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Best descriptions of me:

ESTJs are joiners. They seek out like-minded companions in clubs, civic
groups, churches and other service organizations.
ESTJs have a strong motivation to create and preserve a comfortable,
secure and organized life.
ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or
handed down from a higher authority.
The ESTJ is not afraid to stand up for what he or she believes is right even
in the face of overwhelming odds.

Notable People like me:

Sonia Sotomayor- U.S Supreme Court Justice
Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton- U.S First Ladies
Henry Ford- Industrialist and founder of Ford Motors

Other types of people:


Pros: They are also very organized and serous about work just
like I am. They also value traditions and loyalty as I do. I admire these
traits about them because I have them too.

Cons: They prefer to work alone and not only am I a very

extroverted person who likes to interact when doing work, but they
might not take it well when my personality tries to lead the team.

Pros: Just like me, they are very outspoken and while this might be a
that means that both of us would voice our opinions, better ideas
usually get
generated from more people voicing their opinions. They are also very
resourceful at solving problems and my personality type is very results
Cons: These types of people get bored with routine and tend to not do
the same thing twice, while I am the type of person who likes the same
with them on concrete details might be difficult because they don't
care much

for that.

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