into indirect speech as in the example.
A. 1. "Are you a doctor or a nurse?" father asked a lady. 2. "Is there another road to Valka?"
asked the tourist. 3. "Is Peter a good athlete?" Tom asked his friend 4. "Are there any historical
novels in your library?" the student asked the librarian. 5. "Was the film interesting?" we wanted
to know. 6. "Was there much snow last winter?" the guests asked us. 7. "Were you ill last
Monday?" the teacher asked me.
B. 1. "Do you speak French?" a man asked me in the street 2. Ann said to me, "Does your
cousin live with you?" 3. She said "Haven't you done your homework yet?" 4. "Does Mary kno\v
how to make cakes?" I asked Mother. 5. "Did you change your plans?" my friend asked me". 6.

"Mr Brown, did you see our Revolution Museum?" I asked. 7. The teacher said, "Does any. body
want to ask a question?"
C. 1. "Can you come to our party?" the girl asked her friend 2. The boy said, "May I come in?"
3. "Can't you help me about the kitchen today?" Mother asked me 4. "Must you leave so soon?"
Mr Wood asked her guests. 5. She said to us, "May I offer you some coffee?" 6. "Could you do it
in one day?" the teacher asked in surprise. 7. "Shall I translate the text?" the pupil asked.
6. Answer the questions in indirect speech; begin your answers with the words He asked me
... .
1. "Where do you write compositions?" What did he ask you5 2. "How many of you received
good marks?" 3. "What did you do yesterday?" 4. "When will your holidays begin?". 5. "Why is
Tom always late?" 6. "Who must you help?" 7. "What colour are these flowers?" 8. "Where are
the big orchards?" 9. "When can you play ball?" 10. "What was the result?" 11. "Why can't you
join us?" 12. "Who is this man?" 13. "When was the work done?" 14. "Why don't you want to go
for a walk?" 15. "What kind of work do you do?" 16. "How well can you speak English5" 17.
"When did you ring them up?" 18. "How long have you lived in this town?" 19. "Where were you
last Sunday?" 20. "Why don't you want to speak to them?"
7. Change the following requests and orders into indirect speech.
1. The teacher: "Don't be late, Ann." 2. Alice: "Don't tail-when I am listening to music, Tom." 3.
Mother: "Don't eat sc many sweets, children." 4. The teacher: "Don't forget to correct your
mistakes, Jack." 5. Charles: "Don't leave the door open Mary." 6. The man: "Don't play on the
grass, children 7. Mother: "Don't take bread with a fork, Jim." 8. Father: "Don' come home late,
Nick." 9. The gardener: "Don't pick flowers in the park, children." 10. Father: "Don't make noise
while Granny is sleeping, boys."
8 Read the following orders or requests and the questions; then answer the questions in
indirect speech.
A. 1. "Turn back." What did the guard order us to do? 2. "Learn the principal forms of the
irregular verbs." What did the teacher advise them to do? 3. "Turn off the light in the kitchen."
What did Mother tell Kate to do? 4. "Stay here for fifteen minutes, please." What did Helen ask
you to do? 5. "Make a cup of coffee for me, please." What did your uncle ask you to do? 6.
"Buy an ice-cream for me, please." What did little Alice beg Mother to do? 7. "Get up at once."
What did Father tell his son to do? 8. "Put on your raincoat." What did Mother tell you to do?
B. 1. "Don't swim in this lake." What did the man tell you not to do? 2. "Don't go out today."
What did Mother implore her son not to do? 3. "Please, don't forget to buy a toy for little Tom."
What did Mary beg us to do? 4. "Don't give the camera to anybody but Martin." What did
Charles ask us to do? 5. "Don't ask me any questions." What did Helen tell us not to
do? 6. "Don't cross the bridge." What did the guard forbid us to do? 7. "Don't be noisy." What
didn't the teacher permit the pupils to do? 8. "Don't be angry, please." What did Peter ask us?
