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ane Ah THE BLACK JEWS Volumes Bt La Yosef A. A. ben-Jochannan We The Black Jews Published 1993 by Black Classic Press Published with the permission of the author. Cover art b Te rendered from the original cover design by Yosetbenochansey oo” (©) 1983 Yosef ben-Jochannan All rights reserved Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 92-81884 ISBN 0-933121-40-7 Printed on acid free paper to assure long life Founded in 1978, Black Classic Press specializes in bringing to li and significant works by and about people of African ovont Pena are nok available in your area, ak your local bo current isto les Can be obtained by watangs nT Order them. Our Black Classic Press co List P.O. Box 13414 Baltimore, MD 21203, A Young Press With Some Very Old Ideas We The Black Jews Foreword to the Black Classic Press Edition x mn ag ‘THE WORLD OF GENESIS ca, 1675 BCE ‘THE WORLD OF EXODUS ‘a, 1298 - 1232 BCE, c The two dates cited above, 1675 B.C.F.-1232 B.CE., are pri- marily related to the major dramas of Judaeo, Christian, and/or Islamic theosophy. Yet, these dates are much more recent than the “original belief and practice” of the Nile Valley High Culture (civilization). The revelation of this fact often causes religious zealots of Judaism to holler, “anti-Semitism,” and to place the word, “Black,” before the expression whenever an African Amer- i involved. Usually, the charge of anti-Semitism has brought fear to the minds of Africans in Africa, and those in the so-called diaspora. But this charge does not bring fear to most of us who are labeled imesponsible Negro (Black/colored/African American, etc.). And this response always results in the paranoic charge of Black/Negro anti-Semitism from European American Jews (white/caucasoid/semitic, etc.) in the United (racist) States of America. These charges, even against African American (Black/Africoid-hamitic, etc.) Jews, compelled me to write this new foreword to We The Black Jews: Witness To The “White Jewish Race” Myth, particularly because this myth has a solitary Purpose: “keeping the nigger” who refuses to be controlled “in his or her place”—as a slave, For as long as I can recall, white Jews in America have vehe- mently denied the existence of any legitimate African (Black/col- ored/Afro, etc.) Jews, recognizing only fellow Caucasian (Caucasoid/semitic) Euro-Jews from any place. Furthermore, white Jews have only conditionally accepted the Black Jews of North Africa and Southwest Asia. Thus, the so-called entry of Ethiop- jan/Aftican (or Black/Falasha, ete.) Jews into Israel under the nefarious terms, “Exodus” and “Moses,” fooled no one who is familiar with the history of the white Jews in Isracl and West Asia. From 1947 CE., white Jews, officially through Israel's Knesset (parliament), consistently denied “The Right of Retum” to Black Jews (so-called “Falashas"). Of course, white Jews from anywhere, everywhere on the planct carth, particularly from the former Soviet Union, were freely admitted, To add injury to insult, even the disgusting requirement that all Ethiopian (African/Black) Jews must be recircumcised (by Euro- pean/white Jews) in order to be accepted as Jews upon entering Israelis racist, To require all adult males ofthe Falasha community to have their “penis pricked,” symbolically or not, was and still is Jewish racism and religious bigotry. Such racist beliefS are no different than those inflicted upon European Jews by their fellow Caucasian Europeans, Christians, Muslims(Moslem) and athcists, ete., which eventually led to Europe's holocaust. On the other hand, not a solitary African (Black) woman, man, Oorchild of any religion was involved in any aspect of the genocide, holocaust and/or enslavement of Jews in Europe at any period, The opposite is true for European, Euro-English and Euro-American Jews who were committed to genocide, holocausts, and/or enslave- ‘ment of countless Afticans—Black Jews included. (See Joseph J. William's Hebrewisms of West Africa.) ; If“Iehovah (Ywh/God, ete.) is Truth,” then iis about time that ‘African (Falasha/Black, etc.) Jews tell the “truth” about the racism andor religious bigotry they (like myself) suffered from European (white/caucasoid/semitic, etc.) Jews, until the need for their phys ical presence as “buffer bait” was more than overbearing, thus, “Operation Exodus/Moses!” Now that the African American (not the “responsible Negro/A fro/colored”) community is aware of the fac that there are millions of Jews who are other than white in color, and also of different facial (physical) characteristics than the so-called Cauca- sian, it has become extremely necessary thatthe history of the Jews of both ancient and contemporary times be stated in a manner that includes African and Asian Jews. Itmust he noted that Judaism’s most important “revealer of God's (Jehovah's) truth” was, in fact, an African (or Egyptian) named “Moshe/Moses.” And most of what Moses knew about “Jehovah ‘vas in reality what he leamed from his fellow Africans of the Craft of Amun-Ra (“Mysteries System”) in Egypt, centered in the Grand ‘Temple (Lodge) at Waset (called “Thebes” by the Greck conquer- ors from ca. 332.B.C.E., and “Luxor” by the Arab conquerors, ca. 638-640 C.E. or ca, 18-20 A.H. See Second Book of Moses). ‘All of the sacred teachings originated within the minds of Black (African) men of the Nile (Blue/White) Valley and areas of the Great Lakes (Mwanza, Tanganyika, Malawi, ctc.). The “Golden Calf" was, in fact, Goddess Het-Heru (Hathor/Hator, etc.). Khnum, instead of Jehovah, was the first “creator of man and woman-God. ‘Amenhotep IV (or Akhen-Aten), rather than Moses, first pro- claimed the “one and only true God Aten.” These and so many ‘more of the sacred teachings which Moses learned from the priest- seribes of the Craft of Amun-Ra (“Mysteries System”) were re- corded before the I Dynasty, ca. 4100 B.C.E at ‘Sakhara, on agreat reserve of papyri. The best known of the sacred teachings is the Papyrus of Ami and Book of Coming Forth by Day and Night (or _ Book of the Dead, as translated into English by SirEmest A. Wallis Budge from the original Mdu Ntr (Medu Netcher) in 1895 CEVJAD). ‘The main tragedy of all this is that most of us cannot deal with “truth” other than that forced upon us by our past and present physical and mental slave masters and mistresses of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, those whose God we serve. How will all of the above, and more to follow in the main text of these combined two volumes, affect the current “curriculum of exclusion” and pending “curriculum of inclusion” in terms of Prayer in the schools, etc.? Will we be able to call any of these proven contradictions a lie, plagiarism, paraphrased information, stolen legacy, allegory, mythology, mere belief, pagan, heathen, devilishness, ctc.? Shall we particularly discredit those in the “sacred writings”of the former slave masters from Arabia (Asia), Europe, Euro-England, and Euro-America (north, central, and south), who are still in control of our minds by virtue of their descendants, who now preach about their own “chosen people” status to a “holy land,” here ar there? Judaism, Hebraism or whatever else anyone elects to call the practice of the current theosophy in the Holy Torah or Five Books of Moses (and Old Testament of the Judaco-Christians), must be ~ ready to face the 21st century CE, totally updated, minus the