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Web and Social Media Analytics

Tutorial 7: Reports and representations in Google Analytics

Google Analytics
The aim of this tutorial is to practice with the different reports and
representations that GA offers. Carry out the following tasks in your Google
Analytics account:
1. Explore the technology that your users used to access your site in relation
to: Browser, Operating System, Screen Resolution, Screen Colours.
Generate the results as 'data table', 'percentage', 'performance' and
'comparison'. In the 'comparison' mode add as metrics the 'bounce rate'.
Make sure you understand the meaning of the graphic that is generated.
Do the same in the 'percentage' mode.
2. Generate a report that shows the engagement of your users in relation to
'visit duration' and 'page depth' (Audience --> Behaviour).
3. Analyse your visitors' flow for 3 consecutive days and after that for 8
consecutive days. Identify the 2 most popular pathways for each period.
Compare them. If there are any differences can you think of any particular
reason to explain them?
4. In the Acquisition section generate a report with all the possible channels.
Expand the report using as second dimension the 'Visit Duration'. Create
the motion path for 10 consecutive days (choose days that have some
5. Generate a report that gives a detailed account for users' behaviour in
each page (Behaviour --> site content --> all pages).
6. Generate the pages timings for all pages. (Behaviour --> site speed).
7. Create a new dashboard that consists of at least 5 widgets.
8. Create an automatic alert that shows you the weeks when the visits in
your site are more than 5; create an automatic alert that shows you the
days when the visits in your site are less than 2.
9. For your audience (Audience --> Overview) create a new segment that
shows how many users have used operating system 'Windows'. Apply the
segment and see the results. Expand the segment by adding the
parameter: Browser: Chrome.
10.Generate the in-page analytics report for your site (Behaviour section).
Design your own reports. Consider very carefully what other information
you would like to have about your site.
1. Generate a custom report where you should combine a primary and a
secondary dimension.
2. Create a segment in which you apply one condition.
Demonstrate the reports you designed to your tutor.

EBSY612 - V. Bouki - Tutorial 1

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