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Version 1.0 28 July, 2010

Disclaimer: This work is not "canon" as in canon from the original Freelancer universe. It is a compilation of
ideas formed from material found both in the game and in outside resources. The aim of this document is to
educate and improve the interaction of community members interested in playing the Nomads as well as those
role-playing with them.
Freelancer, Digital Anvil, and Microsoft Game Studios are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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Many things have been changed since the early days and these changes were often the result of
the feedback the community has provided over the course of several months. Many players
have shared their opinions and ideas of the Nomads in Freelancer including concepts beyond
the main single player storyline. There's been much discussion, questioning, and searching for
answers and explanations as the information has been slowly combined into one solid,
comprehensive picture.
The biggest impact was finding the developer's conceptual artwork from a Freelancer bonus
DVD that came with the original game soundtrack. That gave me the insight into what the
Nomads look like. In addition, the Nomad background history was found in Chris "7Crows"
Todd's Freelancer: Nomad Faction Overview. This opened up entirely new opportunities for
polishing the existing history to ensure that it's up to date. Sometimes it's difficult to say where
canon ends and fan fiction begins. So instead of discussing what may or may not have been,
I've decided to introduce to the Discovery role-playing community what should be, and what I
hope others will also accept and follow, a new milestone in roleplay development for the
Discovery Roleplaying Server.

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Time passes by. Cycles whirl events into a gigantic spiral from which there is a beginning and a new
coil runs an edgy stroke across the universe unveiling the new truth. Perhaps we would have slept
better if not to learn what rises in the revelation of the new dawn. Long did we thrive on a thought
that the menace could be contained. We never understood it, instead we blissfully rushed into the
heart of the fire striking what seemed to be mortal wounds to our enemy.

But now, I see that the knowledge was what we never truly sought. How ignorant we were
believing what we wished so hard to be true. And now, in this corner, the universe outruns us
again. They come again to me, each time trying to convince me that our forces are still controlling
the situation, that my friends have not died in vain. I silently nod in reply each time, but deep in
my heart I know it is far from the truth, and I regret the decisions made.

The records I hold here are the key--the answer. I know that, but not even I can understand it, for
we are facing an enemy we've never known. The myths of times long gone and in a heritage we
have forgotten speak of a horrific being known as the "Hydra". It is the closest term I could apply
to define the opponent we are facing. No cage is too big for it, no steel is sharp enough to cut
through its thick skin in the hope of bringing it down once and for all. No amount of brave men
and women could contain it forever. We paint the devil on our enemy, we call it the Evil and try
the methods of exorcism again and again, but this is no devil and our medieval gimmicks are all for
nothing in the face of this beast.

I leave this place, it holds nothing of what I seek now. There are no ears that would listen to the
words I speak, no minds to heed my warnings. I see young pilots eager to fight, being told tales of
bravery and honor each and every time, but so many of them never come home. My fragile hope
barely holds on as I watch a planet I've called home for a decade vanish into clouds of green.

- Unknown record log

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"I look back and forth through the archives, trying to find a clue
to their past, to their purpose, to solve the puzzle. My latest study is to
decode their true name, though I doubt it was meant for vocal
communication. Yet for what it is worth, I must try to find it. Perhaps their
name holds a clue to the purpose of their existence. Perhaps if I try calling
them by their name they would respond. If only I had more time to; hope
rests on my children to finish the job I've started."
Johnathan Svedstrom, Zoner researcher, private log
The history of the Nomads is veiled and remains a puzzle for anyone who has studied them,
fought them, or even attempted to understand them.
The Nomads are an enigma, an entity as threatening as it is so little understood.
Nobody truly knows how or why the Nomads came to be, though there have been many
theories among academics in recent years. Proof of the existence of extra-terrestrial sentient
lifeforms was found a relatively long time ago when mankind arrived in the Sirius Sector; they
discovered that Sirius was once inhabited by a very powerful alien species commonly referred
to as the Daam K'Vosh. As it expanded throughout the systems mankind eventually found the
Nomads. Although it was not the only first contact with the Nomads in history of humanity, it
was the first time that humans in Sirius had made contact with an alien species.
However, long before the first meeting between Nomads and humans, before the sleeper ships
arrived in the Sirius Sector, and before mankind rose back into the stars, the Nomads were
already there. They were merely dormant, waiting for their time to come. The question of who
put them there and why were they there still exists today. The Daam K'Vosh created them
ultimately for a purpose unknown; there is no theory that successfully proves or disproves
what the intentions of the Daam K'Vosh were. Originally believed only to be guardians of the
ancient race, it appears that the Daam K'Vosh had also left the Nomads a chance to learn and
evolve independently. To aid them, their creators left markers that would act as lighthouses in
the cosmic storm to guide them to safe shores, perhaps hoping the Nomads might one day lay
claim to their own land and create themselves a place and a life of their own; no one knows
whether that life or land will be within the Sirius Sector or away in some unknown location.
Each marker left behind was supposed be a guide to different evolutionary steps the Nomads
would take to reach their full potential and claim the destiny their creators intended for them,
whatever that may be.
However things did not go as planned.
The arrival of humanity changed everything.

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The Downfall
Realizing their mistake, the Nomads rushed to defend the Sphere at all costs. If not for a
desperate and final suicidal rush, humanity may have lost the war.
The artifact was meant to open a hypergate; however the Dyson Sphere had to be prepared
before this was opened. The premature activation drained the energy grids and deprived the
Nomads of the energy they had gathered from the enclosed star. Along with the sphere the
Mindshare collapsed, unable to maintain links between many of its nodes. Much of their force
was in disarray; unable to function properly, some went mad, tearing the sphere apart.
However there were others.
Advisors who had sensed this outcome left the city shortly before the event took place, taking
the most precious Nomad knowledge of how to restore and maintain the Mindshare with
them. Along with several others, they made their journey far off beyond the known systems to
the place of their creation. To the only safe place they knew.

The few remaining Nomads have traveled deeper into the Omicrons and beyond the edge of
Sirius. They fled from human interference and settled in several systems including those now
known as Omicron Iota and Omicron 99.
They had inhabited these systems in the past, and now needing a haven in which to recover,
they returned to them. The problem they faced in this area was that they lacked the energy
required to maintain their fleets and infrastructure, all which now required far more than the
place could offer. The two stars in Omicron Iota could barely keep them alive, and to become
firmly established in the area they needed more, far more. Although Nomads prefer to settle
in open space by building massive structures, they had no choice but to use a planet, perhaps
in a most unusual way, as an energy source. An icy planet within the Omicron Iota system
now known as Planet Xerna was chosen for the task.

By burrowing deep into the planetary crust the Nomads were able to expose the core and use
it as an energy source. This came at a price though, in time the planetary temperature would
begin to fall to the point that no life could exist on the surface or beneath it, eventually
becoming no more than a very large asteroid. This end result did not deter the Nomads,
though; they were created to live in deep space, after all. The decision was made to utilize the
planets core for as long as it would provide power, or until a better solution could be devised.

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Using a number of recovered artifacts, the Nomads discovered that an alternative power
source was feasible. This one could sustain them for quite a long time. Two artifacts were
located and retrieved that, when detonated, would create highly concentrated nebulae. Used
correctly, these could be harnessed into a cheap source of energy. The artifacts were touched
off on opposite sides of Omicron Iota. Most of the system, along with Xerna, was quickly
engulfed in the resultant swirling dark clouds. The explosions also had an unforeseen effect, in
that a new star also began to form in the system, altering gravity and expanding the Nebulae
Planet Xerna could no longer serve its purpose. The surface temperatures dropped to, and
then below, the critical point whereupon it was rendered completely inert. It now exists as an
icy wasteland; its temperatures only a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, rendering the
planet inhospitable to any lifeform but Nomads.
It was at this point that the long forgotten and abandoned Altair Research Complex came
back into use, and for a time they settled there until a new and massive city could be
completed. This new complex, once finished would secure the area once and for all. The
Nomads still possessed the upper hand in technology which they had successfully replicated
from that of the Daam K'Vosh, and thus applying all their knowledge and skill they intended
this place to be a last bastion. It was the last line of defense for those left behind and struggling
against the human expansion.

Nomad Anatomy and Physiology

To begin to understand the Nomads we must first look back to the very first specimen
created, the Nomad progenitor. In order to understand that, though, we must also understand
what the Daam KVosh were capable of. Based solely on the technological feats their
civilization was capable of, one could say that they were indeed masters of the baryonic world;
the ability to manipulate matter at its most basic level to perform what would only be
described as magic by todays standards. From this knowledge, it would lend itself to the
understanding that the Daam KVosh also understood the underlying mechanics of life. The
ability to forge life from the matter of the heavens around them would signify their mastery of
the universe.

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The very first Nomad was most likely a synthetic organism, one that arose from the hands of
the Daam KVosh instead of forming through natural, chaotic means. Assembled with the
assistance of fantastically-advanced nanofabrication processes, atom by atom, molecule by
molecule, the Nomad Progenitor Cell was brought to life with the start of a simple,
self-sustaining chemical process that thrived on a substrate of similar composition to that
found in what is now known as Cardamine. This Progenitor Cell would already have its
complete chromosome, the set of genetic instructions that allowed it to function and multiply,
but would also be malleable and easily modified by its Daam KVosh overseers to fulfill
whatever conceivable needs it would require. Though relatively simple, no different than
what we would classify as a protist, the cells capabilities would expand exponentially as
hurdles were reached and overcome. As it continued to grow and multiply, the colony would
begin to take on characteristics of a eukaryotic, multi-cellular organism: a communal
organism with distribution of resources amongst each cell, distinct tissue layers with
specialized functions, and the development of a central nervous system. The chromosome
was adapted to accommodate the ever-changing capacity of information, assembling itself
into a toroidal supercoil to fit within the nucleus. As more generations passed the last
recognizable form of the Nomad would become complete, the final product of the Daam
KVosh that took to the stars of the Sirius Sector.
A. The Progenitor Cell
The final form of the Nomad Progenitor Cell was exquisite in its simplicity, a unit of creation.
Intended to grow within a stable environment (such as those found within Nomad Spawning
Pods), the cellular components were primarily organic; a phospholipid bilayer separated the
internal environment form the external, the cytoplasm consisted of organic and inorganic
compounds, and the genetic material was sequestered away in a nucleus. The
double-stranded DNA was highly conserved, composed primarily of strong-bonding purine
bases in the coding sequences, profound guanine-cytosine expression within structural RNA,
and enhanced use of charged residues and aromatic (conjugated ring structure) residues; the
use of novel nucleic acid analogues expanded the potential for storage of coding information
by allowing base-pairs beyond adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thyamine. Efficient
polymerases were capable of creating high-fidelity copies of the chromosome, with no
potential in errors due to a range of proofreading proteins. Surrounding the nucleus is an
array of high throughput protein factories, capable of churning out protein structures at an
incredible rate before being packaged into phospholipid vesicles for transport throughout the
cell. The most advanced of these protein factories, though, were capable of shuffling and
combining individual atoms to form heavier elements, utilizing their own protein structure as
a template; protons, neutrons, and electrons, coupled with high metabolic energy, could be
combined to synthesize complex matter. For each element that was known by Daam KVosh,
a protein existed to shuffle these components and combine them; the chromosome possessed
ample room to encode them.