overthrows of Jewish racism and religious bigotry. Such practices ‘were inherited from the racists and religious bigots who wrote their sixth century CE. European version of the Babylonian Talmud, upon which all of the “anti-African (Black/Negro/colored/Afro, etc.) propaganda” seems to be based, In other words, the so-called “curse of Ham by his father Noah” was passed down for Canaan and all of his descendants to follow for eternity. Worse yet, the sign of the curse is the color Black! And all of this was sanctioned by God Jehovah! Thus, I, a former believing Gadite and son of a so-called “Falassa” (lately “Falasha") from Gonda Province, Ethiopia (Cush/Kush) East Aftica—one who must equally carry the so- called curse for my so-called negroid characteristics which alleg- edly make me a “Shankala” (native/A frican with Black skin, broad nose, thick lips, woolly hair, etc.) like those of Manen, the late Emperor Haile Selassie’s Empress—now repeat this so-called “curse”: ‘Now, I cannot beget the fourth son whose children I would have ordered to serve you and your brothers! ‘Therefore, it must be Canaan, your first born, whom they enslave, And since you have disabled me... doing ugly things in Blackness of night, Canaan's children shall be born ugly and Black! Moreover, because you twisted your head around to see my nakedness, your grandchildren’s hair shall be twisted into Kinks, and their eyes red; again because your lips jested at my misfortune, theirs shall swell; and because you ne-~ glected my nakedness, they shall go naked, and their male members shall be shamefully elongated! Men of this race are called Negroes, their forefather Canaan commanded them to love theft and fornication, to be banded together in hatred of their masters and never to tell the truth. In view of the above quote, 1, as a former practicing African (Ethiopian/Black or so-called “Falasha,” etc.) Jew ask: WHY HAVE WE CHANGED FROM RA AND OSIRIS TO ‘YWH/JEHOVAH AND/OR ALLAH? : Thave answered my question by assuring you that this volume contains only historical facts about African (Ethiopian/Falasha/Black) Jews. It is definitely not an endorsement of the theosophical teachings of Judaism (Hebraism, ete). Since Judaism is the first step from the Nile Valley Africans’ theosophical (spiritual) base of the so-called “Three Revealed Religions—Judaism, Judaco-Chris- tianity, and Judaco-Cristianity-Islam,” itis only rational to assume that they too must fall in line, For after all is said and done, there were and are “heaven” and “creation” concepts thousands of years before that of Iudaism (God Ywh/Yvh/Jehovah), Christianity (God Moshua Cristo Joshua the Anointed /Jesus the Christ) and Islam/Mohammedism (God /Al Tah). VOLUME - 1 juPUt UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 755 W. MICHIGAN ST, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202-5195 VOLUME ONE CONTENT: ‘Shaper Part 0 exe Two w oe + tw ‘Tce Your sie v one Wo ‘Three Four soe Two ‘Three Five sx Seven vn va ie Page TLUisTRATIONS... 17 = 1 DEDICATION, ..xit AUTHOR'S SPRCIAL NOTE, x = vith RELIGION? ocx “1 ‘APRE-CLIMAX CONCLUSION... - Iv PRELUDE. j.Ivt- Does INTRODUCTION, By Redbi Hala Paris 1974/1989 C.2,.., Hoel = xox GLOSSARY. . Jeo ~ hooeel [THE FALLACY OF A "JEWIBH RACE" HOME OF THE "PALASHASY...42 = 99 AUMISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE "PALASHAS": ‘Biblical Origin And Heritagr Electoral Syston. PRESENT RELIGIOUS PRACTICES AND CUSTOMS: Foundations, Laws, Hte...-100 ~ 112 ‘Tho House Of worship [Synagogue]. ..13 ~ 124 ‘onder Of Religious Services. ..126 - 128 Roligiows Sac Retufbation For Tora Aud Commandment Wrongs. ‘Mighest Holy Days Custome,..42 ~ 47 PRESENT RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS. ‘Views About The Messiah... 148 ~ 181 (Ccnoral Religious Belife,..152 = 157 ‘About The Sabbath. 1-41 29-196 a= 14h 158 - 100 Suesed Writings And Traditions. ..161 ~ 178, [TRE "FALASHA" FAMILY: Structure And Function. 180 ~ 181 CCourtahip And Marriage. ..181 - 190 (child-Rearing And Child-Birth...291 = 185 Rearing Of The Child...198 ~ 198 109 - 208 ‘Woman i The Community. Monoyamy Aad Polygemy. Death And Burinl...211 ~ 210 ECONOMICS OF THE COMMUNITIES. "THE COMMUNITIES DURING THE ITALIAN FACIBIS' OCCUPATION (OF ETMOPIA IN WORLD WAR TL..230 - 268 20 220, 20-928 (Votume One comtined] Chapter Part tle rs FALASHA VIEWS ON THE STATE OF ISRARL...270 279 ‘THE DEFUNCT "HEBREW INSTITUTE" OF BTHIOPA...280 - 294 x x x FALASHA VIEWS ON "WORLD TENSION", ..285 - 290 YOLUME TWO CONTENT, Title Pago SWCTION TITLE. .202 DEDICATION, 294 FALABHAS [Black Jows] IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA...299 = 214 FALASIIAS IN THE U.S.A. AND AFRICAN NATIONALISM. ..914 ~ 917 ‘A REAPPRAISAL OF THE BLACK-WHITE JEWISH QUESTION. .918 ~ 929 FOUNDATION, ., 28 - 948 ‘VaLIDrry. ..962- 949 DIASPORA AND RACISM... 949-951 (CO-RELIGIONIST 18 ONE GOD...981 - 964 JEWISH RACE?...904 = 968 ‘NEW RELIGIOUS FRONTIERS, 960 ~ 399 MONEY: THE ROOT OF RVIL,,.900 = 370 ACOOMNODATION OR CAPITULATION? 590 = 972 BLACK JEWISH GHETTO?... 872 ~ 272 FEARFUL OR PASSIVE?...973 - 279 DOUBLE ENTITY, ..373~ 374 ‘THE OTHER SWE, 974 367 CONCLUSION. ..398 - a00 [BIBLICAL QUOTATIONS. .400 (CITED AND ADDED BIBLIOGRAPHY. $01 ~ 408 ABOUT THE AUTHOR, ..407 VOLUMBONE ILLUSTRATIONS: Goda a Gnesses ofthe ack 3m of the Niemi A Guraghe-Type Tull. x emma gem [Volume One Miustretion contin} te Hivlmette tom the Papyrus of NekM showing the decease praying. ‘Te Ky God/l/ Amen and Bam ‘Teo Soe of Ostra and Ma meting o embrace enc others in Durie. Fa, God ef he Nome of On (Hetiopolis. «xe "Tho Creation scene from sa Eeyotisn PSP ap: World of Gonos.» Msp: World of bros. $a: Route of the Exo, 2 Eee yelehing of tbe Hear of Sribo An! i the Judgment Hal of Oris 5 ‘anus reoonstracting the body of God Osiris. ye.. 28 ‘otra bogeting Hore... ‘The mammy of Osiris Khenth Ament Gein gpkte-sout hovers over Him a is death sots-bed. 2 SRtoten Papyrus Re No More® [artic from The New York Thee)... Pure: "Part of Eggptin mnmisesiptcotaring potions of Jewish peo Me Comparstive Wor: Amen-em-eope vs. Solomcn,.. vit rice: Thotmes 1, dancing before Goddess Hatbor... xix [priest performing a "eieoumelsin". 0 Yeyotan Dynasties Chart Tieng. 98h Divlolone Of Te 4,100 B.C-E. hile ear Calendar. ct Dyvistons Of The 4,100 B.C. Nilo Yesr Calendar feontinvedl ‘Aa erly Chistian concept of te "Creation of Adaas ede" ‘Rinmn a ve plekng the Forblddon Pet. .0008 Sol treme waking mtn he pater when ste ‘oun Got of Creation = fshons the Wiest People, 0 ‘Ghictkinge of th First Now-Afsiean Invaders ~ the isos Period.» ect (Queen of Haein 2ei/Nubla/Suany fe. Oi Queen Al of Punt Pat. ox The King snd Quen of Puan Pune Tatplinas Nubian Dihiplans/Tuadics Bringing Tribute To Telmabamon, oad Tint Of Tho Groat And Small Pyramids Of Egypt. oct ~ xt Feontrustin of fumerary bain o he Sep Pyrat of Skbara, x Tune Of Tho Temple Of Te Step Pyramids OF Sadara.. xl [Athet Kai Torzon Of Plaraoh Muh at Gisele... Shap, The Tile Valleys And Grett Takes Region..xiv Uae Ulan Heorew Perils ~ rom The Exod To Solomon's Temole. «x Ghust List, Afrlon/Bqypdan Bulere O€Faypt And The Eoual Period Urael...xiv ‘Chronology Of Te Gods Mentioned i The Text, Bte....20 Coline: Wist Do They Call These Belov! 