9. Put the following sentences into indirect speech.
A. 1. "I am talking on the telephone," said my sister. 2. He asked me, "Have you read any
books lately?" 3. Father said to Helen, "Do you know how to make vegetable soup?" 4. Father
said to me, "Pass me some sugar, please." 5. "Why are the children not yet back from school?"
Grandfather asked. 6. Kate told her friend, "Don't come too late. We shall miss the train." 7.
"Were there any letters in the letter-box?" my sister wanted to know 8. Roy said to his brother,
"My friends will come to see me tomorrow."
B. 1. The teacher said, "I understand both of you, but I cannot let you do it." 2. "What are you
looking for?" Mother asked me. 3. He said to us, "When must you leave?" 4. "Don't hurry with
the answer. Think it over," the man said to me.. 5. He said, "I shall ask them what it is." 6. "Do
you think it is right? I think it is wrong," said the engineer. 7. She said to Tom, "You may come
tomorrow a little later." 8. Anna said to me, "Leave me a note before you start for Moscow,
C. 1. I said to him, "Did you have any difficulty in solving the problem?" 2. Martin said to us, "I
am busy this week. I cannot Join you. Ring me up, please, next week." 3. The teacher told us,
"You can go home now; the lessons are over." 4. "Don't keep me wait for you long," Peter said
to his friend. 5. "It is getting colder and soon it may snow," the farmer said to his son. 6. "Help,
children, to pick the apples," asked the gardener. 7. The man said, "It was very dark last night."
8. "What don't you understand?" the teacher asked us.

10. Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.

1. ... he said patiently. 2. ... he commented derisively. 3. ... he observed sarcastically.
4. ... he said agreeably. 5. ... he said pompously. 6. ... he whispered shyly.
7. ... he answered sharply. 8. ... he said sympathetically. 9. ... he said fiercely.
10. ... he said brutally. 11. ... he said angrily. 12. ... he said accusingly. 13. ... he said callously.
14. ... he said passionately. 15. ... he said defiantly. 16. ... he said complacently.
1. Don't keep asking such silly questions. 2. You should treat your elders with more respect.
3. I shall always love you. 4. Mind your own business. 5. No one cares whether you live or die.
6. I thought you said you were ill yesterday. 7. That's your problem, not mine. 8. You can go to
the devil! 9. You could try reading it up the right way. 10. Tell me what to say to her. 11. You
think you are a genius, don't you? 12. I quite understand how you feel. 13. Let's try again, shall
we? It is rather difficult. 14. I think it's been a very pleasant evening. 15. I've made very good
progress. 16. That's what I intend to do and no one's going to stop me.
11. Interpret these examples of direct speech, then re-express them as indirect speech.
Example: "Why don't we go sailing?" Diana said. Diana suggested (that) we (should) go
1. "You've just won a lottery!" Tom said. "Really?" Jennifer exclaimed. 2. "More money should
be spent on education," Frank observed. "Yes, I agree," Gillian answered. 3. "I don't think you
should take up wind-surfing at your age," John said. "I feel it's a sport that will suit all ages,"
Jenny replied. . "But it requires great physical strength," John said. "And who told you I was
short of that?" Jenny said. 4. "Don't go too near the lions' cage," mother said. But I want to see
the lions close up," Billy answered. 'Isn't this close enough?" mother asked. ''No," Billy replied.
"I'm sorry, Billy, but you can't go any closer than this." "But I want to," Billy insisted. "Well, you
can't." 5. "You really must keep to your diet, Mrs Flynn, if you're serious about losing weight," Dr
Grey said. "You have been keeping to it, haven't you?" "Well, I ... er ...," Mrs Flynn muttered.
"Have you or haven't you?" "Well, I have occasionally had a bit extra." "What do you mean, "a
bit extra?" "Oh - a cream cake or two." 6. "You did enjoy the film, didn't you?" Sandra asked.
"I'm not sure," Sam answered. "I thought Gloria Gleam's performance was fantastic!" "Well, I
didn't like it at all," Sam replied. "Didn't you really?" Sandra replied.
