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Predictions of the End:

Judgment Day October 21, Mayan End Date

on October 28 2011 and a comet called
Elenin approaching fast. Was the date 21
December 2012 incorrect for the End of this
Susan Seymour Hedke

26 June 2011

I will jump briefly on the prophets
prophets bandwagon to add my message of what I see happening in
October 2011 and also in December 2012.. With the prediction of Harold Camping suggesting that
Gods final Judgment will
ill come on October 21 2011 and Johan Calleman popularizing the idea of an
End of Creation, or end of the Mayan Ninth Wave, for October 28 2011, plus the very close
approach of a comet called Elenin in mid October that some think must be dwarf star,
star (and thought to
be already causing earthquakes when aligning with the Sun and Earth!),
Earth , we are now on the edge of our
seats as to what will actually happen in October this year and wondering whether the End will come
earlier than we had planned for.
Left: the Bow aspect of 2012
that I see as a major cause of
the 2012 End Date begins in
mid October 2011
In 2005 I discovered that the
Galactic Centre had disastrous
effects on Earth when involved
in certain alignments. Also I
discovered that the Mayan
priests over a thousand years
ago knew about the Galactic
Centre, or the Dark Rift as they
called this area of the heavens.
They used this knowledge to
predict the end of this age. The
significance of the present
galactic alignment for the
Maya has been written about
with ample evidence from
monuments in Izapa and other
places by the Mayan scholar
John Major Jenkins, especially
in his famous article: The How
and Why of the Mayan End
Unfortunately Jenkins increasingly denies that the Maya saw anything disastrous in this alignment,
and also recently even denies that it is an End Date at all. The whole issue around 2012 seems to have
become very confusing, especially since a date in October 2011 entered the scene, introduced by Carl
Johan Calleman, and also scary
cary as now a comets passage fittingly highlights the date and tinges the
air with a potentially disastrous note.
note However, both Calleman and Jenkins, as leading figures in this

End Time scheme that is no End Time (?), have both emphasized that it is nothing to do with disaster
but merely with a positive shift in consciousness and our evolution, in short nothing to worry
about. If you believe this, it is all very soothing. Is it perhaps all selling nicely and increasing in
popularity because it is soothing and exactly what people want to hear: a disastrous date with a nasty
sting in its tail that frightened people has been operated upon by clever scholars and its poison has
been removed. But is it correct?
I believe I am the only person who has ever studied (in the last thousand years?) the actual effects of
heavenly bodies moving over the plane of the galaxy close to the Galactic Centre, especially in
connection to disaster on Earth. I have found that using the factor that Jenkins connects to the End
Date on 21 December 2012 gives massive evidence that the Galactic Centre was very much involved
by all cases of past disaster on Earth, especially at times when it is involved in such an alignment as is
presently occurring. Correct predictions based on such alignments give evidence of this.
I discovered the Galactic Centres influence in fact through a disaster: the Indian Ocean Tsunami on
December 26 2004 when the Sun had been conjunct the Galactic Centre with Pluto and the Full Moon
opposite them all conjunct the constellation Orion at what has been called the Galactic Anti-Centre
at the end of the sign Gemini.
I first made the connection to the Mayan Prophecy when I remembered reading in Graham Hancocks
Fingerprints of the Gods about what was described as a very serious End of the World like disaster
expected in what is now agreed upon as the Gregorian date December 21 2012.
There followed for me an intensive astrological study of five years in which I looked at the worst
disasters in history and at the mythological perspective to show that knowledge of this disastrous
effect of this Galactic Centre, found close by the sting of the Scorpio constellation, had been known
about in the distant past. I wrote about this in THE GALACTIC CENTRE 2012 and the Great
Waves Coming in December.
There are only two other people that I know about who have studied the real effects of the Galactic
Centre on Earth and they found its effects to be linked to major disasters through waves sent from it
and involving Great Cycles. These effects involved the Sun and caused sudden climate changes and
earthquakes. Both the people who did these studies were astrophysicists: Dr. Paul LaViolette and
Gerhard Lbert: both wrote about the likely apocalyptic effects from the Galactic Centre in the very
near future, with Lbert doing precise studies to show how earthquakes were connected to the passage
of the Earth through the plane of the Milky Way during the day.
Nevertheless I am the only person who has approached this study from a primarily astrological
perspective. To which I can say that although I had not been practicing professionally as an astrologer
at the time of the discovery I had read and studied with some of the best astrologers from the age of
16, including studies with Howard Sasportas and Liz Greene, and have also done much research over a
30 year period into this subject.
I am the first astrologer I know who has included the position of the Galactic Centre into the
astrological chart. This is possible because it is placed close to the ecliptic and so can form a marker in
the zodiac cycle through the year. It is of course not accidental that the Sun passes over the Galactic
Centre and through the plane of the Milky Way around the time of the winter solstice, so close to
December 21 of each year.
Surely that is an excellent explanation for two major earthquakes killing many thousands of people
that occurred on December 26 2003 and 2004? Since then further large earthquakes have occurred
around this same time, in 2006 in Taiwan two large earthquakes caused an emergency shut down of
three atomic plants, one with difficulties that were quickly muffled, in December 2010 the whole earth
was shaking at the Winter Solstice time just after a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred in Japan as I

