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Artifact Cover Sheet ELCC 4.

EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 4.0 Faculty and Community Collaboration
Element 4.1 Collect/analyze information to improve school
Activity: Create SWIS reports for faculty for PBIS and PLC team
meetings (MILF 2.5): Opportunities for leadership and collaborative
decision making distributed among stakeholders, especially teachers
Time: 12 hours
Artifact: SWIS data reports for referral trends by year, time of day, location,
and grade level
Description: I was asked to coach the newly formed PBIS team at Allegany
High School. As part of the coachs responsibilities, I prepare the data that
is collected for student discipline referrals and convey that data to staff for
shared decision making. I spend approximately 2 hours per month creating
reports using the SWIS system which is then shared at the PBIS team
meetings. I spend an additional hour taking the data that is shared with the
PBIS team to prepare and send along to the PLC teams. To date, I have
spent 12 total hours January through April.
Reflection: Another important role of the school administrator is to gather
information for the purpose of improving the school environment. Being
able to accurately identify the problems will assist an administrator in
facilitating possible solutions to those problems. As the newly formed PBIS
team coach, I have been able to work very closely with our administration
and with other teachers to work toward identifying problem behavior areas,
and to utilize effective strategies within the new tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3
support system. The SWIS data that is gathered allows teachers and faculty
members to address any patterns within the school day or particular
locations within a building in which behavior problems may be occurring. No
teacher is surprised to find out that a majority of behavioral office referrals
occur during the student lunch and hallway transition time. Being able to
accurately pinpoint problem areas and times, allows the faculty and
community members to be a part of the solution process. I was able to
work very closely with PBIS team members in creating the implementation
plan for the new PBIS state-mandated program. This experience was
valuable as I was able to learn first-hand, key components to collecting and
working with data to improve the school environment.

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