2.1 Gollage: Gods and Goddesses ofthe anclent Nile Valley Abveans«- Iv Srotte: The Author Yosef Alfeio Aniao ben-Jobannan/Joban ‘ethiopia’ Blaok Towe Are Pudi in Tue Widernoas (in Bony Magazin) Collages ott Ou The Jews Among Ro Asians. Yos! Five Are Mere 1ht sith {Tipeed no Sortifcation for may own Jevishness from any Jev from urope any-ore-so than T ‘Maden from ony fellow Beta torasl Rabbis oF Priests In Ethiopia, Hast Afra,” Soothe document Mout Rabbl Wentworth Stathew Ihave presented on p. icomitim this Volume. tplaced It here eole- itor effact an crecly following i the Chapter on The Fallacy Of A White Jew" that s2 more oshce/Pare than al other colors of Jews there «+ {Volume One Mlustrations contin} a ite ‘Scmifes And Hamites!! Collage. tx ‘Pah, An_Egypsian Crattor-God yet Reooastruction Of Fossil-Nan.. txt ‘easant/Semitic Prisoners Ou The Towb Of Pharach Horan ..xt Pharaoh Djoser, llrd Dynasty, ea. 2780 ~ 2680 B,C- 2. bit Pharach Amenemhat led, XIth Dynasty, svt Great Sphine Of Ghizah.. bor Paaraob Nob-Mani-Re, Ballder ofthe 17th Pyramld tv Unknown Pharaoh beforethe presence of the Aalan Jd Puropeans, tab Egyptian Women Making Derfuane, bi Semitic Prisoners {slaves} of wat pleading for merey to Warembeb.. xx Nubians bringing tributes to Pharaoh Ttarembeb... x "The Queen of Pan's State Viet to Ta-Merry [Bpype]ocelsbe Typical Fulasha faces: " futher and daughter of Armbohor, Bthiopla, elec \Matkings on 2 Falasha'a Synagogue Door. «bad ‘A family of Coehin Jews on their arrival in tate... Hex ‘Chief Rabbi Ovadin Yoese ofthe State of lerael., exit ‘A "Palatka 3ymagoque In BYMopts..« bon? Selaaate,, 7 A Falashe Torah. Lexy A "Palasha Warrior's, Doce Selassie with israeli Doctora and amutanog otew. bow! Amharic ~ Ethloplan wit. «bos Stamps Show Lions Ant King ~ ETHIOPIA. brvi alasha pup in israel. bet ‘Russian Jewish Panly In Now Home I faracl. .bowit ‘Father and son: A Palasha in traditional dress sd his 18-yote old gon. .tesvih "our (Fslasha)pupile inthe elementary achool at Ambober, Iexvit alashs Kahain [Priest] of Ambeber vending the Sacred Toray Has ‘Rabb Hails Moshe Peris in hls pulpit atthe Mount Horeb Syaagngue, boxe Akhenaten and family = fatnex, mother, wile and daughters a collages: serait Semple ofthe "Ten Commndatenta" and the Negative Confessions... eit ‘Two Ethiopian armies ot wer, 10th Century C.E, pala, boot "Semitic prisoners" (slaves). beat Semple of "Nouh's Cure” that allegedly turned "nogeode black. Ludvig van Beethoven at age 44.3 Stalaurice, celoctial salut of Germany wearing German eagle on his bead. Studying together, black end white Jewish yous read Bible in sehaclscon, 14 [Cochin Jows from India ~ the Bleek Jews..«12 ementie Jews in marriggo coremony ~tlcck Jew "gro Jeve in Harlem; Black Jews in Ethlopia?.. Members of the "Semitio (Jewish) Race”? 15, ‘Woate Jewish gist on a sunny Isvacli kibtute, 16 erty boat onthe Nie River earrying Jew, Christians and Moslem [Map Of Africa, 1888 by B, Nordon...24 [Map shoving aren relationship botwoun the U8, As and Alkebu-Ii, 24 a9 [Velume One Wustratons continued) ‘ntle ‘A Birthplace Of Cultures: Arshs of every desertion in Allebi-lon, ‘Africa, by H. Molly geographer, 2728, ..38 "ryegroland” as per Furopesn colontallste and its true axea snd name, 34 ‘Tribe oflracl from whom the Folashas originated: chronology. 3 Amin-lsrael Peul Recalls Fasointing Bt Of HIstory..40 Map: Distibtion of Languages ~ Bthiopia. {2 Aap Distribation of Religions = ihiopa. 42 Map: Allebu-lan~ location of Btiopia geographically... ‘Tigreno, Danakils, Gala and Arabarans ~ people of Bthonit42 Map: Provinces and Major Ctles of Ethiopia. «43, “Mop: Topogvachion! Map of Bhiopa. 44 Dap: Transportation Map of Blkiopa, 4 Map: Tho Hthioian Empire, 10 = 050 B.C. ap: The Bitioplan Empire, 850 B.C,E....48 Diep: Showing Bihiopa in sth Contry C.3., 1952, 1998, 1908 and 1896. 48 ‘ap: Home OF The Fatashas. 48 Map Afrione, nova deserii ~ 1619 A.D... 60 CCorunation Portrat of Bmmperor Hate Selassie... 58 Coronation Portrait of Empress Manen..53 ‘Favourite portrait of Emperor Halle Selasste...55 ‘tight and Peace” = front page from Emperor Selasste's newepapor “The Ethiopie ayllabary compared to offer sylibaries,..59~ 60 ‘Mrs an Anelnt seria shoving basis of Een lng Extract from a page ofthe "Lake Heya Goapele. Specimen of Coptic, Domotio and lerogtyphie sip. 62 Some sarupies of writing in Bgype during several prlodss.«8 Monolithic suurohes a Lalibela, Btlopta. 61 Zimbabwe Ruins compared to oer indigcoous atructures ofthe Nort. 68 ‘The Gront Mosque compared tothe Step Pyramid ~ Tombut and Kaypt. 68 ‘he "Gren Slaw” of Anum, EUAOpIA. 10 ‘he Killing of the "Dragon. =. 74 ap of athioply Archaeological and Topographical... [Addis Ababe, Capital of Etaoin a viens» ‘The 1th Conny C.E, Casto of Fmperor Fasiladas of Gonder. 76 ‘Two anclent (B.C. 6. Etoplan archaeological artifacts... ovkcect church near Wogoro, Tigre = Hihopis... 7 Library ofthe Palace of Bmperor Tauak Yohaaes (1667-82). 61 Falashae passing through pro-Christian Muins of Northern Pehiont. <7 a ‘Priest aad 16th 18th Century C.2, castles of Gondar, Ethiopia. Mh Conlary C-E, Castel of Gondar, union - Home of tue Falashas Empress Zalitu~ daughlor of Broperor Meuelik 85 Emperor Ligj Yasu —gtandaon of Emporor Menslh 1..-89 ‘Tho Voyage ofthe Sable Venu from Angola, Wost Africe, ete, ...88 Senits and one "Negro": ealiage... 100 ‘Schematic Plan of Typteal Commutial Falasha Villages 202 (Oneyatussian - the "Only Negro an this eollege...107 {Welume One Musteations eaninaed vi nf Commu Commny Spence Pata Elerion of Comma! Commty Sagageac the Falshae 137 Pian of General Community Sngogus of te Felashans otis ‘levation of Communal Comtntytyuagogse a the Palisa. 119 Assinar eco he et Cry rr iarsh Ramenos find wearing te Grown Of Tae ja anes Puarich Alonstn~ prt in he Berl Musume saat poror Li) Tus ~aepocd by fas Talat Matonscs Slant) "ai Arata Faas Rab ith ade iat Unhitp: Fudero medion who ledabut ea 296 2.0. tiplns Outed Dis-Dine sae Market Soon Of ns 323 algo instrament of hip 128 Falah picts carping "aol Lamb, 128 usa Slupiving he Serial 15 Flash supervising sae fod on th Sacral Gres’ ‘tioolan relieve personalities ad pense 33) Frlahs Comma Vilage oversokng loos Lake Tass, Fen tr he hs ae armnd terrae ofthe TUR Valay a Etlpt. 228 abhi Mth and members of he ierlom Peboy Commas, 140 ‘Nott Afric Jews and thw of Ral, New York and nl aah Lar Feutvals an Fase Dag, Beso the Pease. ise Asbrew Clear ed Grogorsh Cater compared it ayn Clenar an ShonanCslenda: compare. 88 ie ValeyAfieana Wt Ome A ested st rata fhe Mogae Onna 368 Twelve Hour of te Sig eign af ho a of Da Pel of devia Sears Tansaing tee e162 ‘ating Bahl Motos, epresinative of he on ‘collage of Cretien try pcos sal 1S ‘he Atk Of the Cocnate Ie 130 Shortie Lodger Of The Grand Lage Of Laoe, Ta-herty (aye. 368 Wlguig Th Hear nthe Sule o Truth ~ Bok Ot The Dead ee” ‘Who are thy? Collage of Black evey stacen 8 "SES0S "he Chit [anomie cooing to an oplan iiopan worsen a thst fpial Patriots leans zen Gollage of Semios an Hanes ny ono to "Nope 38s "gin ale women ade aeedn 7 lash Je; Bihiopa aa Harlem, New York Oly New Yor. 2 ‘aaah ome Bop ta Halon, New Yok City Mew York 29 alae Banke tid Imbotps Bronze Sete, Pate Nasoum, France aligius eigen sadly Fan soon lei Nary ad he Mast Jest" a ram by Baropenne and Afsoan [Volume One Dlastrations continued “Title ‘Tho imperial pe-coloislists [explorers] ofthe "Pactition of Afeica! “Bthiopis andthe European fapoeialists Advance in Northeast Africa Abyasinin, eto: Ligt Of Treats. 