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Method of

Funeral al

Namz-e-Janza k arqa


booklet was written by Shaykh-e-arqat Amr-eAl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami arat

Allma Mauln Muammad Ilys Ar Qdir Razav
   in Urdu. The translation Majlis has translated
this booklet into English. If you find any mistakes in the
translation or composing, please inform the translation
Majlis on the following address and gain awb.

Translation Majlis (Dawat-e-Islami)

Alami Madan Markaz, Faizn-e-Madna, Mahalla Saudagran, Old
Sabz Mand, Bb-ul-Madna, Karachi, Pakistan.

Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91

Method of Funeral al
Du for Reading the Book ......................................................................... II
Transliteration Chart ................................................................................. III
Excellence of Durd Sharf ......................................................................... 1
Virtue of Participating in the Funeral al of a Wal................................. 1
The Forgiveness of the Devotees as well ................................................... 2
Thief of Shroud ........................................................................................... 3
Forgiveness of Funeral Participants ........................................................... 4
First Gift in the Grave ................................................................................. 4
The Funeral of a Heavenly Person .............................................................. 4
awb of accompanying the funeral .......................................................... 5
awb Equivalent to Mount Uud ............................................................. 5
The Funeral al has Admonition ............................................................. 5
Excellence of giving ritual bath etc. to the Corpse ..................................... 6
What to Recite on Seeing a Funeral! .......................................................... 6
The Funeral al is Far-e-Kifya ........................................................... 6
There are two Units and three Sunna in the Funeral Prayer .................... 7
Method of Funeral al (anaf) .............................................................. 7
Supplication for Funeral of Adults (Man and Woman) ............................... 8
Du for a Male Minor ................................................................................ 9
Du for a Female Minor ............................................................................ 9
To Offer Funeral al whilst Standing upon Shoes ................................. 10
Funeral al in Absentia ......................................................................... 10
Method of Offering Joint al for More than one Funeral ..................... 10
How many Rows should be in Funeral al? .......................................... 11
If One Missed Some part of Congregational Funeral al, then .......... 11
Funeral of an Insane or the one who Committed Suicide ........................ 12
Rulings Pertaining to a Dead Infant .......................................................... 12
awb of Carrying the Funeral on Shoulders ........................................... 12
Method of Shouldering the Funeral ......................................................... 13
Method of Carrying the Funeral of a Child ............................................... 13
Rulings of Returning after the Funeral al ............................................ 13
Can a Husband Carry the Funeral of his Wife? ......................................... 14
Funeral of a Disbeliever ............................................................................ 14
Nik (Marriage) became null and Void! ................................................. 14
Do not Visit a Sick who is a Disbeliever .................................................... 15
Make the Following Announcement before the Funeral of an Adult ....... 16

Du for Reading the Book

ead the following Du (supplication) before

studying a religious book or Islamic lesson,  
      , you will remember whatever you study.

 *&#'$  % 
* &#'  .

  + ,
 ! " # 

8   74
  5 6  1 2 3,
Y Allah      ! Open the portal of knowledge and
wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! O the one who is
the most honourable and glorious!
(Al-Mustaraf, V1, P40, Dar-ul-Fikr, Beirut)

Note: Recite Durd Sharf once before and after the Du.


Transliteration Chart




































  ? <
  D E=#F
  0  9 -  ;  
 #@  A9 @ B=  '8 6 C
 -#= >

 )   G=/   
    GH= .

    2 E   9     

No matter how hard Satan tries to prevent you from reading this
booklet, read it completely,         you will see the benefits for

Excellence of Durd Sharf

he beloved Rasl of All #@    =   #'J = K
 B  states, The one
who recites Durd once upon me, All      writes one
Qr of recompense for him and one Qr is equivalent to the
Mount Uud. (Muannaf Abdur Razzq, Vol-1, P51, ad No. 153, Dr-

ul-Kutub-ul-Ilmiyya, Beirut)

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

MN; B  ' E#L

Virtue of Participating in the Funeral al of a

A person participated in the funeral al of arat Sayyidun
Sirr Saq #'P /
  0 . He saw arat Sayyidun Sirr Saq #'P /

Method of Funeral al

in his dream at night and asked, How did All      treat
you? He #'P / 0 replied, All      has forgiven me as well
as all those who participated in my funeral al. The person
said, Y Sayyid! I also participated in your funeral al.
Listening to this, arat Sayyidun Sirr Saq #'P /
  0 took out
a list and checked for his name therein but that persons name
was not present in the list; when checked thoroughly, he saw
that the name of that person was written in the margin. (Sharus-udr, P279, Dr-ul-Kitb Al-Arab, Beirut)

