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All Love

SKHM Magazine - edition 1 - September 2004

Interview with Patrick Zeigler

Founder of SKHM
In this magazine:
History of SKHM

Workshop feedback

Questions & Answers

Licensed SKHM teachers list


Web links

All Love
SKHM Magazine

Michael Heemskerk,
Michael Heemskerk,
Patrick Zeigler,
Robin Straathof,
Jan Rodenrijs,
Teresa Parrott
Jan Rodenrijs
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Printed in the Netherlands
Fax: +31(0)84 7173959
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All articles, stories or any other
data should be sent by email to or on CDR.
All Love Magazine cannot accept
responsibility for any inaccurate
information, or for claims made by
advertisers. The editorial in the
magazine is the opinion of the
author of the article and does not
necessarily reflect the opinions of
the magazine. No material contained within the magazine may be
published without the written consent of the editor.
Universal copyright
2004 Michael Heemskerk-Patrick
Zeigler-ALL LOVE.
19 Euro per year, 3 issues
All articles, illustrations, stories
and translations in this magazine
are owned by Patrick Zeigler &
Michael Heemskerk.
SKHM Shenu
1999 Patrick Zeigler
All love, ISSN 1574-4221

From the editor

After planning an All Love magazine for several years, it
is a great pleasure to finally bring you this first issue.
The magazine covers all aspects of the SKHM energy,
which Patrick Zeigler re-discovered following his mystical experience in the Great Pyramid in 1980, and the
method of working with the energy which he has since
developed and now uses in his workshops all over the world.
It contains articles on SKHM and its history; interviews; personal
accounts and reactions to experiencing the SKHM energy, and photographs from workshops and special classes.
All Love magazine includes an international list of currently licensed
SKHM teachers, which will enable those who are interested in attending
a workshop to contact a licensed teacher in their area or country.
The magazine will be following the development and future evolution of
SKHM, and we will be interested to include material from anyone currently involved in SKHM.
I really hope you enjoy this first issue.
All Love,
Michael Heemskerk

From Patrick
Hi, I would like to thank Michael for organizing and putting together the first SKHM magazine. Many people ask,
what is SKHM? For me it is not just an energy but a way
of life. Each class I teach, I learn something new, and
realize that I am only seeing a fraction of what SKHM is.
To define SKHM is to put a limitation on it; each person has their own experience of SKHM and the energy becomes the best teacher. One of the reasons SKHM/Sekhem/Seichim has become so well-known is because each
person can make their own unique connection to SKHM. Each person finds
a facet that they are comfortable with, and it becomes a part of their life.
This aspect of SKHM can become confusing, especially when one person
claims SKHM is this and another claims it is that. Just know that SKHM
comes to us through our own filters, and we experience it in a way we are
most comfortable with. Those that prefer to work with a pure energy experience it as that.
Those that prefer to have an intermediary, such as a guide or God/Goddess
will experience that aspect.The energy will come to you in the form you are
most comfortable with! We are highly creative beings so the possibilities are
endless. We have the ability to create whole worlds in our dreams and
visions; there are no limitations, the only limitations we have are those that
we put upon ourselves. We are at a time now in which group energies are
becoming more easy to access. Why is this? Because we are becoming closer to the group consciousness of humanity. Agreed, we still have so much
separation, and we live in a world where there is still war, but keep in mind
too that we also live in a world where there is a peace on the planet which
has never existed on such a scale before.
Communication world-wide is simply amazing. The internet has made the
world a much smaller place, where everyone can have a voice, and be as
big or as small as they wish. Each voice is expressed and heard, and what
is manifesting on this level is surely what is also possible on the Spiritual
level as well. And who knows, maybe some day we will not need the computers any more!
This Magazine will help build awareness and community. It is a big step for
all of us.

Online/phone sessions
For those interested in learning SKHM, we are currently offering
online/phone sessions; these sessions are required to become a SKHM
teacher. Along with the sessions there will be intermediate support and the
opportunity to work with others in the program.
Each session is about an hour to an hour and a half and that also includes
a follow up call. Once in the program you can feel free to email or call with
questions and for support anytime.
A $25 annual fee is required to enter the program; this fee will include listing you as a member of our SKHM program so others can contact you for
training sessions and eventually SKHM Teacher certification. The fee also
includes our New SKHM Magazine to be published several times a year.
The cost per session is $100 (may vary from country to country). The distant
session will begin the Initiation process called a SKHM-Khet. After a SKHMKhet you will be better able to help support others through a SKHM-Khet
experience though energetic resonance.
It is recommended receiving a minimum of at least eight sessions and giving a minimum of eight sessions; facilitating others through the SKHM-Khet
is one of the best ways to integrate and learn SKHM. Many people will open
up to the SKHM-Khet during the first session; however, it may take up to 4
or 5 sessions. The remaining sessions will help to integrate the energy more
fully and also give support to help facilitate others through a SKHM-Khet
(Initiation.) This part of the program is to facilitate distant healing and to
connect with the Shenu Meditation and to facilitate others through the
Initiation process.
Distant sessions are to complement three in person workshops, for SKHM
Teacher requirements. These workshops are designed to introduce the group
Initiation process and to learn appropriate skills to facilitate and support
group energies. The workshops and distant training is required for SKHM
Teacher Certification.
Each part of the program can be taken independently as each person
progress within the program at their own pace.
You are encouraged to begin teaching and sharing when you feel ready, as
you teach you will grow. The SKHM energy is the best teacher.
For a list of Certified Teachers see page 15 of this magazine.
All Love, Patrick

Internet links
Patrick's E-Groups about SKHM, Seichim information and Discussion
All About Egyptian Symbols
Cristina Gerber
Cornerstone Healings
Diane Shewmakers Celestial
Emerald tablets of Thoth
Learn all about reading Hieroglyphics
The Greatest site on

Even though mental, emotional

and physical healing do take place
the SKHM class is not recommended for people currently being medicated or have serious mental and
emotional problems. The class is
designed for mentally healthy people who wish to strengthen their
awareness to source.

Meditation music
Heemskerk are working on a new
meditation which will be released
very soon.
SKHM Shenu Meditation

Patrick Zeigler and Michael Heemskerk

Also the SKHM Shenu Meditation

will finally see it's global release as a
regular CD later this year.

October 23-24 2004
Malaga Spain
With Patrick Zeigler
and Michael Heemskerk.
Organised by Dr Graham Crook
and Dr Teresa Parrott
October 29, 30, 31
Lisbon, Portugal
Jorge and Sandra Ramos
November 20 and 21
Downtown Toronto
Led by Jason Mackenzie
November 27 and 28
Milan, Italy
Loredana Perotta
(+39) 347-6890743
December 4 and 5
Mevagissey,Cornwall, UK
(+44) 172 684 4362
January 29-30 2005
Mevagissey,Cornwall, UK
(+44) 172 684 4362


(Pronounced Saykhm)
SKHM is the healing spiritual energy that the
Egyptians used, and which was taught in the
temples of ancient Egypt. SKHM is channeled
Living Light Energy from Source. It is another
aspect of the One source, just like Reiki. It was
rediscovered by PatrickZeigler while in Egypt.
Just like Reiki, SKHM connects withSource, to
establish a healing in the Physical, Mental,
Emotional and Spiritual Bodies. The energy is
used to heal, and to stimulate personal development to reach ones true purpose. The presence of unconditional love is a very important
aspect of SKHM, and this differentiates it from
any other energy.
Compared with other systems which work with
energy, SKHM is more a group-oriented energy.
One of its great characteristics is that it seems
to support the development of each individual
within the group, in whatever way s/he needs
at the time. The energy not only enables new
personal insights, but it also suggests to people
new ways in which they can begin to use the
energy. For this reason, the system has been
adapted and changed along the way by different people who have used the energy.
Since Patrick re-discovered the energy in 1980,
various systems and methods of working with
the energy have been developed. Seichim was
the original name given to the system. Kathleen
Milner later adapted it and created her own
system, called Tera Mai Seichem, and various
other systems have now evolved, including Isis
Seichim, Seichem, Seichim, and Sekhem,
which use a variety of initiation methods and
different symbols. The many different spellings
have caused a great deal of confusion!
SKHM is the system which Patrick Zeigler now
uses to connect and work with the energy. He
no longer uses regular attunements, in which
a persons energy system is altered to bring up
a premature Initiation. Instead he uses what
he calls a flowing meditation, which is more a
process of allowing and guiding the flow of
energy, then supporting the spontaneous initiation which may occur through a persons own
internal process. When the energy enters a
persons energy field, it tends to start shifting
any energetic blocks it encounters, and Patrick
uses a variety of techniques to help the person
become aware of these blocks and to identify
their origin. Once they have been released, a
spontaneous initiation may occur.
Patrick feels that it is better to let the energy
itself be the teacher; that way he does
not place his own limitations on it.Even though
it does have an Egyptian feel and
heritage, he does not promote it as such
because that in itself begins to define what
the energy is. Once it is defined, it becomes
very difficult to grow and expand.
SKHM means Power in a spiritual manner, but
there are many other definitions, including
Might, Altar, The Natural Force, Vital Force,
Vital Force Of Men, or any Spiritual Power or
Psychic Force, Place of the Gods, God of the
Altar or Habitat of the Gods, Place of Power.
SKHM can be a beautiful addition to Reiki, or
whatever kind of energetic healing method you
already use.