12. Put in the missing words.
It's a sad fact that people steal from hotels. Recently I interviewed Mr David Wills, the manager
of a large hotel, and he ' that all kinds of things, large and small, 2............ constantly
stolen. Mr Wills told 3............ that a check 4............... made on a person's room as soon as they
(leave). 5............ it, but unless someone had walked off with a wardrobe, he (advise) ............
the staff (not/make) 1............ a fuss. "What is even more surprising," Mr Wills 8....................."is
the things people leave behind anything from wooden legs to false teeth!" He then 9...............
on to tell me a story about a snobbish lady who (recently check out) I0................ She (object)
"............... that her bill (be) 12............... too high, but paid it nevertheless. Just as she (leave)
l3................ the phone rang and the cashier answered it. He then 14...............the lady that a hotel
bathrobe was missing from her room. The lady expressed great surprise and 15............ that the
jiotel maid must have packed it in by mistake. "But the maid has just reported the bathrobe
missing," the cashier 16................ Handing over the bathrobe, the lady left in disgust. "Who
wants a second-hand bathrobe, anyway?" she said, as she made her way to a taxi complaining
that hotel service (be) 17............ not what it used to be.
13. Report each request in two ways, where possible.
Example: "When should I be at the station?" She asked when she should be at the station. She
asked when to be at the station.
1. "Where shall we have our meeting?" They asked ... 2. "Which should I choose?" He asked
....................... 3. "Who(m) shall I ask?" She wanted to know.......... 4. "What should I do?" He
asked me......................... 5. "Why should I pay this bill?" She wanted to know 6. "Whose car
should I borrow?" He wanted to know 7. "Why should I be punished?" She asked................
14. Put in the correct forms.
It had been a particularly bad winter in Chicago. Nearly fort. inches of snow had fallen in a
fortnight. Railway workers at Chicago station didn't know (what/do) '............... with it. The

foreman (advise them/shovel) 2............... it ihto huge mountains to keep the platforms clear. He
(tell/not leave) ..................... any snow on the platforms because it was dangerous for passengers.
But it was an impossible task! Suddenly, one of the workers had a bright idea. "I know

1. Say these statements in indirect speech.

A. 1. Tom said, "I have found some good friends." 2. The classmaster said to us, "Aina made a
good report on friendship last time." 3. The girl wrote, "I shall meet you at the station' 4. "My
father is not well," Mary complained.. 5. She said, "My husband has studied engineering." 6. Iris
said to us, "I cannot find his telephone number." 7. We said, "Velta, we didn't meet your brother
B. 1. The boy said to his friend, "I've already read half the book." 2. I said to them, "I had no
time to look through these magazines yesterday," 3. Andris wrote, "Your letter came too late. I
have promised to go to my friend where I shall stay for a week." 4. The newspaper announced,
"Daina has won the first prize." 5. "My brother didn't go to the stadium yesterday," said Ilze. 6.
Andris said to his brother, "I'm going to work in the garden tomorrow." 7. "You had completed
your work before we arrived," said the girls.
C. 1. "You must not do this exercise in class," said the teacher. 2. She said to us, "I shall
have corrected your tests by the next lesson." 3. I said to Peter, "You need not bring me the
notes tomorrow." 4. "There are different issues which I want 'o explain today," said the lecturer.
5. Jack said, "My brother was drawing for several hours." 6. The girl said, "I do everything
myself at home." 7. "Father rang me up before he left," said Mother.
2. Render Peter's story in your own words:
Peter said to us: "I am 15. I have a brother and a sister. They are older than I am. My parents
work in a shop. They start work at 8 o'clock. I am trying to do my best to help my parents. 1
didn't attend any kindergarten when I was small. I began to study at school nine years ago. I do
a lot of social work at school. My hobby is sports."
3 What did they say? Report the dialogue.
A.: Have you seen the new film at the Odeon?
