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Reflection Cycle Article 1 Review

Submitted by Kelly Thurber


Writing IEP Goals, by Ruth Heitan


- IEP goal creates a program for a child with special needs

-IEP goal describes what we hope the child will achieve or the intended
outcome of instruction.
-Goals must be met in an objective way
-Goals must establish criterion for mastery
-SMART Goals:
S Specific
A-Use Action Words
T-Time Limited
-There is a distinction between goals and objectives. In special education we write
annual goals. Objectives are short-term steps
Analyze: This was a short article discussing the importance of writing IEP goals.
The simple SMART acronym will assist me in my writing of IEP goals for my students.
This relates to my 5 year goal because I will be writing and discussing IEP goals often
in my work as a Diagnostician.
Appraise: This was beneficial because the acronym will assist me in goal writing. I
will need to always keep in mind that there will be annual goals and that specifically
they will be time limited. The distinction between goals and objectives in special
education is unique to special education.
Transform: I plan to use the SMART acronym every time I assist in writing IEP goals

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