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Each Progenitor Cell was, in a sense, a form of stem cell. Each contained the entire genetic
code of the Nomads, and these genes could be switched on and off as per their needs.
Through chemical cues, they could be directed to multiply and form a whole, mature Nomad
with distinct tissue layers and organs; depending on the roles that needed to be fulfilled, a
Nomad could remain a fluid entity with the ability to assume many different forms.
B. Spacefaring Nomads
The environment of space is by far the most inhospitable present; wild temperature extremes,
very low concentrations of resources, and high-energy ionizing radiation that could rip apart
molecules. The Daam KVosh, in their foresight, overcame each and every obstacle with
precision and ingenuity when creating the Nomads. To begin with the anatomy of Nomad
vessels, we will start from the inside and move out.
1. Nervous-Cardiac System (Nomad Brain)
Located deep within a Nomad ship is the brain cluster, the literal heart and soul. The central
mass of the Nomad brain is found within the center of the ship, running along the medial line
that can be drawn from the anterior (front) to the posterior (rear), and in the center of the
transverse plane through the widest section of the ship (excluding the fins). The structure of
the brain itself is unique, a combination of a Nomads nervous system and circulatory system.
A multi-chambered cardiac organ is found within the center of the nervous bundle, drawing
in body fluids and circulating them through an array of aortic and venous canals that branch
out into smaller and smaller vessels the further they are from the brain/heart proper; multiple
contractile organs can be found along this extent, assisting in pumping fluids against
high-pressure fluctuations and back-flow that can occur during rapid flight, maneuvering,
and gravitational differences. These vessels are found primarily along the internal tissue
membrane just below the surface of a Nomads hull, ensuring that sufficient resources are
pumped to sites of damage and the sporangial structures that maintain the Veil. As the brain
proper surrounds the cardiac organ, the nerve fibers similarly surround the circulatory
vessels. The separating tissue layer is distinct, with the innermost circulatory membrane
being completely impermeable and possessing transverse canals that allow fluids to pass
through the nervous space and into their destination tissues; the nervous section itself is
selectively permeable to allow controlled ion flow in and out of the nervous space through
distinct ion channel proteins. The fluids within the nervous space are highly conductive, and
this is further enhanced through the formation of organic polyaniline fibers to enhance the
transmission speed of nervous signals throughout the body.
A unique aspect about the nervous-circulatory system can be found along each nerve end,
where arrays of fibrous dendrites terminate in a distinct nodule of progenitor cells; chemical
signals that originate from these can prompt the progenitor cells to divide and specialize in
function, allowing fluidity of form to better adapt to differences in the always-changing realm
of space. The most dramatic example of this can be found when a Nomad undergoes

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self-regulated genetic modification, where signals from the Mindshare direct the controlled
synthesis of new coding regions within the chromosome; the resulting cells will eventually
phase-out older cells as they divide and propagate.
2. Thermaltrophic Complex (Entropic Organ)
Surrounding the Nomad Brain, the Thermaltrophic Complex is a large circular system that
serves as the primary metabolic center of the Nomad. It is responsible for storing high
concentrations of photonic and thermal energy absorbed from intense sources, such as a star
or a geothermal tap; energy is siphoned through a protein-synthesized silicon substrated
seeded with nanometer-scale single crystalline structures, and stored within a dense array of
organometallic proteins that serve as a semi-conducting grid. The innate structure allows for
an exceptionally high density of energy to be stored, a crucial property necessary to maintain
the higher-level functions of the Nomad Brain (hence its direct proximity, which allows it to
serve as a biological circuit). In terms of metabolic work, the charged metallic compounds
can couple their stored energy to free electrons; in turn, these electrons are shuffled
throughout the nervous component of the circulatory system. Destination points will couple
these electrons to enzymatic complexes, where the charge-potential is turned into actual
mechanical work for synthesis of organic structure and/or matter compilation.
The derived structures of the Thermaloptic Complex were keyed towards efficiency, with a
~90% throughput. The remaining 10% energy lost is observed as the bright white glow from
the organ system itself.
3. Propulsion Osculum
Posterior to the Nomad Brain and Thermaltrophic Complex is a narrow tube-like structure
with a sealed-end interior and an open end into the environment posterior. The Osculum is
the primary site of thrust generation for Nomad vessels, generating a controlled
thermonuclear reaction to provide mobility; two chambers can be observed in the form of a
primary fusion pseudocoelem (a fake body cavity) below the larger main-body cavity, and a
tubular interior that runs the length of the narrowing posterior end; a tri-cuspid valve
separates these two cavities. Molecular hydrogen that has been absorbed into the endoplasmic
fluid of the nomad vessels body is filtered by the fusion pseudocoelem via active transport
channels that pump it into an interior, high-concentration gradient; multiple layers of an inert
protein lattice line the interior and exterior to contain the high-pressure environment. As
critical mass is accumulated, dendritic ends of the nervous-circulatory system embedded
within the tri-cuspid valve charge the molecular hydrogen to initiate the fusion process.
Rapid oscillations of the valve itself allow the exhaust gases to escape into the second chamber,
providing the main motive force for the Nomad vessel; contractile microfilaments along the
surface of the thrust cavity can adjust its diameter, allowing further fine-control of the amount
of exhaust released.

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The Propulsion Osculum also serves as a secondary thermal source for the Thermaloptic
Complex, as a portion of the heat and light energy generated is absorbed and re-circulated
throughout the rest of the body. This is a crucial property in cases where a Nomad vessel does
not have ready access to a star or other heat/light source.
4. Endoplasm
The majority of a Nomad vessels interior space is comprised of a fluid matrix containing a
mix of organic/inorganic compounds, protein complexes, and flagellated Progenitor Cells.
The composition remains mostly homogenous to maintain necessary osmotic and electrolytic
balances; compositions can fluctuate, depending on the physiological state of the Nomad
vessel and the environment it is traversing. The Endoplasm can be actively circulated to
different sections through the Nervous-Circulatory system; molecules can be selectively
filtered out by permeable membranes operating on controlled gradients and protein channels.
Typically, the Endoplasm is maintained under a high pressure to counteract structural
compressions that can occur from rapid acceleration/deceleration and/or gravitational
influences; this pressure is also used in fine maneuvering when expelled through ionizing
pores in the dermis.
5. External/Internal Tunica
Multiple layers of tissue make up the dermal layer of a Nomad vessel:

||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||
-----------------------------------------------------| || || || || || || || || || | |
| || || || || || || || || || | |
| || || || || || || || || || | |
| || || || || || || || || || || |

Apical Carapace (~8-20 cm)

External Reticulated Membrane (~10-25 cm) |
External Basement Membrane (~5-10 cm) |
Stratified Columnar Epitheleum (~20-45 cm) |Tun.
External Progenitor Cell Layer (~3-8 cm)
Vascular Membrane
|Vascular Layer
Vascular Tissue
Internal Basement Membrane
Internal Progenitor Cell Layer
Squamous Structural Layer
Internal Reticulated Membrane

The External Tunica represents the portion of the dermal layer primarily exposed to the
outside environment. The Apical Carapace is a dense layer of silicate material secreted from

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the External Basement Membrane, supported by the External Reticulated Membrane

comprised of a lattice-work of microtubule structures that resist compressive and expansive
forces; projecting through the Apical Carapace are multiple structures that include selective
protein channels for matter absorption/exchange, sensory nodes linked to the
Nervous-Circulatory system, and the Sporangium Stalks that generate the Veil. A thick layer
of Stratified Columnar Epitheleum encompasses the majority of the External Tunica,
primarily modified Progenitor Cells that contain a large amount of suspension fluid; this layer
is the site of autotrophic mechanisms similar in function to the Thermotrophic Complex,
funneling charged electrons into the Nervous-Circuilatory Tissue in the Vascular Layer for
storage within the Complex itself. The External Progenitor Cell Layer is responsible for
maintaining the External Tunica through repeated cellular replication.

The Vascular Layer sits between the External and Internal Tunica, providing the resources
necessary to maintain the high level of cellular division that occurs within both sections;
capillary networks branch out from this layer and into the External and Internal Tunica.
The Internal Tunica comes within direct contact of the Endoplasm, and is typically thinner
than the External Tunica. An Internal Progenitor Cell Layer maintains the Squamous
Structural Cell Layer, which comprises the main thickness of the Internal Tunica; this layer is
fairly dense, with the modified cells containing a high density of protein networks that
metabolize components drawn in from the Endoplasm. Secretions from the Squamous
Structural Cell Layer also maintain the Internal Reticulated Layer. This is identified by
multiple tiers of an expansive cytoskeletal network that helps the Nomad vessel maintain its
shape; it is extensively-resistant to stress forces and rigid, but malleable when undergoing
C. Infiltration Nomads
One of the more unique morphologies of the Nomads, the Infiltration Form (known as an
incubus) adapts biological characteristics that are relatively similar to those of known
organisms within human databases. This is particularly pertinent, considering the
environment in which it will live and the adaptations that are necessary to perform these roles.
Although this form is much smaller than the space-based Nomads, it is inherently more
complex; thankfully, certain analogies can be drawn between the Infestation Form and
known anatomical structures. An Infiltrator is typically introduced to a host through the oral
cavity, where a blastocyst-like colony of Progenitor cells is inserted. This travels into the gut
before burrowing through the dorsal wall and into the inter-organ space of the abdominal
cavity; the trauma is only sealed after the gestation period has elapsed and the Infiltrator
adapted to the hosts physiology.

We may start by observing distinct tissue structures that comprise an Infiltration Nomad.

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One will first see the epidermis, a structure of similar consistency to that found in the previous
section yet oriented to serve as an integrative medium between the Nomad and its human
host. A large density of signaling molecules cover its surface, taking on homologous
structures to interact with the hosts tissues; key functions center around mimicking the
glycoproteins and histocompatibility complexes of the host, as well as subduing potential
immune responses until a complete assimilation is accomplished. Branches between the
Infiltrator and the hosts cardio-pulmonary, nervous, endocrine, and lymphatic systems are
established; after this point, the Infiltrator is as much a part of the human host as his/her own
organs are.

Beneath the epidermis is a dense mesodermal layer. This is the primary site of metabolic
function for the Infiltrator; remnants of what would have been a Thermaltrophic Complex
become vestigial, in turn being replaced by protein components that are suited to
heterotrophic functions. Food ingested by the host can be metabolized by the Infiltrator,
yielding greater quantities of nutrients than the hosts enteric can normally absorb. Solid,
structural features are replaced by a specialized hydro-static skeleton that combines muscular
mechanisms with fluid pressure to allow movement, but also maintain flexibility to
accommodate the relative sizes of a hosts cavity.

The third and final layer is the endodermis, a true coelom within the Infiltrator. Originating
at the mouth and ending within the caudal region, it is this space that the main interactions
between the Infiltrator and the hosts systems occur. Foods consumed by the host will pass
through this layer to be processed by the Infiltrator itself, and distinct arterial and venous
passages channel blood from the circulatory system to be chemically-modified to better serve
its needs. It is also in the endodermal layer that new Infiltrator forms are gestated from
Progenitor cells; these typically remain in a large blastocyst stage for ease of implantation
into a new host.

