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Reflective Report- Amey Sheth Nainital Trip 201415

The trip to the Kumaon Himalayas is the best School trip that I have
experienced till date. Its one of the most remarkable trips that I have ever
had in my life. It was a greater fun in the trip as we were mature enough to
understand each other as well as negotiate with our elder ones. In the trip, I
not only had fun, but I was even able to learn many a things related to
education, humanity and even the difficulties that lied within the lives of
Indians. The trip best defined me the reflections that changed my attitude
towards many aspects.
The first day, when I left my parents at the station and met my friends, two
perspectives prevailed through my mind. I was feeling too overexcited as I
was going to have one of the most remarkable trip along with the assurance
of fun with my friends, but at the same time I was even feeling heavyhearted and depressed as I was going to be far away from my family for such
a prolonged time of 10 days. I would have thought that I have now got
freedom from the limitations of my parents, but my emotions towards my
family suppressed those thoughts of mine. I was experiencing such affections
the first time which made me understand my true feelings towards my family
and increased my love and respect towards them.
The 2-dayed journey in the train made me know and understand many
things. In the morning, we were provided with samosas and were predicted
that we would get some tea. The samosas were too raw to be eaten. We did
not even get the tea and hence I was able to know that the railway services
werent satisfactory and did not fulfill ones needs. Instead, I had a better
option to open my snacks. I was travelling the first time in the train for such
a long journey, that too in a sleeper class without any satisfactory
complements by the Indian Railway services. How could the travellers and
the locals even locomote in such vehicles? The toilets were the worst in the
compartments that made me take a decision, not to go for it till I reach the
hotel at Corbett Park. I was and I am very concerned for the hygiene
maintained in the toilet. But, nature finally called me at the end and forced
me to break off my decision. That was unfortunate, I even tried to prevent to
go, but nature won against my tolerance. My experience after the toilet
made me think that it was better to be rough and tough against such

situations, and my attitude has even changed towards it. Now I dont
demonstrate those ill expressions that I expressed before. I now accept such

As the evening came, the public started increasing as the train was going to
pass soon through Delhi, the most mobile area of our country. They had no
reservations and though they entered the train and started fighting for seats.
I was feeling too uncomfortable and irritating as the locals totally suffocated
the train. My teachers and we tried the best to prevent the locals from
accomodating our reserved seats through our strength of speech and the
help of ticket checker(T.C.). We attained a partial success as some of the
public was just too rude and barbaric to be made understood. I was able to
predict that the illiteracy of the poor public of India made a bad impression
on the discipline of India.
On the night of the second day in the train, we had missed the time to get
out of the Saray Rohilla station(Delhi) and bring our meals, and hence our
teachers instantly decided to have a dinner at Mcdonalds on the coming
station. They appointed the group leaders to bring the dinner for the group
from McDonalds as fast as possible. Our group leader, Fenil, bought us the
food with true loyalty and true concern as a friend. We enjoyed the burgers.
But soon, we found that a group was unable to find the meal on time and
hence they had come back to the train empty-handed. We tried our best to
collect food for them and contributed even ours. Through this I was made
aware that all of us were truly concerned for helping our friends through
some or the other means if one had the true affections. Further, we managed
our hunger.
During the night, at around 2 A.M. the next day, Vikas Sir, instead of
sleeping, was awakening the students to instruct them to wear socks and the
winterwear that they had bought to fight against the cold due to a sudden
temperature fall. It was a remarkable effort by him that saved many of the
students from getting cold or any other illness. This proved that Vikas Sir was
more anxious about his responsibilities rather than his comforts. Even his
jolly nature and the free mind with us was exceptional which helped us, as
well as him to negotiate with each other.
The freezing temperatures at the Kathgodam station made me have a
greater fun sipping the tea on the way towards Corbett. I had almost never

drank tea before but the taste and freshness of this tea made me inspire to
have it at least once a fortnight.
On that day at the hotel, after having a long sleep to eliminate tiredness, we
had true Football fun in the garden. The garden of the hotel was the platform
that made us enthusiastic to
play it with the friends, of which some were
inadequate while some were skilled. We played it for around 2 hours in the
afternoon. Such a vigour towards football made me show my talent to
everyone and even it made me feel proud. I was able to learn many a skills
from my fellow friends which made my affections stronger towards the game.
After the game, we rested for over half an hour during which I was able to
realize that Malhar was the most comical character, and better humorous
than me.
At the evening, we were escorted towards the riverside along with our
teachers where I saw the beatiful looping Kosi river flowing in front of me,
where I was able to apply the terms that I had learned in Chapter Fluvial
Geomorphology. The river had formed a meander and had deposited its
traction load extensively on the banks. The river bed was full of slimy rocks
that made my walk in the river a bit challenging. I was clearly able to feel the
smoothness of the oval shaped rocks which had experienced a high level of
Corrasion and Attrition and even some Abrasion which had accounted for its
shape. Some deposits of suspended load between the rocks made a path on
the inner bank of river for a walk. I was able to feel the cool flow of water
during the walk in the river. The flow was strong enough, that during
photography poses, it took my slipper off my leg, but Deep caught it in a
flash. There we had some photography sessions where I was able to know
that Neel and Yash were too photoholic. On the other hand, according to me,
Fenil loved clicking photos but his poses seemed to be primitive which
included photos of sidefaces and blah..blah..!
At the night, the teachers had planned to have a campfire. But the WWE
competition during the night attracted us towards it. Hence, we preferred not
to go to campfire. But the conversation with the other group on experience
at campfire made me repent, that if I would have gone for it.
The Corbett Museum is one of the most captivating parts of the dense
Corbett reserve. The things that I found the most attractive and interesting
were the boat of Edmund Hillary which helped him travel to Nepal during his
expedition to the Everest, and the Tiger preserves which were maintained
too well inside with its facts and details about its species and a brief

