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Saturday Feb 28th

Jot notes
-walked around village
-saw lots of drugs/bars
-thought we saw a tent cityit was just the market
-airport was all open, airport worker was super relaxed
Sunday March 1st
Had breakfast
Went to church everything is open
History of Church
Ate lunch
Scavanger hunt lots of gangs, mcdonalds here is blue not red and
gold, shaka sign, hang loose, only heard one siren since being here
law enforcement doesnt seem very present
Homeless man with brain cancer, just wanted a smoothie, prayed with
Scuba gear
Shaved ice
Devos at the docks
Monday March 2nd
Had breakfast
Worship at YWAM-all open, given time to just worship God in your own
way, heard testimonies from outreach groups who had returned
Jot notes
-No one is to the left of the beach, they all seem to be at the right
-lots of people on paddle boards
-cars seem nice, not island beaters
-lots of people walking
-decorations with lava rock
-YWAM prayer meeting they were excited, and asked us what our
expectations were. First thing they spoke about was having
expectations and allowing God to do great things. Said that the prayer
would last at least 2 hours. A woman led us in prayer through motions,
thoughts, and ideas. Within minutes there was a rising sound of people
shouting. People spoke in tongues but none of it drew attention to
themselves, all the glory was on God. I feel like the culture I saw there
was an oral culture where people express love and emotion through
sounds and motions. I was extremely disappointed that we were

expected to leave so soon, it gave us very little time to participate. The

attitude there was one of freedom, allowing the spirit to move and God
to work. It was very different from the culture of IWU.
-Decorations and jewelry There was lots of wooden jewelry. Many of
the walls and built up flower beds or planters are made from lava rock.
They use the nature around them for art and beauty and decorating.
-Questions I feel like our activities are tourist focused, like
snorkeling. There were mostly tourists on the beach soare we doing
participant observation with the Hawaiian tourist culture?
Class 1 Petros Malakyan
Session Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the nature of servant leadership
2. Define servant leadership from the leadership literature
3. Understand servanthood paradigm
4. Servant leadership factors in community
5. Lessons from Jesus Christ, the greatest Servant Leader
6. Applying Christ-like leadership in Hawaiian context
7. Something
8. Something
Understanding Servant Leadership
There he discovers that Leo, whom he had known as servant, was the
titular head of the Order, the guiding spirit, and a great and noble
Herman Hesses Journey to the East.
The servant, by definition is fully human, The servant leader is
functionally superior because he is closer to the groundhe hears
things, sees things, knows things, and his intuitive insight is
exceptional. Because of this he is dependable and trusted. And he
knows the meaning of that line from Shakespeares sonnet: They that
have power to hurt and will do none
The servant-leader is servant first. Becoming a servant-leader begins
with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then
conscious choice brings one to aspire to leadThe best test is this: Do
those served grow as persons? Do they, while being served, become
healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves, to
become servants? -The Servant as Leader
The spirit of servant-leaders is the spirit of moral authority. I define
moral authority as Our Moral Nature + Principles + Sacrifice. Many of
us know we ought to behave in a certain way, but sacrifice enables us
actually to behave in those ways tat are in essence of moral authority,

and humility is the foundational attribute of sacrifice A Journey into

the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness
If you work for your people, then what is the purpose of being a
manager? To help them accomplish their goals. Your job is to help them
win.Servant-Leadership Revisited
Leaders who truly inspire others are the ones who bringing love and
spirituality into work, and change their organization through
transformative servant-leadership.Karl S. Takamine
You may be able to buy someones hand and back, but you cannot
buy their heart, mind, and spirit. Servant-Leadership from the Inside
If one is servant, either leader or follower, one is always searching,
listening, expecting that a better wheel for these times is in the
making. Greenleaf, 1970
Definition of Servant Leadership
-Servant First
-Carrying leadership that enhances productivity, creativity, and benefit
-To rise above circumstances and to transcend human common nature
-Getting people to a higher level by leading people at a higher level
-The only leadership style that Jesus left us with
It is
o Transformative
o An expression of free will
o A courageous choice
o A powerful force of love
o A moral authority, not a position
Class 2- Natalie
What is culture-language, traditions (holidays, celebrations, funerals,
weddings, etc.), religion, food, art, music, metaphors, symbols, values,
family systems, politics, education, health, and history
What is a method you can use to study culture? Participant
Observation: Learning culture by being part of the culture
- Interviews
- Conversations
- Taking part in the day to day activities
- Explicit stated clearly and in detail, Tacit-things under the
surface, like values, meaning behind art.
- Social media

Skills: humility, attention to detail, able to get out of your

comfort zone, sensitivity to other cultures, open mind,
having patience, good listening skills, engaging all of your
Difficulties: seeing things you dont like, getting too
immersed in the culture to where you become biased and
your view are skewed, not having enough time, not
jumping to conclusions or assumptions too early, location