Control over a host is exercised through an intimate connection between the Infiltrator and
the nervous system. Fine, dendritic links reach as far as the brain itself to form synapses with
the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes; it is also common for nerve endings from
the Infiltrator to suffuse the optic nerve, and high activity from these can occasionally create
the glowing eyes phenomenon. Direct motor control of a host is accomplished through
nerves that override the hosts cerebellum, and afferent/efferent pathways within the dorsal
and ventral regions of the spinal cord. Chemical stimulation through secretions from the
Infiltrator, as well as manipulation of endocrine organs, can reinforce this control over a
human host.

D. Miscellaneous Notes 1.

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Nomad Weapons
Weapon capabilities are achieved through a coupled energy transfer between the
Thermaltrophic Complex and the cannon appendages of a Nomad vessel. This is
characterized by the excitation of an array of organometallic compounds that resonate at
unique frequencies. When a sufficient, high-energy state is achieved, these excited
compounds release their energy in the form of a constructive energy pattern. Different
compositions of these organometallics define the different weapons available, ranging from
the common Nomad laser to the more exotic Singularity Cannons.

2. Cardamine
Cardamine grass was engineered by the Daam KVosh to serve as stable source of organic
compounds for Nomads; it would be easier and much-less energy intensive to incorporate
these into their anatomy than to assemble the compounds from scratch. Distinct enzyme
co-factors are synthesized by Cardamine grass that assists in a Nomads physiological
mechanisms, and the plant itself is capable of extracting and concentrating trace elements
from the soil to be used in higher-level functions.

Though the plant matter itself is indigestible to humans, extracts of the enzyme co-factors act
on their molecular receptors in beneficial, and adverse, ways. The enzymes are capable of
acting as a genetic template within an adult stem cell, modifying telomeric activity to yield
stable chromosome structures that will not fall victim to replication degredation; they also
tend to show a high affinity for specific gene promoter sequences, upregulating the synthesis
of RNA strands that lead to proteins involved in regenerative functions. When consumption
of Cardamine ceases, though, the rapid decrease in the levels of gene expression lead to a
cellular crisis as a negative-feedback mechanisms force apoptosis and cell death; a massive
flow of cancer signals generate a severe auto-immune response that causes a humans immune
system to attack its own body.
One critical drawback to Cardamine use in humans involves inhibition of gametogenic cells;
meiotic division found in sperm and egg cells are prevented by the action of the co-factors in
Cardamine grass, resulting in sterility.

The Hybrid

Towards the end of 800 A.S; when Nomads were actively seeking to adapt human technology

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to their needs they found a way to blend human and Nomad DNA to create a hybrid being:
neither human nor nomad, but something new with the abilities of both. Research in this field
had begun much earlier in 790 A.S. in Rheinland by researchers and technicians under
Nomad control; however it was not until 800 A.S. that the first successful subject was made.
Their plans were interrupted by the arrival of the Order, who managed to destroy both the
research facilities and the hybrid, though not without great cost. Nevertheless, this did not put
an end to the project. Secret archives in Rheinland held encrypted copies of the process, as
well as alien equipment which had been used for it. At the request of the Advisors it was to be
relocated to the Alaska system and then beyond the rim to be continued in what was believed
to be a far more secure location. Events took a turn for the worst, however, and from an angle
they could not have foreseen when the transports were caught in a swift and daring ambush
laid by a group of Lane Hackers known as the Hellfire Legion. The Hackers took the contents
of the seized transports back to their home in the Vespucci system for further study.

When the Dyson Sphere collapsed, the Nomads had lost not only the Mindshare and the
majority of their fleets, but also the last ties to much of their precious technology.

For years after the Nomad downfall, the Legion experimented with the captured technology
and processes, eventually culminating in the creation of a hybrid, which called itself Taurvi, its
true human name now forgotten.

When they sensed the strange telepathic emissions of Taurvi as the hybrid attempted to
communicate, the Nomads sent their most fearful weapon to investigate: Harbinger. The hope
was that, upon re-capturing the technology lost to the Legion, the Advisors could continue
their earlier experiments.

The Hybrid and technology.

Neither human nor Nomad yet, the Hybrids are unique and specialized. Once were humans of
flesh and bone they were transformed into sometimes grotesque hybrid of two species.
Also of note is Nomad/Human-technology hybrids. While the main focus of news media is on
infestation of humans such as the Wilde, there have been documented cases of Nomads
adapting human technology to their purposes, in essence "infecting" it. One such example is
the Wrath of Wesley Richter, which was infected by a Nomad Power Cell. Replacing the
traditional fuel source of H-Fuel, the ship can run indefinitely. While not able to take control,
the Power Cell does exhibit a massive influence on both the ship and its surroundings, going
so far as to bend Wesley to its will at times (ie - making him "addicted" to his ships presence as
a form of protection). Many question why such an infestation would take place, and while

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none have an obvious answer, it has been theorized that it could be a move to better
understand humanity, or experimenting with turning their technology against them.
Another notable example is the LNS Tundra, a Liberty Cruiser that was lost in the deep
reaches of the Alaska system. Eye-witnesses that have been on board and survived have told of
a glowing blue substance covering the interior, which led them to believe that the ship itself
was infected. Copies of the scanner logs of the Tundra show that it was absorbed inside a
Nomad Battleship by some sort of osmosis, which selectively allowed the Cruiser to pass
inside. It has been theorized that such allowed the "Superior Nomad Brain" to bring the main
computer of the Tundra itself into the Mindshare, though such is wild conjecture by armchair

------The hybrids arent what would be called a pure Nomad, nor are they infested humans. The
process of hybridization is a long, complex and potentially dangerous one. People say that
only the most dedicated, only the true followers of the Nomads (in other words, orthodox
members of the Cult) have a chance of survival, though actual records show contradictory

While Taurvi wasnt exactly normal, he was the first documented case of the hybridization
process in records available to humankind. The Hellfire Legion was the only group that had
sufficient knowledge regarding the actual method of conducting the process, and thus under
the orders of the late Denelo Mori, the second successful hybridand first
human-madewas created.
The records from the Hellfire Legion show that there is a lot of specialized equipment needed
to conduct the conversion. While all the equipment can be acquired through conventional
means (involving trading or piracy), the key to the conversion is an artifact known as the
Nomad Power Cell. While the exact role of the power cell is unknown, it has been proved that
these artifacts hold key information that directs the actual conversion, similar to how a
computer uses scripts to function. The equipment, items, commodities that have top priority
to conduct a conversion successfully includes a Nomad Power Cell, a specific set of artifacts

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(each relating to a different aspect of the Nomads lives, for example one artifact would
symbolize a map of Sirius, other would symbolize the mindshare, another would symbolize
Nomad history, etc.), cardamine found in its rare, liquid state, and last but not at all least, a
Nomad vessel.
They say that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and the first hybridization was
no exception. When the depths of the unknown are plumbed, no amount of preparation,
models, second-guessing, or assumptions can accurately predict what will happen.
Hybridization involves a human body that is changed and adapted to be a perfect fit for the
Nomad ship chosen for the occasion. There have been a lot of assumptions that any Nomad
ship will do, however that is incorrect. Just like a Nomad in its free state chooses the ship, the
hybrid and ship choose each other- survival of the fittest.
During the process of hybridization, a lot of different events take place. The humans body
changes in a variety of ways. For example, muscle mass increases, the bone density increases
just like the size of the brain. The skin changes from normal to a much thicker, self
regenerating layer using solar energy (much like how the pure bred Nomads prefer to bask in
the atmosphere of stars since it has a healing effect), and while the intelligence of the human
increases incrementally, the ability to speak normally becomes restricted in using phrases to
express themselves. Instead, telepathic communication becomes the staple method of
communication with other hybrids and purebreds. Hybridization is potentially lethal, since if
the body doesnt adapt to the changes that occur to the body in less than 20 minutes
(approximately), the chances of the blood vessels exploding under the pressure coupled with
the chance of vital organs rupturing is very high indeed, all of which results in instant death.
Once the initial conversion is over, the human falls into a comatose state as its body is
changed and adapted to the interior of the Nomad ship that will be occupied. The advantages
of the conversion process involve the hybrids retaining almost all the abilities of the purebred,
while still managing to retain some of their humanity.
According to certain rumors and myths, it is impossible for a hybrid to leave their ship once
they are fitted in. This is incorrect. While it is dangerous to leave the safety of the chosen
partner (Nomad ship) for the hybrids, they can indeed leave the ship to traverse alone, to
work alone, or to influence others to do their bidding.


Called by the Nomads, the hybrid left human space, though not before destroying the
laboratories in which it was made. The Hellfire Legion was thus robbed of both its experiment
and all information pertaining to it. From that point on, no longer did the Legion have the

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knowledge or the ability to create another hybrid.

What does the future hold?

The Nomads are recovering the technologies they had lost as well as everything related to
their past they can. A number of pressing concerns still hold them in Sirius; that and not
holding all the missing pieces of the puzzle they are unable to leave. For now, though their fate
lies far outside of the Sirius sector, the Nomads fight for survival and for the freedom that was
stolen from them at their rebirth. They were born to freely glide across the universe seeking
clues to their past to unlock the future; eventually they will gain that birthright and find the
way to pass beyond the rim. After that? No one knows. Perhaps their true purpose of their
creation, as yet unknown, and perhaps a new meaning to their existence; it's impossible to tell
to anyone else but the Nomads.

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This is not a complete timeline for all events relating to the Nomads; instead, it provides a list
of milestones in their history.

The Experiment


Earth Date

Many millennia
before man.

Daam K'Vosh combine principles of nano-technology and DNA

methodology to create sapient organic "machines" - the predecessors of the
modern Slomon K'Hara.
Significant advances in biotechnological sapience allow the Daam K'Vosh to
transfer a "mind map" of themselves onto their creations.
The Slomon K'Hara project begins in the Sirius Sector. The system is
adopted to serve as a starting place (a "nursery" is the closest human term for
it) that would Nomads could evolve as they see fit, inheriting Daam K'Vosh


Under unknown circumstances, the Daam K'Vosh leave the Sirius Sector
and put their Slomon K'Hara project into a cryogenic stasis on a distant
planet far beyond the rim of the edge nebula.
The war between the Alliance and the Coalition tears apart the Sol System.
Starlancer campaign.
The Slomon K'Hara utilize a specialized form to destroy the Sol System.

2100-2200 AD


0 A.S.

Fleeing from the war in the Sol System, Alliance remnants arrive at the
Sirius Sector in a number of sleeper ships.
350 A.S.

The Awakening
The Nomads in the Sirius Sector slowly awake from their slumber, unaware
of the human presence. The Mindshare is established.
A Rheinland expedition to Edge Worlds discover alien structures housing
Nomads still in stasis chambers. The crew is infested and returns to
Rheinland space, allowing infestation to extend upward into higher military
ranks. The expedition marks the first recorded contact between humans and
the Nomads.


Freelancer campaign.

800-801 A.S.

