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Wednesday, 2/25/15

2.2 Congruent Triangles

Samantha Wolfer

Learning Goals
Skills and Understandings
How does this lesson connect to the prior lesson?
Identify the corresponding sides,
What skills or procedures will students learn how to do, or use?
angles, and vertices in two
learn conceptually about the procedures or ideas they are applying?
congruent figures
Use transformations to describe a
In this lesson, the students will determine whether two figures are congruent by creating a sequence of
sequence that exhibits the
transformations that will allow one figure to fit exactly onto another. The students will be able to
congruence between two figures
determine the corresponding sides, angles, and vertices in the two congruent figures. In the next lesson,
Content Standards
students will determine how much information is needed to determine if two triangles are congruent.
8.G.A.1 (8.G.A.1a, 8.G.A.1b)
Lesson Tasks
Formative Assessment Opportunities
What tasks will be used to help students learn the skills and
What questions will you ask during the lesson to assess students progress in
achieving the learning goals? How will you use those questions to help students
assess their own learning? (Associate the questions you ask with
In 2.2, the students will first decide whether each pair of triangles is
the Lesson Tasks).
congruent by measuring the sides and angles. If the triangles are

How can we determine the corresponding vertices/angles/sides?

congruent, then the students will determine a sequence of

What sequence of transformations would allow this figure to fit exactly

transformations (rotations, reflections, and translations) that will
onto the other?
prove the congruence between the two triangles.

How could you create another sequence of transformations that would

allow for this figure to fit exactly onto the other?

Where is the line of symmetry? What is the angle of rotation? Where is the
Paper, Pencil
center of rotation?

How can you determine whether two triangles are congruent?

Angle Ruler

How did you know that these triangles are not congruent?
Tracing Paper

Activity Flow
Provide a brief description of the order in which key tasks will occur, how students will be organized to do the work, and the estimated amount of time
for each task.
(10 minutes) Warm-up: Describe the three transformations that you have learns so far. What are the differences between the transformations?
(20 minutes) For each pair of triangles, determine whether the triangles are congruent. If the triangles are congruent, list the corresponding vertices. (20
minutes) If the students decide that the triangles are congruent, then they will describe a sequence of transformations that would move one of the
triangles onto the other.
Summary: What are the big take-away ideas of the lesson? How do these connect to what you will do in the next lesson?
The students will be able to explain when two figures are congruent. They will be able to identify corresponding sides, angles, and vertices. The
students will be able to determine a sequence of transformations that allow one figure to fit exactly onto the other. In the next lesson, the students will
determine how much information (number and combination of sides and angles) is needed to determine if two figures are congruent.

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