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Produced by Del Jones Communications Unlimited
All Rights Reserved, printed in the United States
About Author: Del Jones is a journalist from Philly. He has studied
and covered the violent elections in Jamaica, worked and was part of
a fact finding mission weeks before the cowardly invasion of Grenada,
and also traveled and studied the situation in Southern Afrika.
He earned his associates degree from the school of Hard Knocks, his
B.S. is in organizing in the streets and on the campuses of Philadelphia,
his masters is in dissecting the medias: distortions, lies, half truths,
and kicking it out to the people. And his Ph.D. is for surviving to run
it down another day. As a result of all of this, he has been rewarded
his War Correspondent credentials by Revolutionary Pan-Afrikanism
(Black Power to you) and henceforth a W.C. will appear after his
ISBN 0-9639995-9-1

As A child I wondered, As a man I knew
As A Child I wondered, As a man I knew
Broken dreams and promises
bad news with postage due

Nostril-aching smells of sadness,

embryos try-ing to dodge the knife
Were all spattered, with the urban-blues
As a child I wondered, as a man I knew
Death on a shingle, cold ground call nothing to lose
Multi-hues robots accustomed to being used
Powdered face gun toters, grab a straw for the booze
As a child I wondered, As a man I knew

Del Jones, W.C.

I dedicate this work to all of those who believed in me and
my tortured War Corresponding efforts in our struggle: To
Mylo, also to my Mother & Father Ellen & Simeon Jones,
and my family the Philly crew (Sim, Ben, Snookie, Bob, Deke,
Wayman, and their beautiful families). I appreciated your
help through the years. To my children Dawn n her husband
Kenny, Dale n her husband Norman, Del Nyerere, Nia Njeri
and little Dedan Sekou Kimathi. Also my grandchildren
Malcolm, Benita, little Kenny and the lost one. Never
forgetting my total family, including the Miami connection,
and my main man Uncle Herbie Jones of New York. In
addition, to my Afrikan extended family, which includes all
of you. To Mr. Keels the super elder, who kept my old bomb
running. And then there is: Scoop U.S.A. the home of my
column for over a decade, Westside Weekly, First World
Forum, Philadelphia New Observer all in Philly. Also
including, The Frontline Network that was born out of the
struggles of Temple Universitys campus. Special mention
to AFRIKAN EYES the Newsletter of the Committee for
Pan Afrikanist Development, the organization that has been
my home base for political growth and clarity, of which I
am a founding member.
Most of all, to my Brother and cadre in arms Brother Deke
and his Know Thyself Bookstore and Culture Development
Center located at 528 S. 52nd Street in Philly 215-748-2278,
that is the oasis for the upliftment of the consciousness of
our people. This is where you can always track me down....
Del Jones
(Your War Corrsepondent)

Special thanks to my copy editor Pat Jacobs, who put

up with me and worked long hours with a commitment
to the truth.
Also, thanks to Robin Bright-Jones (my beautiful SisterIn-Law, a Howard University Art Grad) for her creative
art work and design of the front cover. Thanks for your
unique creativity and belief in this project.
In addition, Id like to thank John Martin for his art
work on the Pharoah, Ive admired his work for years.

A special thanks to Civilized Publications.

Also thanks and appreciation to Harry Allen of Public
Enemy for his time and energy, Tyree Johnson and the
Westside Weekly in Philly for layout skills and
professional kindness.

Dont let them fool you, it is not the gun that keeps the
have nots of the world in bondage to white supremacys
economic system of capitalism, it is the mass media
component of this system of exploitation that
perpetuates the confusion of the oppressed.
Confusion is the enemy of revolution and the western
media are experts in causing confusion and perpetuating
lies, stereotypes, and his-torical distortion, as they play
with our appetite for a better life.
Anti-Afrikan Propaganda is a vital key to the survival of
white supremacy. Any error in this area of the great white
lie would certainly lead to the destruction of the world
economic and communications order. In short, this is the
heart we are attempting to strike at to deal this evil force
a death blow. A blow that would breathe life into PanAfrikanism in particular, and the exploited in general.
Consequently, it is vital that all mediums of their mass
media reinforce one another. In other words, they must
articulate the same lie in every media product. And what
are these media products that we ingest and digest daily
on the road to further servitude:
(records, videos, songwriting, musical awards, classical
European, traditional Afrikan, blues, gospel, r&b, jazz, rock,
Reggae, rap, afro-pop, etc.)
Print Medium
(which includes text books, newspapers, novels, comic
books, print advertisements, magazines, newsletters,
cereal boxes, bill boards, posters, graffiti etc.)

(talk programs, music programming, sports programming,
public broadcasting, all news formats, religious
programming, campus radio, etc.)
(Hollywood, documentaries, educational films, cartoons,
training films, his-torical teaching tools, etc.)
(support your local police shows cop shows, sitcoms,
soap operas, cartoons, t. v. news, docu-dramas, sports,
award programs grammy/Tony/Emmy, educational t.v.,
Cable t.v. syndicated reruns, news specials etc.)
(telephone commercials, tele-marketing of sex, products,
exploitation of the lonely, intelligence gathering etc.)
(European fashion crazes, official business uniforms,
Afrikan cultural attire, hairstyles, gold craze, graffiti
people, peer pressure and sewing machines etc.)
(colonization of scholarship, stolen legacies, his-torical
banditry, perpetuation of academic superiority,
technological ownership, control of degrees, educational
institutions etc.)
Satellite Communications:
(Invading the borders of other nations, broadcasting in
other nations air space, promotion of western values
and products, spying on other countries, etc.)

This work was designed as a community working paper
and survival kit for establishing a beachhead against the
invasions of our minds, and destruction of our culture.
Also to further document things this author may have
missed that you think are important and must be shared
with the community.
It is also designed to set up a coherent counter attack to
drive back the invaders of our collective consciousness
that are in pursuit of our purchasing power as it
simultaneously attempts to destroy us.
In addition, it serves as documentation of Amerikkkas
program of genocide and menta-cide against Afrikan
people. The burden of understanding these things
demands us to act to slap back the aggression and put
forward individual and mass programs of both
rehabilitation and culture maintenance.
It should be understood that the scope of this subject is
vast and can not be adequately covered in one volume.
However, the broad brush is necessary to define the
methods of the enemy, the maladies they cause and some
of the options that are available to us.