paragraph on how and where it was found dead. The museum even included
the geology of the Corbett.
The Jungle Safari was a must at the Corbett as the Bijrani Forest was famous
only because of its tigers as the inhabitants. As we know, population of tigers
is falling down which has reduced their number to just 1706. Hence, they
were too rare to be found in such a dense and an extensive forest. The one
and a half hour trail in the jungle was fruitless. None of us were able to spot
even a tiger. We just saw some deer and monkeys ,which did not satisfy our
desires. Though, it was no ones fault to be pointed upon. I was able to
realize what strains would have the professional photographers and the
videographers came across while shooting the rare moments.
The experience at the Geology Department was not too remarkable. The
knowledge shared by the member of the department was a bit difficult for all
of us to be understood. But, the facts and the knowledge which I
misunderstood made me more eager to know about what it really meant.
The great variety of rocks at the museum of the Geology Department made
me think that petrology was a difficult subject to be dealt with. The rocks
were given their names according to their components ! The museum
included almost all the native rocks of the Kumaon Himalayas. They were
really interesting.
The day of trekking to the Tiffin Top really made me inspire to be heroic and
climb like a professional trekker. But, it wasnt as easy as it seemed to be.
The coldness of the temperature gloomed my enthusiasm and vigour to
climb it. For fit ones like me, the trek was the easiest but my mind was just
shocked and moved when I saw that my chubby friend Rohan successfully
climbed the destination, though, some break intervals on the way were
necessary for him. I really appreciated his efforts and I was inspired by him
which made me think that not all of the fat ones were too lazy. Anyone can
achieve anything if one gives 100% of oneself. Rohans seduction towards
trekking with friends made him energetic and confident to even come the
next day for a partial trek and some walk for Himalay Darshan.
In the whole trip team, I thought that I was the best Table Tennis player. But a
match with Vikas Sir at the Indoor Activity Room proved me to be wrong. He
played the best amongst us which was worth appreciation according to his
age and his vitality associated with his age.
The journey through the dense forest during trekking on one of the hills
made my heart go thump. During the trail towards our destination, I along

with my fellow friends and the 2 teachers were lost in the perplex of the
nature. I was too worried and daunted by the wild trees and absence of an
appropriate guide which abnormaled my actions. I became tensed and,
instead the others were happy being lost in the forest as if it was a great
situation to be experienced. Sweat passed through my body, prayers flew
through my mind but soon after 10-15 minutes, we were able to find our
young guide who was the native of this forest. This made me think that a
trained and a knowledgeful person as a guide must accompany a tourist at
such unknown and dangerous places, especially at the home of wild
The large Telescope used for Astronomy, Astrophysics and Atmospheric
Sciences at the Aryabhatta Reasearch Institutution of Observational
Sciences(ARIES) appeared something proficient towards its purpose. It was
found to be a great production by the Indian professionals who have
illuminated our country through their worth praising efforts. It is recognized
as one of the leading research institutes in the world. The mechanism and
the locomotion of the telescope just wobbled my mind and made me more
eager to know about it.
At the night, due to some mishap, maybe trekking, I caught some fever
accompanied by a pain in the stomach which made me too tired and I was
not able to have dinner that night. I just told my friend Yash that I am having
a rest in the room. This condition of mine concerned him so much that he
and Neel came to the room without having a proper supper. They entertained
me so that I could get out of my stress and be well soon. Their reaction
towards my problems made me aware that they were two of my true friends
who were caring and respected true friendship.
The long 4 hour football play exposed all of our capacity that made us more
proud as a player. The real hours included 3 hrs of football play and almost
an hour of rest. But 3 hours of football play was not too easy to be played by
every normal child. The spirit and vigor to play it were the necessities that
amplified our senses and bought keenness towards football play.
The long stand by of around 7 hours at the Muradabad Station was the most
worth experiencing to understand the difficulties that the passangers faced
due to delays of the Rail timings. The temperatures were too low which made
my goosebumps rise and the typical dangers at Uttar Pradesh, one of the
states which experiences a high level of terrorism and theft, made me
concern about my as well as others belongings. There was no space for too

many of us to be accommodated in the waiting rooms. Hence to maintain

safety, I decided to have our luggage in between and our spaces to have rest
in the surroundings with the luggage as our cushions. I was able to face the
difficulties of security and comfort which made me know the local publics
problems that they faced. Here, no one would provide luxuries like parents
did during such situations. Facing the railway was a compulsion for us. Here, I
was able to extend my respect and fondness towards my parents.
The Management by the PVPST services was even too satisfactory. The best
example I found was that when we had missed our train at Ahmedabad, the
Tour services made an immediate decision to arrange some Volvo buses for
simplifying and shortening our journey
The trip was too remarkable and unforgettable. I was satisfied by the
services according to a School trip. The best experience I got with my
friends, who made these days of mine too special and valuable for me.

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