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A Case Study of Anorexia

Nervosa and Obsessive

Personality Disorder
Using Third-Generation
Behavioral Therapies

Clinical Case Studies

10(3) 198209
The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission: http://www.
DOI: 10.1177/1534650111400899

Francisco Martn-Murcia1,
Adolfo J. Cangas Daz1,
and Luisa Pardo Gonzalez1

This article presents a case study of anorexia nervosa and obsessive personality disorder as a
means of describing the main therapeutic interventions in the framework of third-generation
therapies. The sessions were videotaped by independent observers. The particulars of the
therapeutic relationship (based on functional analytic psychotherapy) and the contextual
strategies (based on acceptance and commitment therapy) used are analyzed here. This case
highlights progressive positive changes in social behavior, including congruence of values and
vital actions, resolution of the eating disorder, greater openness to experience, and decreased
pervasive thoughts. The discussion associates these changes with the types of intervention
specific to this therapeutic approach.
anorexia nervosa, eating disorders, functional analytic psychotherapy, acceptance and commitment
therapy, single-case experiment

1 Theoretical and Research Basis

Eating disorders (EDs) pose a challenge for clinicians due to the difficulty of treating them, their
morbidity, and their social impact. However, in cases of anorexia nervosa, this clinical significance has not been accompanied by implementation of improved psychological treatments
(Agras et al., 2004). Although cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or CBT-Enhanced (Karbasi,
2010) is clearly the approach with the highest proven efficacy for a wide range of psychological
disorders, including ED, an effort to analyze and improve on existing cognitive-behavioral treatments must be made for the sake of patients who do not respond well to this type of intervention.
It has even been suggested that randomized clinical testing is not pertinent until there is clear
evidence of effective treatments for anorexia nervosa (Fairburn, 2005).

University of Almera, Almera, Spain

Corresponding Author:
Francisco Martn-Murcia, Avda. Carlos III 432, 7 J, Aguadulce, Almera, Spain

Martn-Murcia et al.


The therapeutic difficulty that intervention entails in patients with EDs could be due to important, associated biomedical complications that can slow down or complicate treatment (Mehler
& Andersen, 1999); presence of dysfunctional family relationships (Martn-Murcia, Cangas,
Pozo, & Martnez, 2010) and the presence of high comorbidity (Martn-Murcia, Cangas, Pozo,
Martnez, & Lpez, 2008; Ro, Martinsen, Hoffart, & Rosenvinge, 2005; Rosenvinge, Martinussen,
& Ostensen, 2000). It seems only logical that the extensive psychopathology associated with EDs
(not exclusively related to EDs pathognomonic components) can easily alter the course and
prognosis of such cases.

Third-Generation Therapies
The third wave of behavioral or cognitive-behavioral lineage (Hayes, 2004) that arose in the last
decade is made up of a mixture of strategies whose philosophical principles come from a pragmatic, deterministic, phenomenological, and holistic or contextual perspective. Some have their
own label: for example, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson,
1999), functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP; Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991), dialectical behavioral
therapy (Linehan, 1993), and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale,
2002). Both ACT and FAP are treatments based on a particular perspective on cognition and emotion. Essentially, they distinguish themselves from other classical models of psychopathology in
that they do not necessarily assume that mental events (thoughts, emotions, or bodily states) cause
problem behavior, suggesting alternative explanations to the classic A B C relationship.
From this perspective, the patient is, on principle, not urged to modify and control negative
events so as to free his or her mental state from them. Rather, he or she is instructed to accept
such discomfort from a position of safety (distanced observation of the mind) and not to become
obsessed with solutions that personal history has shown to be ineffective (Heffner & Eifert,
2004). Acceptance theory (Hayes et al., 1999) is based on analyzing the personal costs to the
patient of this evasive servitude and may even involve agreeing with the patient on the secondary
benefits to his or her way of life. To analyze values not as goals but as life directions (Heffner &
Eifert, 2004) is one of the essential tasks of this therapy.
However, Kohlenberg and Tsais (1991,1994) therapeutic format is based on implementing
certain principles of radical behaviorism into the everyday problems shared by many slowprogressing patients (within the framework of traditional personality disorders), such as difficulty with close relationships, isolation, alexithymia, low tolerance to criticism or failure, hostility,
social phobia, or compulsive behavior. Their focus is mostly on contingencies that occur in vivo
during sessions. They consider the therapeutic context and the patients usual context as functionally equivalent, so they attend to problematic behavior and positive changes, while also attempting to develop more adaptive behavioral repertoires through natural reinforcement and molding.
The observation that merely attending to behavior that is part of transfer facilitates improvement
has led followers of this approach to suggest its functional use (Kohlenberg & Tsai, 1991). This
focuss operational components include searching for problem behaviors (clinically relevant
behavior type 1), evoking them during the session, facilitating and reinforcing positive changes
in behavior (clinically relevant behavior type 2), observing the reinforcing effects of therapy
(which will vary depending on the individual and his or her problem and goals), and training the
patient to functionally understand his or her problematic behavior (clinically relevant behavior
type 3). In truth, analyzing the therapeutic relationship in this way would in large part account
for the ubiquitous common factors of different psychological treatments. Even so, it is advisable to point out that although these tools can be used along with the most protocolized options
within the CBT therapeutic arsenal, before doing so, certain philosophical questions should first