Culture Bandits Vol.l (which covers music) is a liberating

tool and should not be confused with any reformist
products put out by many other media critics. It was
developed to heighten the awareness of the victims (us)
and act as just one of the deprogramming agents
necessary for the development of our just struggle against
domination by the white collective.
What you must bring to this work is an open mind and an
inquiring spirit. It was written for mass consumption, not

just as an exercise in intellectualizing the struggles of
Afrikan people. It is the goal of this book to aid the
community in being ever vigilant to the deadly demonic
forces that cloud reality to control every sphere of our
No mass media product should go unquestioned by the
brain computer. We must shed the passive approach to
the media. We then will enter a tug-a-war for our
consciousness, our culture, and . . our very hue-manity.
The element of trust must be excluded when dealing with
the mass media, because when we begin to identify with
the media messages on a personal tip, we are in grave
danger of being used against our own interest.
Every media message has a reason for being created and
none of these creations are designed to deliver freedom
to Afrikan people. On the contrary, all of their products
are produced to increase control and exploitation. It is
the goal of the mass media to sell the Amerikkkan way
as the superior system, yes that bastard Amerikkkan
culture is projected as the beginning and the end. Finally,
two things can not occupy the same space at the same
time, consequently our freedom can not be created as
long as their exploitation is intact and in control of our
present and our childrens future.
Leave all you know and believe behind the cover of this
book and travel with me into dimensions untouched as
we continue our search for the liberation of our own minds.
Then and only then will we be free to develop the
strategies and tactics necessary to turn the tables on
the Culture Bandits and undo their lie that has captured
the world and its resources.


Every society has its own culture and every

culture its own values of civilization. Thus, we
easily understand that every act, every
objective to be achieved should necessarily be
within the scope of culture; for culture embraces
the entire physical and moral being of a society
whose whole thought and action underlies in
the various manifestations of its existence.
Sekou Tur


Culture is everything a people do, why they do it, when they do it
and how it is done. Everything falls in the realm of culture.
The system of governing a people in their own land by a foreign
power. It has social, economic components and its chief activity is to
rob the indigenous people of their resources, self determination, culture, labor and basic freedom.
Broadcast and print mediums that disseminate information locally,
nationally or internationally. Its role is to control the flow of
information, ideas and culture. Its primary objective is to distort, lie,
rename, confuse and destroy all truths that could be used for liberating
purposes by those subjugated by white supremacy.
The broadcast system used to reach audiences using the radio
spectrum. Audio programming used to sell ideas, lifestyles, and
products to the world. Also, it is used to control thought and dissent.
Its largest product is music, a vital tool of the Culture Bandits. The
first truly effective mass vehicle for exportation of alien culture.
The broadcasting of audio and visual images. A medium that is popular
and used to define reality, influence opinion, and redefine information
and situations. Used for the propagation of Amerikkkanism and
western values. A manager of news and views, greatest salesman of
products as it brings what Dallas Smyte calls advertisers to
audiences. Supplies visual images for the populous to emulate.
Socializing agent for morales, mores and culture. Redefines reality

and delivers a fantasy perspective in its place. Creates only confusion
to set viewer up for economic, cultural and social exploitation.
Valuable tool of promoting Amerikkkan culture, historical
inaccuracies, selling fashions and abnormal perspectives. A racist
tool for redefining people and stereotyping outsiders and justifying
genocidal programs, past & present, against people of color.
The new kid on the block, a great tool to quickly overtly and covertly
define anything effectively. Example, music videos have become a
powerful promotion tool for the recording (audio) industry. However,
like the rest of the mass media, it is a powerful weapon in the hands
of the Culture Bandits. Consequently, music videos are trapped in
the foul waters of racism/sexism/soap opera/violence. Its violent
counterpart, the video games, are trapped in the quicksand of its own
unwholesome world-view of war, sex and racism. Most of the minds
dealing with this medium are demented, and in a powerful position
of sabotaging any attempts at developing a healthy consciousness.
Even the pinball machines that preceded video games were violent/
The oldest and the most abusive. Under the logo of free flow of
information the most racist/reactionary garbage has been produced.
While at the same time, the effective control over the distribution of
newspapers, books, magazines, periodicals, journals etc. has limited
Afrikan peoples access to each other. This book is evidence that
now there is no excuse for us to lay silent. The advancements in
computerization and desk top publishing and the establishment of
Black distributors has begun to chip away at the concrete barrier
between the writers, publishers, and their Black audiences.

The colonization of scholarship is the control over our research and
information by and about us. Keeping it captive and away from the
people who need it to develop a clear view of our-story and our present
direction. The mere fact of keeping the work of our researchers in all
areas of scholarship unpublished or under-published, extracts our
scholarship from the body of knowledge. Even though, we are the
founders of all the disciplines they now claim. While at the same
time, they promote and present anti-Afrikan propaganda that was/is
unfounded, untrue and destructive to the collective intellect of our
people and how others view the Afrikan.
Is a critical activity of controlling the thoughts of our people. The
discrimination against our educators, who challenge the lies that they
perpetuated by denying tenure, employment and advance degrees.
All the way down to the elementary school student who is punished
for presenting George Washington as the slave holder he was, or
pointing out the Afrikan lineage of Beethoven, Pushkin, Aesop etc.
Designed to make the Black students and educators consciousness
prisoners of white supremacy.
Cultural Genocide is the goal of the Culture Bandits in all phases of
society. It is their goal to destroy the culture of our people, claim all
they can accept as their creation, while destroying those elements
that are undigestible by the European. Another goal is to confuse the
people as they attempt to apply another races morals, mores and
norms to themselves. The death of the culture would lead to the death
of the people they hate and fear.
The invasion of another culture (collective & individual consciousness
of a people) by outsiders (enemies) in order to rearrange and control
the victims for the purpose of subjugation.