.: It's terrible.
A.: What's so bad about it?
.: My five-year-old daughter can write better dialogue.
A.: Is there anything else on that you're interested in?
.: There's a new Jarman film at the Regent.
A.: What time is it on?
.: Seven-fifteen; do you want to go?
A.'. How long does it last?
.: It's over at half past nine. We'll make it if we hurry.
A.'. Have we got to take a bus?
.: No, we can walk.
A.: OK, I've heard it's good. I can't stay out too late though.
.: You're walking a bit fast for me.
A.: Sorry. It's my job that makes me do that.
B.'. Are you going to get that promotion you put in for?

A.: I don't know yet.

4. Tell a friend what the pupils said.
1. One day Robin Hood put on a red cape and took a basket with food to his sick grandmother
in Sherwood Forest. 2. The Islands are called Sandwich Islands because the natives killed and
ate Captain Cook there. 3. Guy Fawkes will always be remembered in English history because
he woke up all the people in Parliament. 4. The aim of the lesson is to teach us the behaviour
of the pig. 5. Oliver Cromwell died on the 14th of September. But he still called it his lucky day.
5. Change into indirect speech as in the example.
A. 1. "Are you a doctor or a nurse?" father asked a lady. 2. "Is there another road to Valka?"
asked the tourist. 3. "Is Peter a good athlete?" Tom asked his friend 4. "Are there any historical
novels in your library?" the student asked the librarian. 5. "Was the film interesting?" we wanted
to know. 6. "Was there much snow last winter?" the guests asked us. 7. "Were you ill last
Monday?" the teacher asked me.
B. 1. "Do you speak French?" a man asked me in the street 2. Ann said to me, "Does your
cousin live with you?" 3. She said "Haven't you done your homework yet?" 4. "Does Mary kno\v
how to make cakes?" I asked Mother. 5. "Did you change your plans?" my friend asked me". 6.
"Mr Brown, did you see our Revolution Museum?" I asked. 7. The teacher said, "Does any. body
want to ask a question?"
C. 1. "Can you come to our party?" the girl asked her friend 2. The boy said, "May I come in?"
3. "Can't you help me about the kitchen today?" Mother asked me 4. "Must you leave so soon?"
Mr Wood asked her guests. 5. She said to us, "May I offer you some coffee?" 6. "Could you do it
in one day?" the teacher asked in surprise. 7. "Shall I translate the text?" the pupil asked.
6. Answer the questions in indirect speech; begin your answers with the words He asked me
... .
1. "Where do you write compositions?" What did he ask you5 2. "How many of you received
good marks?" 3. "What did you do yesterday?" 4. "When will your holidays begin?". 5. "Why is
Tom always late?" 6. "Who must you help?" 7. "What colour are these flowers?" 8. "Where are
the big orchards?" 9. "When can you play ball?" 10. "What was the result?" 11. "Why can't you
join us?" 12. "Who is this man?" 13. "When was the work done?" 14. "Why don't you want to go
for a walk?" 15. "What kind of work do you do?" 16. "How well can you speak English5" 17.
"When did you ring them up?" 18. "How long have you lived in this town?" 19. "Where were you
last Sunday?" 20. "Why don't you want to speak to them?"
7. Change the following requests and orders into indirect speech.
1. The teacher: "Don't be late, Ann." 2. Alice: "Don't tail-when I am listening to music, Tom." 3.
Mother: "Don't eat sc many sweets, children." 4. The teacher: "Don't forget to correct your
mistakes, Jack." 5. Charles: "Don't leave the door open Mary." 6. The man: "Don't play on the
grass, children 7. Mother: "Don't take bread with a fork, Jim." 8. Father: "Don' come home late,
Nick." 9. The gardener: "Don't pick flowers in the park, children." 10. Father: "Don't make noise
while Granny is sleeping, boys."
8 Read the following orders or requests and the questions; then answer the questions in
indirect speech.