245 ~ 246 ‘Treaty: Abyssinia and Italy, 20d May, 1899...247 ~ 240 [Map showing the Hallan "Possessions" onthe Denakil Coust eto... 248 ‘Map: Partition of Africa ~ 1880 C.E. Map; Petition of Msiea ~ 1888 C.E. Goneral Act of the Conference of Berlin, 26th Februnty, 1885 0,E,...201-252 ‘Declarations exchengod butween the United States of America and Congo... 253 ‘Prococels ofthe Ratfieations of the General Act of Berlin, April 1885.,.264 ‘Frouiplece to "Authentic Report On Tho Lands Of Prester Jhn'...238 ‘Protocol of United Sines of Ameria's role at Brueeele Coaforences «258-257 ‘Protocol of Druswela Conference Act ralfication by tho U.S.A... 257-258 Map:"Paxtition of Arion” ~ 1506 ~ 1900 C.F... 259 ‘Map: Arab-Asian and Buropon slnve trade to and from Aftiea. Declaration; Portugal nod Congo, Brussel, 23th March, 1594. ‘Map: The Congo Free State and Portuguese Possessions. ..251 ‘Map: As know to the Exropenna up to the 17th Conbury Cx... 262 Map "Aftiea" Ar known to the Europeans up to the 18th Century C. Map; The Colonial Expires In 1914, 4.263 ‘The Paitin OF Afriesn Lands, Janay 1896 ~Berlin nd Brsnaele Act. "Afvies in Colonial Rotveat" -" 3022 ~ 1038, ..285 : Key Map Of independent noi Colonial "Africa ~ 1951 ~ 1974 C.B....258 Colaniaation in Afries Ts Roteoat ~ 1957 C.1s...267 CColonestion In Afrion tn Retreat = 1961 Cc... 208 Colonization In Afrtea In Retveat — 194 C.E....260 ‘The Comperstive Works; Amen-em=cope vs. Solomon...277 = 278 "wAfsiean® origin of tho eo-called "Star Of Davie..270 ‘Atvican Symbols Adapted By the Wostern World. 273 ‘Stety-three-oothigh Stelae of aocient Aksum, Eibiopis ‘Bihiopien Lion out in a rook at Anglarro (Wllo]... 291 apes and Colors of "Jews Around The Worl"...292 289 260 98 VOLUME TWO ILLUSTRATIONS: Title ‘Symbols ofthe Tribes of Judaism, and U.S. A.-Alriea relationship, .285 ‘The Black Jews Of laslem: Rabbi Matthow aod assistants...295 ‘ito Jows in the Commandment Keepers Congregation of Harlem, 209 Toys in the Commandment Keopers Congregation... 200 ‘RabbL Mathew eatxying Holy [Sacred] Torah... 01 ‘Rabbi Matthew assisted by elders and other rabbis. .909 “Visiting vabbinical stint Alvin Block addresses Karem congrestion. 809 Rabbi Natthew sounding the Shofar. ..908 Harlem Hebrewe, lod oy Rabbt Melihow, pesform Teste, ..308 Rabbi Wentworth Matthew before Ark and Sacred Toreha. 310 ‘African Tstaclites tmmigrate to Liboria, Weet Afries, 312 ‘Alvican-Ameriet Iavaalite immigrants in Loria, West Arica. .912 ‘African-American Israelite Immigrants tn Libocia, West Africa. 913 {Wolame 1 Mostrstons conte} ‘Tile “Aeletthopinn pre-Christian exchaclogialaritet 213 ‘AMsian-Ameticalorelte migrant fn Liberte bows te Safar S14 Dr. Sterling Carey, Prosldas ofthe Sational Ceunell et Churehen sus Blt Jews? Blank Christine? Back Noslems Duane? "Nepsoat™ 05 Rabbi Abraham and students of Ethiopia's Hebrew Community...928 Map OF Aiea ~ 088 G-B. VADs] 90 ‘Mop: Empire of Ethopa = e850 050 8.0.1... 340 Map: Deserion Oc Ayes, Emote of Presir Jo, vers 180.947 {Te Compete Works = Amncon-eoja vo: Solann 266 Faas flown Yom Hol Sng a , jun-Amerian Hebrews at rryer tn Harlot Sago. Dek Jew ant White Jevish etch in frans--s08 ‘lsc Je and Black Jewish teacher in Hatem New York, N..., 988 ‘Rivers sid Lars of the "Oarden of Ben" acta the Bislen ‘African Garden Of Bde milins af yas before the ble 88 Reconstruction of Zinjenthrones boloe~ al Woon 300 "tionlan ke Hartomite] Vendor fe Dobe Market, BAe .287 The BXONCIST, Father Puts, --62 Queen of the Pyrenees = he Bask Madoma ond Cad. Scene fo the Hereulencom Worship nis Back donna 994 (ba Adan! andthe Yorsba Village of Sheldon, North Carlin.» 36 note "eva" see Dr Bon at 66, -t0r Ane Ae an ta: mands NTEaa ERC ireaoncrhsnwec BOY 3 °F coreespe Patt ‘Special CREDIT FOR ILLUSTRATIONS, .. on the following rage, Tal or Rural House; sever @ "HUT," This te aural Synagogue of « poor farshng community ‘of ho Gondar area of Northwestern Ktfopta, Hast Africa, SFECIAL CREDITS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS: ‘Very apoctal citations must be extended for the adoyion {wish amiendineas and/or altera- tiene} and uso ofall slustrations... ipitures, graphs, maps, documents, etc.) ct made by or onignally belonging fo your author = which sre not foototod im the text The books, pastodioals, ‘magazines and ther documents thy are extracted from ave ised in the BEBILIOGRA PALES st the ar of this Volume. {shall only mention the author and ttle ofeach here. ‘Tus, 20S on page (2 ‘rom R,.L. HESS’ "Ethiopla: The Modernization of Aulocraey, Ethiopie SpHabaries on aes 89 aad Sofrom D, Buston's "Tho Abyesinlans:" monolithic rosk-hewn chutches on pages 69 and 1a from ‘De Abyasintans" ‘onpges 19 - si from 8. Ponkhurst's “EUoaia;" markot geenos on page 18 from Je Dovesse'a “ElMlopla;" Yemenite and Cochin Jews pletures on page 176 from 8. Deutch's "Jewish Current _Byents:" two top pictures on pages 208 end 206 D. Bunton's ‘The Abyssinians:" religious seenes on ‘age 2al from D. Baston's "The Abyesinlane" maps on pages 245, 244 and 262 from J.D. Page's "Ym Atins of Afriean History" maps on pages 250 and 259 Tram A Boyd and P van Rensburg's "an Alas of African Atal; ploture on page 286 from the cover of Ha, Brots'e "The Bleak oviginal candid ah of Ethopiane in Ethiopia on pages xvi and $26 by a soxemer 8, Panldurt's tes and rine "thiopia'map on page 76 from D. Burton’ ons of student - Robert Johnson, Jr.~ at Cornell University's "Afviomsa Stuoe ant Rese rica, New York, during a fle teip in Bihiopia in 1972 C.E. on a gradusteCelowsip; the young ste Detroit, Michizan] was gractously given to me hy his parents, who are themselves teachers in the field of genertl eduestion and the arte, "Kamams,"" pravently, ie ight yeare and months old. a picture on page 408 - nine month old "Kamamu” tho gon of ha. and Mire, Abubaln of Any overeight in not Hoting a particular ILLUSTRATION will be properly oredited upen oral , graphs, documents of ether types, ete.,hich Ihave shown amy previous publications are repeatad novela only if thy are of ajar importance fo the subject, ud to dooument what may have ctherwise beea lebelod "controversial sue,» ‘The extensive viusl doctmnentation is due to the so-called "CONTROVERSIAL NATURE" of the entire content af the subject title of thie volume - WE THE BLACK JEWS!~ for tt 1s a common fact thatthe eubjec content wil as i has sich an animal ae 8 BLACK JEW," Thus resorting tothe ago WORTH A MILLION WORDS," I amt certain that ths ton will note sutfetent to convince thowe who hve "s+ ,ALREADY MADE UP THEIR fm MINDS, AND DO NOT NEED 'T0 HE CONVINCED BY |THE FACTS..." they ave aooing in font af their eyes, The dosend of ILLUSTRATIONS Ihave used inthis vohime are pritasily for euch readers who must be shown visual doeumentary proof along Jon i the pst] fit ll sort of dental tat there te $d adage that "ONE PIOTURE 18 th chronologicn data sid histostal references, all of which they might equally choose to ignore! pEDICATION “hs aspect of he istry an henge oft “Black Jou” 1S gees tal cores ation Pope inte Foon Sifer tom te ne eanclbe per of i dest er Sea ofan. Oxo tie teen ars nate ing Htvat trctn People wil pera i tte oor eli Fos difernce, Romcnher;Raigin toting Soro ‘Less, Than A Belief. And That-Any One Of Them Is As God- 1y As Another. : ‘Yosef A. A. ben-Jochasman 6089 NY. 6744 H.C, S889 CLE.) 1361 ALI. x AUrOR'S SPECIAL, NOTE ‘This two volumes project reprosonts an undertlsng that boran originally as © pumph— loteometiine in 1924 C8. /A Dr. wuld have read to change his conclusion if he wanted. RSET ESE On Te