Patrick's Story

In the Great Pyramid

Patrick traveled to Egypt in 1979 to
fulfill a childhood dream of sleeping
in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Patrick
visited the Pyramid and found a
small opening to the left of the King's
Chamber wich had been created by
thieves who had tried to cut through
the wall surrounding the Chamber.
The gate covering the opening was unlocked. Patrick did not know
where it led, yet he knew that this tunnel was where he would hide.
After spending some time meditating in both the Kings and Queens
Chambers, Patrick left the Pyramids to prepare to come back the next
day. He began fasting and returned to the Pyramid the next morning
with a bag packed with what he would need for spending the night.
He went directly to the tunnel, and when no one was looking, started to crawl into it. The tunnel was quite narrow and tilted upward.
Patrick soon found himself in a small carved-out room just above the
Kings Chamber, where he spent the entire day peacefully meditating.
After the pyramid emptied of tourists and was locked for the night,
Patrick came out of his hiding place and, with a flashlight in hand,
proceeded to the Kings Chamber. He made his way to the granite sarcophagus, discovering that when he bumped its side, it resounded
like a very deep gong. He stepped into the sarcophagus and lay down
on the stone base. As Patrick attempted to quiet himself, he heard a
buzzing sound. Soon he recognized the buzz as mosquitoes, and
found that his feet, arms and face were the target. He remembered
packing toilet paper, so got up and quickly wrapped himself in it,
looking like a mummy as he lay back down in the sarcophagus. Safe
from the mosquitoes, Patrick was now able to become quiet and started to meditate.
In a short wile, Patrick began hearing thumping sounds that seemed
to be footsteps coming up from the grand gallery. The sound kept getting closer, and he knew he had to stay where he was to avoid detection.No one turned the lights on, and Patrick soon realized this was
because the sound was likely not human. This realization was so
penetrating that waves of fear came over his body, almost overwhelming him. Though he had been in dangerous situations before,
this fear was different and was not going away.A presence then
entered the room and the thumping sound now pulsated throughout
the Chamber. As Patrick looked into the darkness, a swirling pattern
of electric blue light appeared and hovered over him.Something inside
told him this was why he had come, and he went deep within his fear,
reassuring himself not to be afraid.
Patrick thought, Do what you have to do, and at that very instant,
the light descended into his heart. For a moment, there was total
silence, and Patrick wondered if he was still alive. Yet his heart felt so
expansive, and the sound now coming from inside of it was identical
to the one that had been in the Chamber. Patrick spent the rest of the
night in a state of peaceful bliss, meditating on the electric blue energy in his heart as it swirled in an infinity or figure-eight pattern.
In the morning, Patrick returned through the tunnel to his hiding
place before the Pyramid opened for the day. He meditated there until
he felt it was time to come out and join with a group of tourists leaving the Pyramid. Patrick noticed he was covered in a glimmering
white powder and brushed off as much as he could. As he was exiting, he could hear the guards yelling at him to come back because
they realized he had spent the night inside. Patrick understood their
language and pretended not to hear them. As luck would have it, a
bus was just pulling away. He jumped on it and it took him right to
his hotel.
Once he was safely back in his room, Patrick looked at himself in the
mirror, and for the first time realized the white glistening powder was
blanketing him from head to toe, just as if someone had dropped a
large bag of flour on him. He later learned that this powder is known
to be in the pyramids and is used in India to promote healing and
spiritual powers. In the West, some call it white gold and use it to
heighten a persons spiritual vibrations.

Interview with Patrick Zeigler

Traversing the whispers of healing energy:
Practitioners of living light energy Seichim.
Research Project in partial fulfillment of a Masters Degree in Social
Anthropology. Patrick Scott Zeigler

What is Seichim? How would you

describe it to someone who had never
heard of it before? I have read the
book ALL LOVE, have found various
sources of information on the internet,
and have also had it described by
Practitioners and my own Teacher, but
I would like to hear it from you.
Well, for me its a personal thing, a
process of self-discovery. For each
person, its different, but for me it
started out as a personal journey. I
then began sharing it one-on-one,
and gradually its grown to groups of
twenty-five or so. More and more people are taking a class; this month
there could be a group of one hundred people. We cant get SKHM out
there more until we have more teachers; when more people become teachers, who knows what will happen.At
the present time, there arent a lot of
people teaching what Im currently
teaching. There are a lot of people
teaching the original form I taught a
very long time ago almost twenty
years ago and thats what gave
Seichim a name.
So has it changed as a result of
yourown experiences? Its nebulous,
isnt it, because its evolving, changing, expanding, all the time?
Well, thats correct, a lot of it does
reflect the experience that I am having at the time. I first began to work
with massage then one on one with

people after I took a healing class, but

energy healing doesnt come with a
Start again by telling me what is
Well of course, you are pronouncing it
more like Seicheem, whereas actually
it is pronounced more like Seihim. Its
got a real guttural sound to it, that we
dont have in our alphabet. Similarly,
many people say Saychem, but actually it is Sekhem; the vowels are
much shorter. The word itself comes
from an Egyptian source, from which
many different meanings are derived,
the simplest being power of powers.
They didnt really have a word for
energy, so the word power was used
instead, from which a whole range of
other meanings arise. Its similar to
how people now use the word Reiki,
sort of the vital source of man, which
of course represents the power. You
know when you come into the power
or energy.
Nowadays, we use the word energy a
lot, rather than power. So when we
talk about power, people sometimes
get a little confused about that,
because power has come to be associated more with an ego thing, which of
course was not necessarily the case
back then. The other meaning of
Seichim is a place, kind of like a
Shambala, where the Gods dwelt or
were created. There was actually also
at one time a city of this name. I did
do just a little bit of research and
came up on the web with the idea
that this city was going to be reborn.
So you can see that there is a whole
variety of meanings of Seichim, but
for the most part they are all connected to the energy, the life force,
and thats essentially how I see it
today. So it would be in a class too,
where we are connecting with our
energy, connecting with our source,
and from that, other aspects come
about. A lot of people connect with
guides, or sometimes other energy
forms as well, but the main aspect
that I like to focus on in describing it
is the connection to source.
And Source is another way of saying
Yes, the reason I dont necessarily say
God is because God can mean different things to different people and that
can sometimes turn people off. And
again, you know that saying God

Patrick Scott Zeigler

Patrick is an internationally
known spiritual healer who incorporates the body, mind and spirit
in each healing session. He has a
loving healing energy which radiates from his heart, hands and
voice. He has studied Holistic
Healing for over 25 years. His
experience includes living and
studying with respected healers,
shamans and gurus in Arabia,
Nepal, India and Africa. Patrick is
certified in Therapeutic Massage,
Mastership, Divine Unity and
Advanced Energy Healing. In
1984 Patrick introduced to the
world an ancient healing method
called SEICHIM.

more than likely means male, and

some people can get upset about that
when God is included in the whole
dynamic. Actually, of course, creator
is not gender specific, nor is source.
You were also saying to me last time
we talked that you saw Seichim as a
process of self-discovery.Would you
also consider it to be a healing system?
Well, its definitely a karma healing
system. In the beginning, you know,
it was for my own personal healing
and then it started to develop into
working with others. Naturally when
you start to make a connection to
Source, healing aspects come about,
so healing is just kind of the by-product of connecting to source.
You saw it initially as personal selfdiscovery and healing, so how did it
come about that it got out there? Did
you get to a point where you felt it
needed to be shared and was no
longer just yours?
Well, as I said, I originally worked on
my own, and then had very strong
feelings to study different forms of
healing with different healing
schools, one in New Mexico and one
in California. It was through that, for
instance, I did a lot of body work,
massage therapy, that type of thing,
so that all dealt with healing and
complemented the energy very well.
When I was in the massage group in
California, thats when I began to
share it more and then it began to
take off from there. The lady I initially shared with, and taught, ended up
bringing it to Australia and then to
New Zealand.

This was Phoenix Summerfield?

Yes, Phoenix was one of the people
that initially brought it over, but a
lady named
Deepa Slater was probably the first
person to bring it to Australia. She
studied with a lady called Marsha
Burack, a student of Phoenixs.
Not too far down the tree from you
Yes, I kept in pretty close contact
withPhoenix and she shared things
with me often, however, we never met
until several years down the way, so
she kind of began to develop it on her
own in different ways to the original
people. They were Reiki Masters, and
there was a lot of Reiki involved, so it
became kind of an extension of Reiki.
However, I would say that using it in
that way doesnt utilise its full capabilities, in fact it quite often limits the
way in which the energy is used.
You mentioned previously in relation to
symbolism, that you get to a point
where the symbols are no longer
required? I understand that you began
teaching Seichim much like Reiki, and
now you dont teach it that way. Can
you explain this?
I only taught it that way for a very
short period of time and then I began
to use visualisation with it, and thats
now developed even more. A good
example is that Reiki uses a lot of
Japanese symbols or symbols that
have been handed down. Yet out of
the whole Reiki set of symbols, there
is only one symbol that actually represents the energy pattern, and that
is spiralling energy. The way I work is
that every image works with the energy pattern itself. So you know, if you
see a visualisation of a flower opening, its sort of like the crown chakra
opening; I use a column for the way
the energy flows in a straight line;
and I use a cross until the energy
starts to move and to rise inside. Ill
even use the ankh, which is a symbol,
but is actually an energy pattern,
bringing together the energy which
you have brought down and the energy of the earth. In some ways its like
one our energy centres, it is above the
top of the head so we can link better
the outside and the inside. But these
visualisations all represent ways in
which the energy actually works,
theyre not kind of a pictogram of
something else.
You mean as a Reiki symbol is?
Yes. A good example is the Master
symbol in Reiki, Dai Ko Myo. What it
Everlasting Light. However, if you
dont know Japanese and you look at
the symbol, you would never figure
out what that is trying to represent. If
you know Japanese, you can actually

see that oh, they are saying that its

great, there is a shining symbol and
there is a light symbol, but the way it
has been used in Reiki doesnt portray it as a Great Shining Light. So
what I end up actually using is a
of a great light or you know, a great
sun, or a great star and visualise that
because that is actually the experience you end up having, you know
you dont normally have an experience of Japanese symbols unless they
are somehow projected to you. And
this is of course quite common. A lot
of people say, Yes, Ive seen this symbol before, because people have projected the energy to them as these
symbols. If you are having a light
experience or connection with source,
youre probably not going to have
these symbols come in, you will actually see light and feel that; its going to
be a more of a pure energy experience
rather than seeing a bunch of symbols.
Tell me a little about the structure of
the system. Traditionally, it was much
like a pyramid; the system was taught
by a Master/Teacher and filtered
down; the student would go along and
become a practitioner, then a Master
and then a Teacher. Now you are
teaching it differently, so what is the
valid structure now?
Yes, well instead of just having a
weekend Master course, which tended to be the way things were going, I
do feel that to really work with the
energy, and to understand it, takes
almost a year, and sometimes even
two years. Of course a lot of people
want it immediately. You can come to
a weekend class and really have an

incredible experience with it and connect with the energy, but you really
cant teach it and have a good
understanding of it; to do this takes a
little more time. So Ive set up a program that allows teachers to come
out really knowing how to teach
rather than just doing a kind of cookbook formula. Which in some ways
Reiki has evolved into the West,
although it is changing now as more
and more people are getting back to
some of the older forms. But even
with the Seichim, like you said, being
passed on from one person to the
next, you are given a little recipe that
you pass along and you can charge a
lot of money for that. But thats not
really how it was intended to be used.
So in the beginning it was just one
way of getting it out? It served its purpose. Its out there; people have
learned it, and are using it. Now, we
are reconnecting with a lot of those
folks, because they have an awareness about it, and they are now getting a stronger depth to the energy
when they come back and take these
So would you say that there is a valid
structure - for people to come back
and re-look at it?
Well, in a sense there is a structure
we do use, you know, we provide a
completely different approach than
others currently use. The class is not
really taught in a set structure; each
class is very different, very unique.
The energy flows in its own unique
way for every class. Some classes,
some things get taught, in some
classes some things dont get taught.
It just depends on the way the energy
comes in. One of the reasons I recommend that people take three classes
is that usually with three classes they
get all the pieces.
Three classes over a set period of
Three weekend classes. Thats just
recommended, its not set up like
Reiki, where you have the 1st degree,