The major role of radio, newspapers, t.v., etc. is to bring audiences to
advertisers for the purpose of selling products. For example, sports
is used to sell: beer, sneakers, cars and other so-called male products.
Even when attending a sporting event live, the printed programs, and
scoreboard are littered with commercial messages. Soap Operas are
used to push: home products, laundry products, feminine napkins,
fashions, cosmetics, etc. Ratings are based on how many people a
program can deliver to a sponsor. Proven winners like the Super Bowl
can command almost a million dollars per 60 second spot.
Hidden messages and images using air brush techniques, words and
images embedded in frames of film or photos that only the
unconscious eye can see or subconscious ear can hear. It is an illegal
and unethical approach to propaganda. Yet, it is a skillful part of their
communications arsenal.
The process of using the speed of the mind against the consciousness
of the individual for the purpose of seducing the individual into a
pleasant response for the products of the advertiser. It employs sexual
references for the purpose of establishing a favorable feeling in the
mind of the viewer. We must side step intellectualizing here and state
it is a vicious rape of the mind and a criminal act. Playing with the
reoccurring sexual urges of human beings is reflected in the rape of
men, women and children and the unhealthy unnatural sexual abuse
seen in many relationships.
Our musical response to the religion of our captors, that was used for
political purposes. Wade In the Water, and Follow The Drinking
Gourd are just two examples of gospel songs that passed on political
and escape route messages within the worship space that was allowed.
Many times only for worship could prisoners of war (slaves) be

allowed to gather. Later many of us were to adopt the Christian religion
A musical form that grew out of gospel expressions and the objective
conditions of Afrikan people here in the states. Like every form of
our rich, musical culture, there are different kinds of expressions that
make up the blues. Many came from different objective realities in
various locations throughout this country. Whether it was Chicago,
New Orleans, Memphis or St. Louis, we sang the blues all over
because conditions required a musical articulation of reality.
The expanding of the blues toward more complicated instrumentation
and arrangements increasing the complexity, which was an out growth
of the urban or city experiences. Environmental factors impact on
the type of musical products we will produce. The tone and pace of
life will always affect the music. R&B is also what some considered
at the time to be the unholy alliance between Gospel & Blues. Which
gave us another term for R&B, which is also called Soul Music. Now
the music business apparatus is calling R&B (Soul Music) Urban
Contemporary, which would include all kinds of people, who live in
an urban setting. This attempt to take away the ethnic identity of the
music and drop it in the lap of the exploiters has drawn criticism
from many Black recording executives, artists and consumers. Polish,
Irish, Asian, so-called Jewish and many other peoples live in what is
called contemporary society. They would be apart of such a logo
(Urban contemporary). Like Malcolm X taught us, Black coffee
keeps us awake, but put in a little cream and what kept you awake
will then lull you to sleep.
Is the total exploration of all music to infinity. A collage of textures
and tempos, it is a highly sophisticated tapestry of all that has come
before and all that will emerge in the future. It is an intellectualizing

of the blues and definitely indigenous to our people. You see, the call
and response, crisscross rhythms and poly rhythms are locked in just
as they are in all forms of Afrikan music. It is feared by our enemies,
because it is harder to digest by those outside our culture.
Consequently, there has been more aggression against jazz than any
other form of music with the exception of music dealing with
revolutionary lyric lines (Billie Holidays Strange Fruit, The Last
Poets This is Madness, Oscar Brown, Jr.s Brother Where Are
You, and Public Enemies Welcome To The Terrordome are just a
few examples).
Is the bastard child of R&B, which was created to invade our musical
culture by the Culture Bandits. Before this music, the music was as
segregated as the society. Our musical culture advanced at a steady
pace. The Culture Bandits decided to run a frontal assault on R&B
for both economic and political reasons. Our music, which was called
race music, was separated by stations or blocks of time on white
broadcasting outlets. Neatly pushed aside, so they thought. However,
crude demographics and documented observations of whites sneaking
uptown and across the tracks to partake of our musical culture
screamed for an economic and political solution. Elvis Presley, Bill
Haley and the Comets, and people like Jerry Lee Lewis were projected
as the alternative to the real thing. In short, they muscled their way
into our music with these pale, soulless imitators of our song. They
are unashamed, as they propagate themselves as the originators and
have our youths thinking Sha Na Na were the creators of Do Wop
music, which was born under street lamps in the Black neighborhoods
in Urban centers.
Soulless music, white-like for consumption by the dominate culture,
broken down Black music into patterns and melodies that dont
confuse whites. Blacks who slip into this category sell their soul for
a few (really a lot of) pieces of silver and usually can never come

home again. Sammy Davis, Joe Williams, Diana Ross and Lou Rawls
are clear examples of singers with proven talent content to drone
sounds in mikes for the consumption of whites.
Reggae is a dynamic music that spun out of the reality of the Jamaican
experience and is locked into the suffering of the Jamaican people
and the religion of Rastafari. Its foundation is grounded in basic
Rhythm and Blues and, of course, has all the elements of Afrikan
music in it. Recently, the Culture Bandits have been struggling to
destroy the music. The attempts on the life of Bob Marley and his
questionable death, the death of Peter Tosh, the deaths of several
other key exponents of the art form cleared the way for
commercializing the form and removing the nationalism from it. This
was done by:
a. controlling the economic base of the music
b. controlling radio airplay across the globe
c. isolating the political (culture) portion of the music and exploiting
the party music (dance hall)
d. controlling the artists by making them subscribe to the acceptable
standards set by the deadly enemies of the music.
e. overexposing the sound through commercials, while attempting
to shorten the life of the uniqueness of Reggae.
f. Finally, developing in the young artists a carrot on the stick control
of the music. In other words, do it this way or starve.
The music of the streets forced out of the urban decay we are captured
by in the inner-city. It was born out of the response of the youth from
the control of our music by the enemy. The businessmen creation
and perpetuation of the music under the logo of Disco and the
development of the male images of soft-punks like: Michael Jackson,
Prince, Babyface and assorted non-threatening images that developed
in little girls the wrong image of Afrikan manhood, and in little boys

