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The Power of Introverts Rhetorical Anaylsis

By: Susan Cain; TED Talk Video
In the speech the Susan Cain, she addressed the concerns she
had and apparently widely accept idea as well that society had
today is geared towards handing a more extrovert populous. While this
holds true at first glance, it is clear that this is more of a generalization
then a true fact even with the reliable studies she presents with her
Personally I think the idea that our society is geared towards
extrovert people is a complete contradictory; I will revisit this in a
moment. First, I want to address that there was on thing that I found
irritating to me; it was not the fact she was clearly bias and spotlight
introverts. It was not her grand standing the multiple famous
introverts; while that was all annoying at times and her arrogance as
well. I found her constant down talking on extroverts to be a huge
mistake as it should she was highly bias and not looking at the whole
picture. Plus it would be wise to address that the peoples she
mentioned where not truly introverts. A better example would have
been Edgar Allen Poe or J.D. Salinger. Writers in general and scientist
will tend toe be more introverted. Closed in, limited human interaction,
quiet controllable environment.
Going back to the idea of our modern day society being more
extroverted. People I personally think are under the impression of
this extroverted idea of society but in truth we have become more
introverted as a society. The introduction of cell phones and social
media websites that are accessible from said cell phones have
destroyed the need to go out and talk to just a person let along go to a
public event or place of entertainment. In the past specifically before
the 21st century people would have to go out and social in order to
entertain themselves. The 10s, 20s, 40s, 50s, and 60s where the
highlight of this social interaction across society as a whole. Attractions
like drive in movie theaters, soda shops, the roaring parties of the 10s
and 20s, and many other examples. Plus introverts at that time period
where more socially picked on or out casted as to now where theyre
simply ignored.

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