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Design for Learning

Instructor: Miss. Baxter

Lesson Title: Fun with Story Problems
Curriculum Area: Math

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: K/Burton

Date: 2-24-15
Estimated Time: 15-20 minutes

Standards Connection: 9.) Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and

subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. [K-OA2]
Learning Objective(s): When given one story problem students will be able to show multiple
ways of solving the story problems by scoring a 5/5 on a checklist.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today boys and girls, we are going
to work on some story problems.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): When the students come over to show the teacher their
completed problem, the teacher will use a checklist to look over the students work. The teacher
will be looking for the students to have done the following things, solve the story problem, show
their work and be able to tell the teacher at least one way they solved the problem Students that
do not score a 5/5 will be place in the red group and need to be retaught.
Engagement: Before the students come over to the carpet, the teacher will have already turned
on the smart board, so that it will be ready to go when the lesson starts. The teacher will have all
students come back in from the restroom and stand at their seat. Okay friends, as you come back
into the room, please come and stand behind your seat. When the video is over I would like you
all to come to the carpet. When the video is over the teacher will dismiss the students by table
group. While the students are at their seat, the teacher will use the smart board to play the video
called Doubles, Doubles, (I can add Doubles. This video will be used to help the students get
into the math mindset. After the video is over the teacher will begin calling all students over to
the carpet. Table 2 and 4 please come over to the carpet. Once table two are 4 are at the carpet the
teacher will call the other two tables over to the carpet. Table 1 and 3 please come over to the
carpet. Once all students are seated the teacher will refresh the students memories of story
problems. Boys and girls, today I thought we could work on some story problems. I think it will
be fun if we do one together as a class and then we can practice at our seat some more examples
of story problems. The teacher will then begin telling the students the problem that they are going
to be solving as a class.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching: The teacher will then begin telling the students about the problem they will be
solving for that day as a class. Today boys and girls, we are going to be practicing solving story
problems. We are going to complete one as a class, and then you will get the opportunity to
practice solving some as well. The teacher will then begin to instruct the students on the problem
that they are going to solve as a class. Boys and girls, I am now going to tell you the story
problem for today. Yesterday I went to the store and bought some fruit. I bought 3 apples, two
oranges and one plum. How much fruit did I buy in all? The teacher will then give the students a
few minutes to think about they would solve the problem. Before the teacher discusses the
problem as a class, the students will turn and talk with the person sitting next to them about how
they would solve the problem. Boys and girls, I want you all to turn to your partner and tell them
one way you would solve this problem. The teacher will then give the students a few minutes to
talk to their partner. Alright boys and girls, it seems like you all discussed a lot about this
problem. Is there a pair that would like to share how they solved this problem? (Teacher will wait
for student response). Wow, thats great it seems like you all had some great ideas. When we solve
these problems, I want you all to do the following things. I want you all to represent the problem
in as many ways as you can, draw a picture and be able to explain it to me and your classmates.