The Forgiveness of the Devotees as well

After the death of arat Sayyidun Bishr f #'P / 0 , Qsim
bin Munabbi #'P /
  0 saw him in dream and asked, How did

All      treat you? He replied, All      forgave me and
told me O Bishr! I have forgiven you as well as all those who
attended your funeral al. I then requested, O Rab      ,
forgive even those who love me. All      said, I have forgiven
all those who would love you till the Day of Judgment. (Sharus-udr, P275, Dr-ul-Kitb Al-Arab, Beirut)
Amal na daikhay yeh daikha, hay mayray Wali kay dar ka
Khaliq nay mujhay yun bakhsh diya,


=  R@ ,      G
=  R@

Instead of deeds, my devotion towards Wal was acknowledged

And for this reason, my Creator      pardoned me.
=  R@ ,      G
=  R@

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

  N; B  E #L

Method of Funeral al

Dear Islamic brothers! Association with the pious saints of

All      is a great privilege, mentioning them is a means of
attaining mercy, their company is a blessing not only in the
world but also in the Hereafter, visiting their mausoleums is a
cure for the disease of sins and devotion towards them leads to
success in the Hereafter.      S"  9 -  ;   we are the devotees of
pious saints of All      and we love the perfect Wal arat
Sayyidun Bishr f #'  P / 0 . Y All      ! Forgive us for
their sake. mn
Bishr Hafi say hamayn tu pyar hay

Apna Bayra paar hay

As we have affection for Bishr f

we will be successful in the Hereafter



9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

  N; B  E #L

Thief of Shroud
A shroud-stealer participated in funeral al of a woman and
noted the whereabouts of her grave in the graveyard. At night,
he dug the grave with the intention of stealing the shroud. All
of a sudden, the blessed woman spoke,      G Q=  R@ ! A Maghfr
(Pardoned) person is stealing the shroud of a Maghfra woman!
Listen, All      has forgiven me and all those who offered
my funeral al and you are also among the pardoned ones.
Listening to this, he immediately closed the grave and repented
sincerely. (Shar-us-udr, P201)

Method of Funeral al

Forgiveness of Funeral Participants

Dear Islamic brothers! Did you notice how beneficial participation
in the funeral al of the pious people is! Whenever we get a
chance or even better, making effort to get such a chance, we
should participate in funeral al of the Muslims. Our
participation in funeral of a pious person may bring about our
forgiveness in the Hereafter. How immense Alls mercy is!
He forgives not only the deceased but also the attendees of his
funeral! Therefore, arat Sayyidun Abdull bin Abbs

  *  T
= K  B L
 0 reports that the Holy Prophet #@  = #' J
The very first reward given to the true believer on his death is
that all the participants of his funeral al are forgiven.
(Shuub-ul-Imn, V7, P7, ad No. 258)

First Gift in the Grave

A blessed ad of the Exalted Prophet #@    =   #' J = K 
 B  says,
When a true believer enters his grave, the very first gift given
to him is that all the participants of his funeral al are forgiven.

(Kanz-ul-Umml, V15, P595)

The Funeral of a Heavenly Person

The Holy Prophet #@    =   #' J = K  B L said, When a Heavenly
person passes away, All      has shyness from punishing
those who carried the bier of that person and those who
followed the funeral procession and those who offered his
funeral al. (Al-Firdaus bim r-ul-Khib, V1, P282)

Method of Funeral al

awb of accompanying the funeral

arat Sayyidun Dwd 86C
   #' humbly asked All      ,

Y All      ! What is the awb of accompanying the funeral
merely for Your pleasure? All      replied, The day when
he dies, the angels will accompany his funeral procession and I
will forgive him. (Shar-us-udr, P101)

awb Equivalent to Mount Uud

arat Sayyidun Ab urara   * 
 0 reports that the Prophet
of Rama, the Intercessor of Umma #@    =   #' J = K 
 B  said,
The one who departed from home to accompany a funeral
(considering it as a duty of believers and with the intention to earn
awb), offered funeral al and accompanied the funeral till
burial, awb of two Qr is written for him. Each Qr is
equivalent to mount Uud. There is one Qr awb for the
person who returns after funeral al (without participation
in the burial). (a Muslim, V1, P307)