soft non-threatening characteristics, that would never confront our
enemies on behalf of our people. Music that is now struggling with
the same forces who control Reggae and for all the same reasons.
However, the nature of the promotion of the music (on the streets
and in the clubs rather then radio air-play) and the fiercely loyal
audience has led to the growth of Hip Hop. And it is growing because
of the reactionary backlash of the Culture Bandits. Nationalism is
the ingredient that will never be washed out, but the struggle continues.
Attempts of white music to explore sound, space and time. Fathered
and given definition by Jimi Hendrix. Grafted from the Blues and
R&B, British attempts to create off of a Black base failed until the
arrival of Hendrix. Interesting enough, they have never surpassed
his work and still fumble around in the musical state of creative
confusion lost and alien. Heavy marketing and the creation of a culture
around these sounds have created a planet for exploitation. Fashions
and products surround the white youthful sounds and a necessary
loyalty keeps it afloat. It is important to note that, this music only
exists as a vehicle for young whites to attempt to get in touch with
their feelings and in touch with the environment that is being destroyed
by their mothers and fathers. The Chicago Transit Authority, Blood
Sweat and Tears, the British rock acts, and the million white vocalists
that tried to sound like Ray Charles, cut Rock out as a beachhead for
further invasion of Black music. After all Bruce Springsteen, George
Michael and others had to have a fort to attack from and
reinforcements to prevail. However, stealing is their only form of
originality. Culture Bandits will steal from Jazz, Reggae, Blues,
Gospel and R&B (naturally groups like Guns N Roses and the Rolling
Stones music are racist products from those who disrespect the
victims of their larceny). But in the final analysis, its an innovationless
music because its mother, Black Music, ignores it as a child of a
raped parent.
Music of the Eastern Islands of the so-called Caribbean. A local folk

music with a carnival vibe, but also cuts with necessary political knife
in the hands of some of its creative artisans. Mostly uptempo, it
provides a pulse all of its own, a life of bright sounds, unique rhythms
and cultural compatibility with all other Afrikan forms of music.
Afro-pop, Juju, Mbaqanga, Highlife and other contemporary sounds
from the homeland mix comfortably with the traditional rhythms that
gave birth to music of the world. Heavily influenced by imported
R&B and Jazz, they all demonstrate the creativity of the Afrikan with
word, sound, and power. In addition, it also speaks to environmental
factors that are tied to all Afrikan expressions. More importantly,
like Reggae it is a music that is kept from the Afrikan in the States at
all costs. When all of these sounds marry, the earth will shake and
the Culture Bandits will be on their way out as controllers of our
(Afro-Pop, Juju Music, Mbaqanga, Highlife etc.) Afrikan
contemporary music is a diverse as the many languages on the
continent. Flavored from ethnic tradition and culture, it is married
with the musical approach of the Afrikan taken to the states. Therefore,
the R&B flavor and jazz riffs identify us all as the same people using
the same elements of sound to articulate our environmental and social
experiences. Fela, Franco, Sonny Okshun, Sonny Ade, Hugh
Masekela and thousands of others create the Afrikan jam from their
reality. And we all benefit. Culture Bandits like Ginger Baker, Eric
Burdon and Paul Simon, travel the globe looking for a sound to steal
and rework through Copyright Offices unashamed. They think they
are undetected Culture Bandits masquerading under the title of
Music purposely designed to appeal to both Black and white
audiences. Disco is a perfect example of how economics can affect

the culture of our people. Pop music was the first crossover music
design to redefine Black music to be digested by mass white
audiences, who were economically and culturally out of touch with
the developers of the real music.
Attempts by whites to interpret the foreign musical products of Black
folk for exploitation.
Fusion is the use of all kinds of Black music to create a new sound. R
& B bass runs, complex chord changes, different meters and melody
lines proves the relativity of our sounds. Miles Davis Bitches Brew
was a hallmark, yet so-called jazz purists (whatever that might be)
criticized Miles as a sell out. Even though, he never left home, because
all these textures and sounds are our creations, many have locked
their ears to Miles constantly evolving sounds. A foreign artist, like
Chuck Corea, known for his work in fusion, demonstrated contempt
for the creators of the music by recording the so-called JoBurg sessions
in South Afrika. Thats his thanks to Miles people after playing with
Davis. They dont get no respect!
The constant diet of love songs, relationship situations and sexual
banter that is both childish and out of step with reality, are nothing
but musical soap operas (most music has been reduced to soap operas,
clowns and all). The effects of this music is left unmeasured, yet
society has to be the barometer of truth. Teen pregnancies, adultery,
loose sexual activity, emotional irresponsibility, sexual exploitation
by males and females, family decapitations with more attention paid
to sexual activity than any other part of the human domain, leaves
many confused about the meaning of life. R & B has been reduced to
a one dimensional output of sexual material drowning in its own
childishness. Controlled from the outside, it is!



We are brought up with the enemies media surrounding our existence

capturing reality, bottling it up from eye sight, and replacing it with
fantasy images pale and dead.
Timely patterns of death are a daily diet pushed down with polluted
water. We eat, we drink and our consciousness is dulled by the cloning
repetition of the white lie.
Our history is locked away in colonial museums and the names, origin
and race are changed to destroy the innocent. This critical component
of the systematic destruction of Black folk is of life and death
importance to the Culture Bandits.
By allowing them to define the storm a weary truth is buried as a
people is lost in confusion, self-hatred, and future-less-ness. Disjointed
from the continuity of history with no defined role to continue, we
can only subscribe to the agenda of the slave master or at least within
the confines of acceptable struggle for acceptable goals.
Confusion destroys progress and those who lose direction stop short
to avoid stumbling into the future like hidden furniture in dark rooms
in a land that is not ours.
To create this reinforced confusion, one must be a professional liar.
A liar so dedicated that they must subscribe to the lie as if it was the
truth. Consequently, discussion with the enemy is hopeless, they know
only one language, the language of force.
For example, if you view Dr. Frances Welsing or any other Afrikan
intellectual putting forth a clear, well researched position to an enemy
commentator, talk show host, or news reporter, you will find that,
they are never convinced of the truth.


