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K-5 Math Notes

Samantha Lee

How is time and money

used in every day life?
How long does it take to drive to an after school
activity? (sports, friends house, etc.)

What time does school start? What time do we

get out?

How much money could you earn if you wash

the dishes?

How much money do you need to save to buy a

new toy?

Its everywhere!!!!
Every time you try and figure out how long it will
take to get to a place or how much money you
have to save to buy a new toy, you are using

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

are all used to complete these tasks.

Your teacher asked you to buy a notebook, pencil,

eraser, and and pencil for math class. The
notebook costs $3.00, the ruler costs $1.50, the
pencil costs $0.20, and the eraser is $0.40. What is
the total amount of money you need to buy these


Try it on your own!

Jimmys neighbors asked him to rake their yard.
They offered to pay him $5.00 per hour. How many
hours will it take for him to make $20.00?

After thoughts
Which words in a word problem usually mean

Which words in a word problem usually mean


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