The Funeral al has Admonition

arat Sayyidun Ab ar Ghifr   * 
 0 narrated that the

beloved and blessed Prophet #@   =    #'J = K
 B  said to me, Visit
the graves, it will remind you of the Hereafter and bathe the
deceased as touching the mortal body (dead body) is a great
lesson and offer the funeral al so that it makes you gloomy,
for a gloomy person is under the shadow of All      and
does pious deeds. (Al-Mustadrak-lil-kim, V1, P11, ad 71435)

Method of Funeral al

Excellence of giving ritual bath etc. to the Corpse

arat Sayyidun Ali   * 
 0 reported that The Holy Prophet
#@    =   #' J
= K  B L
 said, The one who gives bath to a deceased
person, shrouds him, applies fragrance, lifts the bier, offers
al and hides the unpleasant thing that appears, he will be as
cleansed of his sins as he was on the day when born from his
mothers womb. (Sunan-e-ibn-e-Mja, V2, P201, ad No. 1462)

What to Recite on Seeing a Funeral!

After the death of arat Sayyidun Malik bin Anas   * 
 0 ,
someone saw him in a dream and asked, How did All     
treat you? He replied, I was blessed with forgiveness just
because of a sentence which arat Sayyidun Umn-e-Ghan


 0 used to say on seeing a funeral:
[Pure is He (from all defects / limitations) who is alive and will

never die]. Hence, I also used to recite the same sentence on seeing
funeral; All


forgave me because of reciting it. (Derived

from Iy-ul-Ulm, V5, P266)

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

  N; B  E #L

The Funeral al is Far-e-Kifya

The funeral al is Far-e-Kifya, i.e. if even a single person
offered it, everyone would be relieved of the obligation; if no
one offered, all those who were aware of it will be sinners.

Method of Funeral al

Jamat is not a condition for

this al; if even one person offered it, the Farz will be fulfilled.
(Fatw-e-Alamgr, V1, P162) The denial of its Fariyyat (obligation)
is Kufr (infidelity). (Fatw-e-Ttr Khniyya, Vol-2, P154)
(Fatw-e-Ttr Khniyya, V2, P153)

There are two Units and three Sunna in the

Funeral Prayer
The two Units are:

To recite

four times



The three Sunna-e-Muakkada are:




Durd Sharf


Supplication for the deceased. (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Rad-dul-Mutr)

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

  N; B  E #L

Method of Funeral al (anaf)

Muqtad should make the following intention: I make the
intention of offering funeral al for All      and making
supplication for this dead person, following this Imm.
(Fatw-e-Ttr Khniyya, V2, P153) Now Imm and the Muqtads
should raise their hands up to their ears and fold them below

Method of Funeral al

the navel as usual whilst saying 

, and then recite an.
. Then, without

raising the hands, say 
and recite Durd-e-Ibrahim.
Without raising the hands again, say 
and now recite
the supplication (the Imm should say the Takbrt loudly
whilst the Muqtads should say in low volume. Both Imm and
Muqtads should recite remaining invocations in low volume).
After the supplication, say 
, unfold the hands and perform
Salm on both sides. (shiya-tu-aw, P584)

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

MN; B  ' E#L

Supplication for Funeral of Adults (Man and


  Y +9 Z   *[  *& ; \ ]   !"# 

  R7 +W
  XL  *


G   8 6 @ 4 B  ' )   *   %&) G   ! " # ? *=^+
  +  72

 ` 4 B  '   E  % *   %& E K

O All     ! Forgive all of our living ones and all the dead ones,
and all those who are present and all those who are not present,
and all our young ones and all our old ones, and all our men and all

Method of Funeral al

our women. Y All      ! Whomever you keep alive from among
us, keep him live in Islam, and whomever of us you make die, make
him die with faith.

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L

  N; B  E #L

Du for a Male Minor

*  #
  a c 2  a    *  #
  ba   *  #
  ! " # 

a\ .  

O All     ! Make him fore-runner to become support for us,
and make him recompense for us, and make him our intercessor,
and the one whose intercession is accepted.