mo, JTW GOUDEN HOU fs ela) 98 ‘Shea bode SRE ‘The current trond of making evorythixe of ancient African arin ethar done by the hope thatthe retdor wil be able to make the distinction between the reporting Iam doing ‘9 Volume Oue and the analytical eriticism in Yolame‘Tyo, In YolumeOas tam reporting without smahing tay analysis of RIGHT and/or WRONG. The tsmue Inthe areas of Volume Two's snalysts re- lative to the history ant heritage ofthe African-American people ia the Americas an the Caf bean telands reflect o fw cimilar problems ae those of Slack Jews is Mother Alkebu-Ian/Afria, ‘has itis that you ean read an anthsopslogteal report of mnothar grow of Jftleun Pooole without the usual “TRIBE, PRIMINIVE, NATIVE, HEATHEN, UNCIVIIZED, CONVERT," ote, sontntio- al late common inthe writings of il European aud European-Amerionn "wetdemessns." The ‘Tis Gray prOTaETy change address to other quarters before the end of this manuscript Dr. Moshe Finklestoin of te Jewish Thoologieal Seminary was tte President. o's Peliro. iy lye of eciem and/or xeligious bigotry ix, nevor he lose, Amovican as "ioe Cream and 21 ‘Yue author boa agreed to weit this presentation on the Salashus after repeated requests rom Jews and Gentiles alike, These people so requesting hive heard of che Belashus throu orig bok weltten by Wastorn authors who have paid very short visis fo Bthiopis and eame lwekto write about the entire history af my people. Among sy previously mentioned friends tas decided that gt east one Fulnaha now living inthe "Weston World," snd specifically ica, must write abou hi [ar her] people in Ethiopia and the "Wostem Countries." After Wing many Tocturos bout my people 1 agreed to undertake this tak. {hai ejected it on pre Vows occasions because of my tovolvement in the tight to free MY mother "AFHICA" trom White ‘The latter task was dizectod through United Nations” channels with whlch was also ‘ommeeted. 11s but one ofthe many ways of galing our independence, However Thad to gr w thore axe very fey Falashae hers to whom thts group of peopl could turn. A “Commitee” vo formed to gather end euggest point wich most Amiean-American and Europes peoples Mt rotigions and every wall of Te would isto now abouts, The "Commie" was debanl- when it became obvious that fends would nck be avallabte forthe pleatio of thie works, This worky te original Spanish Edition, was the fneroMuetion to the much more ewended wars hove presented in my many volumes WAWok Ihave wristen and published. tn this Eton pre rile ll of he eniting Palachassligious writings and hitorins! Aaa that Fnesh tranala= Wins this tase you vilderstand, tok. lot of timer yet westhe Flushs Commitee, worked at ie ustost sped possible. AI of us that were connected with this latter project wore pofossion- Wo many fields of endeavour to which we contributed the rear portion of our time dally. [Actne many places where ita bean my good fortune lo give Tectures Lbave been consis~ hoy asked fo gest mataratewatien tn he Enos Language about she Falashas. Questions she the following ere atways placed to me, ths: ‘why dou‘ the Falashas inthe United Sites of America prosené articles sbovt ‘hemaelves in Amavican Jovich peviodieala? What about tas book by Prefessor ll Lislau called FALASHA ANTHOLOGY, ete, ? Why don't your peop lot taher Jews kaow that you ave alive and that you have & Mstory Wks vour other DDrothere sof sstore cf the teres, Pela who eame to Ameriea from Burope? ‘iy doesn abba Mite ofthe Black Commansty in Haslam write abort hie ‘Community Why San’ theve a movement o organize s community symagoaxe Where all Jews ean meet logether regardioss of color, theroby closing the gap That exit hetwoen uf groups?” ‘toe questions Whe the shove could go cn and on forever snd ever without exhaustion, Yat, ils work yas the ureview of the skewer before my much move expanded works were eompleted ‘published, of course tits orginal shorter oiition, and without Volume Tyo. ete. bw ‘The late Reverend Clarence Howell of "Communtiy Church Center at 49 ast 8th Sxeet, Now York City, New York offered froe his failities to my serving, Only expenses pal by him ‘were tobe retabursed by me for the produetion of he Book. Hie organization ~ "Rosonsiiaton [DPing, Ine." of the above address assiated mc also, Here atthe Howell's ongsnization wa ‘whore f hogan correcting the many untewts thet ware passed on about my poople in Ethiopia, ast Afvieg, the Caribbean Islands snd the Amevieae, all of which [had alrosdy done when 1 ‘wrole the original edition of NOSOTROS IIFHREOS NEGRO [We The Biscke Jews; but all of Wleh it had become necessary once ngain to do with specific itorest on the Afriess-Amerienn [BLACK] Jaws in Haxiom, Now Yook Oily, New York and throurhost the United States of America, {I cidod tha this work hd to moot tho price ango of the poor student snd general reading public, Therefore, we ina to use "'short-ext” methods of produolng thi worn 2 fia stage as abeok, tt was also planed Sn « manner whersby {would not be forced to cu the amount of Jnformation I wanbi to produce, And you can really notice thal itis very extensive, not costly. Any ouch cut would have been hacmal to the factual presentation offs work, £ could nol take such chances of hurting the history of tho cultural development of my poole, theneby falling sn- to tho pathf giving misleading information as European and uropem-Amertean missle ‘and other writers have done for aver tw hundred (200] years to dete, ‘The Joist Commitee Har The Dubltsstion Of Wa Tha Rlack Jess, which Tha tablished 40 1955 C.., fll that I should dea +» "with mators which might be considered non-hoshor inthe realm of certain ores of the nuthentisty of the Falashas a8 Jews"... ‘his they Delleved, us they eotld observe that T we gotng to mest head-on resistance whenever ‘Thogin to show any distgreement with other writers ofthe past and present Buropsan, ani sursly ‘Surepean-American, origin on the sblect of the "BLACK JEWS" [Palashas, Felases, Kyla sya al fot: rare could be no Wetter way to help in the amination ofthe fallacies about the Black sows than by calling the shots 28 T ‘pow thom, and lt the se fall nhesever St may." ‘Then we would be prepared to mest ny smite further agreed that "should not use quotations feom any aource which we could not verily tobe true upoa our ovm investigation and veacared, respective of Die reputation of the author”. ‘Thi Inter condition made it very hard en your author, Recause it meant that Tha to Koop weit- Ing back home to Bthlopia for all ofthe daformation 1 did not now first-hand which was of major {appointed authority on our people ishory. The oom~ evi lurportance (othe fll vert of the weneral work at hd, My people at home mad this task ex- tromely exer by kiving etch and every letter prompt atention, and by even nding more infor ‘mation an cach poitt than Thad requested, The doevments I requestad were of historical data thet vere not available in the bent of Hbearies anyplace in the United States of America uth time, seme being unavailable to te present tine, ‘Tey Inchided sich items ae the "KEBBA NEGASTE [Wthionisn Chronos) and the "GACRED WRITINGS OF HE AGAW [Falashas) COMMUNITIES." ‘itor formation than these sources are generally based upon my personal knowledge, ani thst n(olher Palashas living oF sttiying inthe United Staton of Amertoa, South Atnerioa athe #0- calle8 "Wa iniga"|Centbboam Islandain gonoral. Wo, from hove meaning the Ad Woe Committee ofthe