Clinical Case Studies 10(3)

be clarified, if only to sort out certain flagrant contradictions (Heffner & Eifert, 2004; Wilson &
Roberts, 2002). For example, use of relaxation training would not necessarily seek relaxation or a
state of happiness in and of itself; rather, it is a form of freedom, that is, of being able to act more
comfortably in difficult situations (Wilson & Roberts, 2002). Along this line of thought, Socratic
dialogue, rather than being a correct way of thinking, is a therapeutic activity that could enable
a patients thinking to become more flexible, enabling him or her to focus on the content of their
thoughts from the necessary objective distance, thereby reducing cognitive defusion. Free association or dream telling might also be used even though they have no cognitive-behavioral pedigree, to elicit introspection if the patient usually avoids that type of activity; this does not
necessarily require a deeper interpretation.
Several of these principles were implemented in the treatment of the clinical case described
and analyzed in this study.

2 Case Introduction
A 17-year-old female presented with a 3-year diagnosis of anorexia nervosa and obsessivecompulsive disorder, as per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.,
text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) criteria. Her personal history indicates that childhood sleep disorder and daily, emotionally triggered epileptic crises (syncope) began
to arise significantly at age 7 in stressful situations (currently only elicited by very intense stress).

3 Presenting Complaints
Her patient history highlights that since age 14, she has exhibited depressed mood with anhedonia, sadness, and high levels of anxiety and irritability. Currently, activities that occupy her entire
day are her studies, obsessively reviewing homework to the point of cognitive blockage, thinking
about food, and controlling her image and weight by means of clothing, dieting, and comparing
nutritional labels. She is on a hypocaloric diet, so she is constantly hungry. She has begun to
binge and steal food. She also performs other compulsive rituals before going to bed or before
studying to alleviate her anxiety and worries. For example, she sometimes has to start her homework all over if there is a spot or smear on her notes, regardless of whether it necessitates her
starting from the beginning. She has constant doubts about her intellectual ability, self-deprecating thoughts about her image or person, and a desire to die or to leave school. She dwells on
painful family and personal matters, past and present. She receives constant criticism and no sign
of affection from her parents, who often argue. She experiences intense anger toward her father
and compares him unfavorably to her mother (whom she identifies as a failure lacking in courage). However, she follows her fathers rules by devoting herself exclusively to her studies,
thereby avoiding any and all sources of pleasure also she complains about everything and everyone. She has no leisure activities and her not had any sexual experience. She continually compares herself with classmates, feeling underrated and afraid; has self-referential ideation, and
avoids contact. The result of this is that she is made fun of (they call her strange and nerd)
and does not pay attention to her social surroundings. Finally, her greatest fear is not getting
good-enough grades to go to college (the only value she expresses) and get away from her

Session Problems (Clinically Relevant Behavior Type 1)

Table 1 displays problems manifested during sessions that served as discriminative behaviors
with which the therapist intervened throughout treatment.


