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How does your media product represent

particular social groups?

What is a social group?
A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other
and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity.
Which social groups have you represented?
- Teenagers
- Males
- Young Adults
In what ways I have represented these social groups.
The two main characters in my media product 'Insomnium' are aged
sixteen and seventeen and are both male- both of the characters
belong to the teenager and male social group thus the characters
represent those social groups. Young adulthood- generally defined
as age 18 to 22 or 18 to 25, the characters in Insomnium are nearly
18 years old and so are entering young adulthood and so this way
they represent the young adult social group. In my media product I
haven't used a significant amount of props throughout the video,
although with a limited amount of props I tried to represent the
male social group with the use of a football and sport kit. Football is
a traditional stereotype associated with men and as the male
characters were both dressed in sport kit and carried a ball I can
confidently say that I have strongly represented the male social

Sport Shoes

So I have represented gender and age in my media product and both of the
representations have been positive as I represented the two characters as healthy,
sportive and sociable human beings.

Furthermore at one stage of my media product I have represented Power- it's most
like unnoticeable to the audience as it is a very complicated representation. The
narrative in 'Insomnium' is complicated this is due to the fact that the protagonist in
the story is Dan and the antagonist in the story which is unusual is Dan's nightmares
that become a reality. In the middle of my media product I have used a particular shot
that represented power- I used a high angle shot when Dan was conversing with
Coley in-between two scenes of Dan's nightmare, this shot was intentionally used to
represent that Dan's nightmares have power over Dan himself. The shot also was used
to establish the antagonist and protagonist of the film.

Dream scene before high angle


High angle shot.

Dream scene after high

angle shot

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