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Ashish Kumar

Election Manifesto
House Secretary

Alumni Secretary
The alumni network needs to be strengthened as they can be a major source for additional
funds. In the current year it will be the House Secretary's responsibility to see to this and
from next year onwards we will have an elected Alumni Secretary.

Talks With Alumni

Talks with alumni will be organized every semester primarily focussing on the various
problems the first yearites face. Monthly talks with people from the final year will be
organized on issues like internship, placements, projects and anything else which is deemed
necessary by the residents.

Monthly HWC Meetings

Monthly formal HWC (highest decision making hostel body) meetings will be organized
and minutes of the meetings made public. These meetings would serve as a good forum for
the residents to raise their issues.

A monthly report about the things done by every secretary in the previous month and their
plans for the next month will be made public.

Information Brochure For Secretaries

The old secretaries will pass on their experience to the newly elected ones in the form of a
wiki, listing out all the details they need to know in order to get started. This ensures that the
new secretaries know their job and how it is to be done right at the very beginning of their

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

A grievance redressal mechanism will be conceptualized with an online complaint forum on
Satpura's website, which I will ensure is up, as soon as possible.

Rules To Be Specified Early

It was seen that the rules regarding winter and summer messing were not clearly specified. It
will be ensured that the residents know what the rule is well in advance and if they have
problems with it, a case can be presented to authorities at the earliest.

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