Martn-Murcia et al.
Table 1. Clinically Relevant Behavior Type 1
Clinically relevant behavior type 1
Intimacy-avoidance behavior

Constant demand for rules of behavior

Limits commitment to and focus on therapy
Insists on using linear, logical mathematical
reasoning to establish a life project
Resists finding alternative explanations for her
Discomfort when there is silence or lack of
response from therapist
Complaint pattern
Excessive adherence to schedules and session
plans, records every detail of the days events
Expresses bad mood and desperation
Parental interference in therapy

Says the therapist cannot help her; does not
discuss relevant subjects
Does not make eye contact with the therapist
or ask him personal questions, relays messages
with no affective tone, withholds information
Tell me what I have to do when X happens
Only makes demands about how to improve her
academic performance, avoids mention of ED
First study and then be happy
Being thin makes me happy
What happens is I do not know what to say
It is too late, it is very difficult
Bring checklist of any matter
Therapy cannot help; I want to die
Mother demands information about what is going
on in therapy, predictably refuses to cooperate,
and father refuses to continue spending money
on his daughters treatment

Note: ED = eating disorder.

4 History
At age 14, the client began to diet because she was slightly overweight and dissatisfied with her
body, immediately assuming a rigid eating pattern. She then began treatment at a mental-health
unit. Her avoidance behaviors include placing weights in her bra to falsify her weight at doctors
visits, dipsomania, lying about food, doing exhausting physical exercise, and enumerating
somatic complaints was to eat less. At 16, she had to be hospitalized and a minimum weight and
balanced diet were selected (though her actual diet was dissociated and hypocaloric). Following
her hospitalization, the patient reported that psychologically she was the same or worse off and
lost weight again (body mass index [BMI] = 17), restricting her food intake. Meanwhile, the tremendous stress of her academic demands only got worse (a brilliant academic record in her 2nd
year of high school) to the point where she was devoting an average of 15 hr a day to her studies
(even on weekends). During a school trip last year, she began severe restriction and had her first
episodes of stealing food from her roommates, binging, and purging. With regard to family
dynamics, her parents marital relationship is cold. The mother is pessimistic, is invasive, and
has little ability to negotiate, and her predominant values relate to social image (comparisons,
criticisms). In the last 8 months, the patient has been receiving psychological help solely to
improve her study habits and techniques.
Finally, she has been treated with a tetracyclic piperazine-azepine derivative able to modify
serotonergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission. It is an antagonist to serotonin receptors
(5-HT), especially subtypes 5-HT2 and 5-HT3, and to alpha 2-adrenalin presynaptic receptors.
There was no evidence of antidepressant or antiobsessive effect in the patient. This treatment was
suspended before starting the present psychological treatment.


Clinical Case Studies 10(3)

5 Assessment
Informed consent from the patient and her family was received to record all sessions on video
and use them as research material. An A-B design was prepared, with a baseline established during the month prior to treatment, and 3 weeks were set aside to create behavior checklists, evaluate the patient, and interview her family. There were 20 sessions over the course of approximately
9 months. All sessions were analyzed by researchers not involved in the treatment to record and
classify the therapeutic intervention (conducted by the first author). Three follow-up sessions
were held at 3, 6, and 12 months.
The Millon Clinical Multiaxial InventoryIII, (MCMI-III; Millon, 2007) is a questionnaire
comprised of 11 clinical personality patterns scales, 3 severe personality pathology scales,
7 clinical syndromes scales, and 3 severe syndromes scales. It also includes 4 correction
scales to measure response validity such as sincerity, desirability, and deliberately exaggerated
The Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI; Garner, 1998) is a self-report instrument widely used to
evaluate the symptoms that typically accompany anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It provides scores on 11 scales that are clinically relevant to EDs. The revised version of the EDI (EDI-2)
retains the original versions 64 items and adds an additional 27 items that constitute three new
scales: Asceticism, Impulse Regulation, and Social Insecurity.
We also designed a questionnaire about values and the consistency with which respondents
actions adhere to their values, in addition to recording their behavior and life experiences.
Table 2 shows a functional analysis that synthesizes the main circumstances involved in the
acquisition and maintenance of certain variables.