was able to predict1 based on the Suns conjunction with the Galactic Centre and the Full Moon being
opposite on this date as had been the case by the Tsunami in December 2004.
It is of course then very difficult for me to follow the path of Johan Calleman
Calleman who claims that the
Mayan Prophecy has nothing to do with astronomy. In the following article:
Why the Creation Cycles do not end
December 21 2012, but October 28, 2011
Calleman claims The
The creation cycles described by the Maya, including the tzolkin,
tzolkin, are fundamentally
of a spiritual, non-astronomical,
As I had already discovered the opposite, the
the reason I have not dismissed his studies completely is
that I found the same period that he had claimed as the End of Creation date, around 28 October
2011, highly significant. Back in 2006 I noted signs of an intensification of disaster beginning in the
last two weeks of October 2011, especially I drew up a chart for the 28thOctober and included it in my
book. I found this date and the whole last two weeks in October significant before hearing of his
theory that this marked the End of Creation,
Creation but it fitted nicely.
In my book I predicted increased disaster in the coming years based on particular alignments, and
especially an acceleration from the last two weeks of October 2011.
The reason for this acceleration I attributed to two factors, first was a more general one: the Holy
Cross that forms in the heavens when the solstice and galactic axis are in conjunction and the
constellation risingg over the vernal equinox is squaring this alignment.
alignment This occurs once every 12,500
odd years and last occurred at the time of the mass extinction period of the Younger Dryas.
Dryas This was
the time when the
Galactic Centre was
up at the Summer
Vernal Equinox was
squaring from the
Virgo and Leo that
associated with a
the Holy Cross
is forming as
a the
Galactic Centre end
of the Milky Way is
at the Winter Solstice
Equinox precessing
from the
t Vernal Age
of Pisces
Pisc to Aquarius.
Uranus and Pluto
placed on this cross
between 2010 and
2013 accentuates it.
However, the second
trigger for disaster

In my first book and in an article 2010

2010 the Year of the Volcano.

was a particular planetary formation: I called it the Bow. The bow, which sometimes with an added
arrow from an opposition, has been responsible for some of the worst disasters
isasters in history,
history including
the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 that made me aware of what was going on.
The disastrous Bow of 2012 begins in mid October 2011.
2011. It begins as Saturn moves into a trine2
with the planet Neptune,, the only Outer heavenly body of the three known ones that has not been so
strongly involved. Now both bodies sextile3 the Galactic Centre and Pluto that are framing the winter
solstice. In October the Sun and various other bodies strengthen that long term bow further.
You can see what this looks like on October 17 when the Moon and Sun are both involved in the bow
and arrow by aspect and other bows are also formed.
formed. It has been forecast that Elenin too may be in the
area of Orion and so be involved this October, in fact Elenin by aspect might be seen to be at the most
sensitive spot shooting the arrow in the bow. Still
St this is not certain.
Comet Elenin perhaps
playing a role in the End
Time aspects from October
2011 when it is supposed to
make a loop by Orion
Centre in the same place as
the Moon has been by a
number of major disasters

A number of bows with oppositional arrows are shot in that month of October.. When
six bows form as
they sometimes do in October, I call that the Star of David and it is perhaps the most disastrous sign
of all.
October 17 2011 could be a noteworthy date when the
Moon by Orion and perhaps with Elenin is on the
opposite side of the Earth to the Galactic Centre
creating a bow and arrow with the Sun conjunct
Saturn and the central bow and arrow pointing
towards the winter solstice area.
It is truly no coincidence that the First Horseman of the
apocalypse carries a Bow:
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the
seven seals.. Then I heard one of the four living
creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come and
see!" I looked, and there before me was a white
horse! Its rider held a bow,
bow and he was given a
crown,, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on
conquest. Revelation 6:1-2
The Bible is full of meaningful
ful symbolism and its prophecy
prophe was based on the same galactic
knowledge of the Great Year cycle as the Mayan Prophecy. Knowing that the bow between Saturn and
Neptune to the Galactic Centre begins in October,
October I could equate that time with the beginning of the


The trine is c. 120 with an orb usually of about 8.

