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Greater Canadian

Stronach vs Wilson

Two Great Canadians

Frank Stronach was a pioneer in the
auto industry while Bertha Wilson
was also a pioneer in Law. Both of
these great Canadians have earned
there spot among the greats but who
is in fact greater and why.

Mr. Frank Stronach

Mrs. Bertha Wilson

Auto part industry

Created 1000s of Jobs
Defined the auto
sector in Canada
Tried to derail the free
trade deal between
the states

Female pioneer for

First woman appointed
to the supreme court
of Canada
Was appointed to the
Ontario court of
Was a judge
Abortion strike down

Both are great Canadians and have
accomplished an extreme amount.
They are un fortunetly too different
to make a off hand assumption of
who is greater by accomplishment.
So I am choosing who affected
Canada more.

In the end I believe the Wilson has
achieved more long lasting
contributions to our government and
our society.

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