They will evade, lie, confuse, dodge, get angry, cry about antiSemitism, reverse racism, or some other escapist tactic. Never, I repeat
never, will you hear them admit they are wrong, that his-story is
wrong and that they have done a job on us. Naw, the lie must
continue... Why?
Because, their fragile synthetic reality is based on well constructed
lies and phenomenal Culture Banditry. They stole our achievements,
claimed our discoveries, said they were people they were not, seized
civilizations that were not theirs, philosophies that belonged to others,
religions that were not their creations and denied us the truth of our
noble, dynamic ancestors. George G.M. James called it Stolen
Legacies and his book should be sought out and read by every Afrikan
person who now populates this earth.
It would take volumes just to list the banditry of these barbarians.
But my point is that discussion with them is as useless as talking to a
white wall. They are locked in and will defend to the death their right
to use us, abuse us. The mere notion of us collectively finding out the
truth and moving on that truth sends chills up their collective spine.
Understand, just existing equally with other peoples of the world is a
reality they will resist to the last man. The Martin Luther King scenario
of happy integration is a goal they want us to reach for knowing that
it is unobtainable.
Violently frightening to them, is a cohesive Afrikan global population.
You see, they are aware of what they have stolen, who developed
civilization and everything that word implies. Consequently, equal
opportunity could never happen. They hold tight to discrimination as
a cooling out tool over our creative genius.
The key to keeping the lid on our quest to liberate ourselves from our
captors is their mass media. It not only reinforces the lie but brings it
to life through music, print, documentaries, film, situation comedies
(sitcoms), broadcast journalism, videos etc.


All of that is a mere support system to their system of education that
bleeds the Black out of us and sends us into the world distorted,
confused and in love with them... while hating ourselves!
Yes, they have colonized scholarship. Their education system is a lie
machine that pumps up the chest of their children, while deflating
ours in an externally developed adulation for them. Consequently,
the mass media is the stake through the heart, the convincing agent
that seizes our consciousness, still undeveloped, and delivers it to
the system of white supremacy.
The results are devastating. Worse than death is the process of creating,
within hue-mans, self-hatred, measured inferiority, and a damaged
consciousness that effects reasoning, logic, and self-perception...damn
Culture Bandits!

Then they feed on the carcass of the dead consciousness in fear of

the resurrection that always comes through the power of our genetic
make up. Never dead, they continue their attack through the mass
media, using it as a secret agent inside our heads that overthrows all
our thoughts on pride, progress and liberation.
They have wanted to bury us for a long time, cover us up with the
soil they captured from others and ruined in the name of profits. Or
theyd love to drown us in polluted waters that they have infiltrated
with their death in the name of ye ole bottom line. They would like
to send us up in space through the hole in the ozone layer that they
created with their madness. Out of synch with nature they are, and
always were. In conflict with all life forms around them...they must
be stopped.
Enemies of man, beast, the land and seas, they must believe their lies
of superiority. It is not in them to take the lead from others, even
though they are unqualified to lead, they must be in control. Yet, the
only thing they are really qualified to control is destruction, death
and their lying machine of backward justification... their mass media.


Having said all of that, and it had to be said, we can now go on in our
quest to understand the Culture Bandits who even control the ideas
in our heads.
Any thinking Afrikan person must have a global perspective to
understand the simplest local problem. We must also understand that
the solutions to our dilemma should be a global response to their
oppression and subjugation of our collective song.
Music is so critically important to us, that they have always sought to
control it ever since they first came into contact with us. They
understand that it floats through the whole of our culture and binds
each component together in a unity of purpose.
For example, during one day of grieving over the death of a loved
one you will hear the sound of gospel music, a touch of the blues,
some jazz melodies of easy listening and the tight funk after all is
said and done as the party begins to wash away the pain.
Globally, Amerikkka exports our music as a chief seller for their
products, culture and way of life. Our music splits the airways all
over the world, because Afrikan music is from an advanced cultural
form even when controlled by the Culture Bandits.
All over the world, they dance to our song, they imitate our dances,
way of dress, and slang. During all my trips abroad, the more I attempt
to escape the controlled musical products of Amerikkka, the more I
ran into them. In Jamaica, Grenada, Zimbabwe, our jams dominated
their airwaves. For example, in Jamaica you hear more Black music
from the states than Reggae.
Encased in the songs that the mass media allows to be played, is the
Amerikkkan way of life and the values found in this culture. Most of
the material is the usual musical soap operas complete with
Amerikkkas childish approach to relationships and the exploitive
nature of these musical images.


Hardly any social comment is allowed unless it is the universal
messages of a Tracy Chapman. We gotta live together themes are
as far as this form is allowed to travel. Attempts to sabotage groups
like Public Enemy is a daily activity, a never ending quest to expunge
all that has not been sanctioned by the Culture Bandits.
Internationally, Amerikkkan music (our song) is considered whats
happening, and the world plugs into the scene from Asia throughout
Europe, and other points on the compass.
We must realize the importance of our musical culture and seize it to
liberate or it will be used to further subjugate our dreams, drown our
reality and destroy our childrens tomorrows. Beware and be aware
of the deadly Culture Bandits!