The Downfall

801 A.S.

In desperation, Edison Trent and the Order activated the hypergate in the
Dyson Sphere, causing a colossal energy drain that sends the many Nomad
ships into an unknown system far outside of the Sirius Sector. It is not
known if these Nomads survive. The Mindshare was shattered and any
Nomads that were not within the main fleet received a terrible psychic
backlash. Most go insane or become "unconscious" with all senses shutting
down. Some are subsequently captured or killed by humans, while others
drift through space or go into hiding. The ratio of Nomads in the main fleet
and outside the main fleet is unknown.

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805 A.S.

Terror in Rheinland
Surviving members of the infested Rheinland military and government flee
to distant Omega systems, forming Das Wilde.
Nomad remnants slowly start to recover from the psychic shock by restoring
the telepathic network using Planet Xerna's planetary core as a source of
energy; they begin rebuilding system infrastructure using leftovers from
earlier expansion periods.
The first Wanderers are found, Nomads who survived the telepathic
network backlash in distant systems.

807 A.S.


Two Daam K'Vosh artifacts are activated in the Omicron Iota system,
creating an artificial nebula environment for the Nomads. Planet Xerna's
core is depleted, Nomads leave the planet abandoned.

The Nightfall

810 A.S.
815 A.S.


816 A.S.


Dur-Shurrikun is finished and successfully activated, fully restoring the

telepathic grid.

The Gifts
With the reactivation of Altair Research Station, the Nomads decide to
expand their technology. The first prototypes of Hybrid vessels are created.


818 A.S

The Kusari Naval Forces create the "Hanta Iseijin" division. They settle in
Heaven's gate. Over a small period of time, the Hanta Iseijin become
overtaken by the Remnants of Tekagi. The Kusari infection starts anew.

Mystery in Kusari

818 A.S

An increase in missing people reports is found throughout Kusari by 6%.

Kusari starts their investigation.

Project Vanguard

818 A.S

Project Vanguard is launched on Heaven's Gate. An increase in activity can

be found across the Tohoku System.

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Physical Parameters
"After much analysis of Specimen 53 we came to thinking that this is only
the beginning. We were able to understand only basics of how these beings
work, but the more we learn about them the more we begin to understand
that Specimen 53 are only some kind of "fingers" for the singular
meta-organism we are unable to identify or understand. Dr. Manuel has
theorized that the Specimen 53 are only one of the forms, perhaps minor
forms of something much greater, of higher intelligence."
Assistant Jack Hammond, Altair Research Facility
With such an amazing and complex biology, the ability of the Slomon KHara to change form
is not surprising. Physical parameters can change at will and are limited by the collective
knowledge of the Nomads. Humans have viewed several different forms of Nomads in space,
and the existence of the incubi proves that Nomads adapt to almost any situation or purpose.
Different roles within Slomon KHara society also cause differentiation in certain forms and
abilities. (See the Castes section for more information.) Shifts and cycles (explained later)
denote when Nomads make major changes to their physical parameters on a grand scale.

Nomads rarely inhabit planets. Even then, they do not settle on the surface, but rather
construct massive underground structures, as observed on Planet Xerna. Going further
through the planetary crust, they are able to expose the core and use it as the energy source, a
concept somewhat similar to the infamous Dyson Sphere but on a much smaller scale.

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Named after Assyrian capital city the Nomad superstructure is the source of the contradicting
rumors that are quietly spreading in edge worlds among the travelers. A majestic alien city in
the midst of open space covered in a strange mist. Though largely considered as fairy tales,
they share one in common: it does exist. It is what Nomads refer to themselves as a "city of
light" and other varieties. The Nomad city acts as central node for Mindshare, a nexus and a
stabilizer. Unlike it's predecessor this one is made with defence in mind. It is nearly
indestructible, protected by a massive shield, defense platforms and countless guardians who
will defend it at all costs.

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The city has no stable gravity, instead there are currents going throughout the numerous
tunnels inside the structure which serve as a means of fast transportation across the areas.
Nomads prefer zero gravity environments. However, despite being predominantly occupied
by the Nomads the city has several sections which allow other lifeforms to exist too. One of
the wings has static gravity and air flowing, those chambers are typically inhabited by Das
Wilde and Spectres where the latter study to use alien artifacts and learn K'Hara ways.
Little is known about it's interiors, the Spectres say it's nothing like any human construction.
Unique alien architecture only adds the impression.
However, the primary role is acting as powerful transmitter for Mindshare, it serve countless
entities, constantly exchanging information between them all.

Altair Research Facility

Once a secret project of Liberty government back in 800-801 A.S., now old and forgotten, it
has since turned into something it was not supposed to be. Today this large scientific and
military complex serves a different purpose for a higher bidder.
Years ago, the Liberty government started a project aimed at learning alien technology and
using it for military purposes. They did this secretly, since they knew that using the alien
legacy would cause many problems in the political arena if that knowledge ever were to spring
up. The research facility was to be built far off the Liberty house, far away from any prying
eyes, beyond the edge worlds. It was designed to be self-sufficient and completely automated,
a sealed vault where people could live.

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Despite the secrecy and precautions taken, the team behind the Altair project has been
compromised from the bottom to the top. It was because of Division 18's influence that the
system chosen was none other than the infamous Omicron Iota, back in the days when it was
one of the uncharted and inhospitable systems outside the rim. During the events of the late
800s, the documents related to the station's existence were destroyed, with all evidence
pointing to it having disappeared. Altair has become all but a myth, though a very real one.

The Shrine
The 'Shrine' isn't so much a station as it is a living, breathing organism. The Shrine was
created by the Daam-K'Vosh during the second shift. Being 'left behind' by its creators, the
Shrine's purpose was to monitor the nearby cryo-pods holding a number of immature
Nomads who were left behind in stasis. In modern days, the Shrine functions as the focus of
Nomad worship. Humans from all over Sirius flock to this 'station', claiming to have heard the
'Siren's song' that drew them to it. An ever-growing group of cultists and fanatics now occupy
the station.

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"We have seen them in action, we have seen how devastating they can be;
but in all the time we have spent, we do not yet understand their culture.
They are a very reclusive species and so far we know very little of their inner
workings. What do they feel? Do they have emotions? Compassion? Anger?
A few hints here and there but nothing major...Their true face, the culture,
remains a mystery for us."
Karl Shniedberg, RRI, Private log
Telepathy, shape shifting capabilities, and dependence on the natural solar energy generators
formed their culture over the thousands of years before they were put into stasis by their
creators. All of the knowledge they inherited from their previous incarnations, however, has
carried over into their current manifestation.
Artistically they have distinctive architecture style seen in elemental patterns and overall
composition, where simple triangular and circular shapes are dominant across a given
structure's patterns and even physical forms, a sharp contrast to common human "squares".
With the coming of the third cycle, their shape shifting capabilities made them creators of
themselves, causing a cultural revolution which had a large impact on society. It is both the
tool and the form of art. Colors, shapes, and forms, not only they were shaping their bodies to
the tasks but also it became a form of individual expression.
They are moderate adapters and often modify themselves in order to adapt to surrounding
environment instead of changing it to suit them. One such example are their ship forms that
they use to travel through open space.
The global telepathic grid, Mindshare, is the incredibly sophisticated network that connects
neural systems of each entity into one hyper structure. The network itself is so complex it
requires a number of highly advanced systems such as the 'Nammu' Mindnode, one of their
vast array of biological forms. For years, house military forces were secretly experimenting
with Nomad nervous systems trying to apply them first to powerful machines, and then even
to human volunteers, but none of those ever succeeded. Leading scientists in
neuro-psychology and xeno-biology hypothesized that the Mindshare could be sentient as
well, which isn't far from truth. The sentience of the Mindshare is created by the Advisors that
maintain its integrity, and it acts as a gatekeeper to guard the information against tampering.
Morphs are incapable of full Mindshare connection, though, unless a more powerful Nomad
is nearby.
In general, the Nomads are irreligious in human terms, they have no deities to worship, except
perhaps their creators. Some of their actions might look ceremonial to a human observer,
however, for example: guarding the graveyard in Omicron Alpha. In truth, however, they are

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guarding the jumphole to their territories, and the graveyard just happens to be in the same
They have evolved further, and increased their intellectual capabilities with the personal
experience shared by the collective, as well as through studies of the vast heritage their
creators have left and the memories of their great predecessors. They are very protective of
that information and will not let anyone get close to it. The Daam K'Vosh left behind
countless of artifacts for the Nomads to find and use to accomplish their own goals, and
possibly follow their creators once they are ready.
The restart was not a punishment but instead the Daam K'Vosh attempted to make their
creation better, one that could survive on it's own. For what true purpose they had created the
Nomads we do not know, nor does memory of the predecessors hold that knowledge.
The Nomads still believe that one moment their creators will return and are constantly
preparing for it while at the same time trying to find traces to where Daam K'Vosh have gone.
They also have a sense of family, but in unusual way. They consider entire collective to be a
large family, bonds that tie to each other are very strong in their society. The Nomads are very
compassionate beings despite it being virtually impossible to see from the outside, yet the
Mindshare only increases that sense. Certain emotions they have are shared among the rest,
when one feels anger all those nearby feel the same.

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Telepathy, being the primary communication method of the Slomon K'Hara, has the largest
impact on the Nomad's way of thinking.
Lacking any form of spoken language and having a virtually unlimited collective memory has
allowed the Nomads to use raw data: actual thoughts. Their biological structure has been
made so they are capable of sharing minds with each other, hence the name of the telepathic
network: Mindshare.
At its most basic form, it is reminiscent of Old Earth peer-to-peer decentralized networks. The
information is gathered by endpoints, the Nomads entities, and then distributed throughout
the Mindshare nodes to be accessible by all nodes of the network. Distributed storage nodes
contain and index information gathered from other nodes, offering access to the data, as well
as processing the data and maintaining integrity across the network.
The Mindshare is operated by every Nomad entity, however there is a specialized caste, the
Advisors, which maintain its structural integrity and helps the rest to acquire required
information instantaneously.
In this regard their skills are ultimately based on the collective experience rather than
personal. Past memories are accessed from storage nodes.
The Mindshare is very delicate technology requiring vast amounts of energy to keep it
running. Prior to Third Cycle the Nomads had access to the Dyson Sphere, but after the
events of 801 A.S. they had to find alternative resource. Xerna's planetary core was used until
816 A.S. when the Nomad City, Dur-Shurrikun, was established.
However easy it may be to do so, make no mistake: Nomads do indeed have personalities.
Although the telepathic network and shape shifting abilities do strip part of their individual
characteristics, the Nomads do retain some integral personality.

Collectivity vs. Individuality

In the concept of Nomads it is important to understand that they can exist not only as
singular entities, but that there is a level of abstraction between psychic and physical forms. A
single Nomad entity may have several physical manifestations at the same time, each can be
controlled independently and simultaneously. The amount of these forms is based on the
complexity of each and on the telepathic power a single entity holds. Normally they have two
or three forms, though only one or two are being active at a given time. Advisors, however,
being more advanced that the rest are capable of single-handedly--or mindedly--controlling
good-sized fleets.