2nd degree, 3rd degree. I dont really give out degrees you know, though
I do give certification that you came
to a class. Once you are able to
teach, I do a Teachers level, broken
down into two different levels. This
focuses more on teaching skills.
Some people are going to be able to
work on-on-one, and others will
have the skills to work with a group,
but the energy is not going to be any
Patrick, do you find that most people
who come along to classes have a
certain set of
beliefs, for instance a belief in past
life experiences, or a desire to heal
past trauma? Is there a similarity in
what different people bring along?
Well, past life issues have become
important in modern times. Since
we have a connection with Egypt, we
do tend to bring in a lot of people
who have an interest in Egyptiantype things. As indeed I have always
had myself, since I was young. I feel
that that may very well have been a
past life influence. However, I dont
put a lot of emphasis on past life
influences in the class, and some
people may be a little disappointed
about that. But we are not doing an
ancient Egyptian healing, we are not
teaching the way in which it was
taught back in Egypt. People need to
understand that the class is very
much focussed on the here and now;
we are using an ancient energy, but
it is being taught with a very modern
technique. But there is definitely an
interest in past life influences in
people coming in. Just recently I had
a lady call me who is very interested
in Egyptian-type healing; she feels a
connection to that because of her
own past life experiences.
We talked a little about initiation as
opposed to attunement last time,and

you mentioned an emotional,grief,

fear model. Can you tell me about
Well, essentially an attunement and
an initiation are a little bit different.
With attunements, you get a taste of
the energy, and you can pass them
on from one person to the next; an
attunement forms a kind of horizontal link from one person to another.
What we focus on in the class is
more of a vertical link, so that you
can connect directly with source. A
horizontal link does also happen,
spontaneously, but the vertical link
means that you have a much
stronger connection to source, to the
creator, and therefore you have a
much deeper understanding of the
energy. Also, by not putting the
focus on an attunement process or
on the lineage, you dont become
Initiation is something that no one
can really give you. You make a connection, we support the process and
initiation. In many other systems,
teachers use an attunement because
thats the way they have learned to
work with the frequencies of the
energy, and therefore everyone gets
an attunement when they go to a
class. But it doesnt always have to
come in the form of a recipe.
So initiation is something that people
are aiming for when they come to a
Well many people come to have that
experience, you know deep inside
everyone wants to make that connection with source, so one of the
things we do in the class is help to
open our heart to what we call All
Love because when we open our
hearts to All Love we make our connection to source stronger.
So the model is that you have emotions such as grief and fear, and

when you come through those to

experience All Love, you then make a
connection to source?
Well, yes. All our emotions are
attached and cycled. By going into
these emotions, you
experience them fully, and thats
when you come full circle into love.
Its like youre not going to really
completely understand love until
you experience grief or loss or anger,
and experience love as well. All these
are tied together to eventually give
us unconditional love. A lot of people
will ignore some of the emotions that
dont feel good, and by doing that,
some of the pieces are lacking,
because the anger gives you that
fire, that passion that allows us to
love even more strongly, to love
Some practitioners take an eclectic
approach, utilising other systems in
conjunction with Seichim. Why do
you think that is?
Well, when people make a connection to source, they are going to
want to feel that it is unique; they
want to make that theirs in some
way. Which is what we teach and
encourage. What happens sometimes is that, having made it personal to themselves, people try to make
a system out of it. But, generally
speaking, working with our class
provides seeds for people. They may
end up connecting with other types
of symbols, some people even connect with archetypal deities and
then they start to say, This is what I
am comfortable with, so then they
create a system which will attract
people of similar minds. But I tend
not to focus in on a lot of that
because again, once you start naming the energy, you start limiting it.
Like some groups out there, that
say, Oh, Seichim, the guardian of
that is Sekmet, the Goddess
Sekmet, and another will say, No,
its Isis, and another will say, No,
its Quan Yin. So what they do is
break it all down into groups, and
actually, although all these people
are having a very valid experience,
there isnt one single guardian of the
energy. Its very, very flexible. The
energy will come in any form that
youre comfortable with; for a
Christian, it will come in the form of
Jesus; for a Buddhist, it will come in
the form of Buddha. So, instead of
sticking to one particular archetypal
form, I just keep it very general
rather than focussing in on one or
the other. In a class I may have one
woman who will say, Oh, I see
Sekmet and another will say, Oh, I
see Isis and another will say they
see something else and it really
depends upon what they are comfortable with. I have one lady experi7

encing the whole thing with Angels

now, thats what she is comfortable
Do you see the energy as a means of
remembering who we are, through a
connection to source? A couple of people have spoken to me about it, in
conjunction with the past life aspect.
Is this just another way of experiencing the energy or is this how you see
Thats a part of it, the All Love which
comes from a Sufi tradition. They do
a dance, we also do it in some of this
work as well, where it is called
Zikher, it is also spelt with a D
with the Arabic alphabet there are
different ways it can be translated
and also in Arabic they will pronounce their Zs and Ds differently,
depending on the dialect.
So this is the dance of all love?
Well, the All Love we work with,
some of that work came from the
Sufis, who were in Egypt and in a
sense that energy that they were
working with came from Egyptian
times, so it evolved in their style.
Now what Ive done is kind of taken
their style and molded it back to a
form that we are comfortable with
and that I find most Westerners
comfortable with.
So, you said Zikher means
Remembrance, yes. You know, people do all this meditation, and spiritual work and everything, and somehow find God, or find enlightenment.
In the Sufi tradition its there; all you
need do is remember, its that simple
to remember. You know that every
night we go to heaven; we go into an
enlightened state every night, we
just dont remember. So if you cant
remember, then just begin to allow
yourself to remember, and every
night you will have that experience
and bring it back.
I have read about two other people,
Elizabeth Haich and Earlyne
Chaney, who have had an initiation
while spending time in the pyramid.
Had you heard about other people
having a similar experience to yours?
Well definitely, I was interested in it
because I had heard about Napoleon
spending the night there and having
a vision, as well as possibly
Alexander the Great I had heard
that this was something that happened to them and so I was attracted to it. Other people have gone
there and had experiences as well.
Not all of the people have come back
and begun to teach what they experienced, and not all have been able
to put it out there as I have. Of
course since my story and other stories have come out it has attracted

others to do the same thing You do

hear of people saying, I had an experience in the pyramid, or I spent an
hour in the pyramid and now I am
teaching Seichim. You know, its
possible, that they are teaching
some form of that. However, with
what I am currently teaching, my
experience in the pyramid is just a
very small part of it, so those people
couldnt possibly be teaching the
whole range of what I am doing now.
I do feel that the early experience I
had was what I call pilgrimage, and
part of that is that youre developing
along the way.
Before I went to the pyramid, I was
working with the energy to a certain
degree. Going to the pyramid was
something I had always wanted to
do, since I was a child, and when I
did go, it focussed a lot of my awareness at that point in time; things all
worked together, resulting in that
experience. And a person can do this
with other experiences, it is done in
major religions. For example,
Muslims want to go to Mecca, and
when they go to Mecca, they have a
religious experience; if youre Hindu,
you can go to a sacred mountain. We
put a lot of energy in these points of
time, and it turns out that when you
reach them, you have a spiritual
experience. It has a lot to do with
that in the pyramid. Ive had much
greater experiences since then, you
know, its just not the pyramid, people can have that without the pyramid.
So it was really like a catalyst?
Yes, the pyramid helped support

I have also read that during the

Enlightenment, there were in fact
tours to the pyramid for that reason,
it was quite a big thing during the
16th century.
No I hadnt heard that, but I can
A lot of the Masonic teachings talk
about this.
Yes, that is very true. A lot of it
ended up in England. There were
very strong Egyptian connections
with the crusaders and Masons.
You have spoken about a few people
who were quite critical when your
story came out and one lady in fact
did a background check on you. How
did you feel about that, did she actually approach you and question you
directly or was this all done behind
the scenes?
Oh, she does a lot of stuff behind the
scenes, you know, one particular
lady has always been quite critical of
just about anything I do but she was
that way with everyone so I wasnt
completely singled out. What happened was that she wanted to teach
Seichim, and, because not everyone
knew that I was the one who had
started it, there was a kind of a vacuum at one point. I wasnt promoting or putting out large advertisements or things like that, so, many
people thought that they could
become a teacher of this system.
Even once I got onto the internet,
which gave me free access to speak
and let everyone know, there was a
very, very small group of people,
maybe three or four, who decided
that they would try to say that I

hadnt done the things that I said I

had done. For the most part, they
werent very successful mainly
because what I had said was essentially true. I have never really met
any of these people, you know, one
of them lives only two hours away,
yet hasnt ever spoken to me directly
or come to any of my classes. Almost
everything was done behind my
One woman signed up for my
course, my one year course and
caused problems in the class and it
got worse and so I had to ask her to
leave, she just wasnt getting along
with anybody and also she didnt
pay me for the class, so you know,
finally I said, Ok, time to go.
So can you tell me a little more about
how it was that you got to the pyramid? I know that you were in the
Peace Corp and you were even held
hostage for a time while in the Peace
Corp, sort of a story in itself I think.
Yes, I think well save that for another interview but, during the Peace
Corp time, it gave me a lot of experience of other cultures and it gave me
a way to let go of stuff that was going
on with myself. You know, for four
years of my life, I lived out of a back
pack. I was able to meditate up to
eight hours a day if I wanted to, usually a minimum of four hours a day,
so it gave me time to really work on
During that time I took the opportunity to go to Egypt and I also went to
many other countries as well you
know. So it all kind of fit together as
a whole you know, going to Yemen
for a while, which was a kind of isolated Islamic country and then
Egypt and then a chance to go into
Zaire, Africa and eventually when I
did another two years, I went to
Nepal, spent time in India and then
in the Tibetan areas. Eventually I
came back and worked in the Sudan
for another year, for Save the
Children, in the refugee crisis. So it
really gave me a wide, wide range of
experiences, and I met many interesting people.
So you are not sure why you were the
person that had this experience,
other than that it was really part of
your own self-discovery? Do you
have any thoughts about why it
needed to be rediscovered? Is it
because its not just something that is
within people, but that there is something they have to do?
I think it is something that is inside
of everybody and there are people
out there teaching different methods
of self-discovery and this is one of
them. There is a lot of transition of
the planet going on right now in

