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This week in FLK-3

March went out like a LION!

Mr. Santandrea told the school he was building a
bass pond in the yard. Lauren was only concerned
she didnt have a fishing pole while Nathan thought
perhaps a pond was dangerous and Lily said she
didnt even like fishing!
April Fools!
All our good deeds are acts of love, sooooo
We are READY for Easter!
In Language:
We celebrated the events of Holy Week. We re-enacted the Last Supper,
discussed Good Friday and celebrated Easter Sunday.
We covered the Easter bunny side of the celebration by opening rhyming eggs,
syllable eggs, mystery eggs and practicing Easter beginning sounds. We had an egg
Dalien the Alien has had successful sleepovers. His parents report from outer
space that they are thrilled with his earth education. This week he learned about
biking at Charlies.
Gym: We played Easter games. We hopped in various ways.whew! We found and
matched Easter Egg halves that the Easter bunny dropped. We played Easter
Bunny Buzz a counting game hilarious! Instead of counting 7, we had to say I
love the Easter Bunny..but it was sooooo hard NOT to say 7 !

Religion: We learned about the events of Holy Week. We summarized the story of
Holy Week using Resurrection Eggs, where each egg depicts a part of the story
until the 12th egg, which is EMPTY!
We completed our Lenten Puzzle of Good Deeds. Thank you to those who have sent
in notes about Good Deeds you witness at home! This has been a very enjoyable,
growth-filled activity. Thank you for your support! The smiles and pride tell the
We watched the Stations of the Cross performed by Mrs. Perquins class.
Science : We remembered that March came in like a lion, but we decided that 4
inches of fluffy snow and slippery driving conditions did NOT constitute March
going out like a lamb!!!
In Art: With our buddies, Miss Evans had the children make a Lamb of God to help
celebrate Easter. It was so well received, even the big buddies were scrambling to
make one!
In Music, Drama and Dance: Miss Evans has chosen a song and is percolating
dance ideas for Dance fest in May.
In Mathematics: We finished our unit on money. We reviewed coin recognition and
value. We rolled 2 dice and had to make the same amount of money as on the dice.
As an assessment, we opened money eggs to identify coins, value, order the coins
according to value and/or count the money in the egg.
In Personal and Social Development: We worked on Acts of Kindness. The St.
Mark Healthy School committee made KIND IS COOL loom bracelets. As we saw
Acts of Kindness in the class, we presented the child with a certificate and a
bracelet. Well done, cubs!
In Inquiry/Directed Play: Baby Luka came for a visit. We talked about different
emotions and what Baby Luka might be feeling. We learned that Baby Luka doesnt
like to be on his belly because he wants to stand up and look around. We all agreed
that it is hard to see everything that is going on when you are lying down on your
belly, so we had empathy for what Baby Luka was feeling

Upcoming Events:
Friday April 3 Good Friday no school
Monday April 6- Easter Monday- no school
Friday April 10 - Grade 8 fundraiser pizza lunch if ordered
Friday April 17 PA Day no class for students
Tuesday April 21 class to watch final dress rehearsal of Alice in Wonderland
Wednesday April 22 and Thursday April 23 school production of Alice in
Friday April 24- Grade 8 fundraiser pizza lunch if ordered
Saturday April 25 St. Mark 50th Anniversary
Monday April 27 teachers and students (only) will attend Arts Canada Production
of The Beanstock info to follow
Thursday May 7, 2015 teachers and students will attend Jungle Book play at
St. Nicholas School
May Dancefest date and details to follow!

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