6 Case Conceptualization
We sought to clarify the patients explanations of and hypotheses about her problems, along with
her concepts about life, happiness, how to achieve her goals, the self and others, and maladaptive
thought patterns. She exhibited intense cognitive defusion, identifying every mental event as a
reality, and also exhibited dichotomous thought patterns, selective abstraction, overgeneralization, and strong cognitive rigidity. The only life value expressed in her original evaluation was
academic success, and she identified happiness in terms of behavioral control (e.g., sticking to
a diet and getting good grades). Any reinforcement provided by social recognition was due to
her academic success and the perseverance and effort required to keep her grades up. She
expressed no interest or positive feelings toward her parents and considered them to blame for her
We decided on three areas of her life to change. In the area of EDs, the therapeutic goals
included adopting unrestricted eating patterns (forbidden foods), stopping control behavior
(reading labels, eating diet foods, weighing herself, measuring herself by her clothes), and preventing binging and purging (which the patient was especially worried about). Her personal
and social goals were to generate a trusting relationship with a male outside her family circle
(the therapist), to increase her frequency of verbalization, to clarify her values, to learn not to
follow rules (in the form of compulsive rituals or self-justification, for example), to open herself
up to experience, not to avoid spontaneous initiatives, to initiate social activities, and to increase
the probability of successfully completing her schooling. The established family goals were to
neutralize alarming verbal conduct; to ease up on the rule-following model; to avoid interfering
with subjects of therapy, especially EDs; and to train the patient not to enter into symmetrical
escalation (disruptive interaction with parents).

Table 2. Functional Analysis of the Case

Family model is to be critical of others.
Absence of relationships with extended family,
adults, or peers.
Family rules: the need for high professional
achievement. Family values: success, social image,
money, and power.
Criticism and punishment of leisure behavior and of
being a nobody. Family reinforcement of studying
behavior. Family reinforcement of avoiding leisure.
Absence of parental affection. Systematic
punishment of emotional expression. Models
the couples cold relationship. History of perfect
brother who ended up being a failure.
Rigid thinking.
Slightly overweight, feels her pants are tight,
discomfort with her own image, recurrent
thoughts about her hips, fear of getting fat.

Problem behavior


Cognitive pattern is suspicious and selfreferencing.

Social avoidance.
Needs to study more and more. Overstudies at
the expense of other activities.
Doubts her intellectual ability and the
effectiveness of her study techniques.
Obsessively worries about body and social image.
No contact with pleasurable stimuli. Does not
value leisure behavior.
Lack of sympathy from family, difficulty expressing
her feelings, and intense discomfort at not being
able to handle emotions functionally. Feelings of
fear and hatred toward men.

Absence of social reinforcement. Feeling of safety

in avoiding problems and social relationships. No
experience with reinforcing relationships.
Acceptance by the family. Recognition by her teachers.
Assumes the family role of the perfect little girl and
values success and acceptance at the expense of living
life. She obsessively reviews schoolwork to the point
of exhaustion and experiences restrictive anxiety
during exams. Avoidance: thoughts of suicide and of
leaving school. Criticized by peers as strange.
Feelings of indifference toward parents. Emotional
lack of control. Lack of understanding of emotional
communication. Avoidance of close relationships.
Functional equivalence: pleasure as imperfection
(drugs, school absenteeism, failure).
Need to control thoughts and deficient learning
(unable to face contingencies).
Derives pleasure from being able to stay in control.
Safety in controlling what she eats and what she
does not. Increasingly frequent and intense fear
of getting fat. Fear of losing control. Fear of going
crazy. Disruptive interaction with mother about
food. Avoidance of eating socially.

Dichotomous thinking, overgeneralization, and

absence of perspective.
Hypocaloric diet and physical exercise, counts
calories, diets, compares the prices of different
foods and nutritional characteristics on labels,
plans exhaustively starting early in the morning
what kind, preparation, and order of foods
will go into her diet, weighs herself, measures
the diameter of her thighs. Private mantra =
convince herself that her diet is healthy.



Clinical Case Studies 10(3)