So it does require some sort of action

from the individual?
Well, it is the case of any personal
growth, it requires some sort of
action whether it is action in
being or not. For the most part,
people tend to think, Yes, Im going
to look for something, whether that
is inside or outside of themselves.
Self-discovery is a combination of
both really. Well, yes, I guess, a
physical as well
as emotional thing. So what are the
reasons you dont promote yourself
out there, for people to
see? Well, for example, Dr Usui is
promoted enormously, to the extent
that many people worship or even
deify him, and it may not have been
his wish to be revered in this way,
yet other people have taken the decision for him.
So how would you want to be remembered, or how would you like the system to be remembered, in sixty or seventy years time?
Well, I certainly wouldnt want to be
deified! Its interesting to see how
other people have been kind of elevated after they have died. Look at
Van Gogh; he wasnt even respected
that much when he was alive, but
look at his paintings now, theyre
worth millions. People definitely get
deified along the way, and I can see
that even in a lifetime. When I was in
Yemen, I had a few little experiences
and then later on I heard about
some great American Guru that lived
in the same area I did and found out
later that it was actually me! But
you know, people like to deify people, you know, with statues all over
the place, Christ wouldnt have

expected to see himself on crosses

you know, not that I am comparing
myself to them, but to use Dr Usui
as an example, he probably wouldnt
have agreed with the way in which
he has been deified in the Reiki
world. I think it is important for people to make the connectionthemselves and work with the energy and
you know, you can respect your
teachers and all, but they are definitely not Gods.
You know, Im a normal person. I of
course make my share of mistakes
with my life.
Is Seichim something that the
Egyptian people are themselves
using in modern times, or do you
think that it was lost to them too?
A lot of this was very secretive and
not shared for the masses at all and
that is changing now. Now it is out
there for the people.
Is it something they are practicing in
Egypt now?
No, but I think there is a small
movement growing and people are
remembering and kind of having it
happen. Ive heard that somebody
wants to write a book about it. But
once again, there might be an
Egyptian who will see that this is
something that is popular in
America right now, or popular in
Europe, and then say, Well, its
Egyptian, so I will become the expert
on it, and so you have to be kind of
careful of that.
The same thing is happening with
Reiki in Japan right now, all of a
sudden there are some experts in
the Japanese in the Reiki field that
dont actually have much more
training than normal Americans but
all of a sudden they are Japanese
Do you see Seichim as part of your
lifestyle, part of who you are and
what you do?
Well, it has definitely been integrated
into my life and I hope that it can be
integrated even more.
But you wouldnt consider it to be a
No, it can work with any kind of religion. But it was never really meant
to be a religion of any sort. So its a
healing system rather than a belief
system or religion? Well, as I said,
any religion can use anything we
have in the particular system we are
developing; its just going to enhance
their own system.
You dont want to incorporate any
particular image of a God or
No, we dont culturalise it in any way
or deify it.

When Phoenix (Summerfield) first
started to teach Seichim, I gave my
support and encouraged her 100%,
I did not get involved with trying to
define what Seichim was or is, I
just allowed it to be what ever each
person found it to be for themselves.
Once I discovered the Internet, I
found that there were may people
discussing Seichim and its origins.
After joining in on those discussions, I was pretty muched flamed
and roasted : ) Some of the folks,
knew who I was and other did not.
I enjoyed being anonymous, however those days are over. A lesson I
did learn is that if I do not speak up
and share the History of how
Seichim was developed and what I
am currently teaching,someone
else will do it for me. Each of us
have our own experience with
Seichim and I do not wish to define
what Seichim is for anotherperson.
What I have found since being on
the Internet, how fast information
can travel. Once I posted a very
brief sketchy history, it began to
pop up all over the Internet. I do
feel that much of the information
has touched many and for that I
feel very good about it. In some
cases much of what I have written
has been misunderstood, it is not
that easy to express in written word
what has been experienced. I was
so excited about the potential of the
Internet, yet quite naive about the
vastness and wide varietyof people
of the Internet. What I found was
that for every few people who were
glad that I began to come out, there
were those who preferred that I was
in some far off Monastery in Tibet
never to be heard from. After all
they had already defined what
Seichim was for themselves and
really did not want to here what I
had to say.
I have met some reallywonderful
people from the Internet who were
instrumental in supporting what I
had to teach, together we all have
planted the seeds of those mutual
visions, thankyou you know who
you are. There have also been individuals who have done their best to
be critical and antagonistic, that is
all part of life and the duality that
we live in.
The one lesson that I have learned
that I do not speak up and begin to
define SKHM in some form someone else will do it for me.
This is in many ways is a paradox,
because once SKHM is defined it
begins to add limitations to what it
can become.
Patrick Ziegler

With Patrick Ziegler

Q: What does Isis have to do with

A: I can only give my hypothetical
Seichimteachers were women. There
is a woman named Deepa Slatter
who lives in Australia who is very
much into the Goddess energy, and
may be the one responsible for the
term, she also had a student Mary
Shaw who also was an early
teacher of Isis Seichim.
By giving Source a female personality it heightens the females self
esteem. And allows for deeper feeling
of comfort and strength for many
women. The same can be said for
males and male deity images.
While looking for Goddess role models, Isis is one of the best. She is
Egyptian and SKHM has an
Egyptian heritage so the two were
matched up and then it was called
Isis Seichim. Evolving out of the
same group also came Sekhmet who
has also been called the guardian of
Sekhem by many.
SKHM can take on any personality a
person feels comfortable and connected with with. For many women
they are more comfortable with a
female deity, so this is what is experienced.

Q: Patrick, how did the name come in

terms of spelling it, i.e., SKHM,
Sekhem, Seichim, Seichem and all
the different variations.
A: You need to understand this was
channeled to me. Even during the
channeling, I kept asking Christine
(Gerber) how it was spelled and she
would say it was SKHM. So when I
went back and looked at my notes, I
had "S E I C H" and then had an "I"

and then I had an "E" over the "I M"

and I had written it about 4 or 5 different ways. I didn't know myself
how to write it. It started getting this
"Say Sheem" type of pronunciation
from T'Om. We were only together a
short period of time and really communicated very little. It was mostly
through mail. So when he left, he
then had an Indian teacher who had
heard of the word before, but they
pronounced it "Saysheem." And the
teacher told him of a group of people
in India who practiced Saysheem
and that's why he continued calling
it Saysheem.
Phoenix, I believe I think her pronunciation was a little different that
I think she called it like "Say Kem"
Shewmaker): "Say Keem" is what
passed down to me...(back to PZ)
Yes, I think "Say Keem" was how she
pronounced it. I was actually on the
phone with her somewhat, too, so I
think she switched the pronunciation when she heard how I would say
it. Again, the way I feel it is to be said
is "Se Khem" which is very Arabic.
But I still even today say "Say Kem"
because it is a lot of work to go "KH".
We don't have the KH sound in our

Q: What is the difference between

A: If you would like a very quick, and
I mean quick overview here it is.
Seichim was the Original spelling as
I taught it. It was taught all by word
of mouth so sometimes Seichem was
used. The early versions were taught
with Reiki. Sekhem was a different
spelling for "Life force energy" used
by Egyptologists and popularized by
Robert Masters.

I choose not to use the spelling

Sekhem as not to cause confusion.
Several years ago I began to use the
spelling SKHM it is simple and
straight forward and it's more true
to the original spelling. This change
took place along with the change in
the Structure of how Seichim was

Q: Do you consider this energy to be

a form of Reiki? Or is it outside of
A: I feel that through the connection
I made when I was in Egypt, I was
drawn to Reiki because the Reiki
energy and the structure around
Reiki was important for me to learn.
They have been bonded together.
The energies are as one. I don't separate them. So if somebody comes to
me and ask if I do Reiki, I say, "yes,
I carry the Reiki energy." I don't separate that out. If somebody wants a
Reiki master attunement, I do give it
to them and I let them know I don't
really do it this way anymore. I'll be
glad to do it for you if you want the
symbols. I actually refer them to
Diane Stein's book.

