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MOM Project Reflection

Alice Surine
I had the privilege to attend the first Suffolk Mission of Mercy project. For this volunteering
event, I provided dental cleanings and assisted with extractions for the residents of Suffolk that are not
able to obtain dental care otherwise. It was a great experience because I was able to work alongside
hygienists, and senior dental hygiene students in the care of the patients. Patients presented rampant
decay, dense calculus, and periodontal disease. Providing a cleaning for these patients was such a great
experience because not only did have experiences that I had not had in school, but I also was able to help
the patient better understand the importance of oral hygiene and I also implemented some tobacco
sessation for those patients that smoked or used tobacco products. The greatest aspect of this project was
the appreciation and gratitude that the patients show the volunteers. One of the experiences at this project
was with a patient that presented a calculus bridge, which was holding #23 and #24 in place. I was
surprised how well he took the warning that if I remove the calculus, his teeth are at risk of coming out.
He was very cooperative and seemed like he wanted to quit smoking. I worked with Chelsea C. and Jorel
and together, we were able to remove the calculus and give tobacco sessation. He left the cleaning with
sensitive teeth, but still very happy with the results of the cleaning. Another experience I had at this
project was when I assisted one of the residents in oral surgery. Our patient was fearful of how much pain
she thought she would be in with the extractions. She allowed us to remove some root tips and a severely
decayed molar, but could not tolerate any further treatment. As I was giving her post-op instructions, she
started crying. I think her emotions were from holding them in for most of the procedure. She continued
crying but she thanked us for everything we did. The MOM projects always make me more excited for
the career path that I have chosen because of the patient appreciation and willingness to learn how to take
care of their teeth. As my tenth MOM project, Suffolk VA MOM project was very exciting and a great

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