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Technical note of binder solution interoperability and

the second batch refractories binder of 1# furnace
expired leading to downgrade

MCL 1#

The wear-resistant plastics belong to the second batch

refractory of Zambia MCL project 1# furnace has been sent to
the Zambia construction site, but supporting the use of
wear-resistant plastic binder not to the construction site yet,
this result leading to the wear-resistance plastic is still
unable to construction. Through the construction site feedback,
the wear-resistant brick mortar binder has arrived. Because of
the wear-resistant plastics and wear-resistant brick mortar
used as the same binder, in order not to delay the construction
period, we can use the wear-resistance brick mortar binder

instead of using the wear-resistance plastic binder.

In order to avoid repetition similar problems, we list the

binder solution can be interoperable below:



Wear-resistant plastics binder A

Micro-expansion refractory plastic
binder A

Wear-resistant brick mortar binder A

No-asbestos calcium-silicate mortar
binder B

Aluminum-silicate refractory fiber
blanket (felt) mortar binder B

Far-infrared anti-radiation coating
binder A

Interchange instruction

The three kinds of binder can be

replaced by each other.

The two kinds of binder can be

replaced by each other.

The binder cannot be replaced

with the rest of binder.

Wear-resistant plastics curing agent belongs to the class II

binder, used period is 5 months, if can use type binder used
as curing agent. After expired, we can use class I binder used
as curing agent.


The second batch refractory binder of 1# furnace using period

problem is the same treatment with the first batch refractory
binder: the used period of the class I binder is 6 months, the
used period of the class II binder is 5 months. After expired,
class I binder downgraded to class II binder, and extended one
month using period.

Yixing Xingbei Refractory Production Co., Ltd.


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