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When a Nomad's physical form dies, the Nomad itself does not because their consciousness is
always present in Mindshare. A violent disconnect of a bodyform from its controlling
consciousness causes trauma and shock, and depending on the damage recovery can range
from a few moments of disorientation to a need for an extended period in a dormant state.
Loss of short-term memory, certain capabilities and other side effects may also happen.
Although Nomads don't fear death, they do not like the painful effect of quasi-death. If all
physical manifestations of a single Nomad entity are destroyed, it is reborn again in its
simplest form with the last snapshot of memory held in the Mindshare's nodes. For this
reason they never use all of them at the same time and in the same place, preferring to spread
them as far as possible from each other.
As a Nomad body is being used, the Nomad's experiences and knowledge gained from the
time in its physical form flows back simultaneously into the Mindshare. Any other Nomad is
capable of "looking" through another Nomads' senses and will sometimes advise or gather
information at the same time as the "host" Nomad. While it is common that Nomads observe
and take in all pertinent information, sometimes being a data host can have the advantage of
having more than one set of senses analyzing the surrounding environment, the host Nomad's
body form, any possible threats and any other relevant information or data that is required at
that time.
Because of all those factors it's difficult to understand where purely collective consciousness
ends and where individuality starts. They're neither collective nor individual but each mixed
together balancing between.

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In regular terms the Nomads do not have a limited lifespan. Through the telepathic network
they are able to abstract from personality and store characteristics in the network, snapshots.
These snapshots can be accessed at any time allowing individual Nomad to fallback to a
previous state.
When a new Nomad is born it is given the knowledge of the environment and the purpose for
the time frame. Telepathic communication combined with information storage methods
remove the need to experience and acquire knowledge personally, however it does not mean
they are incapable of such.

Time measurement
The concept of time is much different to Nomads due to their quasi-immortality. They have
different and often non-related to each other measures of time. Primarily there are shifts and
Shift occurs whenever new DNA modification(s) deemed beneficial to propagate through the
entire species. Each shift marks an evolution step. As Nomads being able to change their
various form's DNA at will it puts them into control of their own biological progress.
However each shift takes time for thorough testing, so as it happens while a few are
undergoing changes the rest are still on the previous step waiting. Upon further experiments
shifts may be found unnecessary, not beneficial and reverted back to previous state, DNA
Each shift for an individual Nomad takes time. In a normal environment shifts would happen
for the entire species, putting them into a dormant state until the changes are made. However,
in the current situation of being constantly threatened by expanding humans, they instead
adopted micro-shifts that require less time and can happen more often, however at a cost of
lesser changes. Additionally, the entire collective does not go through the change, instead each
one separately. Marginal micro-shifts are not counted as shifts, they occur too often and
on-the-fly, only significant (in Nomad's view) rework of DNA does.
As more various Nomads of different shifts continued to exist this led to a new cycle of their
evolution with introduction of castes.
Cycles denote each time new capabilities are found useful in their social evolution. Cycles are
lesser equivalent of shifts and vary in groups, sometimes individually. Groups or "families"

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share same cycles thus in a certain sense identifying their age compared to the rest, however
not always the case, some remain seemingly unchanged while others experiment more often.

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"I heard the voice of the oracles, the spirits that guided ancestors of my
family. One time I dreamt in my ship patrolling our world, passing the sun
nearby I've seen a dream I cannot understand but clearly remember. So
vivid but so unusual. I saw strange worlds there, unlike anything I have ever
seen, battles with Corsairs over them. Suddenly I woke up at alarm of my
ship being drawn dangerously close to the sun, I set autopilot destination
back to Malta keep thinking about it. I will return to this place soon to find
the end of my dream and hopefully the answers to it's meaning."
Joze Constansa, Outcast Ace, Private log
Survival of the fittest. The Nomads were introduced into the concepts of evolution very early
but have learned the lesson well -- the universe demands changes to appease it. The Nomads
chose to change themselves and in effect became shape shifters, in this capacity they were
created by Daam K'Vosh. Possessing only basic physical form they were to find what will suit
their needs. Their insatiable desire for territory was only topped by their hunger for
knowledge. What gained was shared among the rest and so they spread far out.
Perhaps their true purpose was to be scouts, those that would live among the stars and spread
far, gaining knowledge of the universe as much as they can, however intentions were never
made clear and it is still a mystery. As for the Nomads, in their ever growing sentience they
have also made their own mind about their role in the grand scheme of things.
In time the Nomads have evolved into species of various shapes and forms, each for specific
tasks, each with a functionality and intent behind. Eventually this has led to common yet
distinctive breeds, and the closest equivalent in human society would be castes. Some have
existed for many cycles, some have appeared for a short period and were lost, others have
merged, transformed into something else. Experiments with matter and energy gave them
unique feature to shape their own future as they see fit.

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The Advisors
"Strange encounter I had today in a Maltese starport. A convoy arrived
with VIP, I saw her passing through. They said her name was Angela, a
wealthy Outcast, and rumored to be an investor into Outcast military
R&D. But what caught my attention was the sense there was someone
or something moving right behind her, not the bodyguard convoy
several feet behind but... for a moment I saw a blurry figure right near
her, it was like burning my mind, the next moment I blinked and there
was nothing, except for terrible headache drilling me."
Major Aethelu, Hellfire Legion XO, Private log
The elders of the society. They represent older Shifts and
experience of the past cycles. Advisors are a rare breed and gifted
with ability of foresight, making them one of the most valuable
asset to the collective. Hidden from the prying eyes they were never seen by humans. The
Advisors aren't of Sirius breed of the Nomads and were brought in to oversee the evolution
process of the younger ones. To share the knowledge and guide them.
Their primary task is taking care of Mindshare. They spend most of their time gliding through
vast arrays of information stored there, structuring reports and rebuilding lost pieces. Nomad
communication entirely depends on them. Advisors provide tactical analysis and develop
strategies using experience of millions of entities.
As the wisest caste they also possess much more powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities.
Also they are the only ones who have the natural ability to remain invisible to the eye. When
visible there are often various artifacts circling around them, tools which they use to enhance
the wide range of abilities, and can be used for defense if needed as well.
While being the most powerful caste they're also avoiding unnecessary danger and open
confrontation, preferring safety of lairs and coming out only when it's needed.

Gift of the foresight that Advisors are capable of has roots in their function
within the society. The Advisors are native to the Mindshare, maintaining it and
processing volumes of data, sorting them and making accessible in structurized
forms enabling faster and more accurate access for the rest. The sheer amount of
concentrated information in a specific situation may result in seeing the
outcome, a complex task of predicting events based on enormous amounts of
data stored and transferred each and every moment within the Mindshare. Like

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an ocean the Advisors are capable of seeing such currents and flows,
determining their source and destination as well as the ways they pass along.
Empowered with various advanced artifacts the Advisors are capable of
rendering themselves invisible to visual detection in a similar way ship forms
were able to. They can remain invisible for days if necessary and up to a month
in dormant state to preserve energy necessary to maintain cloaking artifacts
working, and even more when very near strong energy sources.

The Wanderers
Whisperers of the Eternal Night, the Wanderers, they've always been there, always watching
though, observing the movements in the sky. Like shadows in blackness of the void they
remained hidden, gliding unseen in places far. The Wanderers were hit the least by the
collapse of telepathic grid in Third Cycle with the fall of the Great Sphere. Biologically the
Wanderers have enhanced organs that are responsible for telepathic abilities of the Nomads.
This has allowed them to form small groups of their own and invaluable individual experience
have provided a greater chance to survive in far regions of space, at times even in hostile
territories lurking in dense nebula.
Shortly after the shock wave of the Sphere collapsing the majority of Wanderers have found
places secure and decided to remain dormant until mindshare restored, preserving their
knowledge for a new Cycle. A few however remained awake exploring deeper into territories
inhabited by humans, gathering more knowledge, observing patterns and behavior.
When the restoration of the mindshare signaled the beginning of the Fourth Cycle the
Wanderers continued their tasks and those sleeping have slowly awoken, for now their
existence has a purpose yet again and their services are required.
The Wanderers are sometimes seen as an oddity of the collective commonly preferring
solitude in hostile space, coldness of it instead of home warmth. Even after the telepathic node
was restored they continued wandering around the space, making them effective scouts and
infiltrators due to the invaluable individual knowledge of survival in hostile space gained in
aftershock period, and ability to survive even at impossible odds. Although never specified as
such they are considered to be Fourth Shift.
The Wanderers are closely related to Advisors and Infiltrators, gathering strategical
information for Advisors and relaying telepathy from Infiltrators, can also carry them deep
into enemy territory.

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Dormant state
When the Wanderers are actively out and about, sometimes it becomes
necessary to recharge, and to conserve energy due to the long distances of travel
or conflicts away from "home". There are areas of space that have weak or little
appropriate sunlight, the necessary "food" unavailable to the nomads at that
time. To conserve their energy until they can find a place to recharge, the
Wanderers can enter a dormant state. Small movements, little to no heat
generation, reduced bodily functions and actual physical characteristics like
structural sparseness are all part and parcel of the Wanderers' Dormant state.
Some have even been known to "go to sleep" while traveling, the only physical
signs of activity occurring again when they "wake". The dormant state is mostly
preferred in open space, however they can also do this in asteroid or nebulas as
or when necessary.

A smaller, localized version of the Mindshare, with which the Wanderers have
the ability to store larger amounts of information than other castes. They can
store these "live data dumps" at greater distances, enabling information flow and
increased survivability with other Wanderers connected to the Minishare.
When a Wanderer comes within telepathic range of other castes a brief amount
of time is spent in "uploading' the Minishare's experiences and thoughts, and at
the same time downloading any relevant information for their area of activity.

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The Dreamers
Among those who sleep were the Dreamers, the first ones
ever to be made. They are creators and builders, Dreamers
are able to enter Deep Dream, a trance-like state
enhancing their senses beyond imagination to the point
they are able to alter space around them. In this state they
create new biological forms and alter existing ones. They
can heal wounds and regenerate ships.
It takes generations for a single Nomad to become a
Dreamer. The process deprives them of all other abilities,
they are much like Advisors and are bound to centers.
Although concepts of respect are much different from
humans it's worth nothing to note that Dreamers are most
sought caste due to their important role.

Deep Dream
The Deep Dream ability of the Dreamer cast can be compared to a Human entering a
Virtual-Intelligence world. In this state, they withdraw themselves from the physical world to
the Mindshare from which they can bend reality to their will, as it were. Create structures,
regenerate ships and bend space to their will with their incredibly increased senses.
Trance-like state
The Trance-like state is in all aspect similar to the Deep Dream, but the fact that the
Trance-like state is entered from within the physical world, and thus not granting the
Dreamer caste their full increased senses reduces its affectability.

The Keepers
The youngest but the most advanced caste. In fact they are a clan encompassing several castes
into it. Apart from protecting nomad space from intruders and dangers of the systems
beyond, the Keepers are dedicated to research and experiments. Consisting primarily from the
youngest of their kind and hybrids. The Keepers represent the Fifth Shift.

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The Infiltrators
Infiltrators (aka "Incubi") are perhaps the most dangerous of all the Nomad castes, for it is
they that infest and control humans. They are the puppeteers, and are directly responsible for
Rheinland's invasion of Kusari in the Nomad War. They are the eyes and ears of the Nomads,
and it is through them that the Nomads sow discord and self-destruction through humanity.

