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my popplet

1-produce drawing with good detail-for example, a

house with windows, a door, a roof and chimney.
2- ask about adstract words (for instance, 'what does
"beyond" mean?')
3- can give their full name, age and address, and
often their birthday
4- are interested in reading and writing.
5- recognise their name and attempt to write it.
6- talk about the past, present and future, with a good
sense of time.
7- are fluent in their speech and grammatically
correct for the most part.
8- love to be read stories and will then act them out in
detail later, either alone or with friends.
9- enjoy jokes riddles

1) have increased agility ( can run and dodge , run lightly on their toes, climb
and skip.
2)they can ride a bike without stabilisers and stand on one foot for 10
3)show good co-ordinaition, play ball games and dancing rhythmically to
4)can bend at the waist and touch their toes without bendingat the knees.
5) can hop 2-3m.
6)use a varitely of play equipment.
gross motor

1- dress and undress alone, but

may have difficulty with
2- have very definite like and
dislike, some with little apparent
logice - for example, a child might
eat carrots when cut into strips
but not when cut into round.
3- are able to amuse themselves
for longer periods of time, for
example looking at a book or
watching a video.
4- show sympathy and comfort
friends who are hurt.
5- enjoy caring for pets.
6- choose their own friends.

cognitive &


five years
fine motor
Emotinal and

1) can use a knife and fork.

2)may be able to thread a large eyed needle.
3)have good control over pencil & pint brushes.
4)can drawa person.

1) understand the social rules of their

2)instinctively help other children when
they are distreesed.

5) can copy elaborate models.


6)can construct elaborate model using kits.

7)can copy a square &,at 5.5 years.

moral and

8)can copy latters ( v,T,H,O,X,L,A,C,U & Y)

9) can count the fingers.
10) can do jigsaw puzzles.

1)enjoy team games.

2) may show a preference for a particular sport or
craft activity.
3)play complicated games on floor.
4)play alone or with others.
5) enjoy elaborate pretend play with others.


1- provide plenty of outdoor activities.

2- provide stilts to encourage balance and
co-ordination - these could be made from
old paint cans and strong cord.
3- teach children to ride a two-wheeled
4- teach children to swim
5- Encourage non-stereotypical activies,
such as boys using skipping ropes and
girls playing football.
6- team sports may be provided at school
or at clubs such as Beavers, Rainbows and
Woodcraft Folk.
7- Encourage the use of models, jigsaws,
sewing kits and craft activities, as well as
drawing and painting.
8- Talk to children about past, persent and
future, to promote language skills.
9- Allow children to organise their own
10- Encourage children to help with simple
tasks, such as washing-up or watering
11- set clear boundaries for behaviour, and
always explain these to children.

can match ten

or twelve

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