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Term 2 Research projects

This term we will begin an inquiry focused homework programme with letter based
Homework projects. Homework time will also be utilsed to complete Keeping Ourselves
Safe homework activities (Weeks 4/5). Further information and material to support this
process at home will be sent home at this time.
To provide learners with the opportunity to reinforce their learning from Reading, Writing and
the Inquiry Process as well as their presentation skills.

The skills that learners are asked to utilise while completing these projects have already
been introduced at school and are an ongoing part of our integrated inquiry Process.
Asking great questions/wonderings
Finding out information
Sorting out relevant information and making conclusions
Presenting information using their knowledge of:
Fonts eye-catching titles
Layout borders, balance and colour
Use of supporting illustrations/diagrams - labels
Handwriting or touch typing

How do they work?

At the beginning of the term the students and their teacher select a letter of the alphabet, this
become the letter for topic selection.
The teacher sets a Due In date for each project (see dates below)
The learners have two weeks to choose their topic related to the correct letter, ask a question, find
and sort their information, write a conclusion and present their findings. Alternatively they can
choose to do a five fact project where they choose a topic and share five interesting facts about it.
Examples of both of these project styles will be shared with the learners.
On the due date the learners bring their presentations to school to share with the class and receive
both peer and teacher feedback.
Each student has a homework book and the presentation MUST be presented in this book using two
A4 sides. Creativity is encouraged.
While parent support is appreciated, what is handed in for marking should be the learners efforts.

Term Two Homework Due dates: (for the first few weeks)

Week 2

Letter ___ project begins

Week 3

Letter ___ project due at school Friday 8th May

Week 4
and 5

Keeping Ourselves Safe homework activities (more

information will be sent home in Week 3 around this)

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