The sextile is a c. 60 aspect that is usually
given an orb of about 5.

When the Bow points at the winter solstice area, where the Galactic Centre and Pluto are placed, as it
does from mid October 2011, it will trigger the disasters that will tear this creation apart and likely
poison it just as a scorpion sting poisons. As with every creation it is the volcanoes and their poisons
that are most strongly involved in this omega/alpha phase: this Midnight of the Great Year cycle when
the fiery bridegroom enters the volcanic house of the Earth to steal its virginity like a thief.
Far left: between 20th
and 22nd October 2011
certain times of day
create a Star of David
through six bows and
arrows: fires, volcanoes
earthquakes and storms
are possible.
The difficult aspects
continue through the
including the 28th, as
bows form to all three
fire signs they suggest a large volcanic eruption or destructive fire, warlike violence, perhaps
also meteors or fiery events in the heavens in this period. It reminds one certainly that the Cross
of Hendaye supposedly predicted that the Northern Hemisphere would be destroyed by fire.
Bows to Pluto in Capricorn and to Saturn in the last two weeks of October 2011 also suggest
large earthquakes.
We have forgotten the terminology used in ancient times by priests who understood the role of the
natural elements and particularly volcanoes in the Fate of Mankind. Yet what I see intensifying in
October 2011 will not bring the complete End of the World, not in October 2011 and not in 2012.
I see October 2011 as a month to be prepared for the possibility of bad storms, earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions and all other effects that this might create as far as is possible, I have considered that it could
cause an axial shift, but I am not certain of this, or the degree. It would be good of course to be well
prepared. Most certain to me is that there will be a volcanic eruption in the last two weeks of October.
I think it is most likely that it will occur in the East, perhaps in Indonesia, on Java or Sumatra, or
perhaps it will be off the coast and result from an underwater volcano.
Whether Elenin helps trigger it, I dont know but it is certainly sounds likely especially if it is really a
Dwarf Star which sounds like it could cause complete havoc on the solar system. Certainly another
body called Nibirus Minoris also approaching for 2012 sounds perhaps even more dangerous. Carl
Johan Calleman suspects that Elenin is the Blue Star awaited by the Hopi Prophecy. I interpret the
ninth and final Hopi Prophecy before the Purification, in which a Kachina dancer removing his mask
in the plaza, as a volcanic eruption of the world mountain in the primordial central world sea that
surrounded the now sunken world volcano.
All prophecies are part of one global prophecy. For instance the Mayan central plaza in Copan
represents the primordial sea from which the World Tree (volcano) begins Creation. I see the Hopi
Aztec and Mayan Prophecies on the American continent as the same prophecy as one in Asia of the
return of Shiva Nataraja who will perform his terrible and blissful dance in his ring of fire at some
future time. The Indian sphinxes look out to the south over the Indian Ocean awaiting him from his
holy temple city of Chidambaram (or Chidambalam) in South India. (a name sounding so similar to
the Mayan Chilam Balam priests).
Certainly the presence of Elenin so close to Earth in October and the beginning bow with Saturn is
very likely to begin a period through 2012 and 2013 of more massive disasters than we have been
experiencing in the last years, its a further escalation.

