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How a type 4 Multiverse works

So let's start with a simple explanation - type 4 is basically a mathematical universe and
contains every mathematical structure. And considering it's postulated by:

External Reality Hypothesis (ERH):

There exists an external physical reality completely independent of us humans.
Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (MUH):
Our external physical reality is a mathematical structure.
It basically means it contains everything inside it. So you can't have:
-multiple type 4 multiverses
-hierarchies of type 4 multiverses
-something existing outside of type 4 multiverse
-something transcending type 4 multiverse
-being beyond type 4 multiverse
If you did have anything of the above mentioned, it would basically contradict the definition of a
type 4 since if something exists beyond/beside it then it doesn't contain everything.
Platonism on steroids:
Welcome to the Level IV multiverse. You can think of what I'm arguing for as Platonism on
steroids: that external physical reality is not only described by mathematics, but that it is

Culmination of philosophical, cosmological, mathematical theories:

Rather than signaling much of a metaphysical lineage, Tegmark’s claim to Plato might instead
have something to do with the foundational place that Plato occupies in the history of Western
mathematics, philosophy, and cosmology, for, as far as Tegmark is concerned, his own
Mathematical Universe is the consummation of all these fields of knowledge.
Neoplatonism, and absolutism is in it:
His claim might also have something to do with the Neoplatonic notion of a progressive cosmic
“hierarchy,” a ranked Chain of Being that extends from rocks and worms to animals, humans,
angels, archangels, and finally to the Absolute itself.
Hierarchy of multiverses is contained in it:
After all, Tegmark’s multiverses are arranged in what he himself calls “the multiverse hierarchy”:
Level I is nestled within Level II; Level III brings Level I into infinite dimensional space; and the
landscape describes them all. But the great chain of kosmoi does not end here. Having walked
his readers up this steep mountain of multiverses, Tegmark announces that Level IV, which is to
say his own mathematical multiverse, is the highest level imaginable—even higher than the

Every multiverse governed by self-consistent laws is a part of type IV (exists as a mathematical

structure) and therefore every universe is inside it:
for although, in the words of Helge Kragh, “10^500 universes are a lot, the number is
infinitesimal compared to the number of possible universes.”A multiverse that comprises all
mathematically possible universes “brings closure to the hierarchy of multiverses,” Tegmark
claims, “because any self-consistent fundamental physical theory can be phrased as some kind
of mathematical structure.”
More about different kinds of diverse multiverses possible here:
This is the reason that Brian Greene calls Tegmark’s Mathematical Universe Hypothesis the
“Ultimate Multiverse,” and Davies calls it a “multiverse with a vengeance.” To wit, there is room
in this multiverse for everyone: room for quilted multiverses and inflationary multiverses, room
for Atomists and Stoics, room for Thales’s water and Anaximenes’s air, room for “one boring pair
of cymbals clashing out the same old song.”

In the compendium of all possible universes, some worlds will be stacked like slices of bread,
and some will fly down the throat of a Calabi–Yau manifold: “A universe governed by Newton’s
equations and populated solely by solid billiard balls … is a real universe; an empty universe
with 666 spatial dimensions … is a universe too.”

“How about a universe that obeys the laws of classical physics, with no quantum effects?” asks
Tegmark. “How about time that comes in discrete steps, as for computers, instead of being
continuous? How about a universe that is simply an empty dodecahedron? In the Level IV
multiverse, all these alternative realities actually exist.” So some worlds will be linear, and some
will be cyclical; some will be singular, and some will be plural; some will be infinite, and some
will be finite; some will branch forward, and some will branch back. Some worlds will be
manufactured, and some will be simulated; some designers will be kind, and some will be cruel,
some capable and some all but incompetent.

And, presumably, some of the set of all possible worlds will have a creator-god who breathes
over primordial waters, who separates the seas from dry land.

How on earth did we get back here?