So in this problem, what type of picture could we draw? (Teacher will wait for student response).
Thats right we could draw three apples, two oranges and one plum. Do you think that we need to
draw super correct pictures or could we draw something simple? (Teacher will wait for student
response). Thats great; we could just draw circles to represent the fruit. Can you all think of any
other ways that we could illustrate this problem? (Teacher will wait for student response). Thats
right, great ideas everyone. Now that we have ideas on how to solve this problem, lets work as a
class to solve this problem. (The teacher and students will now work as a class to solve this
problem. While the teacher and students are solving the problem, the teacher will model what she
expects of them when they go on to the practice section. The teacher will then complete the
problem so that the students can see. Alright friends, so to solve this problem we could draw three
apples (teacher will draw the apples on the board), after that the teacher will draw the two
oranges and then continue with the one plum. Alright so now that we have all the fruit on the
board, lets count to see how much fruit we have all together. The teacher will ask the students to
share how they solved the problem. Can anyone raise their hand and tell me the answer to this
problem. (The teacher will call on a student to share the answer to this problem). That right, we
had six pieces of fruit total. Great job boys and girls, I am now going to give you all a chance to
practice solving some problems as well. Now that the students have an idea, of what is expected
of them, the teacher will move on the practice part of the lesson. In the practice, the students will
have an opportunity to practice a story problem on their own.
II. Opportunity for Practice: The teacher will then tell the students how they are going to
practice their new skill for that day. Boys and girls, I am now going to give you an opportunity to
practice solving some story problems by yourselves. I want you all to complete these the same
way we just did as a class. I want you all to try your best to complete these problems. When you
are done bring me your paper and go on to math workshop. When everyone is done, we will
share with our classmates how we solved the story problem. The teacher will then have the paper
passer pass out the worksheet for the students to complete. The worksheet that the students will
be given will have one story problem for them to practice with. This worksheet is asking the
students about how many Dr. Seuss problems I have with me, in my bag. Since it is almost Dr.
Seuss week, this is a little preview for the students. On this worksheet, you will see that it is all
about Dr. Seuss. This problem says that I have 3 Dr. Seuss hats, 2 fish and 1 lorax. I want you all
to solve the problem and tell me how many things I have in my bag. The teacher will then pause to
make sure there arent any questions. Are there any questions before you all get started? If there
are no questions, the teacher will tell the students that they can start working. The teacher will
give the students ample amount of time to complete the worksheet. While the students are
working on the problem the teacher will be circulating the room, seeing how the students are
doing. On this worksheet, you will find a story problem. (The teacher will read the story problem
to the class), I want you all to complete this the same way we just did the other problem. The
students will then begin completing their problem.
III. Assessment: The teacher will then tell the students how they will be assessed for that day.
The teacher will use a checklist to see how the students were doing when it came to completing
these story problems. The checklist will assess whether or not the students used pictures to
complete this problem, and showed at least two ways to solve the problem. For the assessment
the students will solve a story problem that they have not seen before to show their understanding
of the concept. Boys and girls, when you are done, I want you all to bring me your paper. When
you come over to me, I want you all to tell me how you solved the problem in at least one way.
When you have finished telling me how you saw the problem, you will go on to math workshop.
When everyone has shared we will all come over to the carpet so you can share with your
classmates how you solved the problem. When the students bring over their problem the teacher
will use the checklist to assess the students work. The checklist will be used to assess the
following, did the student show their work, did the student solve the problem in more than one
way, and could the student explain their thinking when they came and showed the teacher.
IV. Closure: To close out the lesson, the teacher will call all the students back over to the carpet.
1, 2, 3, Eyes on Me. Well friends, it seems like you all learned a lot about completing story
problems. I would like you all to share with your classmates how you saw this problem. The
teacher will then take turns calling on students to come up and share how they solved the
problems. Wow, you all did some great work and I am super proud of you all. Once all students

have shared their findings, the teacher will release the students to math workshop by table groups.
Tables 2 and 4 please find something to do for math workshop. After those tables have chosen
something, the teacher will dismiss the remaining tables. Tables 1 and 3 please find something to
do for math workshop. Please remember when choosing something for math workshop to choose
it fast, so that your classmates can get to work as well. Please make sure to stay on task and work
together on your chosen activity.
Materials and Resources:
- Smart board
- Paper
- Crayons or markers
- Doubles Doubles Video\
- Story Problem Worksheet
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
H- For the students that understand solving story problems, the teacher will assign a more
complex story problem for the students to solve, not necessarily a number that they are familiar
L- For the students that struggling with this skill, the teacher will start from the beginning and
work with them on a number that might be more familiar to them. The teacher will also ask the
students what they are struggling with so that she better understands their problem.
Data Analysis:
After looking over the assessment, the students did very well when I assessed them using the
checklist. When I was looking over their problems, a lot of them had solved the problem in many
different representations which was cool for me because I got to see their thinking.
After teaching this lesson, I can say that it went well. I did my lesson on story problems which
was something that the students were super familiar with. I did them the same way that their
teacher had been teaching them. After teaching this lesson, there are some things that I would
have done differently as well. I taught this lesson during Dr.Seuss week so all of my word
problems were geared towards Dr. Seuss. I chose the Lorax as one of my characters which was a
mistake since a lot of students were unfamiliar with the Lorax. Overall I thought that this lesson
went well.

Samford University
Design for Learning

Assessment Checklist:
1. Did the student solve the problem?


2. Did the student solve the problem in more than one way? _____/3

3. Was the student able to explain their work to the teacher? ______/1

Name: ___________________

Date: ______________
Fun with Story Problems

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