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Fredric Jones: Positive Classroom Discipline

Layer Cake Approach

Fredric Jones says that teachers should be the role model of appropriate
behavior and use suggested classroom management methods
Seating Arrangements- Having open walkways allows easy access to all students. Teachers
need to have as little obstacles in between them and their students as possible.
Limit Setting Techniques- This technique primarily involves the use of body language to
show that the teacher is in charge.

Eye Contact- A very strong method of non verbal communication that can help stop

Proximity- The closer you are to the students the less likely they are to talk or misbehave
however giving them a little space will make them feel more comfortable and willing to
open up

Body Carriage- If you carry yourself upright with confidence it will show that you are in
control of the situation and students are less likely to test you

Facial Expression- Facial expressions can convey disapproval or encouragement quickly

Responsibility Training Through Incentives- If you provide students with incentives

they are more likely to work harder and longer.
If all else fails! YOU NEED A BACK-UP PLAN

Loss of privileges
Being sent to the office

Suspension (1-3 days)

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