7 Course of Treatment and Assessment of Progress

The approach had essentially an FAP format with ACT components; so the first sessions were
devoted to constructing a suitable therapeutic alliance. An attempt was made to interest the
patient in facilitating an alliance through immediate reinforcement of her narrative verbal behavior,
making use of humor, and modeling through warm, affective behavior. The intervention essentially reinforced clinically relevant behavior type 2, which involves adaptive social behavior and
intimacy (making eye contact with the therapist, bringing him gifts, gestures of fondness, and
respecting turn-taking and the therapists ideas even when she did not agree with him). Sessions
held with her parents made it clear (to them and the patient) that the therapist would be in control,
that the parents should abstain from intervening in key subjects of treatment (EDs, studies, and
social relations), and that the therapy would be based on absolute confidentiality. The therapists
image was reinforced by forging one of the few intimate relationships the patient had that was
shielded from the usual family interference. She was instructed to stop her disruptive behavior
by extinguishing aggressive responses, and she was provided with information about when, how,
and why they are prompted to occur. Confrontations were used to bring the patient into direct
contact with her own contradictions (e.g., observing the differences between what she says and
what she does) and to strike a balance between the cost and the usefulness of her behavioral
repertoire. Resources were called onsuch as personal examples or anecdotes about other
patientsto broach certain subjects, to bring up clinically relevant matters, and to open her up to
a new narrative about values (hidden or avoided at first to alleviate suffering). Functional interpretations were reinforced (alternatives to her logic), facilitated by the delivery of technical
information (on cognitive overload, biorhythms, consequences of restricting food, etc.), by the
use of paradoxes (e.g., control is the problem), and by utilizing metaphors and analogies (e.g.,
Salmon struggle upstream to achieve their primary goal, and thus, make the downhill trip calmly
and peacefully, pleased to have achieved something of value; A small splinter in the foot of the
majestic lion can turn it into a vulnerable kitten, and removing that little piece of wood can revive
the magnificent lion; The story about the centipede that could not walk because he stopped to
think about how he did it).
Socratic dialogue was also used (a reinforcing activity in and of itself due to the patients taste
for reflection) as an opportunity to reinforce her understanding (clinically relevant behavior type 3),
to make her aware that any idea or hypothesis can be built on reality, and to allow her to distance herself from the content of her thoughts. During sessions, we modeled and reinforced the
behaviors of being open to experience, improvising, and accepting and normalizing emotions
(encouraging the patient to experience her fears of gaining weight or failing, and verbalize her
feelings toward the therapist). She accepted the risk that she may at first not be able to achieve
her goal of getting good-enough grades to study what she wants in college. Furthermore, we tried
to reinforce her interest in continuing the process of personal change by accepting risk by pointing out that in the second quarter of her treatment, her grades were similar to her previous academic record but her way of life had changed for the better.
Table 3 records the frequency of the therapists various interventions.

Assessment of Progress
Changes observed were separated into those pertaining to scores on questionnaires and those
referring to problem behavior. Table 4 shows the difference in her MCMI-III scores, emphasizing the scales related to social behavior (Schizoid, Dependent, Paranoid) and mood (Anxiety,
Depression). The relative importance of different values changed, promoting those related to her
social life (leisure, entertainment, social relations, partner), moderating those related to work


Martn-Murcia et al.
Table 3. Frequency of Therapists Behaviors
Therapists behaviors

Psychoeducation, confrontation, unbalancing, clarifying, life-cost analysis, conveying

therapists own mistakes and failures
Reinforces openness to experience, changing social avoidance, mental distancing.
Extinguishing ED issues (weight, image, food, fashion)
Metaphors, analogies and paradoxes, personal examples from therapists private life,
revelations, imagination, biographical examples, role-playing
Taking responsibility (behavior checklists, experiential exercises, homework, does not
give directions)
Socratic dialogue
Directivity (instruction)
Normalizes private events


Note: ED = eating disorder. Average per session.

Table 4. MCMI-III Scores

MCMI-III scales
Alcohol dependence
Drug dependence
Posttraumatic stress
Thought disorder
Major depression
Delusional disorder





Note: MCMI-III = Millon Clinical Multiaxial InventoryIII.

and education, and decreasing those related to body image (diet, physical exercise). Similarly,
her final EDI-2 scores were not clinically significant and her eating behavior and anthropomorphic parameters were normalized, with a BMI of 22 (Figure 1). Regarding her social and
family behavior, an increase was observed in social activities, making friends, and leisure


Clinical Case Studies 10(3)


Restricted eating

Figure 1. Body mass index (BMI) and progression of eating behavior

8 Complicating Factors
Two complicating factors were detected. On one hand, the father refused to pay for treatment,
even though it posed no real economic problem. The patients mother took over the responsibility of paying for sessions. We believe that the fathers refusal was due to the fear of losing control
over his daughter, who in the end would cease to have school as her only existential issue and he
would not get what he wanted, a successful daughter. On the other hand, the mother attempted to
prevent her daughter from going away to college far from the familys residence.

9 Access and Barriers to Care

How medical care was managed should not be left out. The patients mother worked for Public
Health Services, so the means to pay for therapy was available.