Du for a Female Minor

* !#
  a c 2  a    * !#
  ba   *  !#
  ! " # 
aP\ .   aP 

O All     ! Make her fore-runner to become support for us, and
make her recompense for us, and make her our intercessor, and the
one whose intercession is accepted.
(Mishkt-ul-Mab, P146, Fatw-e-Alamgr, V1, P164)

Method of Funeral al

To Offer Funeral al whilst Standing upon

In case of offering the funeral al wearing the shoes, the
shoes as well as the part of the earth beneath them must be
pure, while, in case of offering the al placing the feet upon
the shoes having taken them off, the purity of the sole of the
shoes and the ground is not necessary. In reply to a question,
Al arat #'P /
  0 says, If the place was impure due to urine
etc. or those who offered the al wearing such shoes whose
soles were not pure, their al would not be valid. It is,
therefore, safer to offer the al keeping the feet upon shoes
having taken them off so that the al would not be affected
even if the sole of the shoes or the earth beneath is impure.
(Fatw-e-Razavyya, V9, P188)

Funeral al in Absentia
Presence of corpse in front is necessary. Funeral al in absence
of corpse can not be valid. (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Rad-dul-Mutr, V3, P123)
It is Mustaab for the Imm to stand in front of the chest of
the corpse. (Marqil fal ma shiya-tu-aw, P583)

Method of Offering Joint al for More than one

al of several funerals may be offered jointly. It is optional to
either place the corpses parallel such that chest of all remain in
front of the Imm or place them in a queue such that the feet

Method of Funeral al

of the one corpse are towards head of the other and so on.
(Bar-e-Sharat, Part 4, P157)

How many Rows should there be in Funeral al?

It is better to have three afs (rows) in the funeral al as it is
mentioned in ad, The one whose (funeral) al was offered
by three afs, he will be forgiven. (Jmi-e-Tirmi, Vol-1, P22) If there
are only 7 people, one should become Imm, three should stand
in the first af, two in the second af and one in the third af.
(Ghunya-tul-Mustaml, P541) In the funeral al, the last af is
greater than all other afs, i.e. the awb of offering funeral
al in the last af is greater than offering in any other af.
(Durr-e-Mukhtr, Rad-dul-Mutr, V3, P131)

If One Missed Some part of Congregational

Funeral al, then
The Masbq (the person who has missed some of the Takbrt)
will say his remaining Takbrt after the Imm has performed
Salm on either side. If he suspects that the people would carry
the bier up to the shoulders in case of reciting supplications
etc., he should just utter Takbrt and leave out the supplications
etc. (Ghunya-tul-Mustaml, P537) If a person comes after the fourth
Takbr, he may join the al (before the Imm performs Salm),
utter Takbr three times after Imms Salm (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Raddul-Mutr, Vol-3, P136) and then perform Salm.

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L


MN; B  ' E#L

Method of Funeral al

Funeral of an Insane or the one who Committed

The one who is insane by birth or became insane before reaching
the age of puberty and died in the state of insanity, the supplication
of Minor will be recited in his funeral al. (Derived from shiyatu-aw, P587) The funeral al of the one who committed
suicide will be offered. (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Vol-3, P108)

Rulings Pertaining to a Dead Infant

If a Muslims baby was born alive i.e. he was alive whilst most part
of his body was out (during birth) and then died, he will be bathed,
shrouded and his funeral al will be offered. Otherwise, he will
be washed (ritual bath not required), wrapped in a cloth and buried.
Ritual bathing, coffin and funeral al are not required for him
according to Sunna. If the babys head comes out first, Most part
means from head up to the chest in this case. Therefore, if the
babys head came out and he cried but died before coming out up
to the chest, his funeral al will not be offered. If feet come out
first Most part, means from feet up to the waist in this case.
Whether the baby is born alive or dead or lost in miscarriage (premature birth), he should be named as he will be resurrected on the
Day of Judgement. (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Rad-dul-Mutr, Vol-3, P152)

awb of Carrying the Bier on Shoulders

It is stated in ad, Whoever carries the bier on shoulder and
walks 40 steps, 40 of his major sins will be forgiven. (Al- abarnfil-Awsa, V4, P260, ad No. 5920) It is also mentioned in ad

Method of Funeral al

that the one who carries the bier on shoulder from all four posts (of
funeral bier) will be granted Ultimate Forgiveness by All      .
(Al Jauarat-un-Nayyra, V1, P139)

Method of Shouldering the Bier

It is an act of worship to carry the bier on shoulder. (Ttr Khniya,
It is Sunna to carry the bier on shoulder from all four
corners one after the other and walk 10 steps at each side. The
complete Sunna is to first carry the bier on shoulder from the
right head side of the bier, then the right foot side, then the left
head side and then the left foot side and to walk 10 steps each
time thus making a total of 40 steps. (Marqil fal ma shiya-tuaw, P604) Some people announce in the funeral procession to
walk two steps each. They should instead announce, Carry the
funeral on shoulder from all four sides and walk 10 steps each time.
V2, P150)

Method of Carrying the Bier of a Child

If a single person carries the body of a young child in his arms
and the rest of the people take the child in their arms in turn,
there is no harm in it. (Al-Bar-ur-R-aiq, V2, P335) It is impermissible
and forbidden for a woman to walk along in the funeral procession
(whether it is the funeral of young or old). (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Raddul-Mutr, Vol-3, P162)

Rulings of Returning after the Funeral al

Whoever accompanied the funeral should not return home without
offering the funeral al; after the al, he may return seeking
permission from the family-members of the deceased person.

