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School Age Child Care

New Feature Quick Guide


1) From and To Date range option in Statement Report

You can now generate the Statement Report for a specific period of time using the
From and To dates.

2) Allowing Parents to edit the time of the Childrens Varied Schedule

In the Payers View (Public View), when implementing the Force parent to pay
immediately setting (set up under Payment Types and Fees), parents will now be able
to edit the time of the childrens varied schedule.
On the View/Edit Varied Schedules screen, we have added the Save and Edit Times
button to show the Edit Drop and Pick-Up Times screen.

After saving the necessary time changes, the parents will be prompted with the
payment screen to submit the payment.
Note: The Save and Pay Now button allows the parent to ONLY edit the days of the
varied schedule, and then proceed to payment.

3) Disallowing option to edit past and invoiced dates and times

In both Public and Admin Views, on Varied Schedules, parents and admins will not be
able to edit past or invoiced dates and times. The past or invoiced dates (marked yellow
in the calendar) will be restricted, and times will be grayed out.

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