Even absolute nothingness is part of type IV:
Curiously, Nozick noted that within his multiverse there’d be a universe
that consists of nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not empty space, but the nothing
that Gottfried Leibniz referred to in his famous query “Why is there something
rather than nothing?” Not that Nozick could have known, but for me this was
an observation of particular resonance. When I was ten or eleven, I came upon
Leibniz’s question and found it deeply troubling. I’d pace my room, trying to
grasp what nothing would be, often with one hand hovering behind the back of
my head, thinking that the struggle to do the impossible—see my hand—
would help me grasp the meaning of total absence. Even now, to focus on
absolute true nothingness makes my heart sink. Total nothingness, from our
familiar vantage point of somethingness, entails the most profound loss. But
because nothing also seems so vastly simpler than something—no laws at
work, no matter at play, no space to inhabit, no time to unfurl—Leibniz’s
the question strikes many as right on the mark. Why isn’t there nothingness?
Nothingness would have been decidedly elegant.
In the Ultimate Multiverse, a universe consisting of nothing does exist.
As far as we can tell, nothingness is a perfectly logical possibility and so must
be included in a multiverse that embraces all universes. Nozick’s answer to
Leibniz, then, is that in the Ultimate Multiverse there is no imbalance between
something and nothing that calls out for explanation. Universes of both types
are part of this multiverse. A nothing universe is nothing to get exercised about.
It’s only because we humans are something that the nothing universe eludes us.
More explanation about nothingness [source]:
And here we return to our mathematical universe hypothesis in accordance with which
nothingness would exist. And not only would it exist, but a universe, consisting of nothing, must
also be included in our Multiverse since its existence is logically consistent. There would not be
imbalance between something and nothing in this model; universes consisting of both
something and nothing would be parts of this all-embracing conglomerate.
Every multiversal theory is a part of type IV and you can't go higher (if you take an ensemble of
mathematical structures, it's just another mathematical structure) [source]:
This argument also makes assumption 2 more appealing, since it implies that any conceivable
parallel universe theory can be described at Level IV. The Level IV multiverse, termed the
“ultimate Ensemble theory” in Tegmark (1997) since it subsumes all other ensembles, therefore
brings closure to the hierarchy of multiverses, and there cannot be say a Level V. Considering
an ensemble of mathematical structures does not add anything new, since this is still just
another mathematical structure.
Every mathematical structure exists in physical form in some universe:
As a way out of this conundrum, I have suggested that complete mathematical symmetry holds:
that all mathematical structures exist physically as well. Every mathematical structure
corresponds to a parallel universe.

Platonic concepts and Rudy Rucker's infinities exist in it, as well as existence of all/every
mathematical structures (mathematical modal realism):
As a way out of this philosophical conundrum, I have suggested) that complete mathematical
democracy holds: that mathematical existence and physical existence are equivalent, so that all
mathematical structures have the same ontological status. This can be viewed as a form of
radical Platonism, asserting that the mathematical structures in Plato’s realm of ideas, the
Mindscape of Rucker, exist “out there” in a physical sense, casting the so-called modal realism
theory of David Lewis in mathematical terms akin to what Barrow refers to as “π in the sky”.
Entire physical reality (TOE) is described purely using mathematics:
Taken together, this implies the Mathematical Universe Hypothesis, i.e., that the external
physical reality described by the ToE is a mathematical structure. So the bottom line is that if
you believe in an external reality independent of humans, then you must also believe that our
physical reality is a mathematical structure. Nothing else has a baggage-free description. In
other words, we all live in a gigantic mathematical object—one that’s more elaborate than a
dodecahedron, and probably also more complex than objects with intimidating names such as
Calabi-Yau manifolds, tensor bundles and Hilbert spaces, which appear in today’s most
advanced physics theories. Everything in our world is purely mathematical— including you.
Universe is physically real if self-aware beings perceive themselves to live in physical reality :
Given a mathematical structure, we will say that it has physical existence if any self-aware
substructure (SAS) within it subjectively, from its frog perspective, perceives itself as living in a
physically real world.

Every TOE is a mathematical structure:

A second argument supporting assumption 1 is that abstract mathematics is so general that any
TOE that is definable in purely formal terms (independent of vague human terminology) is also a
mathematical structure. For instance, a TOE involving a set of different types of entities
(denoted by words, say) and relations between them (denoted by additional words) is nothing
but what mathematicians call a set-theoretical model, and one can generally find a formal
system that it is a model of.


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