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Alicia Dobner

February 28, 2015

ENG 112 37
Extended Inquiry Step 2 & 3
Professor Intawiwat
Proposal Parts:

I know that selflessness is a necessary component to life. It is an

act of doing something for others, without expecting anything in
return. For one to be selfless, it means they think of their family,
peers, and even strangers more than themselves. There are
multiple ways for someone to live a selfless life.

I chose this topic over the optional topics because I desire to find
practical methods in order to care for other people rather than
solely myself. This idea of selflessness interests me because it
grants me an opportunity to create change in the world around


1. What is the true definition of selflessness?

2. Who is a famous and well-known, yet selfless person?
3. What did Trevor McKinney (the young boy in Pay It Forward) do
in order to be selfless?
4. Why is selflessness a good trait for one to have?
5. What are some components in maintaining a selfless
6. Why do people want to be selfless?
7. How far would you go until you would stop caring for others as
much, and would it be until to point of death?
8. What are some ways someone has applied this aspect to their
lives, other than in the movie Pay It Forward?
9. How does someone feel once they have accomplished their
good deed and done something, despite what they may have
wanted to do?
How can one persons selfless actions change the world or
even a community?

The points that will be focused on include numbers four, Why is

selflessness a good trait to have? and ten, How can one
persons selfless actions change the world or even a
community? These two questions will portray the importance in
being selfless and how it makes a difference.

I think I will find answers to these questions on the CPCC library

search box in the encore section. Another place I may use is the
Internet, making certain they are credible sources. Some
questions that might be difficult to find are numbers five, seven,
and nine, which deal with intangible ideas such as feelings and

If the topic I initially want to focus on is too broad, I will most

likely focus on the movie, Pay It Forward and the selflessness
demonstrated among the characters.

If this early research done is too narrow, in order to broaden the

search I will probably deal with the act of kindness toward others,
in the real world and in the movie, rather than simply a selfless

These sources below may be useful for various reasons. The CBS
News source will be useful because it explains simply ordinary people
finding value in random acts of kindness. The third source found
might also be useful in sharing more about a real-world example of a
selfless young girl. These acts of selfless deeds using real-world
situations will portray, in detail, what the purpose in service is. The
third example also gives insight into death due to the selfless heart,
which leads into the importance of the extended inquiry. The second
example identifies the thoughts and perceptions of selfless
characteristics. This would be useful because it goes into detail about
why one should be selfless.
Works Cited
"Altruism: Why Are Some People Selfless?" CBSNews. CBS Interactive,
n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2015.
"Questioning Selfless-Ness." Imphal Free PressJul 07 2014. ProQuest.
Web. 1 Mar. 2015.
Wilson, Felicia. "Teen Remembered for Selfless Deeds." Milwaukee
Sentinel: 2. Jun 18 1990. ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.

Extended Inquiry Step 2 Answered Questions:

Selflessness is defined as having little to no concern for
oneself, as proven in the dictionary. Mother Teresa is a well-known
person, whom was also selfless in her lifetime. In the movie Pay It
Forward, the main character, Trevor McKinney, plans on helping three
people out, having those people pass it along to begin the movement.
First, he helped a homeless man by clothing and feeding him. Trevor
also helped his mother, Arlene. Along with his selfless deeds of helping
these, he also helped a young boy at his school named Adam, who was
being bullied quite often (MICHAEL JANUSONIS Journal). One way
selflessness can change the world is by utilizing three steps, which
include kindness to you, the earth, and others (Kindness).
Works Cited
"Kindness: Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 14-20, 2000."
ATA News 34.10 (2000)ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.
Marques, Joan. "The Paradox of Selflessness." The Journal for Quality
and Participation 30.1 (2007): 17-9. ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar.
MICHAEL JANUSONIS Journal, Arts W. "Pay it Forward Pays Off - PAY
IT FORWARD IS GOOD IN DEED." The Providence Journal: E. Oct
20 2000. ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar. 2015 .

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