faint Committee For The Publication. (Live The Black Jews, came to another conclusion that: hs ook must be written in @ manner which ean be easily read ‘and tadorstood by childzen of public soho! level. \We wanted to tench the minds of everyone interested, algo those who by chencecome in contac wit lois work. We had agreed that. rising, oF door ssle abo ed that should ‘have a work on as high a plateau that one could possibly produces ‘only with cbecrvations of the facts e9 they aze Inown f bey and ‘you expetlenced thems + =" hie, torael beneAdil of Haston!'s Alvioan-American ("BLACK "I ebrew Community ve tle upon to make coset for the presentation ofthe Matory of his group, Hs cooperation ‘nut be overrated when we say that thie work eau xot have boon possi without the sat No bts given me fo preeeting the chapters on the Bibonian-Amexienn Benes Communities ot low Aftesn-American Nabreuss particulary where comparisons heezme ne rs "Joint Comittee" wishes to jin me im hanking you for your interest in nending tha sow of ny people and yours =the “AGAW or "AGU (the go-esled alas), il f whom fu better Iaovm @ BETA ISRAEL or CHILDREN {OPTHENOUBEJOF ISRAEL. This wat is wnnein Woh the "atzedulin” ended whon the tit drat wus writ amuany, 1983, ioerscmuen, Were are many potne sreesed inthis project of which 1 am tn total digoord aa stoy are \rovaily prsetioed by my pele in ate communities in Afsca, the United States of Amarin, {hu Caribe isonds end the Amecicas generally But I shall not take tase with thems in Volume yo ts project, a my expres murpose to bring you a report of the WAY OF LIFE of ‘The Ite Revensnd Clarence Honell of “Community Church Gentes” at 40 Bast 93th Serety ‘New York City, New York offered free his facilities to my rervise, Only expanses paid hy him ‘wore tobe vetbursed by me for the precuetion of the book. iis organization ~ "Rescacilation {Ding Ins." ~ of the above addvose assisted me nlso, Here atthe Howell's orxinization was wire Fagan correcting the many untrwhe ht ware passed on about my people in Hihiopia, ‘ast Atviet, the Carbbeun Islands ani the Amerieas, all of which [had alzendy dane when 1 ‘wrote the orignal edition of NOSOTROS HEBREOS NEGRO [We The Black Jews]: but all of ‘whieh it had became necessary once ngain to do with specific inorest oa the Afviean-Ameriean BLACK] Jeus in Hasiom, Now York City, New York and throughout the United states of America, 1 decided that tis work had to moot the price rango of the poor ctudent and general reading pat ‘Therefore, we had fo vee "short mothods of producing thle work ins tac stage sn book, 1t was also planned in a manner whereby Cwould not be freed to cut the ainount of Information I wanted to produce, And you can really otice tha itis very extensive, not costly. ‘Any such cut ould have heen harmful to the facts presentation ofthis wank, {could ot ake such chances of luting tho ietory of tho eultural development of my peonle, thereby falling in- ‘to tho path of giving misleading information as Europoan and Buropean-Ameriean muealonariea and other writers have done for over twa hundred (200] years to dt ‘The Joint Gammiliea Far The Publication Of Wa The Bloc tans, which {hed oetablished 4m 1985.C.8., fot that I should eal -- "with mattors which might be considered non-Logher i the realm of certain erties ofthe authentesty ofthe Falaabs as Jo ‘Tis they Dolleved, us they could ebsorve that Twas gotng to mest head-on roststince whenever ‘Thogin to show any disagreement with other writers ofthe past and present Buropssn, and surely ‘uropean-American, origin on the subject of the "BLACK JEWS" [Palashas, Felasea, Kyla]. va al fot thts rere coud be no better way to Relp in the alzinstion ofthe fallacies about the Black Zovs than by calling the shots ne T ‘now thom, and lt th ako fall whezaver it may." ‘Thon we would be prepared to mest any aelf-appolnted authority on our people's history. Tae eom= imitoe further agreed that 1. shou not use quotations from sny aource which we could not verity tobe true upon our onm investigation and zeseareh, ft ‘respoctve of the eputation ofthe authors... ‘Tha Inter condition made it very hard on your author, because it cant that Chad fo keep weit~ lng back: home to Behlopia for all ofthe information f did not ow fixst-hand which was of major eri Uuportance tothe ful te of the xeneral Work at han. My people at home made this tase ex- trumelyenty by giving ech and every letter prompt attention, and by von ning more ior ‘eiton on each point haa Chad requested. ‘The documents T requested were of historical date thet were not available inthe best of beanies ary place inthe United States of America ot tat tie, come being mnavatlable to the present tine, They included suck ites a¢ the "KEBRA NEGASTE (Phiooian Chronicles” andthe "SACRED WRITINGS OF THE AGAW [Falsshns] COMMUNITIES." Cahor tforation than Uiese sources are generally based upan my personal knowledge, an tnt other Faldshas Living or stsying tthe United Sates of Americe, South Amertea mi the e0- rolled "Wasting! {Cartbboan lalandalin gensral. Wo, from here meaning the AG Hoc Commit ofthe Julat Commies For The Publication (oLWe he Black Jone, ame to another conclusion that: "ie ook must be written in a mannar which can be easily rexd ‘at ilerstood by ehildven of public shot evel, \We wanted fo teach the minda of everyone inlerested, also those wo by ctencocome incontact with (ois wok, We hal agreed that" or do . that tehewd". dave a work on as high plateau that one could possibly produces fonly with cbecrvations ofthe fasts a8 they are lmown £9 bey und you experienced thom... =" Din, terael bencAddl of Havlen’s Afviosn-Amerioan ['BLACK"T Hebrew Commu ‘Ne! upon to mate contact forthe presentation ofthe lstory of his group. Hts cooperation nut be overrated when we say tht hts work eould uot have boon possible without th aid hat its given ate in presenting the chapters onthe Bihiorian-Amexican Hebrew Communities ond tho Mtiesn-Arsenioan Hehentss yorticulasty where comparisons becsme necessary. " "Jolne Committe” ylahes to foin me in thanking you for your interest in veading this woot o€ my people and yours = the “AGAW" or "AGU" [the eo-called Fslashis), ll of whom hu better inown 88 BATA BANL or CHILDREN (OF THEROUSEJOF ISRAEL. This was lw waaner im Which the "Introduction" ended when the inet draft was written m January, 1968. foorscar ‘exe are mmy points steessod inthis project of which I am in total discord as they are \roveitly practiced by my penne tn thetr communities ix Africa, the United States of America, fio Caettboan isan and the Amesteas genersily. But shall not tals isu with thems tn Vodame yy of ts project, as A bs my exorens purpose to bring you a report ofthe WAY OF LIPE of SSEMITE, WAMITE, SLOT" ETC." ALL OF THESE AIRE VSEIITES"AS THE CAUCASIAN "JERS" 5 : - \o0 OX OP THESES NEGHO OP AMY ARE MENTEOEVER, WHPROT? EXPLAIN Ty Bot BI pak the mh at “the AFRICANS (io-alodMogtne" were cly #ZAVE in Bat loner hat Ezy was me Alcan coptry raed by Afsea un Treig ivsions from Asia and Br See Hevodotua vs ‘iy poople, and not « CRITICAL ANALYSES of them here. Howovor, Lviahto stato thet thore 1s quit « etrong lovee working a the present time to ge- ‘olop better relationship between Falashas and othor Ethlonlane, end aleo to bridge tho gep fststrust erected by "Westamera) moet of whom sre not Jews, who sesumed te wrtio as the = 4 ‘hep thet persons now planing fo vittour‘communitis in Ethiopia and