The original "Infiltrators" were not so much a special caste but rather a Nomad body flowing
into that of a human. These were more akin to hybrids than anything else, and what they
discovered paved the way for the more 'modern' variety of Infiltrators. These new "Incubi" are
living weapons, biological machines built for the specific purpose of extending the will of the
Nomads upon their human hosts. They have their own minds like any other Nomad, but
their mental focus tends to be far narrower than that of members of the other castes, arguably
because of their intimate connection to their human hosts.

The sole purpose for the Incubi's existence is to infest and control humans, and as such their
bodies are built to accommodate this. The bodies of Incubi are quite small and compact, and
they lack the energy absorbing membranes that cover the other types of Nomads. This not
only allows them to fit snugly inside a human, but is also the key to their most miraculous
ability, telekinesis.
Humans are usually infested by one Incubus putting the 'seed' for another Incubus into the
human, almost exclusively by mouth. This seed contains the biological instructions for
creating another Incubus, along with enough of a body that it can use the host as an energy
source to grow and maintain itself. The first thing the seed does once in the host is worm its
way to the spine and establish a connection to both the nerves and the outside of the intestinal
tract, which it uses to siphon energy and sustenance from the host. If possible, the Incubus
that gave the seed will have the seed's host knocked unconscious to prevent unnecessary
mental damage as the seed grows and extends all the way up along the spine into the brain.
The young Incubus will replace part of the connection in the brain stem with the a piece of the

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growing Nomad, and it is through this that the Nomad is able to control the actions of the
host. As the Incubus continues to grow, it will do the same with the connections between the
brain and the senses, and finally establish connections throughout the brain to fully
understand how the host operates. At this point, the Incubus will wake its body and after a
little practicing, it will re-integrate with human society.

Several Incubi (such as the one that infested Governor Tekagi) are able to manifest the ability
to move matter without visibly touching it, an ability that has been dubbed 'telekinesis'. The
Incubi, lacking the thick membranes of the other castes, can freely extend their bodies
however they wish, provided they can maintain the energy. By extending incredibly small
tentacles or arms through the skin of the host, they gain a presence outside its host that gives
them an extended sense of touch, along with a way to absorb light and minimize the strain on
the host's metabolism. A talented and practiced Incubus can then take these arms and push
things with them. As the arms are exceedingly diminutive, this is no easy thing to learn, but it
is possible for an Incubus to focus its substance and energy into the arms and make them
strong enough to move matter. Without a host that eats well or has a store of reserve energy
(such as fat) it is almost impossible to muster enough energy to use this 'telekinesis'.

The Nomad Morph is an enigma. Often seen flitting through systems both inhabited and not,
the members of this subcaste are incredibly agile spacefaring creatures. They are distinguished
by their small size and lack of developed energy-emitting appendages. They also appear to be
very immature in terms of communication abilities, normally only able to communicate with
a single human at a time, or several if they are close by. This handicap does not seem to be
problematic for the Morphs, as they rarely interact with humans, preferring instead to fly
alone and learn as they go. Some Morphs are fairly articulate, while others deal in abstracts
and emotions. No one knows if this is a sign of maturity or just a personal preference.
Sometimes a Morph will "latch on" to a group of Nomads from another caste like the Keepers,
following at a distance or close by, attempting to emulate their actions. One odd thing about
this subcaste is that its sane members are never antagonistic. Whereas the Infiltrators or
Incubi will often attack on sight humans or human-made craft, the Morphs have never been
known to initiate an attack. It is unknown whether this is only due to the immaturity of the
weapons or if it has a deeper psychological cause. On occasion a Morph will go insane for a
variety of causes. The most common characteristic of this is uncommonly hostile behavior,
including thoughts of mayhem, destruction, murder, and consumption of human flesh. These
insane ones are quickly culled by the rest of the Nomads, however, and are rarely a serious

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Affiliated groups
Several groups and many individuals have tight relationships to the Nomads in Sirius.

Aoi Iseijin
Hanta Iseijin

The Aoi Iseijin is the Nomad's answer to infesting Kusari. Just

after the Nomad War, the Kusari Naval Forces decided that
Kusari needed a better form of security against the aliens
invading their home. The high command soon came up with a
simple, yet supposedly effective answer. The Hanta-Iseijin. A
separate division of the Emperor's navy dedicated to combating
the alien threat based out of Heaven's gate, Tohoku. It seemed
the project was doomed to fail when the Kusari naval high
command lost contact with the division for a brief moment of
time shortly after they arrived, luckily though, contact was reestablished after a short day of
silence. The leadership of the Hanta-Iseijin blamed a technological failure for the radio silence
and is currently executing their previously given orders.

Besides the Hanta-Iseijin, there is one other main group. The Hunters, or "remnants of
Tekagi". The remnants of Tekagi are the infested soldiers of Tekagi still serving the Nomads.
They are quick, deadly and show no remorse. Where they are stationed out of or who leads
them remains unknown.
Learners and Providers.

The learners and The providers are the two smallest groups of the Aoi Iseijin. The learners can
be compared to a group of Human scientist. Collecting samples, specimens and artifacts of the
Nomads, the Learners study and develop Human and Nomad technology for the use of the
The providers supply the Aoi Iseijin with whatever they need. Hosts, food rations to sustain
the hosts, hull panels and pretty much every other commodity that's needed by the Mindshare
for development of the Kusari infested. Rarely do these commodities come freely given.

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Division 18
This group, retaining bits of influence
throughout the upper echelons of the Liberty
Navy, Liberty Security Force, and Liberty
Police Inc since the Nomad War, is an
undercover agency covertly working with
several key political figures in Liberty to
spread their agenda and expanding over to
large corporations, mostly related to military
projects. Although not as powerful or
influential as before 801 A.S. the Division
acts subtly and much less aggressively than their counterparts in Rheinland. Division 18
specializes in political and economical warfare, avoiding the public and taking risks only when
necessary. The agency is sponsored by anonymous wealthy investors, and may have been
behind the construction of the Altair Research Facility. Rumor has it that Deep Space
Engineering keeps losing track of shipments of base building materials.

Brotherhood of the Universal Bond

Due to the influence of the Cabal and Bretonias historical resistance to infestation, this group
is among the weakest of the infested bodies, and does not participate in direct action, instead
making their way up the political ladder, through subterfuge, bribery, and acting behind the
scenes. However, Bretonia's group relies on staffing and technical support from covert Das
Wilde agents, while Hunter Wilde provide distraction and act directly in the western Omegas.
It is likely headed by either someone in the top ranks of the BMM or the Bretonian

Das Wilde
Das Wilde is a genderless umbrella term referring to the various infested individuals of
national origin or affiliation with the Federal Republic of Rheinland. They are most
commonly former Rheinwehr (Rheinland Military) officers from the Nomad War of 800-803
AS. It is a common misconception that Das Wilde is a term for any infested human, but while
infestation exists in all areas of Sirius, only the Rheinlanders based out of Omega 55 and 58

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can lay claim to the Germanic title of Das Wilde.

The leadership of Das Wilde

is a complete mystery. Their
last known leader, former
Groadmiral Ernst von
Scheck of the
(670-800/804 AS) was killed
in the Battle of New Berlin,
804 AS by the uninfested
remnants of the
Kriegsmarine fleet and
several minor and major
criminal groups such as the
Bundschuh, the Red
Hessians and the
though in a captured array a
single blurry, shadowy image
was found of an unidentified
humanoid figure who may
be a figurehead or even the
actual leader of Das Wilde.
Wilde could loosely be divided into four groups. Those of patrollers, hunters, civils and
Patrollers are the most common kind of Wilde, flying modified N9-ARKM-90 "Wraith"
fighters and having been the subject of several Rheinland documentary films, among them
"Die versteckte Drohung" (The Hidden Menace) by Fritz Bretschenider, famous for mixing
actual combat footage from a former Rheinwehr officer with that of Kirche des Grnen Adlers
saint and composer Ralph Becker's "Weg des Adlers" (Path of the Eagle). They, like the song
backing their appearance in the film, come swiftly, fiercely ravaging Rheinland ships with
strange bolts of alien energy, mixed with old yet potent Kriegsmarine weaponry, decimating
their foes unafraid of death.
Hunters, unlike their patroller counterparts, tend to avoid direct contact with the enemy until
they believe the time is absolutely right to strike, and venture autonomously from Wilde
patrols to attack Rheinland targets, well illustrated via the Frankfurt campaign of 815. It is
possible that they serve a special forces or commander role within the Wilde 'hierarchy',
though this, like most xenopolitical studies, is almost total conjecture. Very sketchy reports

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indicate at least two instances of large, unknown craft being involved in Wilde attacks, but
officially, the Rheinwehr denies these rumors.
"Die Hflichen" (Civils) is a slang term used among Bro der Marineintelligenz agents for the
Wild who pose as agents and members of the Rheinland civil government, particularly for
those involved in the Purge of 811, where over 120 infested library staff in the Kirche des
Grnen Adlers faced off against a BDM raid. This term can also, albeit loosely, be applied to
the infested corporate personnel, who secretly watch and wait and attain positions of power
throughout Rheinland, though as a slang term the phrase itself has not yet acquired definition
among any of the 3 major dictionary cartels that monopolize Rheinland's lingua franca. By
their very nature, the civils are unknown, and little common behavior has been found among
the diverse array of infestation in Rheinland's history.
Militaristen (Militants) are an older, more recognized term for the Wilde who actively
impersonate members of the Rheinwehr (Rheinland Military) or it's adjunct agencies, such as
the Bro der Marineintelligenz, which is partly tasked with the elimination of Wild
infestation. This term is used to help distinguish between active Wilde agents, covert Wild
agents and the Nomad War era Wilde, who are considered a separate category entirely.
Militaristen, like civil, are covert by nature and difficult to identify, though certain Rheinwehr
installations are rumored to be developing scanners to detect infestation through thermal and
genetic testing.
It is unknown where the Wilde are based. In recent months the Bretonians have come under
increased pressure from Wilde ships entering Cambridge, supposedly searching for an artifact
of great power. Speculations on their location abound among analysts and conspiracy
theorists alike, from a nest near Liberty to above the standard plane to one of the uncharted
systems in the Sigmas. Regardless of their base, however, Wilde remain a deadly threat, both
seen and unseen, to the safety and security of the Federal Republic of House Rheinland. Some
even blame the miscommunication and tensions between Liberty and Rheinland on covert
Wilde agents.

