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Assignment/Activity Title Cinematic Analysis: Saving Private Ryan Year Freshman

Writing, Media, Literature
Portfolio Category Media
& Communications
I saw the film, Saving Private Ryan in the third quarter and wrote a detailed analysis on it. I believe it
is important to include this article in my portfolio because it has changed the way I analyze films. After
watching Private Ryan and noting the cinematography has allowed me to view movies with a more critical eye.
I now notice the significance slight alterations in music, lighting, focus, historiography, framing, and camera
movement. For example in the film Saving Private Ryan I noticed, various cinematographic techniques are
used to enhance the viewers awareness of the settingFrom the close ups in the Normandy Landings, to the
wide, all-encompassing shots as the troops executed their various missions the cinematographic techniques gave
the viewers an intimate insight of every aspect of the war. For the movie Jurassic Park II I watched in the
following weeks I noticed a zolly shot which incorporates moving the camera forward and zooming outwards.
This type of shot creates the illusion the background is getting farther away and the subject is getting closer.
This was used to give the illusion that the actor is realizing something. Before this assignment the shot would
have gone completely unnoticed.
I said in my essay, Saving Private Ryan kept the viewer interested throughout the surprisingly long
film. The attention this essay has made me pay towards cinematographic techniques has improved the quality of
the movies I have, and will, watch.

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