Yet the Mayan Prophecy and all other prophecies about the end of this age are not prophecies of mere
doom and gloom, and not about the complete destruction of the world, for nearly all prophecies speak
of a time of tribulation or purification followed by a Return and that is a good thing, it is a return to
good, so this is a time long awaited by the holy men who understood the Mysteries. (Women were not
deemed capable ;)
I have been writing about this mystery in my second book: ATLANTIS-MERU
Volcanic Prophecy of 2012 that I hope to finish before October 2011 for what such knowledge is
worth to others in these times it has been for me a personal journey of revelation that I would like to
I have collected many, many thousands of pages of
evidence that prophecies about this End Time
are based on
one understanding and that in fact there is one God over all
the others associated with one world volcano that has been
lost to our sight.. The knowledge was however encoded in
such monuments as the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The holy volcano is sometimes referred to as a world tree
or pillar.. Certain symbolism pointed the initiate towards its
presence in a text, monument or art work,
work of which I tell in
my second book. This pillar like mountain once stood on a
central island continent at the centre of the Earths land
mass and formed the axis mundi or axle
axle of the revolving
world wheel, before it broke and sank.
This loss of the mountain was remembered in myths and
tales about the fall of Lucifer// Son of the Morning.
Morning Isaiah
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the
morning!Isaiah 14.. It is at root the same story as the tale of
the youth Phaeton, a tale told to the Greek Solon by Egyptian priests to explain the
he fall and sinking of
Atlantis: Phaetons solar chariot being in fact the world mountain known in the east as Meru. Before
you dismiss that, one can still find Meru represented in India as a chariot or ratha in temples and
In the west, the story of Atlantis and its pillar like mountain Atlas,
Atlas the mountain that failed to hold
(Prof. Santos), has moved us in our deepest souls, it is in our very blood, for it is our story and our
longing: at a time when we can no longer identify with the stories of the Bible, we imagine our
paradise returning, rising from the waves again as Atlantis, yet in truth the storyy of Atlantis is the same
story and the same place as the one told of in the Bible.
In the Bible the paradise we lost, from which four rivers originated, was called Eden. However, in the
East the holy volcanic mountain Meru was surrounded by a paradise called Jambudvipa and from its
mountain peak four rivers flowed just as in Eden: to the Buddhists Meru was the mountain they
identified with Buddha, Buddha sat upon the mountain, was enlightened there and taught there, and
Meru fell as the Buddha died. It was envisaged
surrounded by concentric rings of water and land just
as was the case with Atlantis,, the gods associated with Atlantis and Meru were depicted
with a trident.

That all religions arose from one source is perhaps easiest to imagine at a place like Adams Peak in Sri
Lanka that five great religions have found holy and associated with their god or holy person.

A view of Sri Paada (Adam's Peak) from Maskeliyaii

We know nothing of the dwelling place of Poseidon at this time but Shiva is associated
also with two
mountains, Kailash in the Himalaya and also the scarlet volcanic mountain Arunachala in India.
For the Tamils Mount
ount Meru lies beneath the Indian Ocean in the sunken land of Kumari Kandam.
Stories of Meru tell how its peak fell and
formed the holy island of Lanka. In Java it is
remembered how to fix the island that was
floating around the gods decided to move part
of the great Meru to the island which
is now
the highest volcano on Java called Semeru.
I believe that the earthquake in December 2004
near Sumatra may be a warning of the
approximate area that the world mountain will
begin to rise and where the greatest
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions may be

In the Bible God is associated with mountains like Sinai,, the identity of which has remained
uncertain, but it is where Moses gained his commandments from an obvious erupting volcano god.
Left above: Moses on Mount Sinai, painting by Jean-Lon Grmeiii
Right below: the
he Ten Commandments, illustration from a Bible card published by the
Providence Lithograph Company in 1907
The return of this God at the end of the age is most
often associated with a mount called Zion. However,
there have been many names given to the one and
only World Mountain
ountain that will return.
And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the house of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains.
It will be raised above the hills,
And the peoples will stream to it.
Many nations will come and say,
Come and let us go up to the mountain of
the LORD
For from Zion will go forth the law,
Each of them
m will sit under his vine
And under his fig tree
And the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion
From now on and forever.
Writhe and labor to give birth,
Daughter of Zion,
Like a woman in childbirth

Arise and thresh, daughter of Zion,

For your horn I will make iron
And your hoofs I will make bronze,
That you may pulverize many peoples
Micah 4
Isntt this idea of pulverizing the people easier to understand if we see this God not as a human being
but as a volcano?
The Old Testament prophet Isaiah, who knew more than most, supports this:
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established
in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.
Isaiah 2.2 American King James version
is is of course the same story as the
the woman giving birth in Revelation to the son with the rod of iron
a reference to the world volcano (originating from the iron containing core of the Earth)
Earth and the
same mountain told of at the end of Revelation on which a New Jerusalem will be founded.
What is coming is not good in the short term,
term on a material level, for the Mayan Jaguar priests and the
Bible concur that the nations of the Earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming from the
East in the clouds at the time of return, it will be a time that will bring darkening of the sky, withered
fruit, blood vomit and plagues. Yet in the long term it is the return of Great Good, it is the fulfillment

of the Covenant between God and Man,

Man made and told of by Enoch, a covenant made as Eden was
It was the timee when the central pillar of the world fell and knocked the Earth off its axis so that it
wobbled like a drunkard, that
hat was half
hal a Great
eat Year ago and that was the true disaster and our greatest