Q: What is your take on distant

A: It has been my experience that
each person has their own way of
receiving the energy best. Some people tend to prefer the distant attunement while others prefer the in person ones.
For those that have taken a SKHM
class they are aware that my
approach to attunements has
changed considerably since Seichim
was first introduced. Early attunements were based on a Reiki model
that used symbols, each symbol representing a new degree. This system
created a dependency on a master
attuning the student to each new
degree or facet. I really had to ask
what is really going on with this
process. In the end their were a few
individuals who claimed to be the
only ones who could attune others to
these facets, this has brought about
much of the disharmony within the
Seichim community. Each had
claims that theirs was a higher frequency. The conclusions that I have
come to except is that it not so much
the "Master" that holds the higher
frequency, but the receivers ability
to be able to receive it when they are
able to receive it. There are several
factors involved in the process which

I now call a SKHM - khet, which

means SKHM in the body.
The first just the willingness to
receive. Trusting is a major factor as
well. If a person does not trust the
teacher then the attunement
process may be hampered. This
trust has the same factor as to
whether an attunement is an in person or distant attunement. If one
does not Trust the distant attunement then there experience will be
different from an in person attunement. There has been much discussion on many Reiki boards over the
validity of distant attunements. We
do know that many people have had
great success with them. Hey, if
someone can have a miraculous
healing by watching a TV evangelist,
why not receive an attunement?
For me it come down to the individual being trusting and having faith
that it is all possible. I have come to
learn and experience that anything
is possible, this leaves the door open
for a miracle to happen spontaneously.

Q: What is the (real) difference

between an attunement and an reattunement.

A: A re-attunement reinforces the
need for another attunement.
In many situations a person may feel
that the attunement that they
received may not have worked or has
possibly worn off. This is a common
feeling that a percentage of people
may experience from taking a Reiki
or Seichim class. Unusually there is
what I would describe as a bell curve
effect that takes place during a
class, out of a group there is a small
percentage of people who tend to
have a very strong connection to the
energy. After taking one class there
experience is so strong, they feel it is
their destiny to teach. Then there
is the majority of the class that usually have a great experience; and
continue for some time, however,
continue to search out other methods and classes. Then at the bottom
of the bell curve there is usually at
least one person who feels that the
class was a waste of time, or quite
possibly may have left the class
This is a typical class dynamic. The
percentage and amount of the curve
varies from one class to another.

Usually it's the folks in the bottom

half of the curve feel that they just
did not get it and have been convinced that quite possibly that their
teacher may not have done the
attunement correctly. In the early
years of Reiki
it was taught that if you showed
anyone the symbols or did not
charge the specified amount you
would lose your Reiki. Currently
there are also teachers who claim
that if you are attuned to another
system you will then not be able to
channel the energy that their system
Therefore a re-attunement would be
necessary. Their is some truth to all
of this, especially if that is what you
believe. Once the element of doubt
has entered into the consciousness,
the student will have a difficult time
accepting what is
possible and may not apply
him/herself enough to know what
works and what does not.
The key to energy work is to use it.
Keep using it, and through experiencing the results you will no longer
feel the need to have someone dictate to you or confirm to you that
you have it or not. The energy it's
self will become the teacher. Sure
taking attunements and learning
from others experience is important
and otherpeoples experience may
bring about a great deal of "inspiration"; see it as that.
Getting back to the re-attunements.
It has been my experience that what
a person experiences is very much
dependent on that person receiving
the attunement. During a class a
person is prepared somewhat what
to expect and for the most part that
is what is experienced, in some cases
a person will allow themselves to
experience more than what is expected and in some cases the attunement
is not what they were expecting. It
really is a very interesting dynamic
that takes place. On one side I would
say keep getting attunements until
you feel absolutely sure you have
gotten it, then on the other hand just
trust you have it : ).
In both cases realize that it is all
dependent on you and your ability to

Q: I see that you work with the lotus
(shenu and meditation) so where and
how exactly did you include the lotus,
because it is not part of your pyramid
experience, and maybe it is a part of
some other system?
A:The Lotus is an integral part in
Egyptian Symbolism relating to a
new awakening. During a SKHM12

Khet (Initiation) the crown feels like

a flower opening to the light.
The best way to describe the relationship between the Lotus and the
Pyramid is expressed in the SKHM
Scepter Shenu.
The SKHM Scepter Shenu represents how the Universal White Light
passes through the Pyramid and is
Spectrum of the Rays. This is the
essence of SKHM.
Universal Trinity; The first Creation
of the Rays.
The Lotus represents the Crown
Chakra opening to receive the Rays
as they are radiated into our being.

Q: I read somewhere that you were

given the "ALL LOVE" mantra from
the Sufies you trained with after your
Pyramid experience?
A: The Sufis did not speak english.
The Mantra that they gave to me was
Allah repeated while I focused on
Shiek Brahanis Image. I told them
that I was not interested in
Meditating on a man's image. After
the discussion, which I suggested he
agreed that meditatating on the light
Afterwards as I was meditating the
words shifted from Allah to All Love.
This helped me have a much clearer
focus on my heart center and was
much more effective.

Q: I am very interested in Sekhem,

and have received some attunements.
However, I'm not sure about this
mantra 'all love.'
Where does it come from/ how was it
arrived at as the mantra for Sekhem?
What does it mean?
I don't resonate with it at the moment.
I'd like it explained to me a bit more
If I don't like it, is there another
mantra I can use to get similar results
from the meditation, etc?:)
I like 'Sa Sekhem Sahu'
A: I have found that Love and the
heart is the best form of meditation.
The key is actually feeling the feeling
of love when you say it. If it is just a
mantra where it is repeated, I would
not expect it to resonate with many
people. We do a 2 day class and at
the end of the class most people really become that All Love.
If you connect with 'Sa Sekhem
Sahu' by all means use that, but
really take a close look at what it is
you find attractive about it.
You will find that the form of Sekhem
that I teach is not similar to many of
the other forms out there. We do not
put a strong emphasis on certain
cultural practices or a particualr
God/Goddess, That does not mean
that you will not experience them, as
you will experience what you are
most comfortable with. Of all the
words in the world "Love" may be the
most recognized throughout the
world, yet it is probably the most

Q: What is Sufism?
A: Sufism is the Mystical branch of
Islam. For the most part the Sufi
was considered
to be the Hermit out in the desert.
The word comes from the Arabic
word for wool. Sufis typically had
only their wool robe. Much of what
Sufism is today is a deeply devoted,
and what I would call a more open
minded offshoot of Islam. I first met
the Sufi's when I was in Cairo, I had
spent the night in the great pyramid
and the following morning I was lead
to a Sufi group by a traveling
German woman. I was still having
energetic effects from my experience
in the Kings chamber and what the
Sufis had to teach was a wonderful
My personal feeling is that much of
the Mysticism from the Sufi Group
that I stayed with had come from
a very strong ancient Egyptian heritage. The only way for any spiritual/healing practice to survive would
be for it to integrate with Islam.

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Patrick Zeigler has his spontanious initiation in the Great Pyramid in Egypt and studies with
the Sufis (Sheik Mohammed Osman Brahani) in the Sudan.

Patrick in Nepal

Patrick returns to the US and becomes a massage therapist. He takes Reiki I & II.

Patrick takes Reiki initiations (Reiki IIIa) and starts teaching. Patrick meets Christine Gerber
who channels a 2,500 year old entity called Marat. This Marat calls the energy Patrick works
with Seichim and Patrick begins with giving initiations in Seichem. Patrick initiates Tom
Seaman in Seichem and Reiki III and gives him the Cho-Ku-Ret. He meets David Quigley and
assists him for a few months while learning regression techniques from Quigley.

Patrick stays at the background while public interest for Seichim is growing.

Phoenix Summerfield takes Seichim initiations from Suvana, writes to Patrick Zeigler and
works more on the system with Tom Seaman

Phoenix gives a Seichim coarse at the Expos in LA. Patrick reopens his healing practice.

Kathleen Milner teaches reiki at L.A. Expo. Takes lessons from August Starr and
creates Tera Mai Seichem.

Phoenix teaches in Australia. Helen Belot Creates Sekhem after these meetings

Patrick studies with Robert jaffe and Brian Grattan. These studies give Patrick additional
training in working with groups.

T'om, Phoenix en Patrick come together, and Patrick meets Helen Belot for the first time.
Patrick designes the SKHM Shenu.

Patrick begins his first SKHM teacher trainingsgroup and teaches his current form SKHM.
Others catch up with the term, and use it for every form of Seichim, be it meditation based on
Patricks work or the "older" initiation systems.
Patrick discovers the meaning of the last bit of information that was given him by Marat on
the breathing and the Anck symbol.

First list of aproved SKHM initiators. The SKHM shenu is redesigned

Patrick in the Netherlands (Europe)

The SKHM Shenu meditation available for download.

The first issue of SKHM Magazine is published and the Shenu is updated.



I would like to introduce our SKHM Teachers Training program. At the core of our program is experience. I feel that
direct experience is the best teacher. For the most part SKHM is not a lecture based class, but more developing a strong
relationship with the SKHM energy itself and allowing the energy to become your best teacher. Our SKHM teachers play
more of a support and facilitation role. It is through this support that allows a person to feel comfortable enough to
receive a SeKhem-Khet Initiation. True Initiations come from within, when an Initiation comes from an outside influence, it will sometimes create an unhealthy dependency that will keep the person looking to the outside or to someone
else to provide the next level. Once a person wakes up and realizes that they already have the spark within and through
their awareness they can ignite the flame within they feel much more confidant in being able to make a direct connect
to source and support others in that process. One of the major keys is opening the heart to All Love.
Currently our Teachers program involves experiencing at least three SKHM classes and giving and receiving eight sessions on a personal level. It is through these experiences a person will make a natural connection to the energy. They
will also see first hand how each person makes their own personal connection to the energy. The key is to learn how
to create a safe place. Our program currently is tailored to each individual and that way it does allow an individual to
grow at his or her own pace.
Our SKHM teachers program allows each individual one on one guidance and experience to support the group Initiation
process as well as conducting one on one personal support and distant support for healings and Initiations. We do see
each person who is involved in the program as part of our SKHM world family.
Patrick Ziegler

SKHM Teacher

SKHM Facilitator
Attend a Weekend Workshop with a Certified
SKHM teacher

Attend a total of 3 weekend workshops with a Certified

SKHM teacher

Receive 8 Sessions from a SKHM Certified

SKHM teacher
(4 sessions must be with a SKHM teacher)

Co-assist 2 weekend workshops with a Certified SKHM


Facilitate 8 sessions with a Certified SKHM

Teacher as a coach
Observe 8 sessions of a Certified SKHM Teacher
Must be able to lead the Shenu Initiation
Must be able to facilitate one on one healing
The SKHM Facilitator is certified to teach the
Shenu Meditation to individuals in a person to
person session. This may be in person or
through telecommunications.
The SKHM Facilitator is certified to teach the
Healing Process to others in a person to person
session. This may be in person or through

