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What surprised me the most as I delved into my groups problem of food

insecurity was just how important specificity is. During the first few weeks, we
settled on homelessness as our issue but as we researched it, delved into the
policies related to it, and met barriers we realized that it was too broad of a
problem. The most important lesson I learned during the first few weeks of
specifying our issue was the necessity of a clear, confidently stated, and nuanced
problem statement. Luckily, we as group were able to develop one through our
research and narrowing down process.
Our proposed solution is one that could potentially work effectively in the
future to alleviate our issue if time, effort, and dedication is put into building it and
putting it into action. Our idea, Pay It Forward, is a theoretical proposalor in other
words, and initiativethat could function but there needs to be heavy planning in
order to launch it. Although we researched the food policies at WSU, more in depth
research must be done to fully understand the institutions and policies that stand in
the way. An initial committee would need to be founded, with specific tasks (e.g.
outreach, documentation, finance). The most important task would be to have a
direct line of communication and good relationship with food administrators and
representatives at WSU so as to better understand the nuances of the issue and the
My experience working in a group, unlike what others may see, was
surprisingly very good. My group, and I, worked very well together. We understood
our roles, participated effectively, and most importantly, were passionate and
serious about our issue and solution. Coming from an environment in high school
that was primarily of one culture and religion, working in my group helped me be
exposed to a diversity that I wasnt accustomed toand it was eye opening and
remarkable. It astounded me how, even though most of us came from so many
different backgrounds, we worked so well together, laughed heartily, and had great
conversation. Many people would say that their group mates in any project were a
disappointment and leaving them is a blessing but I can honestly call my group
members my friends. Our time together was great and Im going to miss them.
The pros, that I identified, of working in a group include being exposed to
different viewpoints, beliefs, and cultures. Additionally, I learned how to work
together with multiple peoplewhich is a skill needed in most professional careers.
The cons were along the same vein, in that working with multiple people is open
ground for disagreements. And we did face disagreements in the beginning. But,
through communicating with one another honestly we were able to reach a
compromise and now we can barely remember the argument.
Political Science is one of the most important and relevant courses a person
can take in college because it exposes you to how the government in which you live
in functions and what your role is in it. The most notable skills I learned in this
courses that I will use in my professional, academic, and even personal life are the
following: being able to specify an issue, understanding structures/barriers, realizing
my role as an agent, and being able to substantiate any claim that I make. This

course has widened my world view, made me more empathetic, and made me
realize the impact of my agency.

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