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January 29, 2010

Algebra II Notes
5.3 Homework Questions: (See textbook for exact questions.)

10) C- Parent function (blue curve): Y=X^(¾)

Transformed function (red curve): Y= (X/4) ^ (¾) +4

D- Parent function (blue curve): Y=X^(¾)

Transformed function (red curve): Y=4((X-3)/2)^(¾)


11) A- 9 X + 4 = 17  9 X _ = 13  ( X ) = 1.444 
-4 -4 /9 /9

X= (1.444)^5 = 6.29

(X^2) 35
C- 4 =  (X^(2/3)) = 1.48  (X^(2/3))^(3/2) = (1.48)^(3/2) 
/4 /4
X= 1.8

New Lesson (5.4)

 Point-slope: Y= Y1 +M (X -X 1)

o Slope: Adding the same thing over and over and over (In equation: M)

 Point-Ratio: Y= Y1 *B (X-X 1)

o Common ratio example: 8, 12, 18. Common ratio= 1.5. (In equation: B)

 Point-Ratio (for exponential): Y= Y1 *B^(X-X

1 )

o Use this (Point-Ratio) when asked to write/create exponential equations.

Example: -Plug values (Y 1and X 1) into the
point-ratio (for exponential)
Y= 63 *B^(X-42)

-Because we don’t know the

common ratio (B), we need to
plug in Y and X values so we can
solve for it.


Now we can solve for B, our

common ratio.

8 = 63*B^(7-42)
/63 /63

0.127 = B^(-35)

(0.127)^(-1/35) = (B^(-35))^(-1/35)

B = 1.06

Now we can finish our equation:


5.4 (pg 263)
# 1-4 and 7-10

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