A. 1. "Turn back." What did the guard order us to do? 2. "Learn the principal forms of the
irregular verbs." What did the teacher advise them to do? 3. "Turn off the light in the kitchen."
What did Mother tell Kate to do? 4. "Stay here for fifteen minutes, please." What did Helen ask
you to do? 5. "Make a cup of coffee for me, please." What did your uncle ask you to do? 6.
"Buy an ice-cream for me, please." What did little Alice beg Mother to do? 7. "Get up at once."
What did Father tell his son to do? 8. "Put on your raincoat." What did Mother tell you to do?
B. 1. "Don't swim in this lake." What did the man tell you not to do? 2. "Don't go out today."
What did Mother implore her son not to do? 3. "Please, don't forget to buy a toy for little Tom."
What did Mary beg us to do? 4. "Don't give the camera to anybody but Martin." What did
Charles ask us to do? 5. "Don't ask me any questions." What did Helen tell us not to
do? 6. "Don't cross the bridge." What did the guard forbid us to do? 7. "Don't be noisy." What
didn't the teacher permit the pupils to do? 8. "Don't be angry, please." What did Peter ask us?
9. Put the following sentences into indirect speech.
A. 1. "I am talking on the telephone," said my sister. 2. He asked me, "Have you read any
books lately?" 3. Father said to Helen, "Do you know how to make vegetable soup?" 4. Father

said to me, "Pass me some sugar, please." 5. "Why are the children not yet back from school?"
Grandfather asked. 6. Kate told her friend, "Don't come too late. We shall miss the train." 7.
"Were there any letters in the letter-box?" my sister wanted to know 8. Roy said to his brother,
"My friends will come to see me tomorrow."
B. 1. The teacher said, "I understand both of you, but I cannot let you do it." 2. "What are you
looking for?" Mother asked me. 3. He said to us, "When must you leave?" 4. "Don't hurry with
the answer. Think it over," the man said to me.. 5. He said, "I shall ask them what it is." 6. "Do
you think it is right? I think it is wrong," said the engineer. 7. She said to Tom, "You may come
tomorrow a little later." 8. Anna said to me, "Leave me a note before you start for Moscow,
C. 1. I said to him, "Did you have any difficulty in solving the problem?" 2. Martin said to us, "I
am busy this week. I cannot Join you. Ring me up, please, next week." 3. The teacher told us,
"You can go home now; the lessons are over." 4. "Don't keep me wait for you long," Peter said
to his friend. 5. "It is getting colder and soon it may snow," the farmer said to his son. 6. "Help,
children, to pick the apples," asked the gardener. 7. The man said, "It was very dark last night."
8. "What don't you understand?" the teacher asked us.
10. Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.
1. ... he said patiently. 2. ... he commented derisively. 3. ... he observed sarcastically.
4. ... he said agreeably. 5. ... he said pompously. 6. ... he whispered shyly.
7. ... he answered sharply. 8. ... he said sympathetically. 9. ... he said fiercely.
10. ... he said brutally. 11. ... he said angrily. 12. ... he said accusingly. 13. ... he said callously.
14. ... he said passionately. 15. ... he said defiantly. 16. ... he said complacently.
1. Don't keep asking such silly questions. 2. You should treat your elders with more respect.
3. I shall always love you. 4. Mind your own business. 5. No one cares whether you live or die.
6. I thought you said you were ill yesterday. 7. That's your problem, not mine. 8. You can go to
the devil! 9. You could try reading it up the right way. 10. Tell me what to say to her. 11. You
think you are a genius, don't you? 12. I quite understand how you feel. 13. Let's try again, shall
we? It is rather difficult. 14. I think it's been a very pleasant evening. 15. I've made very good
progress. 16. That's what I intend to do and no one's going to stop me.