anywhere else in ‘ho world would remember that any talk of "CONVERSION" to my people would be mt by tho treatest of hostility poseibo; this even holds true for "CONVERSION" to Talmudle[Rabbinie~ si] dudatem, snd more oo European snd Furopean-American Christigity or Arabian (Asia Mobammedauian (stam. 1 do nov that matters wil be mutual if ts Inter point is heeded an sl desires left at home before visting the Falasha communities, But 1 do think that an elaboration on the above reasons is nscessary here; thus te following paragraph ‘We wore not ying to chang the Dositionot net permitting Gentes to vist our homes, Yet it could be mole to have some provisions made whorsby Gentiles may stay inthe Falasha om ‘unites after Sundown [Sun-Fall oF Sunset]. But, 1 must be noted that Gentiles do not nsos= ‘Suton "he rele stad i the ast paragraph above ta due fo the "LAO ON OLPANUDINA and ay ther functions of whieh the Cheitians and other Gentile wil have to undergo i they wore to remain in a Falaaha home or commnity afer Sundown; such as "RITUAL BATHS," eto, tx rn doubt that such a demand wuld be oftenive to many, Tala disadvantage would worl ina very Aigoutt manner to all concerned In auch 2 situation, Again, T remind you that 1AM YOUR REPORTER IN THIS WORKG NOT YOUR ANALYST OF CON- CLUSIONS ABOUT THE RIGHT AND WRONG (OF FALASHA THEOSOPHY, ‘You will have to decide what better way was thereto begin ths!#8{8e3" than with this Intro~ ‘Welion into "THE FALLACY OF A JEWISH RACE, SENITIC RACE" and/or "HAMITIC RACE" a5 chown onthe following page with rogenda to che Felasha Elder and Maden, both of whom exe nn dtferent shan the Harlem Jas shown on pager 205. through G10 of Vahune Two, Thus we oe 1 the frst step tn this Sronle RACIST MYTH Sn the following article extradted from the notad {LONDON JEWISH CHRONICLE of April 1975, which bsings tnt frttion what your author as raintained from the begimng when I wrote the originkl Spinish Eton of his very mich larger ‘expanded works in 1994 ~ 1995 C.B, But the declarations inthe Sth paragraph with reference to RUSSIAN JEWS,,." and the PALASHAS regarding ",.. THE LAW OF THE RETURN..." 1 Teve iv Wided prot of Zasniet RAGIN" the Arabs could nave oie atthe Usted Nations Ory (WHAT Is "SENITIO" or "HAMETIC FEATURES?" WHAT IS TH "SEBIEEIO COLOR?" NOD TRUE THAT 'EENITIC" and/or *HANITION REFER TO LANGUAGE DESIGNATIONS: NEVER "RACE ? ‘ho 11th parageash about "... HIE FALASHAS AS JEWS OR WHO HAVE REGARDED THESE ‘PRIMITIVE PEOPLE AS AN UNDESIRABLE ELEMENT IN THE COUNTRY..." the 18% pera rach that", . TH ETHIOPIANS - CHRISTIANS AND JEWS ALIKE ~ CLATM DESCENT FROM ‘THOSE JEWS... ete, and the ith paxagtanh that. .THERE 18 NOTHING IN JEWISH LITERATURE TO SUBSTANTIATE THIS THEORY. ..," do nothing more than show the Palnshas {nde and outside of Etbiopla that "RACISM is as much a part of lsctel's WHITE JEWS basic sooio-political-rligious fabric againat BLACK JEWS as itis among WHITE JEWS tn the Dited Stats cf Amerioe against BLACK JEWS in the HARLEMS of the 2o-onlled "Western World,” Yety atleast there was "Chiat Rabol Ovadia Yous" in trael, and only a ordinary Rabbi Block: [200 age s0s of Volue Twovwhen he was @ student Rabbi] inthe United States of America, However, ‘more than all ofthis, whether ".. FROM THE TRIBE OF DAN...," er from any ofthe other "IRIBES", the FALASHAS end/or anyother type of "BEACK JEWS" do not have to prove OUR dortage a8 "JEWS'toayoue more so than Eusopesn aad European-Amserican [white] JEWS have to prove thelr so-called "JEWISHNESS" tous, And the fact that". ,ELDAD HA-DANI, ‘THE FIRST [White Jeu] "FO WRITE AROUT THE FALASHAS UP TO THE 1th CENTURY Colssss! line sbsoltely noting to do with tie "ORIGN" and/or go-ealled "DISCOVERY" ofthe Falashas, But, when will the Buropean end European-Ameriean WHITE] Jou realize that our "JUDAIEN 1a nota c0 called "EENITIC RAGE" eontcolled by themsclven; and that Hime i on ‘he side of the vojosted BLACK JEWS - Yemenites, Palashas, Cochins, Arabi rh Aoi ‘caus: and yos, those of the Americas and the Carina islands? The fllowing article door not ‘mention tae "COCHIN JS" of mates dd the Sephardi Chief Rabbt of teracl equally hed to declare that those below ".. ARE JEWS... in any raling? Unfortanately, Rabbi Yosef lost his poat uring the 1989 Rabbialen! Eleo uous for Chief Rabblof Israsl for Saphardt Jews. He 7, Th yaneral body of Aslan Fewe are treated withthe eamse type of "ben nogloct ike African Ameriein/Blneks im the United tatea of Amerioa and Jews of Ethiopia, eto. LONDON JEWISH CHRONICLE, April 1973, Chief Rabbi Yosef’ officially recognises Falashas as Jews Foot Spell Correspendent eae Fost hg se a ee ee ts EL ener ae wits: See Se eke “eels SSPsteo mencpestaiag wena hsa a" aay nae tee et | ee on. Ly Sees ( ‘ ad bo a Soa tos cae Heap am Ue Pe pee or Pe mat neha ae S609 ree oa Sie EO Pie ab Norte Settee, rite iy Wo fought weciem and weliggous bigotry against "Black Jews" hy Israel's “White Zionists” and Ninera elnewhore, Maybe it etused his defeat aa "Sephandl Chick Rabbi of aetel"! ett remem Seieeers Ses Ee eres ee is nie te Pan, feelin al oats Sead ght ade ‘The HUNILIATING TRAGHDYot « prow! people ~ tie AGAW or FALASHAS ~ te demonstrat cd inthe preceding eriele. But i 1 more than auryassed in the following article, Thus, let us ‘examine further the type of chaructovization and distortion ofthe veaetved istoty af the "BLACK ‘TEWS," whethor they avo from Eibiopia, itis, Veren or New York C lens. Yor at his Jncture we are to rea from page S ofthe JEWISH CURRENT EVENTS, February 16 28, 1074, Vol. 15 ~ Number 10 {published at 450 Kester Avenie, Elmont, N-¥. 11008, snd edited by Me, ‘Samuel Deutsch) the extract Ihave shown on page sc and page sos dealing with Jonish reciom have undovscored come ofthe ighlshla which must have offended each avd every BLACK {IEW who read this artista, ae you wll notice ouch commentatiat dre the following roxpone Which, oF whose, -WORLD KNEW LITTLE AOUT THEM" (Fslashss]? Yomenites, Cooks, ‘Audanese. Kenvans, Arabs, Zarians, etc. new of and shout tho so-celled “FALASHASY tor con= ‘uries, The fact that Huropenns and Buropeen-Aserfeans dd not kuow about US changes nothing sou OUR existonce as "AFRICANS! of Ethlopta - frat; and ee "EDREWS" or "JEWS second, ‘Neat, what doos the gdltor mean by we were ".. DISCOVERED... % wovered ua? Wo were novar in history LOST, a fact which 4mm conta to the rumor mongers who proverb lv gut out this tye of propaganda onthe Falashas, "ETHIOPIA IS THE OLDEST KINGDOM. not only "...IN AIICA,.." today, bul inthe entive work. And, there are many hundreds more ‘than a "FEW PALASHAS" who "OWN TILEIR OWN FARMS..." ‘TylL ue about thoee owned by ‘the Kvle_an othoce jn communal communities of the HfMopian Highland "Tho most nauavating aapec af the following asticle is in the fact that we are told ; "ALREADY 250 FALASHAS ARE IN TIO COUNTRY" [[etsel], "THEY NOW ARE RECOGNIZED AS FULL. JEWS, BUT MUST GO THROUGH THE PROCESS OF CONVERTING AND RE-ACCEPTING JUDA= 18M," Dut who daclded that the Jews withthe mont ancient tradisons to date must confor to thelr ‘own version of "JUDAISM Rabbineal Talmudie-style? The article will ell us more; but wil not identify tho "KOSHER JEW MAKERS," Let we ron Destach's editoral on Ethiopia's Jove ‘Tr "ibe origin of European ani Rurcpean-Amertom Jews are tobe proved by whom’? rete J.B ADOUT NLEM" [PALASHAG/ BLACKS] CONCERN IS FELT FOR ETHIOPIA’S BLACK JEWS;* z 25 THOUSAND REMAIN AFTER MANY CENTURI2S Be okabiee