Tuesday, March 3rd

Jot notes
-I dont hear many sirens
-during seminar the speaker talked about bitterness against Haoles
Serving by showing respect (like his wife asking the native if she
could use the open table as a sign of respect)
Calling auntie
What are other ways we can show respect?
-At beach people are very protective of the animals
No touching sea turtles
Dont chase the dolphins
-Natives stay away from tourists, on beach they were secluded
-At walmart they would not make eye contact
-At the city of refuge
Lots of statues and temples
Value harmony, place where people can come if they accidentally
do wrong
Had ponds were ponds sacred? Was there any significance to
the ponds?
House where royalty was buried is the place still sacred for
natives or is it just a museum for tourists now?
Class 3 Guest Speaker
When youre looking for guidance for your life, I think its harder to
miss it than to find it just stay faithful to the next step and you will
be where you need to be
How do we serve? The best way we can serve is with whatever God
has graced us with, the gifts he has given us.
Ask God where is the gracewhere is the grace of God that we are
called to do.
Revivals always include:
1-extraordinary prayer
2-conviction of sin
4-social change

Weve all got to go where the grace is in our lives-Luther?

He that desires to be a leader has an honorable ambition
Spiritual Leadership-multiply yourself into others, go and make
What are we accomplishing and can we measure it? important to
keep in mind.
Jesus ministry
Jesus spent more and more time with fewer and fewer people. His
leadership was not to the masses.
Concentrating on making discipleshealthy sheep reproduce
The main thing about leadership is making disciples makes me think
of empowerment, one purpose of leadership is to make followers into
It takes time to make disciples; it takes time for people to change the
way they think.
Leadership Principles
1 Timothy 4:7 dont give heed to anything distracting from the
disciplines you need in order to do the work that God has called you to.
Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.
1 Peter 1:16 Be holy, as I am holy says the LORD.
1 Timothy 4:12 be an example of the believers in your speech,
conduct, faith, love, and spirit
typas? an impression left by a blowbe this kind of example
Character, competence, and chemistry qualities to look for in a leader
Wednesday, March 4th
Class 4 Petros
Talking about servant leadership
Jot notes for today:
-hospital that was really run-down looking
-houses had lots of open windows (broken a lot of times)
-city of refuge, game to play with high stakes (property, wife, life)
-could smell the flowers in the rain
-much more livestock and farming on the way to south point made
me feel more at home, animals I could relate to. All of the places we
have visited up until now have (in my mind) very exotic wildlife and
plants, like dolphins, sea turtles, colorful fish, beautiful flowers. So to

see animals like horses, goats, and cows made me feel like there were
still things that the island shared with the mainland and if I ever lived
here I would be able to find some similarities that I might be able to
use to connect with natives.
-rocks that were preserved that specific royalties had used (resting
rock of king, or the rock that the queen hid under)
-plant life growing on the volcano still seemed to be very diverse
-rain forest right by volcanoexpected plant life but not such
abundance of it.
-lights are much more orange/yellow instead of white. The white lights
would mess up the turtles because turtles are attracted by the moon
so the dim yellow lights dont mess up the cycle of the turtles.
Thursday, March 5th
Class 5 YWAM speaker
John 17:20-26
Jot notes for today:
-tattooed man (Billmaybe Bob?) at beach, he had lots of good
thoughts, marriage advice, used to resent YWAM but now he
appreciates their gifts but knows its not for him. He talked about
marriage advice and how we should make sure to marry people who
are believers and who we are attracted to and to not let our minds and
hearts wander. If we live to serve our spouse, our marriage will be
much healthier and it will be glorifying to God.
-Prince, gave me a shell and took the muscle out of it, introduced us all
by name to his family, one played a song for us, the woman Carrie
was really sweet and said she would make us a necklace if we came
back, Prince made baskets, they were all super nice. He seemed to be
the leader, once he introduced us to his group they were all extremely
welcoming. They were so willing to share the goods or talents that they
had with us and were very relational focused. They were not
concerned that we needed to get back for class but were more
interested in just talking with us and being with us. It made me feel sad
that we had a schedule to stick to and couldnt just spend time with
them and get to know them on a deeper level. That is one of the
biggest observations Ive hadthe Hawaiian culture and YWAM culture
always seem to leave room for relational developments and for living
in the moment. Our IWU/busy American culture doesnt allow us to
just be we always have to go, go, go, and it seems to kill
relationships instead of growing them.
-Luau: had very young kids participating what was the age in
ancient Hawaiian culture that kids became adults/or participated in the
dances and rituals

-dancing was very sensual? I kind of appreciated just the genuine

appreciation of the human body.
-when the guy and girl danced together, they didnt touch very much.
The guys style didnt change, and the girls style didnt change they
just danced together very different from lots of styles of dancing.
-Coffee farmlearned a lot about coffee, never knew it was a fruit,
never knew about the layers

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