Before we even begin to study the work of the mass medias Culture
Bandits, we must first look into our-story to set up the infrastructure
for research, discussion and documentation.
To pretend we all bring to the party the same basic knowledge,
sensitivity and perspective, would be a waste of energy. We dont!
We know we dont; that point we must be very clear on. Consequently,
it is my responsibility to guide us into a posture for study as we focus
in on what I present as the vanguard of their system of
oppression...their mass media!
Many offer that the Black experience is vast and diverse and one
solution does not fit all Blacks. It is a cowardly backing down from
the powerful mechanism of the enemys communications empire.
We all experience their mass media the same, victimized Afrikans
whose consciousness is stolen. After which, the powerful culture of
our people is chewed and mutilated, then spit back at us as poisonous
venom of artificial enslaving garbage.
In other words, what was developed out of the daily reality of our
people in response to their interaction with this society on different
levels of intensity is perverted. The mold with our historical approach
to culture is attacked and warded off. Reworked, remodeled, redefined
into harmless co-optative, profit making porridge, toothless and very
exploitable. We are then naked with no cohesive definition and no
tool of perpetuation.
Let us be clear on this, the mass media is not an entertainment/news/
educational series of apparatuses for the betterment of the society, or
the world that they beam their anti-Afrikan Propaganda to. Media
critic Dallas W. Smythe points out in his book Dependency Road:

The mass media of communications were systematic
inventions of monopoly capitalism. The purpose is to set a
daily agenda of issues, problems, values, and policies for the
guidance of other institutions and the whole population.
We must blow away the myth that the mass media in this country is
either a friend, a comfortable companion against loneliness, an
information carrier of truth, a documenter of history, or a provider of
information needed to intelligently govern our struggle for liberation.
It is the purpose of this Pre-Communications Study guide to wash
clean some society given concepts, that would lead us all back into
their clutches of subjugation, stereotyping, and utter confusion. Logic
is the key that must be found to unlock our minds and that is our goal
Smythe goes on to explain the capitalistic complex of industries
which he says are led by the mass media which he correctly termed
The Consciousness Industry.
The Consciousness Industry is just that, an apparatus to scramble
our consciousness so that we act against our own interest and in theirs.
It also establishes itself as the authority, experts in everything and its
function is to guide Amerikkka and western society through any
troubled waters.
He goes further to note that:
In a real sense every politico-economic system rests on the
power to control information. Mature industrial countries had
the advantage of being first to develop electronic
communications using the radio spectrum. This use became
the indispensable foundation of the capitalist politicoeconomic system.

We must understand this if nothing else: the media is their tool
designed to perpetuate their society and the control over the world
by the white collective (white supremacy/capitalism/racism).
This is basic and must be digested, the alternative is to relax and
believe that the so-called entertainment industry is just Amerikkkas
cultural way to pursue leisure time activity and disseminate
information. This is a dangerous notion. Following this path will
guarantee that your consciousness will remain underdeveloped or
completely stolen. The result is a world of illusion, a fantasy existence
divorced from perspectives, information, and true cultural
development, while putting you back into the cages of bondage with
its invisible bars. Thus, developing in you, a victim for its traps of
drugs, AIDS, religious escapism, and rampant consumerism for the
goods produced by our enemies for their enrichment.
In addition, their media is a deadly socializing tool that establishes
the norms for us and as you know, to them, normal is aping and
parroting their decadent alien morals, mores and values along with a
distorted self-serving world view.
Children are enslaved by media products of glittery, violent, white
value filled cartoons, fantasies, music video programs, childrens cable
networks, and consumer gripping commercialism that keeps the
appetite for products out of line with income realities.
The attack on the family is never ending. The development of machomen images for the men, and soap opera queens for the women deliver
in us anti-family sentiments that destroy the very same institution
that could and would save us.
The promotion of anti-sexual behavior (homosexuality), male studs
motivated by their penis and loose whores that are all body and no
mind, leads to the destruction of good men and women. Once this
unprincipled behavior is digested as normal and acted out, the family
erodes and disintegrates before our very eyes.

It is the theme encased in the music, the videos, movies, cartoons,
novels, history books and in the newspapers If loving you is wrong
I dont want to do right. Each betrayal sends a death blow to the
family and extended family. As they work on our basic reoccurring
urges (sexual) and play with our minds, they drape unhealthy sexual
attitudes on every media product, and we accept the unwholesome
as the acceptable norm.
Completing the trap is an environment of drugs, AIDS, consumerism,
classism, anti-Afrikan sentiment, religious intoxication, externally
developed inferiority complexes, academic terrorism and, of course,
free access to our minds for the Culture Bandits.
But who the hell are we and why should we resist the Consciousness
Industry? How do we differ from other peoples? And what is our
historical role? In other words, what are we attempting to protect,
obtain and perpetuate?
Great Afrikan historian Chancellor Williams wrote in his classic The
Destruction of Black Civilization:
The land of the Blacks was not only the Cradle of
Civilization itself but that the Blacks were once the leading
people on earth; that Egypt was not only once all Black, but
the very name Egypt was derived from the Blacks; and that
the Blacks were the pioneers in the sciences, medicine,
architecture, writing, and were the first builders in stone, etc.
We must take time before we journey on into the study of the Culture
Bandits, and how and why they work our culture over so thoroughly.
We must establish firmly who we are and our relationship to the white
collective (European enslavers).
To say we are Afrikan people, is not enough, we know that to be a
fact, and those of us who dont know it, will be reminded by our
enemies. But who were/are the Afrikans?

The physical evidence being unearthed daily proves beyond a shadow
of a doubt that we are the original people and all others sprung from
us. L.S. B. Leaky and others have documented for those doubters of
all hues that we were/are the beginning.
Dr. Frances L. Cress Welsing, M.D. laid out her interesting view,
Cress Theory of Color Confrontation, dealing with the behavior of
the white collective against people of color and especially against
Afrikan people. To loosely run it down, she agrees that Black people
are the beginning and her dynamic explanation of what she perceived
as the white collectives irrational/hostile/violent behavior toward
the 90% of the worlds people (people of color) is in fact a reaction
to the fear of genetic annihilation.
Her research in the behavior of whites toward Blacks, in particular,
should clarify to us all, the phenomena of racism, practiced to deadly
precision by our enemies. On this our Elder Neely Fuller writes in
his Textbook for Victims of White Supremacy:
Most white people hate Black people. The reason that most
white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black
people. If you know this about white people, you need to
know little else. If you do not know this about white people,
virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse
Dr. Welsing, in her famous paper, travels through the white psyche
with a laser focus on answering the question of the ages. Why are
these people so barbaric toward the 90% of the population of this
earth termed people of color?
She feels their fear of genetic annihilation leads them to enact a very
paranoid love/hate relationship with Afrikan people. She views their
castrations of Black men, over-protection of the white female, tanning
of skin to achieve color while risking skin cancer, are just a few of
the symptoms dripping like a sore on hue-manity. She writes:

Psychiatrists and other behavioral scientists frequently use
the patterns of overt behavior towards others as an indication
of what is felt fundamentally about self. If hate and lack of
respect are outwardly manifested towards others, hate and
lack of respect are most often found at deeper level toward
the self.
Whites are not at peace with themselves nor comfortable with their
color: they are fearful of extinction which causes them to be Culture
Bandits. This allows them to control the culture they unconsciously
feel they sprang from, while destroying all they dont understand
(which is most). And that portion which could not be used to serve
white supremacy is hidden and destroyed as they attempt to possess
our consciousness as a defense mechanism against our organizing
efforts to perpetuate ourselves.
Therefore, they nestle in our culture like sleepy rapists, they fight
sleep after their foul deeds, huddled with an organic force that is not
theirs, they pretend to not only be the experts and critics, but also
originators. They easily attempt to explain away: Elvis Presley, Tom
Jones, Peggy Lee, Mel Torme, Gerry Mulligan, Josef Zawifnul, The
Beastie Boys (beast indeed), Kenny G, Joe Cocker, George Michael,
Robert Palmer, New Kids on the Block, Rolling Stones, Beatles,
Madonna (super sick) and on and on.
Welsing feels we are at war with the white collective. Because of
their deadly fear, they are constantly struggling to decrease the
populations of people of color, especially Blacks, who produce the
most color producing element; melanin. Thus we are viewed as the
greatest and most feared threat.
Consequently, they arm themselves with tools of genocide: all types
of weaponry, chemical warfare like AIDS etc., birth control, drugs of
all types, and I would add, the Consciousness Industrys process of
Culture Banditry prepares our people for genocide. The very loss of

identity through their mass media and institutions set us up to be
victimized by their weaponry. They are so good that their process
even gets the victims actively involved with their own slaughter.
Other opiums used by the Culture Bandits are religion, consumerism,
class consciousness (which means allegiance to them) and confusion,
which is the enemy of progress and revolution.
Have you ever wondered why Amerikkka and indeed the western
world is preoccupied with our culture? It should be understood that
they feel it is a threat because of its binding nature, its global
continuity, and its rich history, that proves it out produces their
backward systems of social formations. They fear and hate our culture,
while at the same time, they are in awe of it and our endless reservoir
of creativity.
The songs, the dances, the language, the clothes and how they are
worn, the hairstyles, the definition of cool, the athletic approach to
games, the philosophies of life, the developments of religion and, in
short, every aspect of life is at their disposal for invasion, destruction
and the development of a caucasianizing captivity... they are: Culture
Another famous Afrikan historian Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan had this
to say in his classic work Blackman of the Nile and his Family:
The Black man (indigenous Afrikan and his descendants)
must once more write about himself, his culture, and his
continent (Alkebulan, Afrika, Ethiopia, Libya, etc.); for no
one cares about anothers history. Moreover, when a mans
history is written by his enslavers or captors, regardless of
his masters religion or economic philosophy, such a history
is always distorted to suit the master-slave relationship; which
is the only possible result from such an enforced union.

Dr. Ben, as he is known to the Afrikan community, goes on to establish
in us the need to study our history from the sources that sprang from
our culture and are linked with us. He continues:
Such paternalism does not have to be vindictive. The mere
fact of the relationships existence forces one to feel in fact
superior to the other. And if the history of such a union is of a
very long duration, many of the captured begin to accept their
status of inferiority. They then allow themselves to be renamed
accordingly. With their new name a new psychology naturally
develops; and with the new mind, a new docility...this was
done to the NEGRO.
Yeah, theyre Culture Bandits and consciousness thieves who redefine
all we do, why, when, and for whom. But as Dr. Ben has noted, they
even redefined us from the Afrikans we were/are into Negroes.
Once trapping us in a state of confusion and disarming us of our
culture, they set up the machinery to keep us in that state of lost huemanity. This was the work of the Culture Bandits.
Malcolm X taught us that:
You know that we have been a people who hated our Afrikan
Characteristics. We hated our heads, we hated the shape of
our nose, we wanted one of those long dog-like noses, you
know; we hated the color of our skin, hated the blood of Afrika
that was in our veins. And in hating our features and our skin
and our blood, why, we had to end up hating ourselves. And
we hated ourselves. Our color became to us a chain - we felt
that it was holding us back; Our color became to us like a
prison which we felt was keeping us confined, not letting us
go this way or that way. We felt that all of these restrictions
were based solely upon our color, and the psychological
reaction to that would be that as long as we felt imprisoned or
chained or trapped by Black skin, Black features and Black

blood, that skin and those features and that blood holding us
back automatically had to become hateful to us. And it became
hateful to us.
And Malcolm was correct, it is a point we can not deny. However,
we seem to get lost as we attempt to explain how this hatred came
about. Too many of us do not deal with the theft of our consciousness
through overt oppression and symptomatic institutionalized antiAfrikan propaganda. It was and always has been the work of the
Culture Bandits to dislodge us from our culture.
Whether it was the overseers whip, or a Walt Disney cartoon, we
must admit they have been successful. The confusion of our people
as to their basic identity supplies the evidence that the process worked
and continues to work, as a large portion of our people still deny
Afrika. Without truly understanding what Afrika was/is, and its role
as the foundation of mankind, they flee the label of Afrikan.
In an interview with our late genius, Cheikh Anta Diop of Senegal,
which was published in Black Books Bulletin and later put in that
great time capsule called Great Afrikan Thinkers edited by Ivan Van
Sertima and published by Transaction Books, Shawna Moores
interview with Diop gave up this gem:
When we talk of racism in antiquity, it is important to
understand that racism as we know it, could not have been
expressed in the same way vis-a-vis Blacks, for the simple
reason that it was Blacks who had monopolized technical,
cultural and industrial know-how. The other races had to
pattern their technological, cultural and religious
developments after the accomplishments of Egyptian
technology, science, culture and arts. The Greeks were forced
to come humbly and drink at the fountain of Egyptian culture.