Sere a SSa Toeete ‘nee | oof ine Quece of Seba. sncar on tossing w gold, uly Here Toieeaied Tecanne Taracl need “Black Jesh Hodios te replace "White Dexort om ae Scag Sot Bo ea er tote UB. A. sv Interrupting once mores the lao Emperor's symbols wore used in Afton before "Adam en? Eva." rane ts» SUGECRGGLAE SL nar te fAdeRs re ar] “hnrobervanees ——,falabag dnt tave e171 EAC ac Bb tune Thay" p* “Sragger* wy” ware Slop ine ie a info ced hon erro eps erat dural hus hlged topo st eco ah ware Fa aca aes Sicwinty SASS Sele es ore tthe ving neat Tarai doors, to. have Bibione weeny, tuned Ene eerie ane sack etopeon Huey snaaynagomies Patt er coe Meee perag ilcnfiet ED. Alter vesdng the above, it cbvious that few more questions and observations become ‘that mack more necessary at ths time, Bul its the last observation which really 18 the most nauseating, Who ia the AUTHORITY Yosh comunissioned to separate "JEWS" on the asa of 2- called "ETHNIC PEOPLE, SENITIC RACE, HAMITIC RACE" sit the likes? ts i not true that ‘the "AUTHORITY" comes from the power of thost tn control of GUN FOWDER, THE STATE JOUS PROPAGANDA? Boek Jews, even i theit/our own "PROMISED LAND" = Igrael, ‘equally are not wanted hocauso of thehx/ aur "BLACK COLOR" and "AFRICAN RACE," ete. est At this poln there needs to he no move undarscoring. ‘The last observation is move than enough to explain tho SENITIC and/or WHITE RACISM in Intel that controls the dastty ofall Eulasha, efe. But why don’t the WIIETE RUSSIAN JENS town below from page 1 of te sate publication and eiltor on November 16 ~ 90, 1079, Vol. 15, ofthe BLACK JBWS ~ Cochin, Yemenite imber 4 have"... T0 GO HIROUGH THE PROCESS OP CONVERTING AND RE-ACCEPTING [TODAISM..." lke theBLACK (Afsienn} JEWS? Tho answer: Plsin_apd simple WHITE RACISM hose Europe and Eusopesn-Ameriean Jews cvael, Thou fellow WHITE JEWS fre oxen, slthough they may not know the fret fat about the Jlebeex Religan or Culture. Like the references to the above, the propaganda that thlopla",. TURNED AGAINST white] ts ogully ae idlevlus to suggest some govt of a conspiracy on the part of the tts bYhionlan people and their government because of Arab ofl. But the fet is that Rtopis bas much huore than enowgh of her osm oll, The action of Ethiopa in healing off diplomatic welations, ste, vith Leruol Se yhis Afsisannation’s RIGHT, which io bound to her obligations to defend ait otner WInt ake White Jovian Wine Acts against Slack Jews less offensive than Nazt facie syainst White Jews of Germany and the Fert of Europe, ete. Are White Jews tree to be "ssc ican nations aml poole aa eotcrmomber of she Onsoniation Of Asean Ui (0.4. 0.) ~ ‘hich Soortanit[Headuuaster] Se Located in Addis Abs. [thipla'sCaptal Ciy]-Fiyot, AL- fea, Tunisia, Sule, co, are also sister member nations in Abies, aud equally ofthe 0.8. Us ‘Ae lof ham nave charge irae with "OPEN AOGRESION UPON AFRICAN SOIL," es “The question isnot ove of MORALITY or RELAGION, or even of "RACE" sud "ETHNIC ORIGIN" ste stot ant squarely INTERNATIONAL POLITICS and ANTI-COLONIALIS, Bthiopia's i terost is not ted to tera’ polities fuare and/or decisions made by her Knesct (ras Pasia~ rat), teepective of he Bperor's relational to he hstorsal and bic Sslomon of Jezel sn tho Empress of Shba-Qusen Makeda of Ethopss. As ech honla must mae. and. fsko, tions nunca fo horse irst ond forgmost tae stmne bola equally true as Teast docn fox horse, apd as all otter indepontos nations do for themselves Salagsio wns dosed in Wid, ‘Tere shuld be none 80 INSENSITIVE to the justification for this work, particularly ater renling these tvo atcles. Bully, ono saul understand viv your author Ink te inal step of eglded cloly won BTUSIO GROUNDS. Thue whos, oF endl, 90-called "FULL JEW," ote. ? Jw it ao TRAVESTY OP HUMAN DECENCY and DIGNITY that oe so-alld "ETINIO GROUP" must be uiited hy another the name of RELIGION a GOO in oder to asi, {or a few crumb from the SEDBR-PARER® Whe il YW commteston th the CTE RULE KOSHER JEW MAKER? And, WHEN? What isthe reauixement for a KOSHER JEW MAKER? Who {sto sy thatthe PROUD end RESPECTED AGAW [Ealasha or Kela] PRIEST on the flloving ‘age shoul not be ellowed to sit on fhe BOARD OF FULL KOSHER JEW MAKERS with reenoot ‘Jess entering sratl from the Soviat Union (Russia) and ar parts of Europe end the Amex- Sa52 What isi about him, and even the Honourable Rabbi Hallu Moshe Pavis!~ who appenrs tn the folloving article, tht male thes LEGS THAN RABBIS from Eutope and the Atserieas? Is tt not their "LACK SKIN?" Ie it nat Choke "WOOLLY HAIR?" Ist not their "THICK LIES"? 1 certainly camot bo their DEVOTION and/or COMDILTMENT fo Judniem! For who emoxgat the wy Seabbis ilu JON and/or CULTURE ‘Man these two so-called "PATASIAS" and/or "BLACK JEWS” Ths Is the basis upon which ‘Twentieth Century CB. PALMUDIC [Rablineal] JUDAISM expects loyalty from BEACK JEWS and reapact from the greater BLACK COMNUNITIES all ovar the wer, all of whom wil ecelve ‘he "ANTI-GENETE" Iabe #€ they protost auch as the chore sad preceding acts of RACES! Dut, 1, Rabbi Paria war once the “Acting Secretary" of Alkebisian Founsation, Ine. which owned Aiabu-lan Books Assoclates ~ the Publisher ofthese two volume, and others, by thls author. 2, Solussie'e Government differed none to the present Minghetu Coveramant of Ethiopia, East ‘Afviea in terms of diplomatic relations for many years eeause of tts ad other reasons exit EALASHA THE SACRED YUL ‘Too Blsek To Be A Kosher Jen And Too "rssh" To Give Tp sds luke the present Kahain of Ambober, Ethiopia Rabbi Paris is ne different than the indigenous [BLACK] African ~ AKHENATEN (shown on page ori] ~ who taught "MONOTHEISN before the birth of fis fellow Blaok/Afrioan ~ MOSES - that was born im Goshen, EGY, Notth Aiea, ‘ISH CIMRONICL Moreh 2 L928 A black ‘rabbi’ in New York jungle’ Prom RICHARD VAPFE—Kow York, eae oy ioe Euratom at Sth irene ae ait wine ne Second Soa iatpgie shoes Be ogee we mae ene = Sees ede Be Sonera oe eee eves: Etat « pee rcs Seomonne ESraewacs fi nai a Wa i Cente aa aa 1, The wwe of to lorm "TUNGLET Te Gite selective, Butts tt surprising thatthe "White" Jewish ‘author selected it to daseribe an Afrioan-Amorioan [BLACK] community that inclu BLACK Jews? 2. ‘There is no "Negro Congregation of Jews" anywhere. The Portugtoce coloniatste created thetr tiegroes' and county ~ "Negrolind," See R.oore's The Name Negro, lls Origin An Evil Dre. * da! ds oss Pes sp een tre! Biieel erates as is Pama icant lt tent cn beat Eaeialiia cid SARtrcn wa ate Pinan fee shee Em ES, eeete A a elctn Seon No i ls mate SES na 2a é Bee eae Shas [Coat Tor Gage a Faso inva to Lauelton, Queens, Yew Yor Cy, New York» t= Janette ot aus cs atere White Christina, Joes, Moslems, Ateisy of fDi moving out eae eens sa aly bognamring in What ma “ll Wie tw aot neely Vall Black." 1 its eon arin omy oer Alcs Falasta Rabbi, has to constant eek approval of Tata ita Kostor abil ao-clles "AUTHORITY" wo finetion as any pe of = "RABBI"? Ta whe Masse ay Tore pt mentioned thet ony Baropean/ Wie Jowsh "RARRIS' are stored in cangeafmubing it ROSMEH/FULL RASIBIS” The HASSIDC, SEPHARDIC, ASI- ENDL, ot mate Dlr own KOSHER/EUEL RABBIS; why not to ETHIOBIAN- AMERICANS tot ‘THE FATHER OP MONOTHEES! ‘AND FAMILY [Prom grandfather Amenhotep Ht of. 1405 - 1370 B.C. to grandaughter tnd hor husband Pharaoh Twtankiaaon ~ oa. 1948 - 1949 B.C. a total of fty-s0x 36] yoars of the religious prineiple own today

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