Must be able to lead the Shenu Initiation Meditation in
a group
Must be able to facilitate healing sessions in a group
Must be able to lead the Infinity Dance in a group
The SKHM Teacher is certified to teach the Shenu
Meditation to groups in a person to person session.
This may be in person or through telecommunications.
The SKHM Teacher is certified to teach the Healing
Process to others in a person to person session. This
may be in person or through telecommunications.
Certified to teach SKHM classes
Local SKHM referrals


SKHM Web Page Listing as Teacher

SKHM Facilitator Certification

Co-teach SKHM Classes with current teachers

Local SKHM referrals

Attend intro SKHM classes at a little charge

Web Page Listing

Eligible to attend teachers workshop classes (future)


Licensed SKHM teachers


Patrick Zeigler,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA
Tom Rigler
Baltimore, Maryland USA
Dyanne Guidry
New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Diane Shewmaker,
Washington 360 412 5433 360
412 5434

Michael Heemskerk,
Delfgauw, Netherlands,
Michel Tomaello,
Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Vivek Joshi,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Keshen mathura,
Amsterdam Netherlands

Beverly Oettle,
Wichita, Kansas USA

Charlotte van t Klooster,

Amsterdam, Netherlands c

New Mexico USA

Wil van den Berg,

The Hague, Netherlands

Marsha Burack,
San Diego, CA USA

Corrie van Woggelum,

Delft Netherlands

Sara Judith Coles

Tucson, Arizona, USA

Gihan Brandt,
Geneve, Zwitzerland,
ph: 004122 7583006

Nan Chaimberlain
Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA
Connie Frye,
York, Pennsylvania USA
Jason Mackenzie
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ph (+1) 416 402 1965
Christopher Drysdale,
Illinois USA
Marci Miller
New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Lark Tragesser,
Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA

Jorge Ramos,
Lisbon, Portugal,

Sandra Ramos ,
Lisbon, Portugal,
Jos Jones,
Maasluis, Netherlands
Alyson Ward,
Hastings, England
John Smith,
Hastings, England
Marianne Gelens,
Bergschenhoek, Netherlands
Loredana Perotta,
Milan, Italy
Georgy Mevagissey,
Theo Gouka
Delft Netherlands
Loesja Klimczak

Natalie Barton
Auckland, New Zealand
Sonna RA McFail,
Wellington, New Zealand

Lian Braddick
Wellington, New Zealand
Steven McFail,
Wellington, New Zealand
Judith Watson,
Wellington, New Zealand


SKHM workshops template

The workshops consist of 2 consecutive days and times are usually from 10:0017:00. Each SKHM class is unique. The template of the class is to allow the
energy to flow in a natural flow without following a set schedule. Next is a typical outline of what may happen in a class; because of the experimental nature
of the class, the following elements may be included or omitted.
Saturday AM:
Group Introduction
Introduction to SKHM
SKHM template description
Group meditation and initiation
Instructions on working with group energy attunement and initiation support
Meditation and initiation- Experience of SKHM
Explanation of Shenu
Saturday PM:
Individual instruction in supporting the SKHM-Khet (initiation)
Class demonstration of healing process
Sunday AM:
Sharing and questions
Group energy integration
Grounding energy
Healing emotional energy blockages
Sunday PM:
Advanced individual SKHM-Khet support
Infinity Dance experience
Integration of group energy and dynamics
Group initiations and Closing of Circle.



Dear reader,
Its not easy to write about SKHM
without limiting its beauty and
power by using the mental energy of
thoughts and put them into words.
Every expression I can think of feels
like not enough, not really telling
what my heart wants to say, neither
what my mind can understand. I am
going to give it a try anyway. It is my
deep wish to touch you, somehow,
with the lovely energy of All Love, to
share this Love with you.
About a year ago I had my first experience with SKHM during an amazing workshop with Patrick and
Michael. After that I had been talking to my friends for months about
this experience and when a few of
them tried it for themselves they
said to me: You have been telling us
so much about it, but in fact we didnt have a clue. We understood your
words and your enthusiasm and we
saw your happiness, we thought we
new, but we new nothing before we
experienced the SKHM energy for
ourselves. So SHKM cant be
explained, it must be experienced.
After my third SKHM workshop now
(addicted? Yes!) I think to myself:
Hey, you are starting to come a little
closer to it
Dont let this discourage you, you
dont need time to let SKHM into
your life or to benefit from it. It happens on the spot, the very first time
the energy touches you, the relationship is there love at first sight.
Magnificent and maybe a little scary
at the same time. Relationships need
time to grow, need to be discovered
and sometimes we keep falling in
love over and over again. We come
closer and closer, but still this relationship can feel brand new every
single day. SHKM is always brand
new to me.
In fact, this is what SKHM is all
about: falling in love with Love itself.
Do you remember how it feels to
really, really fall in love? Everything
changes, everything is fresh, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is great to
look forward to. You try to share
your feelings with the world. They
say: Yeah, I understand, and you
feel : Ill never be able to really share
it at all and then the big silence
comes in and it doesnt matter,
because you just feel, just love, you
just are fully, totally loving YOU.
Thats what SKHM does to us: it
helps us to become more US.
Surely SKHM is exiting as a divine
lover she makes us hungry for life
again. But at the same time SKHM
will be at our side especially where
our life is hard on us and hurts :

here she will comfort us like a mother, he will support us like a father, it
can be anything for us and anybody
we need.
SKHM can be our teacher, our guide,
our coach, our way to transformation. Itll challenge us to get up
again, to stand in our strength, to be
our beauty, to show our true
colours, to go on, to be and do the
best we can, to become what we forgot to be, to grow into our courage
and out of our fears. It helps to heal
us, to become whole again.
SHKM is also a fully equipped cleaning staff: itll clean up our emotional
cellar, and our mental attic, no, in
fact we will do the cleaning all by
ourselves, but the support, the feeling of this strong presence of unconditional, limitless love, helps us to
do anything we couldnt do without
SKHM brings us any quality we
need: maybe patience or joy, harmo-

ny or trust, anything our heart could

ask for. When we really open up to
let her in, we can go as far as bliss
and ecstasy. The more we invite her,
the more we get but what we get
isnt owned by anybody. We can
share it, vibrate it, but we can never
restrict it or control it, for it knows
no hierarchy, no dogmas, no rules.
SKHM is a living energy and comes
with no manual, no limitations to go
wherever our hearts need her to be.
SKHM comes to us and for us,
directly from source. But we also
can recognise her in the eyes of people who know her intimately, we can
feel her in their hands, taste her love
in their supporting words, hear her
music in the beat of their loving
The well of SKHM is endless, waiting
to hug us , inside out, with All Love.
All Love.
Thank you for reading, All Love,
From me to you.


Patrick Zeigler and Michael Heemskerk
is available as a CD for download at:

Price 18,Voice and Words Patrick Zeigler

Music by Michael Heemskerk
Also Available:
The Instrumental Version
Italian version
2004 Interview with Patrick Zeigler (72 Min)
Other music

Music by Michael Heemskerk.




The SKHM-workshop
The first time I came into contact with SKHM was at Michaels place 4
years ago. I cant remember exactly what happened then, but I do know
that I felt so much hurt around my heart and after that had gone, it felt
like I was standing in a deep lake and everywhere around me was that
beautiful purple colour, so peaceful and comforting, that felt really great.
The initiation:
Yesterday a lot of emotions had come
loose during the SKHM-meditation,
a lot of hurt on different places, but
I knew I had not yet surrendered
myself to the energy. It was very confusing for me. Underneath the feelings that you know, the hurt and
pain, are the emotions that come out
when you are not in control of yourself, with me that was aggression.
And underneath that I found the
reason for the problems I now have
in my life, which is a lack of trust in
people and a lack of trust in my own
judgement. I also needed recognition
for what had happened to me and I
was searching that in the person
who had hurt me. Rationally I knew
that I would never get that from that
person and I also knew that after the
things that had happened to me had
been become tangible, or spoken out
by me, I needed to get recognition,
otherwise I couldnt deal with that. I
was so scared and I hesitated
whether I would come back the next
day, I felt so bad that night, and I
could not sleep. But I did go!
Sundaymorning we started with toning. Michael felt it was important to
give my hurt a sound. We made a
circle and I stood in the middle, and
everybody helped me, it was hard for
me to do that, they all toned with me
en held me, and they helped me to
make a sound, after a little while it
went better. Graham was great, he
was standing in front of me, and I
felt the vibration of his voice touching something in me, and I started
crying and it felt like my body was
falling backwards, Michael said,
thats ok., just let yourself fall backwards, but I was afraid to, everybody
helped me and then I laid down on
the floor and Michael asked me
where the hurt was, it was near my
heart and he told me to breathe light
into that area, to the hurt, then it
started shifting, it went down to my
abdomen. Underneath the pain,
which was black in the form of a triangle, I saw lightblue water and then
it went up to my belly, I saw a lot, I
saw my father and my mother, all
kinds of emotions went through me,
I was feeling so cold and my body
was trembling I think, I felt the energy going through my body. Yesterday
I had dealt with some of the anger I

felt, in the end I felt that against my

mother and not against the one that
had hurt me. Yesterday I also felt a
tremendous fear near my heart, I
saw a chamber on the right of me, a
sort of wall in which a round entry
was, in it it was black and I knew I
had to go in there, but I was afraid
to, I had the sense that if I stepped
into the room I would fall down,
unendingly. Yesterday I didnt go in.
When the energy had gone to my
belly I felt all of the energy concentrating there, it turned greyishblack, like a thundercloud and it
was turning and it hurt really bad,
Graham felt the hurt in my belly.
Every time I was drifting off and
Michael kept talking to me I think, I
dont remember exactly, I was so
focussed on the energy, It felled like
I was being dragged down by it, but
when Michael called my name, I
came back, he told me to breathe
light towards the pain and to keep
contact with the source of light. I did
that and then the energy shifted to
my heart and then all of a sudden I
was in the room I couldnt step into
yesterday, something or somebody
was supporting me in there and it
wasnt black in there, but purple,
like the lake I had been in before.
Michael asked what I saw, and I saw
my father and mother and my two
brothers standing in front of me.
Michael asked what I wanted to say
to my father, but I couldnt, I could
say it to the group, but not to him,
but everybody supported me.
Nino was holding my left hand and
Theresa was holding my right hand,
Michael kept talking to me and then
I just started screaming to him and
somebody, I think it was Loesja,
asked what I wanted to say to my
mother and I finally was able to say
to them what I had to say. I wasnt
even angry anymore, I just felt so
sad, and for the first time I felt sorry
for everything that had happened to
me, I deserved better than this, for
the first time I felt valuable. I dont
know exactly what I had screamed,
but it felt so liberating, I knew now
why I wasnt able to trust people and
why I had never trusted my own
judgement. Michael told me to keep
breathing in light, but that went
automatically, all of a sudden I felt a