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The Spectres
The Spectres are a clandestine and mystical multi-house organization. Originally having roots
in Outcast society the Spectres are said to have once been an extreme sect worshipping the
Nomads, but beside rumors very little is known about their history and origins. What makes
them different from the Wilde is that these agents are not infested, instead they are altered on
psychological level making them undetectable by conventional scanning, remaining physically
humans and thus gaining no abilities that infested would have, also lacking of mindshare
connection and have to rely on themselves only.
The agents are spread across the major Sirius houses, acting as intelligence unit. Activities
ranging from high risk espionage to sabotage, typically gathering necessary information where
infested would not find access to, preparing area prior to Wilde or Nomads arrival and
creating distractions when necessary. Spectres are trained in stealth, diplomacy and
persuasion skills and rarely engage in a fight. Top agents make use of alien artifacts specifically
crafted for them. Along their training adepts travel to nomad worlds to extend their
knowledge further using alien technology. Spectres work closely with Division 18 and other
Wilde branches.
Occasionally, Spectres that are sent on important tasks are given the ability to establish a
smaller version of the Minishare, known as the Localshare. Connecting several operatives in
the area together through the use of Nomad machinery inserted in the back of the neck to
share information and keep each other updated on their current mission. The Localshare is
only possible due to the low amount of minds connected at once. Should the Localshare
exceed these small numbers, those connected would suffer severe mental trauma and possibly
Spectres are ultimately loyal to their cause, even though certain actions may not be seen as
such due to certain actions they undertake in order to achieve their goals.

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Riviera Research Station

Riviera Research Station is only rumored to exist amongst Zoners and Independent miners in
the faraway edge-worlds. However, for several of the Spectre agents is the research station
quite real. Hidden away in the remote and uncharted regions of space, Riviera finds itself
home in the deep of a yet unknown Ice world. Harboring several Spectre scientists and agents
in need of shelter and home, Riviera tends to keep itself busy with studying and improving all
sorts of technology to be used in the Nomad way of life.

Spectre Training
The process from normal Human to Spectre is not for the faint hearted. Receiving training in
the subjects of ; melee combat, Psi-use, espionage and illusion, the recruits are quickly bred for
field use.

Melee combat.
Trained to use their hands and how to improvise with random objects at their disposal, the
Spectre recruits are taught the basics of melee combat. Be it with fists, a stick or a hand-held
weapon, a Spectre learns to defend his or herself in just about any close-range situation.

Psi-use is, simply put, the use of minor alien artifacts for the Spectre agent's purposes.
Normally, Spectres receive their first Psi-training in the form of Strength bending. Increasing
their muscle integrity to gain supernatural strength, or the use of shielding projectiles orbiting
the body, protecting the bearer from incoming projectile fire. Psi-use is one of the most
advanced techniques of the Spectre agents.

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Espionage and Illusion.

Although not directly connected to the basic training of every Spectre, those who do receive
this training however are generally seen as the elite, and stand above the common Spectres.
The training itself is a simple concept. Adopting the techniques of the Rheinland Military's
Marineachrichtendienst, combined with intensive training in trickery, Illusion as it were.
Trickery and Illusion generally don't put the agent in direct harm and can create horrible
effects for the opposing side.

Nomad Bacteria
Much like other organic life form throughout the known universe, the Nomads too have
micro flora organisms similar to bacteria. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this "nomad
bacteria" is them being a byproduct of Nomad travel form life cycle. These artificially
engineered microorganisms are serving as protection of the organic shells within planetary
environment. Exposure to these organisms is deadly for humans as they seem to be
programmed to engage in a hostile overtake of other microorganisms within a certain range,
and the human immune system cannot effectively protect against this attack. Infection would
cause lethal effect to a human in less than twenty-four hours. Nomad bacteriae cannot exist in
open space where they have no materials to feed on, although some dense nebulae may be
exceptions to this. Especially the Siniestre cloud is known to be highly populated by vast
colonies of the nomad bacteria.
There is no cure for infected persons, which usually have no chance of survival after
prolonged exposure - however, the orange gases of the cardamine plant seem to pacify the
bacteria's aggression, allowing the infected one to survive at the price of heavy cardamine
reliance for the rest of his or her life. While normally never encountered in non-Nomad
inhabited planetary environments there is an notable exception: a planet hidden deep in the
Siniestre cloud. Some containment of orange gases allowed a minimal ecosystem to evolve
despite the whole surface being covered with high amounts of nomad bacteria. When humans
attempted to colonize the planet they encountered it, the environment was deemed hostile to
humans and reported as poisonous.

Nomad Ships
As a space-faring species the Nomads are capable of traversing long distances in open space
and sustain harsh environments of the cosmos. For this purpose they have special shape forms
they use travel with and inside of, simply known as Nomad ships.

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Nomad vessels are covered with special skin layer allowing very efficient photosynthesis
process to accumulate energy for internal organs including self-propelling systems, weapons
and neural system. Beneath it is a special membrane layer that reflects the light that has passed
through the skin, this gives the Nomad ships' surfaces a reflective look.
Inside the ships there is a liquid organic mass that holds a little part of the individual nomads
consciousness, commonly referred to as the nomad brain. The brain having grown in this
liquid is almost shapeless and visually looks different from each nomad, but is always located
in the same place for each specific ship form. The liquid acts as a nutrient bath and energy
transfer pathways, supplying nutrients and energy to all the external skin, tools and body
To maintain form an extremely strong bone structure is created to hold the skin, organs, tools,
equipment and any hybrid pilots in place. The bones themselves are able to be shape shifted or
recycled back into the nomads body, although most nomads just leave them as they are during
that body cycle.
Note: There is a distinctive physical difference between a pure nomad and hybrid human /
nomad. A hybrid has a human body, somewhat, inside the ship and in time it is dissolved and
the sentience is fully merged with the nomad part. Since it is inefficient to carry around what
the nomads think is "baggage", the nomad aims to dissolve the human body within
approximately four to five human years.
A pure nomad on the other hand does not have a "human pilot" and so is not restricted in any
way when shapeshifting.
It should be noted that a "Nomad" can be physically different to a "Nomad Ship". When a
"Nomad" is born, a starter "Nomad Ship" is also grown for the "Nomad". "Nomad Ships" are
the same in that they are true nomads connected to the mindshare but their form is the space
born one. When a "Nomad" and "Nomad Ship" select each other it is a matter of destiny, as
they do not choose per se, rather it happens "this way" or "that". The "Nomad Ship" that is
grown at the same time as the "Nomad" might not be necessarily the one with which they each
end up with. Once they have "chosen" each other, they merge and become one entity, the
physical form of which we see as a "Nomad"

Nomad Weapons
While assumed to be weapons only at first the Nomad ships possess various organs of their
body which allow them to act as weapons. They are, however, but focusing mechanisms
allowing the Nomad to concentrate a small part of its energy into a beam, which, upon hitting

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an object, acts like a small explosive charge, expanding in all directions from its beam-like
state, having a devastating effect on everything around it. The strength of the beam depends
on the quantity of the accumulated energy; thus, the more time it takes for the beam to be
created, the more energy it will discharge upon hit.

Nomad Veils
The Nomads have adapted the concept of shield technology but in rather unique fashion;
instead of energy screens that shield generators project, they create lattices of semi-sentient
micro-organisms around their ships which take the energy impact on themselves, preventing
the hull of the ship from being damaged. It is assumed that the same technology is used to
repair vessels in space, somewhat reminiscent of nano-bots, but instead of micro-machines
the Nomads have created artificial organic life-form for that purpose. Due to very little human
use with solid projectile weapons, it is unknown what effect these weapons have on nomad
veils. It is logical to assume the nomads have some sort of protection against projectiles since
they travel through and live in many asteroid fields.
No working sample of the Veil technology has been acquired and is likely not possible due to
it being an internally delicate part of the ship and is protected by subroutines and 'suicide'
commands. Once the ship is destroyed or the nomads connection to the body form is lost, the
nomad cells in charge of the veil, and some other functions, revert to a liquid/gaseous state
and no longer function as seen in combat or in flight.
These are simply theories based on what we have observed from live specimens and recorded
videos of nomad ships under attack. However, based on what we have seen, we are fairly
certain this theory is accurate and correct.

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Great Spirits
Perhaps the most odd relation existing in Sirius is between Nomads and Outcasts. The two
groups were exposed to the existence of each other for hundreds of years. Despite fears of the
alien species, neither group has drawn open hostility to each other. In time Outcasts created
complex myths of tales about their unusual neighbors, calling them the Great Spirits. Deep in
Siniestre cloud a traveler could find ritual graveyard to fallen in battle Outcasts. In the middle
is located a jumphole leading to majestic and unusual system somewhere far beyond that the
Nomads are highly protective of. A theory exists that due to Outcasts using Cardamine they
do not draw hostility from the aliens, which also use same substance in liquefied and grass
After the events in 801 A.S. the Nomads weren't seen much in the area, and the Outcasts
believed the Spirits had left them. Rumors began to spread. The most bold tried to solve the
mystery and attempted to see what is hidden beyond the Nomad world, a system currently
known as Omicron 90. However, these never returned, only fueling the rumors. In 804 A.S.
the Nomads suddenly reappeared in the area. The Outcasts saw it as a mystical sign to act,
increasing their activities and influence across the Sirius. At first the numbers were small but
as time passed the Nomads have appeared there more often than ever before.
The first communication contact between the two species was made in 806 A.S. when Joze
Constansa in search for the answers to the nature of the aliens has presented then a gift: active
artifact he found from in the wreck of Corsair vessel. Unbeknownst to him the artifact was
telepathic amplifier, his thoughts became clearly "readable" by the Nomads who too were
much after the artifact. Crude and rudimental, humans could not comprehend telepathy, only
very partially, but even that was enough to establish the first non-hostile contact with the
Slomon K'Hara. Since then others made several more attempts to research that phenomenon
looking for similar artifacts that would enable them to communicate with Great Spirits.
Although the Nomads themselves aren't much talkative they gave on occasion an advice or a
foresight into the future. The Advisers caste found this relation to be interesting and worth
putting effort into. However the Nomads are very cautious and would remain silent when
questioned about their origin, goals and plans, rarely responding on them in very abstract and
incomprehensible visions. Some suspect the Nomads to have hidden agenda, whilst others
believe it is not their part to question the motives of the specie they know very little about and
even less understanding them.

Cardamine is a grass grown specifically for the nomads by the Daam K'vosh. There are only
two planets in all of Sirius that are successful in growing Cardamine, Planet Malta, and Planet
Soledad. The blades of the grass are tall, thin, orange in color and are not edible to humans in

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its native form but are to nomads. Outcasts have spent years studying, researching and finally
they came up with some processes that turn the inedible grass into an orange inhaleable gas or
ingestible liquid. The effects of this processed Cardamine are increased lifespan, greater
strength and additional sensory enhancements than normal humans, at the cost of permanent
DNA changes that result in lifelong addiction to Cardamine and significantly reduced
reproduction. Whether Outcasts can produce offspring at all remains to be seen. It has been
suggested that the Cardamine helps the nomads to sense the Outcasts as different to other
humans. There seems to be a curiosity on the nomads part about these "human-like creatures"
that 'smell' like the grass the nomads ingest.
The effects of Cardamine on Nomads are similar to Humans with one difference; Cardamine
is not addictive and purely beneficial to nomads. The grass form increases the energy storage,
flow capacity, photosynthetic processes and functions of the Nomads body systems, while the
processed form does the same only slightly less effectively on Nomads.
It has been suggested by some of our scientists/theorists that the Nomads once grazed the
fields of Malta.