In the famous interview Diop goes on to explain how Alexander the
so-called great was in awe of the Egypt he came upon. Even that
barbarian knew the value of this Afrikan nation as it surpassed all
that he had seen and known.
After conquering the entire eastern Mediterranean basin,
Alexander went as far as to set up the capital of the empire in
Egypt, not in continental Greece or Macedonia. Dont you
find that strange? It would be like France setting up its capital
in Dakar, rather then Paris, after having achieved a colonial
empire. Alexanders decision is indicative of the cultural
ascendancy exercised by Egypt over non-Black peoples, even
at a time when she had already lost her national sovereignty.
Helenas civilization was indebted to Egypt beyond measure.
It was to Egypt that all of the Greek scientists of the Helenas
period came in search of knowledge. Hence, racism in the
modern sense of the word could not have been exercised by
whites against Blacks in the same way during antiquity.

These things are not common knowledge to our people. Consequently,

as Dr. Ben has said, the loss of our identity makes us view others as
superior and we taught them. Couple this with what Dr. Welsing views
as their fear of genetic annihilation, and we began to get a feel for the
reason they developed into Culture Bandits. It was through
psychological, economic, and political necessity.
In short, they had conquered, through unprecedented barbarism, the
Afrikan, his land and his culture. But what they had captured was far
superior to anything they could have ever developed. To justify the
captivity and exploitation of our people and settle the struggle within
themselves over the fear of becoming extinct, they perpetuated a fraud
and claimed all that we had developed as theirs. They are murdering,
lying Culture Bandits!

To portray the victim as the criminal, is a basic tenet of the Culture

Bandits. Even though they stole everything they could understand

from our societies, wherever they came upon us, they also destroyed
more and that which they tried to build upon, they claimed as their
Let me make one more point here: In Stolen Legacy, by George G.M.
James, he speaks of the Greeks you and I were taught were the basis
of everything that the White man is supposed to be. Everything that
we must look up to and emulate. But let us listen to what James has
uncovered and you will hear this theme over and over throughout the
work of our historians, who are telling our-story through dynamic
research. James wrote:
After nearly five thousand years of prohibition against the
Greeks, they were permitted to enter Egypt for the purpose
of their education. First through the Persian invasion and
second through the invasion of Alexander the Great. From
the sixth century B.C. therefore to the death of Aristotle (322
B.C.) the Greeks made the best of their chance to learn all
they could about Egyptian culture; most students received
instruction directly from Egyptian Priests, but after the
invasion by Alexander the Great, the Royal temples and
libraries were plundered and pillaged, and Aristotles school
converted the library at Alexandria into a research centre.
There is no wonder then, that the production of the unusually
large number of books ascribed to Aristotle has proven a
physical impossibility, for any single man within a life time.
Is this not a Culture Bandit of the highest order? Yet, our children
and the youth of the world are taught to look up to this pale plagiarizer,
who stole and claimed our wisdom. Further, what if we had institutions
that taught the true story of the Afrikan to our people? Not one of us,
not one, I repeat, would want to claim to be, someone or something

Armed with our collective wisdom, achievements and glory, we would
have a built-in vaccine against their genocidal programs and their
major components of drugs, AIDS, alcoholism, anti-sexual behavior,
consumerism, classism, physical mutilation, and the phenomena of
dealing against our interests.
We traveled that far back for a reason. It is important that we all
realize that we are now dealing with the sons and daughters of the
original Culture Bandits, and they have done their parents proud.
Their ability to steal the culture from under our noses goes undetected,
in the main, because we have no functioning definition of culture,
nor do we identify with anything or anyone but them...the Culture
In the Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey he explains
education in a new light, one that would disarm the Culture Bandits
and place them exposed naked before you:
You can be educated in soul, vision and feeling, as well as in
the mind. To see your enemy and know him is a part of the
complete education of man; to spiritually regulate ones self
is another form of the higher education that fits man for a
nobler place in life, and still, to approach your brother by the
feeling of your own humanity, is an education that softens
the ills of the world and makes us kind indeed.
Garvey made it plain and digestible, but lets look deeper at the words
of this renown Afrikan Patriot. He goes beyond many who have an
unnatural love for those who have inflicted on us, for centuries, the
type of murder, brutality, physical and consciousness castration,
slavery, neo-slavery and every other form of degradation a people
can suffer.
He says, to see your enemy and know him is a part of the complete
education of man. And so it is! However, the mass media machine

of the Culture Bandits bombards our people with the notion of
submission to their tyranny because it is in the interest of their
genocidal agenda.
Reverse the message, and beam to them, that they should put down
their arms, love all people and study war no more, why, they would
kill you.
Samuel F. Yette in his famous contribution The Choice dealt with the
final solution component of Amerikkkas plans for its prisoners of
war (slaves):
The obsolescence of Blacks in America and their will to
survive nobly - demand and fight for their rights - provide
some with an adequate rationale for Black extinction. Legal
sanctions for systematic invasion of Black sanctuaries homes, schools, and establishments - were signed into law
before Congress adjourned for the fall, 1970, elections. But,
in America, as in Asia, these essentially military measures
bespoke the failure of insincere or basic unsound efforts to
help Black people.
Obviously, this is the reason this work, Culture Bandits, was brought
into existence. This is not a mere intellectual exercise, but a critical
Working Paper that is organic in nature and will change with the
tactical developments of the Culture Bandits.
Yet, it is not just about survival, it is all about reclaiming what is our
heritage and gleaning that which is applicable with this contemporary
world and building a new reality from there.
This piece is a frontal assault on our enemies and their methodology
of confusion. This Pre-Study was necessary if we are all going to
start together to seriously deal with their vanguard in their system of
oppression... their mass media.

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