11. Interpret these examples of direct speech, then re-express them as indirect speech.
Example: "Why don't we go sailing?" Diana said. Diana suggested (that) we (should) go
1. "You've just won a lottery!" Tom said. "Really?" Jennifer exclaimed. 2. "More money should
be spent on education," Frank observed. "Yes, I agree," Gillian answered. 3. "I don't think you
should take up wind-surfing at your age," John said. "I feel it's a sport that will suit all ages,"
Jenny replied. . "But it requires great physical strength," John said. "And who told you I was
short of that?" Jenny said. 4. "Don't go too near the lions' cage," mother said. But I want to see
the lions close up," Billy answered. 'Isn't this close enough?" mother asked. ''No," Billy replied.
"I'm sorry, Billy, but you can't go any closer than this." "But I want to," Billy insisted. "Well, you
can't." 5. "You really must keep to your diet, Mrs Flynn, if you're serious about losing weight," Dr
Grey said. "You have been keeping to it, haven't you?" "Well, I ... er ...," Mrs Flynn muttered.
"Have you or haven't you?" "Well, I have occasionally had a bit extra." "What do you mean, "a
bit extra?" "Oh - a cream cake or two." 6. "You did enjoy the film, didn't you?" Sandra asked.
"I'm not sure," Sam answered. "I thought Gloria Gleam's performance was fantastic!" "Well, I
didn't like it at all," Sam replied. "Didn't you really?" Sandra replied.
12. Put in the missing words.
It's a sad fact that people steal from hotels. Recently I interviewed Mr David Wills, the manager
of a large hotel, and he ' that all kinds of things, large and small, 2............ constantly
stolen. Mr Wills told 3............ that a check 4............... made on a person's room as soon as they
(leave). 5............ it, but unless someone had walked off with a wardrobe, he (advise) ............
the staff (not/make) 1............ a fuss. "What is even more surprising," Mr Wills 8....................."is
the things people leave behind anything from wooden legs to false teeth!" He then 9...............
on to tell me a story about a snobbish lady who (recently check out) I0................ She (object)
"............... that her bill (be) 12............... too high, but paid it nevertheless. Just as she (leave)
l3................ the phone rang and the cashier answered it. He then 14...............the lady that a hotel

bathrobe was missing from her room. The lady expressed great surprise and 15............ that the
jiotel maid must have packed it in by mistake. "But the maid has just reported the bathrobe
missing," the cashier 16................ Handing over the bathrobe, the lady left in disgust. "Who
wants a second-hand bathrobe, anyway?" she said, as she made her way to a taxi complaining
that hotel service (be) 17............ not what it used to be.
13. Report each request in two ways, where possible.
Example: "When should I be at the station?" She asked when she should be at the station. She
asked when to be at the station.
1. "Where shall we have our meeting?" They asked ... 2. "Which should I choose?" He asked
....................... 3. "Who(m) shall I ask?" She wanted to know.......... 4. "What should I do?" He
asked me......................... 5. "Why should I pay this bill?" She wanted to know 6. "Whose car
should I borrow?" He wanted to know 7. "Why should I be punished?" She asked................
14. Put in the correct forms.
It had been a particularly bad winter in Chicago. Nearly fort. inches of snow had fallen in a
fortnight. Railway workers at Chicago station didn't know (what/do) '............... with it. The
foreman (advise them/shovel) 2............... it ihto huge mountains to keep the platforms clear. He
(tell/not leave) ..................... any snow on the platforms because it was dangerous for passengers.
But it was an impossible task! Suddenly, one of the workers had a bright idea. "I know
(how/get rid) 4............... of it," he said. "Let's load it onto this freight train. We can send it south
to Mississippi and New Orleans. It'll just melt away." The next day five tons of snow arrived in
Memphis, Tennessee. "It's a welcome gift," a railway worker said. "We know (what/do).
5............with it here. We'll send what we can to the children's playground. Some of us have
never seen snow before!"
15. Report the following using the simple past of the verbs in brackets.
1. "Wait for me," I said to him. (tell) ...................................2. "Go on holiday when the weather
gets warmer," she told him. (advise)................................................................................
