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Katelyn Claesson Daily Writing

Daily Writing 1/12/2015

I feel that I am good at evoking emotion in my writing. Sometimes, I may be a bit
heavy handed but I think I am fairly good at portraying emotion. I think I am very good
at helping the reader understand the motivations of a character or my own feelings. I
also feel I can be good at writing humor essays because I have a lot of personal
experience to go off of.
Daily Writing 1/14/2015
My father is the most informed about our familys history. My mothers side of the
family have been fractured by divorce, mental illness and adoption The 3 questions I
would ask my father are:

Who was most responsible for organizing our family tree originally?
Do you know how long our family has lived in Sweden?
Do you know of any crazy family secrets?

Daily Writing 1/21/2015

If I were very Swedish, I would talk about pickled herring. The thought of pickled
herring makes me want to throw up, so instead I will write about one of the more famous
and popular dishes of my homeland- Swedish Pancakes.
Pretty much everyone in my family can make really good Swedish Pancakes.
Swedish Pancakes are a big part of the average swedish breakfast which usually
includes sausage, ham, hard boiled eggs, cultured milk and coffee. Swedish people
drink more coffee than any other people in the world. A swedish pancake is a lot like a
crepe, except its less sweet. It has all the same ingredients as a normal pancake, but
with more milk and less flour. It is served with Lingonberries as a garnish. My stepmother and father are the best at making them in my opinion.
Daily Writing 1/26/2015
Its not terribly important to know what jobs your ancestors had or when they
came through Ellis Island. Sure, all of those things are great to know out of general
interest and its a great conversation starter, but ultimately not terribly important. I think
its more important to know the time they lived through and where they lived. For
example, its a lot more interesting to say My grandfather grew up in east Berlin during

60s then My grandfather worked as a reporter in Berlin. All of a sudden, with those
details, weve opened up this entire history he witnessed. Thats a conversation worth
having that could really teach me something.
Daily Writing 1/28/2015
But let us not forget that human love and compassion are equally deeply rooted
in our primitive heritage, and in this sphere to our sensibilities are of a higher order of
magnitude than those of chimpanzee. -Jane Goodall
Ive always been more of a believer of collective consciousness and the power of the
human experience. Love and compassion span generations and cultures. It cannot be
measured and yet we all hopefully experience it.
Daily Writing 2/2/2015
Slide 1-slide 3: I plan on showing family pictures I need to scan of my parents
and both sets of my grandparents.
Slide 4- I plan on showing the picture I have of our detailed family tree (Claesson side).
I may have to use slide 5 for that as well. I also hope to show the Claesson family crest.
Daily Writing 2/4/2015
I havent actually had many experiences with peer review. The closest is in high
school during my senior exit project. We didnt actually get to speak to one another or
read over pages out loud. We just read silently and then wrote our thoughts on a sheet
of paper. I hope this time around we actually get to communicate our thoughts to our
Daily Writing 2/23/2015
I only write English essays using MLA usually. Its what I used growing up in
school and basically all throughout college. I only had to use Chicago once and I really
didnt like it. MLA is good because its very applicable to citing articles and other forms
of documentation.
Daily Writing 2/25/2015
Im not a huge fan of group work because rarely is the work split evenly amount.
I think its really important that the expectations are really clear from the get go.
Here are my three rules for work:
1- Everyone has a clear idea of what their specific work is.

2- Everyone attends regularly schedules meetings involving group work.

3- Everyone is mindful of one another.

Daily Writing 3/9/2015

My favorite things in life dont cost any money. Its really clear that the most
precious resource we all have is time. Steve Jobs
Although Steve Jobs is the prime example of someone who spent their entire
time on this earth working, I really understand this idea. Earning a lot of money and
progressing in a job we hate is a grand illusion to keep us from spending time with our
families and friends. We need to be having adventures. When our time is up, I hope we
all look back on our death bed with no regrets.
Daily Writing 3/11/2015
When I went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C over the
summer, I was very impacted by the visuals used there. Video montage is a huge
component of the museum. The style was very clear and it relied on a lot of stark lines.
It was laid out like a walkway. There were an assortment of black and white pictures
that went in sequence. The whole exhibit told a story, without saying a lot of words, and
that takes real talent.
Daily Writing 3/18/2015
I used to be a huge procrastinator because I could get away with it. I was never a
believer in the quote why leave something to tomorrow that you can do today. I really
liked leaving things to tomorrow. I was young and enjoyed avoiding responsibility.
Since I started college, I have learned how to manage my time and school work in a
more efficient manner. I would really encourage college kids to not procrastinate
because ultimately its just bad for you and bad for your grades.
Daily Writing 3/23/2015
In delivering our short research project presentation, I think I was very good at
presenting information that was both interesting and relevant. I think I do well speaking
evenly and am understandable to everyone. I think I need to improve on making eye
contact with the class and remember to split end questions evenly with my partner.
Those are definitely things I can improve on.
Daily Writing 3/25/2015

I would use slide number 1 because I need to read information in order to

process it. If I were a more visual person, I would really like slide 2 because that graph
probably says a lot to a visual person. I find it really easy to get lost looking at graphs,
but I would still use slide 2 because I know that people usually really respond to graphs.
Daily Writing 3/30/2015
Do what you say you will. This is probably the most important rule to follow as a
student or a worker. Procrastination, is my strong suit and I know its also the strong suit
for many of my friends. I find it very difficult to keep a schedule. The most important
thing to do as a student, is to do what you say you will do. And to keep up with your
Daily Writing 4/1/2015
We should care more about the Iran nuclear deal because it affects a lot more
people in real life. Plane crashes are kind of an exaggerated version of a car crash in
that we cant look away from them, no matter how inappropriate it is. We as a country
tend to sensationalize the news to a really terrible degree. So much so that we rarely
bat an eyelash at school shootings now. But the point of the news is to become a more
informed person and voter.
Daily Writing 4/8/2015
My best experience speaking publicly was when I got to address a speaker at the
Model UN conference. He was a former UN secretary and I got to ask him a question in
front of a room full of people. I asked the question very eloquently and I was pretty
impressed with myself, because I was very young and speaking to someone who had a
very important job.
My worst experience with speaking publicly was when I auditioned for the
elementary school news. I was terrible, I looked up too much and spoke too fast and
said a lot of filler words like um.

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