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept,

when we remembered Zion. Psalm 137:1 King James
Very soon, with a further axial shift it the Earths axis,
axis our world
will be erected again, the djed pillar - world tree will be raised
up at its centre, the backbone of the planet, and our world will be
Our Father, the One God will rule from his holy mountain that
incarnates on Earth through his sacrificed Son, just as the World
Tree is born through the sacrificed Maize plant that was
visualized as a sacrificed human. In fact for the Maya we humans
are corn plants.
Authors drawing from the Dresden Codex (p. 3) of the
World Tree, emerging from the sacrificed maize god who is
given a human body and lies over an Earth monster.
monster In the
original image he is clearly named by glyphs to the left of his
In Atitlan you can follow this story back to its volcanic root,
where the whole area around the deep
lake of Atitlan is centered on one volcanic crater from
om an eruption 84,000 years ago and that has
become the substitute world centre to the people who live there and who arrived there from a sunken
continent in the East, just as the Aztecs came over from an island called Atlan and tried to recreate the
world centre on an island in Lake Texcoco that is now Mexico City.
When ancient peoples built holy centers and pyramids they chose volcanic areas,
areas the Aztec New Fire
nies took place on top of a volcano, and the City Of the Gods in Mexico, has a Pyramid of
the Sun built over a volcanic remains and it contains volcanic passages below it and even
had volcanic
ica imported all the way from Brazil to be placed beneath its floor
(Coppens) these volcanic
passages connect back to the true centre,
centre which if lost on the Earth surface is still alive if withdrawn to
the very core of the Earth. What we have forgotten is that the ancients saw the fiery power of the Sun
and even in fact the Sun of each age being born
born through a VOLCANIC ERUPTION and living within
a volcano. If you look back through the Suns of past ages you can directly connect them in some cases
to volcanoes. Tlaloc was the god of the the Third Sun. The age was destroyed by a rain of fire caused
by the grief stricken volcano god after Tezcatlipoca stole his wife.
I find it quite amazing that John Major Jenkins, with all his research and writings, and even direct
connection of certain monument
uments to volcanoes, has managed to avoid the conclusion that the Mayan
Prophecy is volcanic. For instance in his Pyramid

of Fire which translates

slates a lost Aztec Codex we
hear so much that should tell us just this: On page 74 we are told that during five days
all fires are put
out and a new fire is lit att the sacred mountain, And so the codex, translated by Jenkins tells us the fire
is taken directly from its solar source and from the one

Son of the Sun.iv How can one avoid seeing

this solar fire mountain as a volcano and connecting it to the very heart of the Aztec religion?
Earlier prophets and soothsayers sibyls - sought and even lived in volcanic caves where vapors
helped them gain their powers and knowledge, vent Revelationn was written inside a volcano and the
volcanoes are all connected to the root of truth at the Earths core, the branches of the now hidden
world mountain tree are the Nine Gods of the real earthly Underworld not just one up in the Heavens!

Image above the door too the volcanic

volcanic cave of the Apocalypse on the Greek Isle of Patmos showing
Saint John inside the volcanic mountain
One God with Nine parts has been associated with the Mayan End Date of the Tortuguero Monument
6 called Bolon Yokte Ku. Bolon Yokte Ku can be translated as Nine (Bolon) Footed Tree (Yokte).Or
more sensibly one can translate it as Nine Branch Tree or perhaps as in the Underworld Nine Rooted
Tree When related to a pyramid
id the idea of a Nine Step God has proved more useful.
In the 3d image below right there
re are eight branches of the World Tree with the central trunk at the top
making the ninth, one could visualize these branches as volcanic vents erupting like volcanic birds
bir or
feathered serpents when they reach the surface of the planet having risen as long tailed or serpent
tailed birds might rise from within the globe of our Earth. Indeed what a primitive idea our ancestors
But there is evidence for such symbols having been used globally, the idea of the Nine for instance,
instance is
found in Egypt, in Tibet,, in India, in China and in many other places. Sometimes the Nine were
directly associated with volcanic mountains
surrounding a local centre, sometimes with
stepped pyramids, still the root of all local
knowledge stems I am quite certain from one
global understanding in the distant past in
which the mountain-tree played an absolutely
central role, in fact one could say it represented
the Earth as a whole and reflected
lected the cosmos
or galaxy as a whole, which is why I see all this
as part of a galactic-volcanic
volcanic cosmology that
existed before physical changes in the Earth
made it seem untrue and allowed it to be
usurped by the present polar cosmology.
cosmology A
cosmology that knows nothing of the existence
of any real world mountain or the symbolism
kept alive by religions. I suspect there are really
nine major vents in the globe that will cause
eruptions in nine major areas as the return of the
main branch from the line of David and the
stump of Jesse draws closer.