10 Follow-Up
The follow-up evaluation consisted of clinical interviews, gathering information from the family,
and the same tests that were administered pretreatment (6-month follow-up). Evaluation was
carried out at 3, 6, and 12 months, at which time it was established that the patient had begun to
have close relationships in addition to a stable partner. A drastic decrease in disruptive family
behavior also occurred (Figure 2). It may be said that her academic performance ultimately (last
quarter of the year and her university entrance exams) improved over her prior grade-point average, so the patient did in fact earn the grades she needed, and is currently in college studying
toward the degree of her choice. Twelve months after treatment, the patient maintained a BMI of
22 and exhibited no restrictive eating or binging.

11 Treatment Implications of the Case

One implication of this study is that further research is needed on the efficacy of CBTs for
individuals with EDs, particularly anorexia nervosa. Most studies of EDs and CBT have targeted


Martn-Murcia et al.


Social Activities
Leisure Activities
Family Disruptions
Social Relationships

Figure 2. Progression of family and social behavior


Number of sessions.

patients with bulimia nervosa. What is more, the literature about treating anorexia nervosa
is limited in general, as this type of ED is particularly difficult to treat. Nevertheless, third-generation
therapies (Hayes, 2004) are beginning to be implemented to treat patients with anorexia nervosa
(Berman, Boutelle, & Crow, 2009; Heffner & Eifert, 2004; Heffner, Sperry, Eifert, & Detweiler,
2002; Wilson & Roberts, 2002). However, research on such intervention is currently limited, as
this treatment is relatively new. Such understanding of psychopathology as being of a radically
contextual nature is allowing for severe, refractory problems to be approached in a calm and
tremendously effective manner. In the present clinical case, we observed that implementing these
strategies achieved very significant changes. An attempt was made to monitor the variables
related to therapeutic behavior by using video and having several observers record the sessions.
This study contributes to the scarce body of literature currently available on third-generation
treatments of severe pathologies such as anorexia nervosa and suggests this type of clinical strategy could be useful in treating disorders that usually resist treatment such as in the present case,
as they do not concentrate exclusively or necessarily on the pathognomonic behavioral criteria in
diagnosis, instead dealing with an array of problems in the patients daily life, as expressed in the
therapeutic relationship itself. The usual limitations of this type of experimental design could
have been partially mitigated by employing a between-subjects, concurrent, multiple-baseline
design, which is being used in our current research.

12 Recommendations to Clinicians and Students

There are very systematic data available on FAP and ACT, the processes they involved and their
outcomes, and an abundance of research on the basic procedures used in these therapies such as
stimulus control, rule learning, reinforcement, and experiential avoidance. We recommend that
students and clinicians alike consider these strategies and their underlying philosophy from the
perspective of radical behaviorism, as it can contribute to effectively treating difficult, treatmentresistant patients such as those diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and personality disorders. These
strategies are described extremely well in a manual by Heffner and Eifert (2004) as well as by
Kohlenberg and Tsai (1991, 1994). For information about the basic philosophy, applied to several
clinical examples, refer to Hayes et al. (1999) or Hayes, Follette, and Linehan (2004). It has
become clear that these approaches can be useful in ED patients resistant to traditional CBT, yet,
further research is required. The present case study suggests that ACT and FAP show great promise
for intervention in treatment-resistant patients with anorexia nervosa.


Clinical Case Studies 10(3)

The authors would like to thank the clinical and health psychology masters degree students (University of
Almeria) Francisco Pea, Esperanza Pelez, Maite Locubiche, Roco Garriga, Beln Lpez, Begoa Gallardo,
Lola Saura, Joaquin Valdes, Mari Angeles Mellado, Macarena Garca, and researcher Eugenia Pozo.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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Francisco Martn-Murcia is a clinical psychologist at a private practice, a consultant for the Association
Against Anorexia and Bulimia, and a doctoral researcher of the treatment of eating and personality disorders
at the Department of Personality, Evaluation, and Psychological Treatment (University of Almeria, Spain).
Adolfo J. Cangas Daz is a professor in the Department of Personality, Evaluation, and Psychological
Treatment (University of Almeria, Spain).
Luisa Pardo Gonzalez is a clinical psychologist at a private practice and a doctoral researcher of personality
disorders (University of Almeria, Spain).

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