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Approved 4/7/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of March 3, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Short, Jim Graham, Dennis Shaffer, Nancy
Hall, John Chapman, Jenny Shaffer
Absent: Dan Otis
Homeowners Present: Pat & Bill Mick, Janet & Richard Wolff, Gene Strother
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:02 pm by President Dennis Shaffer
Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting January 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the
February minutes as submitted by John Short and seconded by John Chapman, and all Board
members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
Pat Mick was present to discuss trimming the tree limbs going over the common area path from a
neighbors yard into her yard. She provided some pictures to explain her position. She said she will
take care of the limbs from her trees that go over the path, and will request permission to remove her
tree that has branched over path, as it is also leaning over her house. John Short will address review of
her requests. The Board discussed the issue and concluded that the HOA is not responsible for cutting
limbs that overhang into her yard from the path if they are not dangerous. She needs to discuss the
problem with her neighbor that has the overhanging branches. John Chapman will draft a letter to send
to her neighbor (at 10547 SE 96) about their trees encroaching on her property.
Guest: Jason Dumont
He is taking over the Happy Fish Company from Chris Runyon and combining it with his existing
company. Happy Fish is the company that has the contract to do the maintenance work in the common
area green space this year. His company does forest and stream restoration. He did a review of the
HOA common area. He said it looks good so far. The work so far has been to remove ivy around trees
and keeping non-native plants under control. The future concerns are the thick areas of ground ivy, and
the remaining holly and splurge laurel. The focus should be on control. He asked about the use of
spray? The Board members said we want to limit its use. He said the options to control Ivy are hand
pulling or spray options with different herbicides. Dennis said that access to the common area is
important, as walking on the trails. There is a 3 year arrangement with ODF (Oregon Department of
Forestry) to maintain the forest common area with a stewardship program. There is one year left. John
Short said the goal should be to retain the good features of the common area and we should establish
an annual budget to continue improvement. He said we should let the professionals tell us how we can
get biggest benefit for the money. And the Board should establish goals for the common area for the
next 5 years. Jason said the scheduled work for this year is to cut holly, blackberries, splurge laurel,
and cut ivy on trees twice a year at the contract price of $1800. This work is the minimum required for
the stewardship program. The removal of ground ivy was also discussed as desired. Jason will give an
estimate for removing ivy on a cost per acre. He was asked for examples of where spray has been
used and he said he would provide this info. He noted that fall is best time for spraying ivy.

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 4/7/2015
President: Dennis Shaffer

Dennis discussed the significant use of funds spent on drain work. He noted that drain system is
old and there are potential large problems and associated costs. He said this work would
require an increase in dues. See attached budget info. This was discussed and it was noted that
we need to know what the costs are. Jim said that per the covenants (section 10.3) the Board
could increase dues by the cost of living from the 1976 dues. The dues could go to $269 from
the $90 amount in 1976. The consensus was this was more than needed. John Chapman said
he will send out a proposed budget in a week for review by Board. Dennis will send out a post
card to HOA members stating there will be a discussion at the next meeting (April 7) about the
budget and probable dues increase, so the members can state their views.
There was discussion about complaints concerning the house at 99th and Idleman. The renters
have put up a basket ball hoop at the corner of 100th and 99th which presents a danger. There
have also been several cars parked on the street which causes congestion. These are both a
safety problem. John Chapman will draft a letter to send to both the owner and renters.

Vice-president: Ted Seble

Ted referred to article in Happy Valley monthly paper about reducing crime.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the meeting minutes for Board meeting that occurred in
February 2015.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman discussed the proposed blinking stop sign. He said that previously the County
had said it would be ok, but now the County does not like the idea.
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim asked if the dumpsters were ok for May 1, the first Friday in May. The Board agreed.
Jim passed out a map showing the location of drains and explained their current condition.
Finishing Touch is doing moss control this week with a powder.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan was absent.
Architectural: John Short
John Short had no new requests.
Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Jenny reported that the County Traffic Engineer said June was the month of delivery for the
radar calming device. She told the engineer she hoped it would be when school was in session.
She said he offered a fall delivery and she accepted. The device will be in the same place as
before only pointing in the opposite direction.
She reported that she has visited the new bridges in the upper green space to check for moss
and slippery conditions. She concluded that everything is safe for now.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy reported the County Board would vote on giving the Eagle Landing project permission to
proceed if they can provide a master plan by 4/15. This would include the project getting the
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 4/7/2015
Stevens Court apartment property at no cost and having some of the infrastructure costs
forgiven. She is organizing a neighbor meeting to discuss what is happening.
Open Forum
Adjournment: at 9:12 pm by Dennis
Next Regular Board Meetings: April 7, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the
month that follows, except in August and December.

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 4/7/2015

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

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