huge stream of light coming in, gold

coloured and while that happened,
something was changing in the
room, my parents and brothers, who
first were standing in front of me,
like a blockage were starting to drift
away from me and shifting to the
left, getting smaller and smaller,
until they were very far away from
me, very small in size. After that I
just felt so peaceful and loved by
that golden sun (God), that was filling my body with light. I never felt
like this before, it was the most wonderful feeling I had ever felt.
The group gave me a little space to
let me come to myself, Nino and
Theresa were still holding my hands
and I felt such a nice energy coming
from them. I felt very safe and peaceful.
The big difference between Saturday
and Sunday, is that Saturday I could
not surrender myself to the energy, I
still tried to control it too much.
Actually I tried that again on
Sunday, but I just couldnt, It felt
like all of a sudden the energy had
taken over, as if something touched
me during the toning and that made
the connection with the source of
energy and then it just happened.
Now, a week later, a lot has changed
for me. It has been rough, I felt sick,
was nausea, and all kinds of emotions just went through me and I
couldnt control that. Michael told
me just to let it happen and not to
worry about it, so I did. I also feel
really great at sometimes. But most
importantly, I do feel more secure.
I can now place all the parts of the
puzzle, bits of memory, feelings,
dreams and things I saw, and that
makes me more secure of myself.
During the initiation I had the feeling that I switched places with my
family, and that was really important. I feel so much stronger. I never
liked to be touched or touch somebody else, or actually I was afraid to,
but thats gone after a SKHM-workshop! I even miss that now, that
warmth and feeling of trust. Also,
where I used to approach things
intellectually when I wanted to make
something clear to someone else, I
now just say what I feel. As if the
breaks you normally have, out of
fear of being hurt, are gone. That
feels really good.
I have a lot to work on still, but I feel
I now have a solid foundation within
myself, which will help me further,
thanks to SKHM.



I am often asked out the SKHM Initiation process and what to expect. It is
often best to let go of expectations there are many different reactions during the SKHM Initiation. No bells and whistles during an attunement are
something that has been discussed often in healing circles. Early on, doing
standard Reiki type attunements I found that there was a percentage that
had a very deep reaction and a percentage that seem to have very little reaction. What I have found is that through the years, is that those people who
were more emotionally expressive or just more emotionally open would have
a much stronger attunement experience. I also noticed that those with a
very strong mental disposition, the results were almost non-existent. Early
on I fell into the mental category. It was not until I participated in a Native
American Sweat lodge that I began to make a strong connection to how the
emotions help open a person up and feel, also at this time I also took some
courses in Alchemical Hypnotherapy. During that time I did quite a bit of
inner emotional work and found that by going inward and moving out of the
head and into the heart, my spiritual experiences increased. What was happening was, that by doing emotional clearing, many old wounds and mental blocks were removed. I found if I was given an attunement at this time
the results were more consonantly profound and the energy would have a
deeper healing effect. After many years of developing this method I have
included emotional clearing as part of my class and the results have been
magnificent, almost everyone comes away from the class feeling a strong
connection to the energy and many have the most powerful spiritual experience of their life. What I found was happening was people were having
what I call a true Initiation, meaning that they now could feel a strong connection to source. Initiations are in some ways like an orgasm,
when you have one you know it. Each person has their own experience with
an Initiation, for some it is quite gentle yet profound, while for others they
scream uncontrollably when the energy comes in. The main thing about an
Initiation is when you have one, there is no question in your mind that you
had one, it will be one of most beautiful experiences of your life.
All Love, Patrick

Wow moment
Glad to hear from you, I woke up
this morning and the first thing I
thought of was I must check my mail
(lol), being busy lately and not

checking my mail so much, I was

sorry to read that a member of your
family was directly effected by
September 11th, as I am sorry for all
those that were effected.
Well I have a story that will put a
smile on your face. The day after I
returned from Holland, I was sitting

at my kitchen table having yet

another coffee, when my daughter (2
1/2) started singing, ALL LOVE,
chanting the exact way that we were
in Holland, I nearly fell of the chair,
had to scratch my ears I couldn't
believe what I was hearing. I said
nothing, and let her on her merry
way. Three days later on the
Thursday off she goes again All Love.
She hasn't said it since but I thought
it was one of those wow moments
that I will never forget.
I will sit down over the next few days
and try and put into words the
impact Holland had on me, And you
can count me in for a return trip.
bye for now
Blessing of love and light
the mad Irish woman hehe

Domino effect
I had some idea of what I could
expect from the workshop but it had
more impact on me than I expected.
We started off with a meditation on
Friday evening, where I felt a very
strong connection with a powerful
I felt the energy coming from above
and below en they both merged in
my heart! It was very strong en
touched me emotionally. I had the
feeling of standing in a beam of light,
like there was a sun above my head.
The connection with the group was
very strong, as if we stood together
in the sun.
The approach of Patrick Zeigler
towards healing really appeals to
me. With Reiki I learned, that
through me I could give another person energy. SKHM is a method that
supports another in his "own" energy.
It stimulates to retrieve the healing
and strength from your self, and for
me it feels like a very respectful and
loving healing-method.
The SKHM energy feels very warm
and loving in a human manner. After
the first meditation I went home with
a very "open" feeling, as if something
had touched me in my heart. And off
course this was true.
Patrick Zeigler also works with overtoning and I've noticed how important it is to give sound to my feelings.
When we started to try the over-toning in the group, I found out that it
took me a lot of effort to actually
make a sound and I really had to
pull myself over a threshold.
After a reluctant beginning I finally



got into it and, what an amount of

energy comes free! As if everything
that's stuck in your body, is finally
allowed to come out. It gave me a
very liberated feeling and because of
that I had a better contact with my
The energy in the group was very
strong, and as a result from one
healing, one by one healings followed, like a domino effect.
Everybody supported each other
very naturally and gave everybody
the space needed to feel what was
It felt very safe for me to be vulnerable, and the support of the group
was very loving.
I went into an issue with my father
in which I succeeded (at last) to ask
him what I needed from him. I really
went into something for myself and
afterwards I felt my own power and
ability to give myself what I need.
It was a very special and most of all,
loving weekend, and after the closing
when I stood at the Tram-stop, I had
the feeling I could embrace (hug) the
So, .really ALL LOVE!
Everybody in the group, Michael and
Patrick, thanks, for this wonderful

My Fast, Short, Extreme,

Meditation experience!
(In Dutch he used the four letters of
skhm for every word: see Dutch
Mijn Snelle Korte Heftige Meditatie
My Fast Short Awsome Meditation Experience
I feel my blood-pressure rise and my
heart is pumping in my throat. I
hear the iron wheels squeaking and
bit-by-bit I am lifted upwards. The
point of gravity is in my stommage
now and at that point I am producing some strange noises. At that
moment I feel like leaving the cart
because I'm afraid I will not live
trough this "ride". But it is too late,
and before I can get a hold
of something, I am whirling down at
an incredible speed and at the same
I am going up again as fast as I went
down or even faster.
Mountains, flowers, people, colours,
stars everything flashes by me like
the video clip of Madonna, Ray Of
Light. I feel the adrenaline (or is it
the SKHM energy?) flying through
every part of my body and I just have
to laugh.

The energy seeks an exit out of my

body and chooses my hands, which
take on the most unnatural postures! When I've finally survived
three loopings and the "corkscrew", I
gently fall back in my chair and
awake with a big smile
and a nice feeling in my abdomen
after one of the craziest roller-coaster rides I ever experienced and
which you are likely never to
encounter at a fair. Are there any
other questions what SKHM energy
can do with you?????

A wonderful weekend
We had a wonderful weekend with
Patrick in Holland. My head is sometimes very hot, seemed like fever.
I think, I am doing things more with
my heart.There is a feeling or something like a sound very far away. I
don't recognize it yet. Sometimes confusing. Sometimes I feel wonderfull.....
It was the second big spiritual experience in my life. This initiation felt emotional and fysical. There is still that
feeling, very beautifull in my heart

More insights
I enjoyed the SKHM weekend very
much, it was great to be with this
group. There are a lot of things that
have changed for me. My feelings
have changed in a positive way, I feel
more. Also my intuition. I sleep a little better, more peaceful, before this
iI couldn't sleep that good. I have
more insights on how to do things,
things that I want to change. But I
have to work a little more on those.
Also the things that are still inside of
me, that didn't emerge, I want to

Warm blanket
The workshop given by Patrick
Zeigler on 17-19 March was a very
special experience for me. From the
beginning of the workshop there was
a special feeling that felt a warm
blanket was covering me. The healings where very intense and many
things came out of the group. But
helping eachother gives a very special feeling; very warm.
Michael I thank you that you did so
much trouble to get Patrick here
with us, thank you Patrick!





A very good experience

The weekend was a very good experience for me. The group was doing a
good job, it was nice to be with the
group. Everyone was so nice to each
other, they were as one. The things
that I've within me came bit by bit
out. But I still have to work with that
too get it out.

