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Olivia Conti - Conflict in the Glass Menagerie Response-2A- 29 August 2014

The play The Glass Menagerie focuses on three characters, Amanda, Tom and
Laura. The question is, whom is the play for? While all three characters have conflicts,
there is only one character that play is centered around, and that is Laura. Both
Amanda and Tom are seemingly centered around her, Amanda wants to find a husband
for Laura and Tom is practically forced to help Amanda find someone for Laura even

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 10:26 AM

Comment [1]: There needs to be a coma here to
show a pause.

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 8:56 PM

Comment [2]: Run On sentence

though he does not wish to.

In scene IV from The Glass Menagerie, Amanda is keeping Tom from his work
even though he only has five minutes. Her topic of conversation is Laura. Amanda
states 'we need to make plans and provisions for her.' That statement shows the reader
just what Amanda wants and ultimately what Tom is going to be roped into dealing with.
Furthermore, Amanda continues in this scene she says 'I mean as soon as Laura has
got somebody to take care of her' a line later 'then you will be free to go whenever you

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 10:28 AM

Comment [3]: Period because it is a run on

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 10:31 AM

Comment [4]: Tom is going to be roped into
helping to get Laura a husband.

Needed to specify.

please.' Right there, Tom is pulled into this conflict with Laura and is now tied to what
happens to her in either a positive or negative way.
Later in the scene, Amanda goes on to say that she put Laura in business

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 6:36 PM

Comment [5]: Laura might suffer from the help
or she might prosper from the help.

school, did not work, she also took her to a young peoples church, also did not work
and that she just fools around with her glass figurines. Amanda is clearly worried and
she is trying to help Laura, but it is obvious at this point in the scene that Laura does
not want help. Laura wants to be Laura, she wants to be left alone and not made the
southern bell her mother so desperately wants her to be. In conclusion, both Tom and
Amanda are centered around what happens with Laura whether or Laura wants it or
not. Which is why this is Laura's play.

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 8:54 PM

Comment [6]: Not needed

Olivia Conti 4/26/2015 8:55 PM

Comment [7]: Fragment

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