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Suicides & Anginas

(in agoraphobia major)

Stopped answering the phone a few weeks ago

Threw my nerves into the lake and set it on fire
And I just watched as my old life burned to ashes
The tree I had planted, my watering hole, my sky
Bulldozed with violence spinning like children
On a merry-go-round ride, sepia tone printed lies

Rubberneckers let it all hang out when it counts

So I killed my lights and boarded the windows
Because I grew tired of the light’s intrusiveness
How dare it mock me like a mad object of …
And there we go, off beat, like a jazz poem

Where it’s safest

To let it all stream
Where we’re safest
To let it all stream
Remain the witness
Stay inside, home

~ Goodnight life ~

David Powers
January 9, 2010

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