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Charles Darnay- Amiable

Quote 1:"I am only looking to sharing your fortunes, sharing your life and
home, and being faithful to you to the death"(Dickens126)
Response: At the moment Darnay is talking to Dr. Manette about him and
Lucie getting married. Dr.Manette shows his ignorance towards Darnay idea
of marrying Lucie because of what he feels over Darnays pass and
relationship with the evermondes. This quote emphasizes how Darnay is
amiable because he is mentioning how he is wanting to share almost
everything he has with the Manettes, in order to keep a good relationship. At
the same time Darnay is being prejudiced by Dr. Manette, but that doesnt
stop him from telling how he feels about Lucie and how he can make the
Manette family bond more. His true passion and dedication towards his goal
is clearly showed here.
Quote 2:'Well, sir!" cried Mr. Lorry, thoroughly heated by his indifference,
"business is a very good thing, and a very respectable thing. And, sir, if
business imposes its restraints and its silences and impediments, Mr. Darnay
as a young gentleman of generosity knows how to make allowance for that
circumstance. Mr. Darnay, good night, God bless you, sir! I hope you have
been this day preserved for a prosperous and happy life." Pg.74 Chapter 4
Response: When Darnay wins the verdict Dr. Manette, Lucie, Mr. Lorry, and
Mr. Stryver are walking out the court. Before leaving Mr. Lorry tells Darnay
how he is a young generous man. The quote explains how other characters
in the story also see Darnay as a good amiable person because of the actions
he has done. His good acts and deeds have set a good image about himself
to the other characters, for example in the quote Mr. Lorry tells Darnay to
have a prosperous and happy life. It shows how Darnays amiable reputation
towards others has affected how people think of him.
Quote 3:
Dr.Manette- Dynamic
Quote 1:"Now that he had no work to hold, he laid the knuckles of the right
hand in the hollow of the left, and then the knuckles of the left hand in the
hollow of the right, and then passed a hand across his bearded chin, and so
on in regular changes, without a moment's intermission."
Response: At the moment Dr. Manette had just been released from his 18
years of imprisonment, he had been isolated from the world, in One
Hundred and Five North Tower, Dr. Manette has suffered greatly. Both his
mind and body are changed. The quote lets the reader know how Dr. Manette
various dynamically through his actions and thoughts. Throughout the story

Dr. Manette goes through dynamic patterns. The quote above shows the
actions he does and how they vary and change accordingly.
Quote 2:"None. My mind is a blank, from some time...when I employed
myself, in my captivity, in making shoes, to the time when I found myself
living in London with my dear daughter here."
Response: The quote best explains how Dr. Manette is a dynamic character.
At first we know that Dr. Manette was imprisoned for 18 years which totally
affected his mental and physical characteristics. He then works as making
shoes, and later goes and lives with Lucie in a new country. The quote tells
the reader how Dr. Manette has really gone through a lot of dynamic
changes. Dickens also later on the story mentions that Dr. Manette gets
random seizures where he acts like the prisoner he once was. Overall the
quote summarizes the life changes Dr. Manette goes through, and how it
affects him on being a dynamic charater.
Quote 3:"He studied much, slept little, sustained a great deal of fatigue with
ease, and was equably cheerful."
Response: Dr. Manette after his release from prison over the years he
started to act like his normal way before he was brain-washed in the Bastille.
He recuperates after a while but he still gets seizures where he loses control
of himself. This quote lets the reader understand that Dr. Manette is a
dynamic character because on the first quote he says he is doing all the stuff
he would usually do in the Bastille and now he studies , sustained a great
deal of fatigue with ease, and was equably cheerful. It lets the reader know
that through the book Dr. Manette undergoes through various types of
changes that affect the storyline.
The Marquis St. Evermonde Wicked
Quote 1: Monsieur the Marquis ran his eyes over them all, as if they had
been rats coming out of their homes (Dickens114)
Response: The Marquis on this quote makes the peasants in the town look
like poor, dirty, low condition people because he compares them to rats. He
obviously knows that these people are poor but that didnt give him no
remedy to call them rats. Since he is used to high-class living he sees these
people as dirty animals. This overall shows how the Marquis is so wicked
about what he thinks of the people.
Quote 2: Its extraordinary to me that you people cannot take care of yourselves
and your children. One or the other of you is forever in the way. How do you know
what injury you might do to my horse?
Response: This quote honestly astonished me because of what the Marquis said to

the people when he ran over a child! It seriously explains how the Marquis doesnt
care about these people he doesnt care a single bit. The quote really lets the
reader know how wicked of a person the Marquis was and why Madame Defarge
hates him as well. He even mentions his horse he says that his horse wouldve
gotten injured which is a hypocritical act about him.
Quote 3: I devote you to the Devil!
Response: This quote shows the awful thoughts that the Marquis has. He is clearly
an inhumane person with no sorrow whatsoever. No one in this world deserves
those types of words to be said at them, honestly its inhumane and incorrect.
Seriously I devote you to the devil? Thats totally disrespectful! But for a wicked
character like the Marquis he doesnt care at all he is a high-class he doesnt need
to care for anything. Overall we can see that he is a wicked, inhumane person that
has no feelings towards other.

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