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Steven Sweatt

UWRT 1102

Top Poster: A poster is a great way to get a message across. As the old saying goes A picture
is worth a thousand words. This poster speaks to all those who have been mistreated and beaten
by the cops. Its not just about blacks who have been faced with this conflict, but rather every
citizen who has faced this hardship. The picture shows the police abusing his power and striking
a man while he has his hands up in surrender. This may not always be the case, however when it
is, it causes us to lose faith in the police as a whole.

Bottom Bumper Sticker: I had heard this question asked in an interview I had watched on the
news and I thought that it would make a great bumper sticker. This genre artifact speaks to
everyone. We all question what we see on the news, wither the reporter got the whole story or
just bits and pieces.

PowerPoint: I choose this genre because it was the simplest technological genre on the list and I
knew how to do power points with ease. The audience for this power point is someone who is

Steven Sweatt
UWRT 1102

unaware as to what police brutality actually is. I explain in my power point what police brutality
is and also state many different forms of police brutality.

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