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Nansi Tiska Goha.

2014 "Effects of Dental and Oral Health Education Against Child

behavior in maintaining the health of teeth and mouth in SD National 04 Manado, Juli 2014
Nursing Science STIKES Muhammadiyah Manado. (Supervised by dr. Suyanto Yusuf, M. Kes,
CWCCA as first counselor and Ns. Sunarti Basso S.Kep supervisor II).
Dental health is an integral part of health in general. Maintaining dental health early is very
important for children. Because the child's dental health is an important factor in the growth and
development of the child. Oral health education is an effort to improve oral health in children.
Oral health education is an educational process that arises on the basis of oral health needs which
aims to produce healthy teeth and good oral and improve living standards.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of oral health education on children's behavior
in maintaining oral health in SDN 04 Manado in july 2014.
Design research: used is the method used in this study is the True Experiment study, the approach
of one group pretest-posttest was given a questionnaire respondents, after it's done and Counseling
Questionnaire sheet. The sample was 16 respondents. Data collected from clients using SAP and
Questionnaire. The data is then presented in table tabulation by using Paired T Test, to determine
the teeth and mouth with poor living conditions Health Paired T test with a significance limit of P
Results: From the analysis of the effect of oral health education on children's behavior in
maintaining oral health in SD National 04 Manado in July 2014 using Paired T test with a
significance limit of P <0.05 indicates the significance of the degree of influence the value of the
two variables is (p) = 0.000 and F = 231.000, while the value of P = 0.000 showed Influence
between the independent variables and the dependent variable. While the significance value
indicates the value is 0,05, thus Ha accepted.
In conclusion: The influence of oral health education on children's behavior in maintaining oral
health in the National Elementary Manado 04, 2014.

Keywords: Health Education, Dental and mouth, the Child Behavior.

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