And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem

of Jesse,
and a Branch shall grow out of his roots Isaiah 11:1
Right: The Tree of Life or World Tree seen growing out of Jesse
who was the father of David and from whose line Jesus sprand
who is thought to return like a branch or shoot

The 3d Mesoamerican version

ion of the World Treev with
galactic and earthly meaning, created something that looks
like an eight spoked wheel when viewed from above, such
as was associated with the world mountain and with the
return of Quetzalcoatl on a special rope as shown below.
and we bird
branches with
birds wings in
a T shape like
a cross and
with birds on
top as well
and on the central Ninth we have a personification of the
world mountain.
The Nine will return, or rather the eight and the central
ninth that connects them all will come: the one God
associated with the fiery power of the ruler of our solar
system the Sun - incarnating through his Son on Earth,
whether you call him Quetzalcoatl, the Son of Man, Jesus
Christ, Kukulkan, Gukumatz, Itzamna, Pahana, Rudra Kalkin, Kalki, Osiris or Horus, its
it all part of
one story of volcanic return, a return whose root lies at the very core of the Earth.
"Katun 4 Ahau . . . . The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. . . .
Kukulcan shall come with them for the second time. It is the word of God."
(Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel)
According to Calleman October 28th represents the true end date and not, as John Major Jenkins and
Geoff Stray have popularized
zed the Galactic Alignment date of 21 December 2012. I do not want to get
into a nasty righteous fight and have not read enough of
Callemans work to do so, but I think I can bring some of the
split ends back together by showing how one can predict and
incorporate both the date 28 October 2011 and the date 21
December 2012 into one galactic vision. For on both dates the
Sun is involved in the bow aspect to the Galactic Centre.
one can connect both dates to the World Tree.
Calleman connects the End Date to a time of fruition,
fruition which he
himself identifies with the fruition of the World
orld Tree, stating that
everything for the Mayans connects to the World Tree, which I
thoroughly agree with, but what does this really mean? Certainly,
as has been suggested by others (Jenkins), there is a galactic axis
connection for the World Tree but on Earth the
th fruiting body of
the World Tree (Carlsen 1997:50-51) is the first

mountain of

creation, which is the center of the world or axis mundi, which is at once the summit of the earth
and the navel of the earth (Eliade 1991:42).
Left above: in Atitlan Santiago is an altar containing the Nine Underworld gods that is based on
the Flowering Earth Mountainvi the World Tree - which is the central volcano of God who the
locals see themselves as connected to through their own local volcanoes.
That Atitlan sounds rather like Atlantis and contains the atl sound found in the name of the Aztec
land of origin Atlan, is no coincidence but rather a memorial to a
common origin through the nahuatl language used by the Aztecs and
other Mesoamerican peoples, it is the same memory, in which our
Earth is basically a mountain, a mountain which has a risen condition,
in which it is visible to the eye and a
fallen condition in which only those
who look within can find it as the
cosmic or invisible mountain.
Left the invisible World Mountain
portrayed between the Sun and
Moon as Meru once was (right)

So if the World Tree is for the Maya

in reality a World Mountain that has
been likened to a stone tree that
grows, burns, fruits and flowers then
wouldnt one expect the fruition
End Date given by Calleman if
true to be connected to this real
world first mountain?
Right: the three volcanoes on the edge of Lake Atitlan, which
is itself an enormous crater
The people who live near the deepest inland sea in Central
America inside the enormous crater, the Atitecos, believe that
Lake Atitlan is the most significant body of water in the world
being the true master, the first of all things (Christenson

