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Confusing words Part I

This section of our course will review 100 words groups that are troublesome to many CPE
students. Words have been grouped according to the way they are most often confused or
misused. Some of these words are homonyms (words that sound alike but are spelled
differently) and some are just commonly confused. Each set of confusables (eg: their, there,
they're) are displayed together.

Words Groups - Part 1/10

1. ad = abbreviation for advertisement
add = to join
2. adapt = to change, to adjust
adept = skilled
3. advice = counsel
advise = to give advice
4. affects = influences
effects = results
5. afflicted = stricken
inflicted = caused or imposed something negative
6. affronted = insulted
confronted = faced
7. a lot = a great number
allot = to assign
8. aloud = audible, using the voice
allowed = permitted
9. already = previously
all ready = all prepared
10. alteration = a change
11. altercation = argument
And now practise this revision.

Confusing words
ACTIVITY 7: Complete the following sentences by choosing a "confusing word" from the menus.
Then check the correct answers.
1. The .specifically requested females. (ad/add)
I have to .his name to the list. (ad/add)
2. We must .. our plan to these new circumstances. (adapt/adept)
Hackers are . at getting around computer security measures. (adapt/adept)
3. Free . isn't always the best. (advise/advice)
Please us about a company which has developed image processing software.
4. Imagination can every aspect of our lives. (affect/effect)
Smith spent years studying the of sleep loss on memory and learning. (affect/effect)
5. The entire crew was .. with food poisoning. (afflicted/inflicted)
The sadist pain and the masochist received it. (afflicted/inflicted)
6. He ..her with his rude remarks. (affronted/confronted)
We are .. with a difficult situation. (affronted/confronted)
7. The Internet has much useful information but it also has of useless resources. (allot/ a lot)
They usually.. the profits fairly. (allot/ a lot)
8. I read the play.. so that I could memorize all the lines. (allowed/aloud)
It is not .to walk on the grass in this garden. (allowed/aloud)
9. Have you read this book ? (all ready/ already)
Are you go hiking? (all ready/ already)
10. There has been an . in our plans.(altercation/alteration)
The police have a tendency to make a big deal over a very minor . (altercation/alteration)

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