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Robert Kirkham

Math 1040-404
April 24, 2015

Skittles Project Reflection

As I look back through this project, I think about the very beginning and
how nervous I was to even attempt to put together a paper like this. I have never
really had a problem doing math, but statistics is a completely different type of
math. It seems to me that statistics questions are story problems and I have
always struggled with story problems, trying to find which part of the story goes
into what part of the equation. But by doing this Skittles project I felt more
comfortable with some of the other problems throughout this class because the
project instructions broke down every step and indicated what each part of the
story problem was. The way the instructions were worded it made it easier to
read, understand and break down other problems throughout the course.
I work as a nurse at the University Neuropsychiatric Institute at the
University of Utah Hospital currently working simultaneously on a Psychology
degree at the University of Utah and needed to take Math 1040 before I can take

my Psychology Statistics class. After looking at the classwork that Ill be doing
for that class, this class will make it so much easier to succeed at a higher level in
my Psych Stats class. Im actually looking forward to taking that class now.
As I mentioned, I work at the University Neuropsychiatric Institute and the
doctors that I work with are also Associate Professors who have to write and
publish a certain number of papers each year. And because the U of U Hospital
requires continuing education these doctors that I work with lecture us on their
research. Every single lecture that Ive been to and been involved with has had
some sort of statistical analogy. And staying in this field of work I know that
statistical research is going to be a part of my career. And Im extremely glad I
took this class because of this.

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