Atitln Lake. Picture taken from Tzam Poc hotel, near Santa Catarina Palop . Credit: Emilio Piovesan
Taken 30 December 2007 (Wikivii)

OK let us break off here. To me this all sounds perfectly sensible and I cant imagine how anybody
could not see at least that these Mesoamerican people who shared their prophecy and live in a volcanic
landscape could have a volcanic cosmology. However, if this all sounds very far out, and there is a lot
of crazy stuff in the internet these days, is there any evidence of the truth of all this that you as a reader
can swallow?
Calleman seems to have been very interested in the nine part element in the Prophecy represented by
Bolon Yokte Ku in the Tortuguero Monument. Calleman has done all he can to destroy the
significance of Jenkins Galactic Alignment theory because of the complete absence of evidence in
the Mayan sources for this galactic alignment theoryviii, And Jenkins has done a lot as has Geoff
Stray to suggest that Callemans theory is incorrect.
I dont want to untie that knot but I can in fact use the supposedly invalid galactic alignment theory,
that supposedly finds no support among the Mayans when adapted to my western astrological format,
to show that both October 28 2011 and December 21 2012 are significant and correct dates. I can do
this by using the alignment to predict events.
I have been able to predict most of the major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the last couple of
years using my newly discovered galactic astrology It is relatively easy as most of the major
earthquakes and other disasters occur as the Sun or Moon is in a major aspect like conjunction or
opposition to the Galactic Centre, so I could predict the deadly one in Haiti on January 12 2010 when
the Moon was conjunct the Galactic Centre and the shocking one in Christchurch, New Zealand on
September 3 2010 UTC (September 4 local time) when the Moon was opposite the Galactic Centre
and I write about some of these correct predictions in articles such as:

Correct Predictions in 2010 and a

Volcanic Future in 2011 + 2012 ix
Unfortunately for me even though I was so certain
that there would be a large earthquake on September
3 2010 because there was also a bow aspect. I wrote
an article about it giving the date September 3 2010
But if you give in September 3 2010 you will find
no mention of the quake in New Zealand on the first
page of a Google search but its the first thing that
springs up on the page for September 4 2010. The
crazy thing is its the RULE to give the date of an
earthquake by its Universal time and not its local
time, but they didnt do that this time.
It feels like when I make predictions the Internet
does everything it can to hide them.
Still here is another one that no one seems to have noticed or be mentioning: I correctly predicted the
eruption of the volcano in Iceland on the 21st May 2011 Judgment Day.
As everybody was getting so worked up about May 21 2011 and whether anything judgmental or
rapturous would happen on that date. As a result of understanding the astrological chart I predicted the
likelihood that a volcano would erupt in Iceland on that day, and that if it did this would be the sign
that Camping is correct, for God is a volcanic God. The prediction was made on page 6 of this article:
Judgment Day 21 May 2011x

Though for some reason if you want to read the article you may need to give in my name as well to
find it. Anyway, I also suggest in the article on Judgment Day that the eruption would come late on the
21st as the bow aspect formed first the evening of the day. What are the chances that one can
predict the type of disaster a volcano, and also the place of the disaster Iceland, and even the
approximate time?xi
I also go out on the line now to predict that the End of Creation of the Maya and the Biblical Judgment
in October 2011 will both turn out to be connected to a volcanic eruption that will begin in the last two
weeks of October.
It will NOT be the complete END OF THE WORLD but there will be a major volcanic event. If this
happens will you please admit that I have been correct? There may be other disasters and it may all be
triggered by a comet, but the prophecies all over the world tell us that 2012 is about a volcanic return
and that 2012 period begins, astrologically speaking, in October 2011.
So I think it will be the end of this Creation that begins in October 2011 with volcanic intensification
but whatever the disastrous events that are accentuated in October they will last through 2012 as well
and will not be over in 2013.
Below you see the charts of December 21 and December 28 2012 when the bow aspect also plays a
major role.

Here you see on December 21 2012 the same bow that began in October 2011 is still present. It is
pointing now more at Pluto conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. To me the late evening looks more
dangerous for an earthquake though I am still uncertain whether one can expect a mega event right on
21 December 2012.
Later in the month, from about the 28th, a bow forms also to Uranus in Aries suggesting more intensive
volcanic activity.
The December date is very significant, quite contrary to what Calleman implies, and here is a graph of
recent earthquake activity in December to show this.

