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Sehar Humayun
Ashley Humphries
ENC 1101-002
04 February 2015
Computer- My Personality Developer
Science and technology has been the favorite field of research for man since his creation.
Man has been working to explore different aspects of nature, discover new theories, and invent
scientific tools and equipment to make his life comfortable and modern. He wants to contour his
persona in such a way that his marks always linger on the globe. Curiosity and thirst for
knowledge, being a part of mans nature, dont let him sit quiet and he is always eager to learn
more and more! One of the most fantastic developments of man is the digital media that has
turned the whole world into a global village. Now, conveying messages overseas is a matter of
just a few moments. No doubt, if man of 1st century comes to this modern world, he will be
amazed to see such an exciting and fast communication system. Even man of today cannot say
surely if there could exist any progress beyond this level! The layer of digital texts and hardware
has covered every field of life and nobody is left uninfluenced. In fact, no one can refrain from it
even if he/she wants to do so. Thus, I have also been facing significant effects of digital texts and
hardware since my childhood, and they have contributed a lot in shaping my character. I
should say I were totally different if they were not in my life. They have created the real thing in
me called the personality.
In my kindergarten period, I was fond of playing video games. They were so exciting for
me that I didnt like any other indoor or outdoor games. They were a tutor for me, and I learned
the tactics of triumph in different situations. In my views, they helped me a lot increase my IQ

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level by letting me ponder upon new and new methods of achievement. The games like
Complete the word increased my vocabulary. I learned to speak English fluently and correctly
that raised my confidence level.
I cannot forget the time I received a desktop computer as a gift on my 9th birthday.
Truly, it is my best birthday gift ever. It was undeniably a turning point in my life that changed
my ambitions, desires and motives. Besides its stunning features, the computer also offered me
games that increased my love for it! I started to view the aspect of life and nature that was
beyond my little mind. I used to use my computer as a calculator for my mathematical problems.
I could do my homework effectively and efficiently using it. For essays and other writing tasks, I
typed it and printed it out. My composition skills were polished using computer in this way. I
learned to format my documents correctly, and my spellings were also improved. Moreover,
when my typing speed was enhanced, I could compose larger documents fast and neat as
compared to doing so in my handwriting. Consequently, I got better grades than other students
who were not familiar with this device. I was always a bad student when homework was given; I
never did homework! But, the computer helped me become a good student. As time passed, the
invention of internet and email came to the surface. When I started to use the internet, I hated my
computer without it! I thought that computer without internet was nothing, and I believe I was
right! Now we see that the world of today depends entirely on the internet.
I was good in mathematics and, since my childhood, I wanted to become an engineer.
Computer and internet influenced my preferences to such an extent that it became my dream to
be a computer or software engineer! I found this field very interesting because I was good at
using computer and internet. The course of Computer Science was my favorite and I always
secured A in it. I studied this subject as a major in my high school. It was only due to this course
that I got admission in engineering university because my overall percentage was good due to A

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in my major subject. Computer taught me how to tackle this field efficiently as a course subject
and opened ways for me to become a good engineer of my country.
With the development of computer generations, laptop and tablet computer have become
more popular. I cannot imagine my studies without a laptop. For engineering classes, I have to
do a lot of studying and homework. I realized the importance of a laptop when I came in the US
from my home country, Pakistan, and I didnt have a laptop! My course teachers told me I
cannot survive without a laptop. It was my first need to purchase a laptop, and when I got it,
my life was comfortable! Although I had a smart phone that can operate on the internet, yet it
cannot replace a computer, Laptop and internet allow me to interact with my family any time I
want to. I dont feel alone at a new place because I can easily contact with my friends and
family and stay in touch with them. This facility saves me from homesickness at a new place.
I dont hesitate to agree that its hard for me to get settled at a new place and in a new culture.
Sometimes, I get difficulty due to the different teaching strategies prevailed here, but I look for
the best solution on the internet and accomplish my tasks without troubling others. I email my
teachers if I get confusions regarding the course. It saves me from a distant walk to them, and
also the teachers dont have to bother their important time on my little issues. Not only this, but
also internet provides me detailed information about the culture in the USA. There are many
culture differences and if I dont have awareness of them, I can get in trouble. Internet helps me
learn about the etiquettes and traditions at the USA. It has given me a sense what people of the
US expect from me and what I should expect from them. It teaches me the ethics to survive
comfortably in this culture thus making me a good visitor.
In fact, I am in the USA only due to the internet. I saw the advertisement of Global
UGRAD Exchange Program in Pakistan and I applied for it. The application was online, and we

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had to contact the respective department via email. If I didnt have interest in computer and
internet, indubitably I was not in the US and couldnt have a life experience. It was due to the
internet that I got to know about the United States and was inspired by the culture, technology
and freedom at the USA. It was my conviction that education in a US university will develop my
character as a self-assured person as I will learn to survive in a multicultural environment.
I believe that the knowledge of computer and internet, along with a study experience in
the US, will assist me find a good job in my home country. During my stay in the US, I will
prefer to purchase a tablet computer too. Because I have observed that life without a high quality
new generation computer and a high speed internet is very thorny. For my higher education, I
am restricted to write research papers and email them to different universities. I can fight better
only if I have better tools! Certainly, computer and internet will make my life go smooth.
Along with this, computer and internet will help me become a good citizen because I am well
aware of the happenings around me. I have come to know about the deficiency in the teaching
strategy prevailed in my home country. Internet has also given me information about the
industrial liability upon engineers. Thus, I am more concerned with the teaching approach and
industrial revolution in the USA. I spend most of my time in learning the developed tactics
implemented here. Therefore, whether I work as a teacher at a university or a process engineer in
some industry, I can surf my efforts in respective constraints thus contributing towards the
prosperity of my nation. Surely, computer and internet have taught me to do efforts in the right
direction and be more productive and resourceful!

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