Liqoraaa For Hpi

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L - location : where does it hurt? have the pt to point

I- intensity :
Q- quantity:

Scale 1 to 10
how much has this been happening? e.g:
Sputum- how much sputum do you have?
Vaginal Bleeding- How Many tampons?
Emesis/Diarrhea - Number,Volume,color,consistency,blood (?)

Q- quality:

what does it feel like?

O- onset:

when? what were you doing? did it come slowly, suddenly?

D-uration: how long does pain last? Does it go away?

F-requency: how often does it happen?
is it getting better or worse? Does pain come and go?


does the pain move anywhere? (dont use word radiation!)

A-aggravating: Does anything make it worse? (you may directly also ask about activities
A-alleviating: Does anything make it better? that you suspect should make symptoms A/A)
A- associations: Symptoms That Pt might have based on dx youre suspecting
Chest pain - Aboves+cough,sputum,fever.
Cough- Fever,Sputum,SOB,Chest pain,Hemoptysis.
Arthlalgia- Redness,Swelling,heat,Loss of F,Fever,Rash.
Abdominalgia- fever,anorexia,emesis,diarrhea,dysuria,Jaundice + Pass Gas?

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