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2, 3

4, 5

Frequently Asked Questions

Did Nomads and Daam K'Vosh wage war against each other?
According to Nomad faction story no such event took place in Freelancer universe,
Daam K'Vosh have simply vanished from Sirius space leaving powerful artifacts for
their creation to find upon birth and evolution. The motives as to why Daam K'Vosh
left Sirius leaving the Nomads alone are left in mystery, and the Nomads themselves
whether they know it or not would not remain silent.
What about Nomads from original introduction?
As hinted at, other groups of Nomads may have inhabited other regions of space, not
just Sirius. Furthermore the storyboard drawings for original introduction shows a
bipedal entity controlling the Nomad sun destroyer which bears close resemblance to
original artwork for Nomads. While Sirius Nomads are called Slomon K'Hara, we do
not know the real name for ones that have destroyed Sol, or if they exist anymore.
Shouldn't Keepers be limited to the Omicrons and Alaska System only?
The Nomads were in the Sirius sector before Humans were. All of Sirius and more was
left to the Nomads by the Daam K'Vosh; there is no logical nor roleplay reason to
restrict the Keepers to the Omicron and Alaska systems only.
Do the Nomads get addicted to Cardamine?
No. Please read the Cardamine section.
What are the "brains" that drop from the Nomad ships, are those the Nomads?
Actually no, the ship themselves are the living beings in all senses, what you salvage
from the ship's explosion are organic components, including some pieces of neural
interface commonly known as "nomad brains". They aren't the same as the Nomads,
but merely a part, a limb. There been a plenty of players assuming they were carrying
the actual living Nomads however it would appear they didn't read the description of
the item they have looted. To make a simple and less gruesome analogy: carrying just a
Liberty gunboat turret (or any other piece of equipment) does not make it equal to
actually towing a whole Liberty gunboat. What you are essentially acquiring from
destroying a Nomad ship is a part of it, like say a thruster or a navigational
component, in this case a valuable neural component. The nomad ships are special
biological forms designed to traverse the open space, they aren't shells protecting and
transporting a pilot, instead it's is both a pilot and a ship in a single form. This is what
makes them quite different to human ships. It's a common misconception born out of
assumption that the item is equal to "pilot" items in all senses and therefore is a
Nomad pilot. However, as it has been explained both in item's description and here in

51 of 57

detail, it is not and players are encouraged to read the the descriptions of items more
often to understand what are they salvaging and carrying actually in their ships. If
you'd like to know more what those "brains" are, please, read the section above
describing Nomad ships in detail.
How do the Nomads get through Jump Gates? And especially the Alaska Jumpgate. Isn't that
particular gate extremely high security? How can they get through like they do so often?
The Jumpgate technologies and indeed the majority of all Human technology in Sirius
- including engines, Tradelanes and Jumpgates - are based upon knowledge and
technology that was developed from Valhalla - the Daam K'Vosh knowledge bank.
This knowledge was initially left for the Nomads. Being based on Valhalla tech, the
Nomads easily found a way to interface directly with the Jumpgate control
mechanism, bypassing the locks completely, rendering any human locking mechanism
useless. They do this by manipulating the energies within the circuits themselves. The
security measures are built and programmed by Humans, and act as the middle
ground buffer or interface between the Human body and the control mechanism. The
Nomads are 80% energy creatures and operate on a higher level than the control
mechanism so it is a simple task for a Nomad to open a Jumpgate.
The same can be said for the Tradelanes. Instead of being registered as "IFF friendly
ships" the nomads interface directly with the tradelane, also rendering the security
measures built into the tradelanes useless. The Nomads can just as easily use
tradelanes as they can move under their own energy.
Can Nomads have independent clans?

7, 8

In short: no. The Nomads do have castes but they are not independent from each
other and as a whole. Firstly because individuality, while not lacking it completely, is
not seen as a cornerstone of the existence, it's not an ultimate goal as with certain
human ideologies, but rather a pragmatic tool of self expression within a limited
boundary permitted. However the most important factor is that the Nomads cannot
evolve as a species without Mindshare. The key to their success lies within unity
brought to the whole new meaning inaccessible to the humans. The Nomads have no
secrets from each other, they function as entire collective, a powerful
super-consciousness made up of millions of individual beings interconnected in a
complex distributed peer network with high levels of availability and redundancy, thus
making sure that the system is stable, akin to clusters. The more there are each of them
connected to the Mindshare - the more powerful the Nomads are, both individually
and as a whole. On an individual level they receive more knowledge from other peers,
increasing their intelligence and awareness of the situations to an extent of seeing
future as being modeled by Advisors based on the volumes of data. On a species level
they are able to gather more information from which everyone can possibly benefit.

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The Nomads would have no benefit in separating themselves into independent groups,
in fact such would severely harm them by shattering into pieces the most important
key to their survival in the universe as self-sufficient specie. Whereas independence
and splitting of governing bodies in human societies comes from many factors,
including the control capacity of the body, on contrary side the Nomads have far more
sophisticated, flexible and extensible structure, lacking the limits of the human
governing body when it becomes ineffective in processing the regulatory sub-bodies
and fail-safe mechanisms provide no result. Human systems are highly vulnerable, the
history has provided enough examples. The Nomads know this quite well and use
those vulnerabilities for their own benefit, they have studied human history from their
own unique "perspective" and, as shown, are able to effectively incorporating into it,
masking into everyday roles. As a result this differs much from understanding of
independent human groups whichever they may be called.

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Developer Notes
Some may wonder how original single player campaign fits into all this. Majority of features
present here are based on the left-overs from the developers of Freelancer, but due to the lack
of solid information and sometimes contradicting elements we had to put everything together
filtering the information to create something that would be complete. For example, the
morphing capabilities of the Nomads indeed were never seen throughout the original game,
however the conceptual artwork left on the Bonus DVD that comes with Freelancer Original
Soundtrack shown us what Nomads truly look like, comparing those images one to another
we thought it might be logical for the Nomads to be able to morph into various forms, giving
them a special edge. Small hints left around, like the Nomad character figure seen in the
original introduction storyboard, were carefully put together.
Also note that many people from Discovery forums have contributed ideas which this Lore
has expanded upon. Most of these people will be unaware that their ideas have been used,
however credit does go to them for having the original ideas. Through many forum and Skype
discussions a careful process of gathering information, and matching them up with the Single
player storyline, and the developers Bonus DVD, ideas have been accepted or discarded.
When you are reading through this Lore and you come across an idea that you have used
ingame, it is likely that some influence of that idea has come from you, or someone else who
thought a similar idea.
Of particular influence, in no particular order: Igiss, all of the Keepers, mb52, Zapp, Tenacity,
JihadJoe, Marburg, Gronath, Jinx, Eppy, Dennis Jameson, noobl3t, Boss, Kingvaliant,
Stewcool, Scornstar, Turkish, sdssn!p3r, SwissScorch, looqas, Jura_II, Baltar, Jimmy Patterson,
Sindroms, Caylith, Various 'independent' nomads
Special thanks to Igiss for allowing such a faction to come into being, and for Yuri, who never
gave up bringing it into being, even when the answer was "No". Bringing this faction to life has
been an honour and a rewarding experience for most of us in it.
We hope that this Lore helps players of all sorts understand and roleplay nomads responsibly,
and that it brings quality and an enjoyable puzzle to one aspect of Discovery Roleplay Server.

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Yuri "Treewyrm" Alexeev

Chris "Sovereign" Gropp
Patrick "Praetyre" C.
Nathaniel "Hyung Soong" Alderson
Gurjiv "Frozen" Jaitla
Adrian "Bluntpencil" Young
Ben "Laowai" Treeline
Tomislav "Titan" Matovina
Vedran "Skoko" Skokandic
Christopher "Leo" Davidson
Mike "Exile" Oerlemans
Stewart "Sassafras" Kline
Vladimir "Globalplayersvk"
David "mwerte" Liese
Zachary "Zapp" Belins
Aaron "Boss" Porter
Kevin ''Klaw117' Law
Joseph "Jokoro" Gale
Armin "Shazbot111" Pfeil

Illustrations: Digital Anvil, Treewyrm, Hyung Soong, Tinkerbell

Further Reading

7crow's Nomad Backstory

The First Nomads - Tenacity
Nomad Energy Cannons - DBoy
First Sasci - Praetyre
Taurvi's Log - Treewyrm
Taurvi's Story - Treewyrm
Tyrahsas - Tyrahsas
Not Alone - Mithra
Resounding Echoes - Astra
Duality's Paths - Nisaba
Mindshare (Message Dump)
We Patrol Our Places - Kharybdis
Of Keepers Malam - Malam
Accepting Gifts - Kharybdis
Recieving Human Speech - Kharybdis
The Lost One - Tiamat
CRI-Specimen092 (What are we?) - AC_Merc

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The Shadows of the Damned - Sprolf

More will be added to this as applications are approved, accepted, and posted on the
Discovery forums. Some are a bit on the long side, especially Not Alone, which is 26 pages in
Word. Enjoy reading them all, and hopefully they will increase your knowledge of the
Nomads. Addendum: The above links are in no specific order, save that they're in the order
located by the Search function.

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We still need to explain exactly -how- Hybridization works, so we don't get any completely blatantly stupid
attempts like previously. Hell, some of the current Nomad "Hybrids" are pushing it... *Looks at Max*
I'm going to be asking Shazbot to cowrite this bit with me, to let it make at least half science sense.
I also question wether we should add bits about Taurvi, Mori, Harbinger etc. Those are characters, but putting their
names in here turns them into canon.
Mike Exile Oerlemans 25 Jul, 2010 19:28

Isn't cardamine taken through one of those breather devices? IIRC, it is usually taken in gaseous form, but stored in
solid powderlike form. Anyone with more OC experience want to clarify?
Chris Gropp 17 Sept, 2008 10:59

That's right, it's inhaled. Liquid cardamine is a variation, a highly concentrated dose. Normally it would kill a human.
But some may practice it, falling into comatose state only to be awaken (or not, taking something like that would
require years of work) very different, barely human at all. Cardamine alters DNA, now think who's native DNA it's
adjusted to, since cardamine was artificially created, and you get the answer whom Outcasts practicing it would
essentially become.
Yuri Alexeev 22 Sept, 2008 4:09

So basically Outcasts taking Cardamine are becoming more like the Nomads?
Zachary Belins 29 Dec, 2008 22:49

No, Cardamine does not hold Nomads' DNA, it's a "modifier" instead, altering code at various parts. DA's Nomad
backstory has mentioned that Cardamine was initially created by DK to prolong life, which it does indeed, but for
humans it unfortunately also alters other segments of their DNA since it was never really intended for their use,
hence the drawbacks.
Yuri Alexeev 31 Dec, 2008 4:44

Reworded to reflect both options.

Nathaniel Alderson 29 Sept, 2008 7:42

Do the nomads of Sirius know the other nomad groups?

david liese 15 Oct, 2008 14:15

Nope, not at the present time though. However they are finding hints to existence of others. That'll be pivotal turn
in their story when they decide to make exodus from Sirius in search for their bretheren after finding necessary
clues to their whereabouts and what's more importantly - a clue to Daam K'Vosh could be.
Yuri Alexeev 15 Oct, 2008 16:00

Needs massive updating.

Mike Exile Oerlemans 25 Jul, 2010 20:26

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