Extraordinary Weekend.
Some reflections on my experience
with the SKHM weekend!
I have to start to say that Patrick
Zeigler is a very good teacher and a
special man. He can show you
things about yourself that you had
forgotten about yourself (or wanted
to forget). He leaves the choice to
open up and deal with yourself (on a
kind level) to you. His natural
"fatherly" compassionate warmth
radiates from him at such a level
that it's nice to be in his presence.
His expertise in working with, and
moving of, Emotional-energy is
extraordinary, yet gentle! The toning
and overtoning techniques and the
way Patrick utilises these, make you
feel that you can use and create
them (which is the case) yourself.
Nobody works with energy like
Patrick does, at least not in Holland
(the Netherlands) or Europe. The

energy that comes over and through

you when Patrick makes the connection to Source, and the Self, is something you have to experience in
order to be able to explain it to
someone else.
The emphasis is on opening up the
Heart-center and the connection to
Source. A lot has happened. A lot
has been healed in all people who
attended the group. It has brought
me and the group, closer to ourselves. A truly, inspiring, educational
Everybody is still glowing, thanks!

Emotional vibration
Dear Hosts, teachers and attendants/friends of the SKHM-workshop,
Apologies, apologies and apologies
for my late contribution to this information/experience-site.
First of all I wish to express my gratitude to all of you for being there
with me. Especially I enjoyed the
"togetherness" or as you may call it
the "all love"-feeling of this close and
warm-hearted group.
On the first day I already felt the
positive warm attitude of all attendants and what struck me was the
fact that before it all started that
evening I had a strong urge to hold
the person ,who later during the first
session was in a deep emotional
bond with her mother. The second
day again a special warm-hearted
day, when we were tuned in my
emotions were awakened by someone who experienced an unwillingness to be born in this world almost
at the same time I felt very cold and
lost and I cried my eyes out while I
visualised or better said I saw myself
as a small tiny light in the very
BLACK cosmos, awfully alone .
Some time lateron I was guided by
two Angelhands (two of my fellowworkshoppers) to the present and
eventually I got this warm conforting
feeling. The bond of the group
became more intense, giving more
support to each other.
The third day was very exciting in
the extra-dimensional as well as in
the emotional capacity of each member of this particular workshop .
After the initiating tuning-in my

deepest feeling of grieve were freed
by a member who had the strong
need to come closer to her father and
wishes to hold him. Being on the
same level of emotional vibration I
really saw my deceased son and
spoke with him, this experience gave
me many tears and later freedom. I
was not the only one who had seen
my son also a fellow-workshopper
has seen my son, telling her that he
loves my wife and myself.
During this day more members of
our group had similar experiences or
felt and saw themselves connected
to the ray of energy being present at
that moment in the workshop-room.
The INFINITY- sign in thoughts and
movement gave us all that overwhelming feeling to hold the closest
soul in the room.
Like fellow-workshoppers I felt that I
could embrace all present and many
Love you all

A super experience
Reactions on the August SKHM
Workshop with Patrick Zeigler
Dear Michael, Patrick and all the
others who joined in the SKHMworkshop at Delft on August 4/5/6
It took me some time to collect my
thoughts, but now I feel I can look
back calmly on a most unexpected
experience. I always used to think of
myself as well-balanced and not


troubled by any traumas or blocks.

If someone had told me a year ago
even that I would get involved with
Reiki and SKHM, I would have
laughed in his face. I was a staunch
church-goer and saw no reason why
anything should change. Still, about
one year ago, somebody told Anje
(my wife) and me to have a look at
Neale Donald Walsch's (Uncommon)
Conversations with God and this
was the beginning of a year full of
changes. The book was a real eyeopener and it made us realise that
we had become more or less automatic churchgoers and that we were
not really involved. There turned out
to be a lot more to it.
Soon after this our eldest son came
home with his first real girlfriend
and she told us about her mother's
experiences with Reiki. This too was
an eye-opener. We had been involved
with energy-medicine in the shape of
homoeopathy, but this was something quite new to us. It appeared
that homoeopathy and Reiki have a
lot in common. For instance, the
lower potencies work on the inner
layers of the aura, the higher potencies on the outer ones. We got so fascinated by all this that we both
decided to take a Reiki course. We
had been told that the Tera Mai type
of Reiki was a bit more powerful
than the traditional type and so
that's what we went for. It turned
out to be a very good experience. We
both feel it has given us more peace
of mind and insight into what really
matters in life. On a physical level

we still feel that homoeopathy is a

stronger force than Reiki, though.
Physical ailments seem to react
more quickly to homoeopathy than
to Reiki. In June I took my Reiki II
and I must say it has greatly
enhanced the power of the energy I
have been able to channel, especially on the mental and emotional levels. People I have been treating tell
me they feel more energetic, even
though particular physical complaints sometimes have not really
improved. What helps a lot, though,
is sending Reiki into the homoeopathic medicines! When Anje
showed me a flyer Michael had sent
her about SKHM I felt I had to go for
it. This seemed an opportunity too
good to miss. SKHM with Patrick
Zeigler, straight from the horse's
mouth, so to speak! The bit about
toning and overtoning especially
appealed to me, because as a singer
I experience a good deal of relaxation
and energizing from singing Bach,
Handel etc. This was the only thing I
was a bit disappointed about: we
didn't spend as much time on this as
I had hoped. Still, the weekend was
a super experience: I had a pretty
violent healing (just you read H.'s
piece), saw my spiritual guide (who
afterwards told me the healing had
been most beneficial and that SKHM
was a very good thing for me to be
working with!), met a dear deceased
friend from Scotland, had a wonderful experience on top of Ben A'an,
overlooking Loch Katrine, was able
to be of some little help in a healing
that H. underwent, got to know a
bunch of wonderful people, learnt
some more about meditating,
sound-healing, the infinity dance
and even found out that sometimes
it's a good thing trains don't run on
time! Afterwards I found I was able
to weave SKHM and Reiki together.
When channeling a distance healing
I now feel a lot more warmth than
before. I really break out into a
sweat now! All in all I it was a great
weekend and I want to thank all of
you for having been there, sharing
experiences and giving each other

An energetic exchange
Reactions on the Vienna Workshop of
Feb 3/4-2001
Many breakthroughs were experienced by all, myself included. I had
been carrying a very heavy feeling
around my heart, chest, shoulders
and neck and by the time the workshop was over, the feeling was

replaced with lightness and joy. One

of many memorable moments for me
was at the very end of the workshop
when Patrick had us stand in a circle with our individual columns of
light and then form a group column
in the center into which we could
each stand to receive healing. As T
mentioned, he went first and then
when he was complete and Patrick
invited the next person to go into the
circle, I jumped in right away as
while T was doing his "thing", I had
seen in my third eye T and me
standing back to back holding
hands to bring in the light together.
Wow, it was amazing! Quite an energetic exchange went on in he many
levels of the column of light both
going to the Earth and to Source,
plus I experienced several new
aspects of the column being opened
that are still with me

More to discover
Reactions on the Holland workshop
23, 24 &25 Feb.
I should have written this reaction
on the weekend yesterday, because
that's how long my feeling of being in
the flow lasted.
In the beginning of the weekend I
once again realized my frustration
on being on this earth. I didn't want
to be here. Why, I didn't know.
During the rest of the weekend I got
quite a few insights, answers, a way
to deal with my feeling. The visualizations, the singing, the dancing,
the collective energy, all contributed
to the endless flow of love and light I
felt in the end. The connection
between 'down here' and 'up there'
was repaired. I can't wait till the next
workshop. I feel there is much more
to discover in me. That's what this
weekend has brought me: insight,
hope, love and light.

No limitations
SKHM Weekend 23,24 en 25
February 2001
Arrived a bit late (flat tire) at the
SKHM workshop, which I was going
to do for the second time. Again it
was very interesting and especially I
have the feeling that I understand
more about the energy thanks to the
again very extensive explanations of
Patrick's way of working with the
energy is to support others to open
their channel for the energy themselves. This way is much more satisfying for both parties. There will be
less attachments, and the process is
more natural. Actually he would like

to be his part as small as possible

and stimulates others to find their
own way of accessing the energy and
using their intuition. Also he does
not want to characterize the energy
to much as this could create limitations onto the energy. The energy
can come in any shape or form as
you please or are most comfortable
with, there are no limitations.
Patrick has got some methods,
which are very helpful. During meditations it is not necessary to see
clear images and you can just let
your imagination and fantasy run
wild, be creative. During a meditation which he talked us through, he
let us visualise our DNA structure,
remodel it in a part of our body of
our own choosing and then letting it
expand throughout our entire body.
Not so long ago I read a article about
some research they did with some
children in the USA and Japan.
These children's DNA structure was
shaped in a way which was not yet
been ascertained in any human
being. These young children not only
appeared to be extremely gifted but
also immune for several illnesses. I
am getting sidetracked a bit here as
this research does not have a direct
link to SKHM, but anyway, getting
back to SKHM I can only be glad to
have come in contact with this energy. Two of the best things about it is
in my view its simplicity (only one
symbol which contains everything
and no different levels) and the fact
that everybody gets exactly what
they need or are able to allow. Again
I would like to thank Patrick, Beverly
and Michael for their loving and
careful approach and furthermore
everyone else present at the weekend.

So grateful
Here's my testimonial from the
workshop. Thank you again! Life's
been amazing.
I cannot put into words exactly what
happened at the workshop, but I
know I will never be the same, My
life changed during that workshop. I
feel as if I have a new body. My
aches and pains and heaviness
aren't there. I feel as if I lost 100
pounds of burdens. The deep
amount of release work that took
place is priceless. The peace I feel in
my heart mind and soul I can't
describe. I'm ready for my new life. I
feel so grateful for everyone who
attended the workshop on mother's
day in Beaverton, Oregon. It was
such a safe place. Thank you, thank
you, thank you.

Beautiful serene love filled space

Patrick,bless you for this wonderful
experience. I woke this morning
around 5 am, my body was a beacon/transmitter, this amazing pure
love energy flowing freely, emanating
in endless bands from my heart
chakra, amazing, words could not
describe my joy at this! I have spent
the entire day basking in this beautiful serene love filled space, it's awesome.
Thank you
Much love and light
V. B. (the good one):)
Cornwall England

In the next issue of

All Love

Interview with Michael Heemskerk

and Patrick Ziegler about the
process of creating the SKHMShenu meditation cd
Interview with Graham Crook and
Theresa Parrott about the forthcoming book on SKHM
About SEKHEM, the system Helen
Belot developed from the original
system of Seichim.
Interviews with and stories from
several SKHM teachers around the


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