3. "Keep out of this room at all times," she said to them, (warn)
4. "Remember to post those letters," he said to me. (remind) 5. "Don't go into my study," he
said to them, (ask) ............. 6. "Don't wait for me," I said to him. (tell) ..........................
7. "Don't go on holiday yet," she told him. (advise) ............. 8. "Don't ever enter this room," she
said to them, (warn) ....
16. Report each question in two ways.
1. "Shall I fax the information to them?" She asked if/ whether she should fax the information to
them. She asked whether to fax the information to them 2. "Should I leave a message for her?"
He asked................... 3. "Shall I heat the food for you?" She asked him ................. 4. "Should I
phone him now?" He wanted to know ............ 5. "Shall I invite them to dinner?" She wanted to
17. Report these subject-questions moving the clauses "one tense back" only where
1. "Who's next, please?" She wanted to know ...................2. "What makes a noise like that?"
He wondered............... 3. "Which of you is waiting to see me next?" The doctor asked
....................................4. "Whose composition haven't we heard yet?" The teacher asked us to
tell her.........................5. "Who left this bag here?" Tell me....................................6. "What
caused accident?" Can you explain...................... 7. "Which newspaper carried the article?" I'd
like to know .. 8. "Whose painting will win the competition?" I haven't any idea
9. "Which firms have won prizes for exports?" This article doesn't .............................. 10.
"Which number can be divided by three?" The teacher asked ...........................................
18. Put in the correct forms and tenses of the numbered verbs.
The nurse asked me if I (be) '......... next and she led me in' Dr Grey's surgery. Dr Grey smiled
at me and asked (what the problem be) 2............. I'm a young man and am not the sort of
person she has to see very often! I told her I (be) 3......... feeling rather run down. She asked me
if I (keep) 4......... regular hours and I said I (have not) .......... She wanted to know why I

(not/keep) 6......... regular hours and I said I (be) 7............... out with friends almost every
evening. Dr Grey then wanted to know how I (spend) 8......... my time and I (tell) ......... her I
(go) 10............ to parties mosth The doctor asked if I (not/have) "......... the chance to recover
during weekends and I (tell) 12............ her that my party-goint,' (be) 3............ even
worse during the weekends! She asked me if I (smoke) 14............When I said I did, she asked
how many cigarette a day I (smoke) '5.......... She raised her eyebrows when answered!
Then she asked me if I (take) '6......... any exercise and I answered that I (not/have)
17............time for that sort of thing. "You're burning the candle at both ends, Mr Finley," she told
me. "Rest is the only cure for you. You've really got to slow down." She looked at me wistfully
before I left her surgery and added, "but I do envy you the life you've been living!"
19. Report these question-word questions moving the clauses "one tense back".
1. "What's the weather like?" She asked me what the weather was like. 2. "What does
Frank do for a living?" I wanted to know ...... 3. "Why is Maria crying?" She wondered
............................. 4. "What kind of holiday has Marco had?" You wanted to
now............................................................................................ 5. "How long have you both
been living here?" They inquired ...........................................................................................
6. "Where did they go last week?" She wanted to know ...... 7. "Who are you looking for?" He
asked me .........................8. "When will lunch be ready?" You didn't tell me ...............9. "Which
countries will John be visiting?" You didn't say ... 10. "How can I solve the problem?" I wanted to
know ..........
20. Report these statements with said (except 13) moving the clauses "one tense back".
DIRECT SPEECH STATEMENTS present becomes past
1. Mac: I need a holiday. Mac said he needed a holiday, 2. Sue: I'm not wasting my time.
present perfect becomes past perfect 3. Tom: I've had some good news. 4. Pam: I've been
sleeping. past becomes past or past perfect (past perfect is often optional) 5. Lou: I went
home early. 6. Jan: I was waiting for you. past perfect does not change 7. Joe: I had eaten
earlier. 8. Pat: I had been waiting for you. modal "present" becomes "conditional" or "past"
9. Tim: I will see you later. 10. Dot: I can speak French. 11. Kim: I may arrive later. "shall" with
a future reference becomes "would" 12. Ron: I shall speak to him. "shall" in offers and
suggestions becomes "should" 13. Meg: Shall I speak to him? "past" or "conditional" modals do
not change 14. Ted: I could help you. 15. Ann: I might see him. 16. Jim: I would enjoy that.