Yet again
World In fact quite the opposite the disastrous end of
I say it will not be the complete End of the World.
this age is the necessary prerequisite for the beginning of
of a new Golden Age, a new World Order, a
Second Coming, a time long prophesied and probably secretly prepared for,
for if there are those that have
not forgotten. I believe one can see enough evidence for the continued tradition in the behavior and
monuments of some that we call the Illuminati.
For the very pyramid on the dollar note that everybody has been rumoring about what THEY are
hiding from us, is a volcano with a bright and shining volcanic eye and yet for some reason no one
seems to have been able to decipher that difficult
message, even though they have
deciphered a
million others.
omehow we never get beyond worshipping
ourselves, and cantt imagine that humans could
have found mountains so amazing that they would
build a huge monument to any one of them
than merely to bury their own kings. The
mountains our ancestors worshipped were
originally volcanic mountains, the ones with fire
in the middle, and that is exactly what pyra-mid
means fire in the middle.
and yet the
There will be survivors of this period
immensity of the disastrous period that stands
before, on so many levels, cannot be imagined by
those who have no background in the Mysteries
and the great disasters that befall the Earth every
6000 to 6,500 years and whose most major events occur when the galactic
galactic axis is aligned with the

solstice axis, as it was by the mass extinctions and the Younger Dryas Ice Age 12,800 to 11,600 years
All I can do is suggest that one prepare as one can, for it has been suggested by the prophecies of the
Chilam Balam priests and the Biblical Revelation that this coming time will be a time of famine,
draught, war and pestilence. It is not always possible to flee to a safe place to escape the Judgment
that is coming and one might want to consider that if one can predict the volcanic activity that
occurred on Judgment Day one might want to also start trying to listen and talk to God before October
21 2011.
What I find amazing is that we have been so free of volcanic activity that we, like the volcanoes, have
fallen safely asleep. When we hear in a prophecy of a darkening of the light we can only think it could
be an eclipse or perhaps some other strange event like a comet?? Calleman suspects in his most
recent article:
Comets Honda and Elenin fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian
Prophesies as the Mayan calendar approaches its end
on October 28, 2011
that a prophesied coming Three Days of Darkness could be related to comet Elenin, stating how he
has been very skeptical of this idea because it seemed to him outside of what is physically
possible. I find it disturbing that he, and others, would rather attribute a three day darkness to a
passing comet than to a volcano.
The Tibetan Wheel of Transmigration kept the knowledge of the Great Year alive and how it effected
the human soul, in its sand paintings. At the base of the Tibetan Wheel we have the image of a large
volcano erupting. This is the time when the dark period of falling from grace in the Great Year cycle is
replaced by a rising period when the figures in the inner circle begin to rise as if magically levitating.

I have simplified this wheel found of the

t cover of Joseph Campbells Oriental
Oriental Mythology into the
design that is on my website:

It shows how the womb of the Great Year with the erupting volcano is placed at the bottom of the
cycle or wheel at the time of the winter solstice between the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn, then at
the bottom of the wheel the Yin descending phase transforms into a Yang ascending phase.
Wee and the whole world will be reborn in a volcanic cataclysm that will shake the Earth to and from
its very core and not one stone will be left upon another.
Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain:: let all the inhabitants of
the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; / A day of darkness and of
gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains
Yet in a less frightening mode of understanding the volcanic prophecy, the simplest
way of
understanding this Great Year transition is that Yin is about to give birth to the fiery force of Yang in
the period centering on 2012 and the mountain that fell will rise again reborn like a fiery bird for fire
always rises as Yin water sinks.

The Chilam Balam prophecies that refer to 2012 according to Geoff Stray, tell us that on 4 Ahau,
then the end of the world shall come but far from everything being over it continues and the katun
of our fathers will ascend on high yes indeed the ascending energy of fire (that is also in the
Kundalini, as well as in Kukulkan), will rise again, creating new lands through a volcanic period:
where sea has been, land will rise. So this Yin period of rising waters nears its last climax and comes
to an end;
These valleys of the earth shall come to an end (Tizimin p.16)
But having turned the whole into a rather abstract form with Yin and Yang, lets return to the God of
the Old Testament prophet Isaiah as model for a primal One God who dwells in the one true world
mountain at the centre of the Earth in his more personal appeal to us:
He that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain. (Isaiah

28 June 2011
Pyramid of Fire p 74
viii Callemans response to the accusation that he is wrong about his End Date .


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