Method of Funeral al

There is no need to ask permission for returning after the burial.

(Alamgr, Vol-1, P165)

Can a Husband Carry the Bier of his Wife?

The husband is allowed to carry his wifes bier on his shoulder,
lower her in the grave for the burial and see her face. He is
prohibited only from bathing his wife and directly touching her
body (without cloth etc. in between). (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Rad-dul-Mutr,
Vol-3, P105) A woman can bathe her husband. (Durr-e-Mukhtr, Raddul-Mutr, Vol-3, P107)

Funeral of a Disbeliever
To participate in the funeral al or funeral procession of a
Murtad (apostate) or disbeliever considering it as a permissible
and worthy of awb act is Kufr. Al-arat Imm Amad
Raz Khn #'P /
  0 says that if someone attends a Murtads or
disbelievers funeral al believing it as worthy of participation,
he will himself become a Kfir. However, if this is not his belief
then participation is strictly arm. It is mentioned in ad
that if the funeral of a disbeliever is coming, a Muslim should
walk away from it because Satan walks in front of such funeral
happily with a flame of fire in his hand celebrating that his
endeavours became fruitful on that person. (Malft, Part 4, P359)

Nik (Marriage) became null and Void!

To attend the funeral al of a disbeliever or apostate because
of worldly interests is arm-e-Qa and severely arm. The

Method of Funeral al

one who attends the funeral of a disbeliever regarding it is an

act of awb and considering that the deceased disbeliever deserves
funeral al and supplication for forgiveness, he himself will
no longer remain a Muslim and his Nik (marriage) will become
invalid. He should renew his Islam and Nik. (Derived from Fatwe-Razavyya, V9, P173) All      says in 84th verse of Sra-tutTauba of the Holy Quran:

  fB= ' g K4  9a  h

    \ 7  j  ?d e
   ! * 9i ) B=  '  F K 4 

 E g C =  Z  E K     E @ 0 

Translation from Kanz-ul-Imn

And never offer al for any of their dead, and never stand by his
grave. No doubt, they denied All      and His Messenger, and
died while they were in transgression (infidelity).
(Sra Tauba, ya 84)

Commenting on the foregoing ya, arat-e-Allma Sayyid

Nam-ud-dn Murdbd #' P /
  0 says, This ya has made
it clear that the funeral al of a disbeliever is not permissible at
all and it is forbidden to stand besides the grave of a disbeliever
for burial or visit. (Khaz-ain-ul-Irfn, P321)

Do not Visit a Sick who is a Disbeliever

It is reported by arat Sayyidun Jbir bin Abdull   * T
that the Sultan of Madna #@    =   #'J = K
 B  said, If they fall ill,
dont go to see them, if they die, dont participate in their funeral.

(Sunan ibn-e-Mja, ad 92, V1, P70)


Method of Funeral al

Make the Following Announcement before the

Funeral of an Adult

he friends and relatives of the deceased are requested to

pay attention. If the deceased had ever hurt you or violated
your right in his lifetime, please forgive him,         this
will benefit the deceased and you will also be rewarded. If there
is any issue of borrowing or lending, contact the deceaseds
inheritors. Please listen carefully about the intention and the
method of the funeral al. I make the intention to offer
funeral al for All      , and supplication for this
dead person, following this Imm. If you do not remember
these particular words, there is no harm as long as this intention
is in the heart: I am offering funeral al for this deceased person.
When the Imm says 
raise both your hands up to the ears,

then fold them below the navel and recite an. When
the Imm says 
second time, without raising your hands, say

and recite Durd-e-Ibrm. When the Imm says 

for the third time, without raising your hands, say 
recite the funeral supplication of deceased adult (or if it is the
funeral of a male or female child then announce to recite the
supplication for the deceased child). When the Imm says

the forth and (final) time, say 
and unfold hands
and perform Salm following Imm as usual on both sides.

9-  O B=  'J
=  K B L


MN; B  ' E#L

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