"perfect" modal forms do not change 17. Sam: I must have fainted, 18. Don: I couldn't have
said that. 19. Ned: I needn't have gone there. 20. Lyn: I ought to have helped her. "should"
(="it's advisable") doesn't change 21. Lee: I should go to the dentist's. "should" used in place of
"would" in conditionals becomes "would" 22. Dan: If I were you I should get legal advice. "must"
(=necessity in the past) does not change, or becomes "had to" 23. Paul: I must catch an early
train. 24. Jill: I must speak to you. "must" (=necessity in the future) does not change, or
becomes "would have to" 25. Bill: I must leave tomorrow. 26. Jane: I must work till late.
must" (=deduction or possibility) does not change. 27. Phil: John must be a fool. "mustn't "
(=prohibition) does not change, or becomes "couldn't" 28. Jean: I mustn't eat meat. 29 Jeff:
They mustn't give up.
21. Turn each direct-speech statement into indirect speech with tense changes.
"I've conducted a number of tests," Dr Grey said .................."I must put you on a very strict
diet," she told me "You're putting on a lot of weight," she said "You have gained 5.5 kilos in six
month," she added "You gained 10 kilos last year," she reminded me "You will get very fat if you
go on like this," she told me ..... "You should eat very little," she said .....................................
"So I'll have to live on nuts and water," I said nervously ....... "You can live on nuts and water
without the nuts," she said.
22. Report what these people are saying with the reporting verbs provided.
1. "She's going to America for six months." They say she's going to America for six months.
2. "They went to Rhodes last year." Peter tells me...............3. A:Tm not feeling well."
S.:"Pardon?" C.:"She's not feeling well." She says .............................................................
4. A.: "I'll look at your work in a minute." .: "Pardon?" C.: "She'll look at your work in a minute."
She says ..................................................................5. A.: "I've typed those letters." .: "What
does she say?" C.: "She's typed those letters." ................................................. 6. "We must

investigate this case." The writer of this report says ........................................ 7. "The last strike
did no one any good." The writer of this article says ............................................. 8. "Turn off the
electricity at the mains." It says here ...... 9. "You have to rub down the walls." The instructions
say 10. "I'm good at flower arranging." She's always telling people ....................
23. Put in appropriate forms of ask, say and tell.
Some people' (always) (are always_ saying) that they don't build cars as they used to.
What nonsense! I walked round the beautiful new Ferrari again, admiring its lines, when my
thoughts were rudely interrupted. "Will you be here long? a voice ........... sharply. "I haven't
made up my mind yet, I 3 ............., looking up at a sour-faced traffic warden. "Well you can't
stop here," he ............ me. "Who .............. so?" I 6 .......... him cheekily. "I 7 ........... so,"
he 8 ........... to me. "It 9 .............. here," he added, "in case you can read, "No Waiting". "You
read very well. Go to the top of the class!" I 10 ............... him, "but I'll make my own decisions.
"Oh, will you?" the traffic warden " ............. "Then so will I and I've decided to give you a ticket,"
he l2 ............. to me with relish as he began filling out a form. "Go ahead," I ............ him.
"This car doesn't belong to me anyway. I wish it did!'
24. Report the dialogue.
A.: What's wrong with Jerry? I was with him in the coffee shop this noon. He was in good spirits.
We were talking and laughing. Then Barbara came in. Suddenly Jerry was ill at ease.
.: Didn't you know? They had a guarrel yesterday. Jerry made fun of Barbara's hat.
A.: Is that all? She doesn't hold that against him, does she?
.: No, I don't think so

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