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about the type of organisation

Plan-circulation shown
entry-from neighbourhood
modulation of spaces
degree of enclosure

Venice hospital
Location: Venice,Italy
Architect:Le Corbusier
-Example of mat building i.e. withot walls between itself and the city
-Planned in 1965 for the arsenal area at the edge of the city, the hospital was
designed to extend the city s roads
and canal networks, while simultaneously turning in on itself to create flexible
, quasi- urban interior environments in the
form of endlessly repeating courtyards
-The plan of the Hospital consists of a series of squares,arranged in a radial
pattern around a central
space, and
interconnected into a matrix
Modulation of Spaces
characteristic of
-The hospital's function take place on four levels :
1st level = the entrances, administration and kitchens;
2nd level = operating rooms and nurses' residence;
3rd level = corridors for the hospital's functioning;
4th level = the patient's rooms.
Degree of Enclosure
Each patient room has no window to look out of.
Daylight streams into the room through side skylights which also regulate the in
tensity of the sunlight.
Daylighting remains well distributed as does the room temperature so that the pa
tient can enjoy calm isolation.
Exterior and Interior
square-shaped areas are
-In conjuction with the whole city

points where




Group Home
Location:Hokkaido, Japan
Architect:Sou Fujimoto
- there is a big flame of 33 parallel crosses.
-The frame of space is made from the grid swinging gently perpendicularly.
-The intonation of a place is produced by being connected and separated
-made out of wood
-diagonal walls
-in harmony with nature
Degree of enclosure
-refer to book
Modulation of spaces
-the building is divided into two units across the entrance. Each unit has 9 bed
rooms, so 18 elderly in total live with the staff
-walls are given at angles
-roof is varying with flat and slop:angular
Gandhi Ashram
Location:Ahmedabad, gujarat
Architect:Charles Correa
-example of combining the Hindu architectural/ cosmological idea of isotropy and
Modernist functional planning
-Around the courtyards and beneath the grid of hipped roofs are rooms connected
by covered spaces open to the outside
-Five distinct programmed interior spaces within the asymmetrical grid plan.
-The plan of the museum has also been compared to village houses in India's Bann
i region. Instead of a single volume, the
houses consist of five huts each with a different function, which surround to ma
ke a courtyard
Modulation of Spaces
-The site on the Sabarmati River bank is part of the larger ashram complex and i
s integrated into its gardens.
-Five interior rooms contain the collection of the museum. The rooms are enclose
d by brick walls and wooden louvered screens.
-A square, uncovered shallow pool is located between the five rooms
Exterior and Interior
-the building uses traditional materials: tiles, brick, stone and wood
-Wooden doors, stone floors, ceramic tile roofs, and brick columns are the palet
te of the building

Degree of enclosure
Lloyd Lewis House
Architect:Frank Lloyd Wright
-define a hierarchical locus of activity
-is located in a very private subdivision and is not visible from the street
-a one lane, dirt road several hundred yards to approach the house
Exterior and interior
-combination of brick and wood
-two storey house
-overhanging roofs and cantilevered balconies
-blend with landscape
Modulation of spaces
-living,dining and kitchen work space occupy and elevated space
-split level section is connected by stairs
Baker House
Architect:Alvar Aalto
-form of curving snakeThe S-curve plan of the building increases the surface are
a of the south (Charles River)-facing
side of the dorm. Because of this shape, approximately 90% of the rooms have a r
iver and skyline view.
-building s undulating form also does not subject the views of the rooms to be ori
ented at right angles towards the busy street
-plan is composed around a single-loaded corridor
- planning provides important communal areas and a variety of room types for dif
ferent students,
increasing the sense of community and diversity within the building
-dark red rustic bricks
-enlargedrooms on the western end that receive both northern and western light
-Instead of rooms, a stairway systems is housed on the north side of the buildin
g with an unobstructed view of its surroundings
-"Moon Garden": The "moon garden" refers to the roof of the two-story dining hal
l, which is punctuated by cylindrical skylights.
-Fireplace: The large fireplace is the centerpiece of the first floor gathering
Modulation of Spaces:

-the form established a wide variety of room shapes, creating 43 rooms and 22 di
fferent room shapes per floor that although similar,
still have distinct designs for the placement of built-in furniture
-modular pieces come together to create sweeping curves that juxtapose the solid
limestone of the attached rectilinear common room.
-Structural columns are covered in plastered on the lower floor and as they rise
up towards the second level,
timber cladding allows them to form a relationship with the trees
-The staircases are designed to allow unobstructed views along their entire leng
increasing the visibility of the students moving through the building and increa
sing the opportunities for informal interaction
Degree of Enclosure
Secretariat Building
Location:Paris, France
-constructed in the form of a 'Y' (or three-pointed star)
-seven floors high, resting on stilts (pilotis)
-stands on seventy-two columns of concrete piling
-curtain wall
-floating volume
-modular facade
Modulation of spaces
-faceted planes
Degree of Enclosure

Architect:Frank Lloyd Wright
-organic architecture
-dramatic extension of the chimney upwards to make it the highest point on the e
xterior of the house
-revolved the design of the house around the fireplace, the hearth of the home.a
rock cuts into the fireplace,
physically bringing in the waterfall into the house

Modulation of spaces
-The rooms all relate towards the house s natural surroundings,
and the living room even has steps that lead directly into the water below
-The circulation through the house consists of dark, narrow passageways, intende
d this way so that people
experience a feeling of compression when compared to that of expansion the close
r they get to the outdoors'
-The ceilings of the rooms are low, in order to direct the eye horizontally to l
ook outside
-The beauty of these spaces is found in their extensions towards nature, done wi
th long cantilevered terraces
Degree of enclosure

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